901 research outputs found

    Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Fisheries Dependent Information – FDI (STECF-20-10)

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    Commission Decision of 25 February 2016 setting up a Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries, C(2016) 1084, OJ C 74, 26.2.2016, p. 4–10. The Commission may consult the group on any matter relating to marine and fisheries biology, fishing gear technology, fisheries economics, fisheries governance, ecosystem effects of fisheries, aquaculture or similar disciplines. The STECF reviewed the report of the EWG on Fisheries-dependent Information during its winter 2020 virtual plenary meeting.E

    S isotopes on gypsum of the Oncala Group: evidence for marine influence in Berriasian carbonate-evaporite deposits of the Cameros Basin (La Rioja-Soria)

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    Comunicación presentada al IX Congreso Geológico de España, Huelva, septiembre 2016.[ES] Discriminar si el origen de las salmueras en las que precipitaron numerosas sucesiones evaporíticas era marino o continental puede resultar complicado usando exclusivamente criterios sedimentológicos si no contienen fósiles diagnósticos. Éste es el caso de los depósitos carbonático-evaporíticos laminados del Gr. Oncala (Berriasiense, cuenca de Cameros oriental), formados en extensos cuerpos de agua someros. En este trabajo se busca determinar el origen de la salmuera en la que se formaron estos sedimentos mediante el análisis de las composiciones del δ34S de los yesos preservados en la unidad. Los valores de δ34S de entre +18,5‰V-CDT y +21,8‰V-CDT (media de +20,5‰V-CDT) de los yesos del Gr. Oncala coinciden con la signatura isotópica de los sulfatos precipitados a partir de agua marina de edad berriasiense de acuerdo con las curvas globales más recientes (≈ +17 - +20‰V-CDT), lo que sugiere que la principal fuente de sulfato en estos cuerpos de agua procedía de aportes de agua marina, en lugar del reciclaje de evaporitas triásicas como se había propuesto anteriormente. El reconocimiento de influencia marina en estos cuerpos de agua permite clasificarlos como salinas costeras.[EN] Determining if the origin of the brine in which an evaporitic succession precipitated was marine or continental by analysing only sedimentological criteria may be difficult if it does not contain diagnostic fossils. This is the case of the laminated carbonate-evaporite deposits of the Oncala Gr (Berriasian, Cameros Basin), which were accumulated in shallow water bodies. The aim of this work is to interpret the origin of the brine in which these sediments were formed by analysing the δ34S compositions of the gypsum preserved in this unit. Gypsum δ34S values between +18,5‰V-CDT and +21,8‰V-CDT (mean value of +20,5‰V-CDT) in the Oncala Gr coincide with the isotopic signature of the sulphates precipitated in Berriasian seawater according to the most recent global curves (≈ +17 - +20‰V-CDT), which suggests that the main sulphate source in the water bodies was marine water, instead of the recycling of Triassic evaporites as previously interpreted. The recognition of marine influence in these water bodies allows us to classify them as coastal salinas.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por los proyectos de investigación CGL2011-22709 y CGL2014-52670-P.Peer reviewe

    C/O vs Mg/Si ratios in solar type stars: The HARPS sample

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    Aims. We present a detailed study of the Mg/Si and C/O ratios and their importance in determining the mineralogy of planetary companions. Methods. Using 499 solar-like stars from the HARPS sample, we determine C/O and Mg/Si elemental abundance ratios to study the nature of the possible planets formed. We separated the planetary population in low-mass planets ( < 30 M⊙\rm M_{\odot}) and high-mass planets ( > 30 M⊙\rm M_{\odot}) to test for possible relation with the mass. Results. We find a diversity of mineralogical ratios that reveal the different kinds of planetary systems that can be formed, most of them dissimilar to our solar system. The different values of the Mg/Si and C/O ratios can determine different composition of planets formed. We found that 100\% of our planetary sample present C/O < 0.8. 86\% of stars with high-mass companions present 0.8 > C/O > 0.4, while 14\% present C/O values lower than 0.4. Regarding Mg/Si, all stars with low-mass planetary companion showed values between 1 and 2, while 85% of the high-mass companion sample does. The other 15\% showed Mg/Si values below 1. No stars with planets were found with Mg/Si > 2. Planet hosts with low-mass companions present C/O and Mg/Si ratios similar to those found in the Sun, whereas stars with high-mass companions have lower C/O.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figues. Accepted in A&

    Cinc bifolis litúrgics medievals de l'Arxiu de la Basílica dels Sants Just i Pastor (Barcelona)

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    A l'arxiu de la basílica dels Sants Just i Pastor (Barcelona) es conserven cinc bifolis de pergamí que, tenint en compte la seva escriptura, es poden datar en el primer quart del segle xiii. Procedeixen d'un mateix leccionari de l'ofici i van ser reutilitzats com a contracobertes en tres volums d'un gradual datat els anys 1601-1602 (ms. 1-3 d'aquest arxiu). Es presenta l'estudi extern i intern d'aquests fragments inèdits per tal que noves investigacions permetin determinar si són les úniques peces supervivents d'un nou còdex, desconegut fins ara, o si remeten a un exemplar ja testimoniat per uns altres components dispersos.En el archivo de la basílica de los Santos Justo i Pastor (Barcelona) se conservan cinco bifolios de pergamino que, teniendo en cuenta su escritura, pueden datarse en el primer cuarto del siglo xiii. Provienen de un mismo leccionario del oficio y fueron reutilizados como contraguardas en tres volúmenes de un gradual fechado en 1601-1602 (ms. 1-3 del mismoarchivo). Se presenta el estudio externo e interno de estos fragmentos inéditos con el fin de que nuevas investigaciones permitan determinar si son las únicas piezas supervivientes de un nuevo códice, desconocido hasta ahora, o si remiten a un ejemplar ya atestiguado por otros componentes dispersos.Preserved in the archives of the Basilica of Saints Justus and Pastor (Barcelona) there are five parchment bifolia which, bearing in mind the handwriting, can be dated to the first quarter of the 13th century. They all belong to the same office lectionary and were later re-used as pastedowns in three volumes of a gradual which dates to 1601-1602 (Mss 1-3 of the archives). This article presents an external and internal study of these unpublished fragments so as to make it possible for future research to establish whether they are the only surviving pieces of a new, hitherto unknown, manuscript or whether they in fact belong to a text, the existence of which is already known thanks to other scattered remnants
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