120 research outputs found

    Measurement of the reaction \gamma p \TO K^ + \Lambda(1520) at photon energies up to 2.65 GeV

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    The reaction \gamma p \TO K^+\Lambda(1520) was measured in the energy range from threshold to 2.65 GeV with the SAPHIR detector at the electron stretcher facility ELSA in Bonn. The Λ(1520)\Lambda(1520) production cross section was analyzed in the decay modes pKpK^-, nKˉ0n \bar{K}^0, Σ±π\Sigma^{\pm}\pi^{\mp}, and Λπ+π\Lambda\pi^+\pi^- as a function of the photon energy and the squared four-momentum transfer tt. While the cross sections for the inclusive reactions rise steadily with energy, the cross section of the process \gamma p \TO K^+\Lambda(1520) peaks at a photon energy of about 2.0 GeV, falls off exponentially with tt, and shows a slope flattening with increasing photon energy. The angular distributions in the tt-channel helicity system indicate neither a KK nor a KK^\star exchange dominance. The interpretation of the Λ(1520)\Lambda(1520) as a Σ(1385)π\Sigma(1385)\pi molecule is not supported.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figures, 4 table

    Research with real photons at the MAMI 1.6 GeV electron accelerator

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    The A2-CB Collaboration at Mainz is studying the structure of hadrons by meson photoproduction using unpolarised, linearly polarised and circularly polarised photons with energies up to 1.6 GeV. Photons are energy-tagged using the Glasgow-Mainz tagged photon spectrometer and a new high-energy end-point tagger which allows η’ reactions to be studied. Reaction products are detected in a ~4π detector consisting of the Crystal Ball detector and TAPS forward wall. Transverse or longitudinally polarised proton targets are available and new techniques have been developed to measure the polarisation of recoiling protons. These facilities have allowed an extensive programme of double-polarisation meson-photoproduction experiments to be carried out to search for so-called “missing baryon resonances” on proton and deuteron targets. Searches have also been carried out to investigate narrow resonances in the η-photoproduction channel at invariant masses around 1680 MeV. Coherent π0 production measurements have been used to estimate the neutron skin thickness in 208Pb. This paper presents selected highlights from the A2-CB collaboration research programme at MAMI

    Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Sum Rule and the Discrepancy between the New CLAS and SAPHIR Data

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    Contribution of the K^+\Lambda channel to the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn (GDH) sum rule has been calculated by using the models that fit the recent SAPHIR or CLAS differential cross section data. It is shown that the two data sets yield quite different contributions. Contribution of this channel to the forward spin polarizability of the proton has been also calculated. It is also shown that the inclusion of the recent CLAS C_x and C_z data in the fitting data base does not significantly change the result of the present calculation. Results of the fit, however, reveal the role of the S_{11}(1650), P_{11}(1710), P_{13}(1720), and P_{13}(1900) resonances for the description of the C_x and C_z data. A brief discussion on the importance of these resonances is given. Measurements of the polarized total cross section \sigma_{TT'} by the CLAS, LEPS, and MAMI collaborations are expected to verify this finding.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Measurement of gamma p --> K+ Lambda and gamma p --> K+ Sigma0 at photon energies up to 2.6 GeV

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    The reactions gamma p --> K+ Lambda and gamma p --> K+ Sigma0 were measured in the energy range from threshold up to a photon energy of 2.6 GeV. The data were taken with the SAPHIR detector at the electron stretcher facility, ELSA. Results on cross sections and hyperon polarizations are presented as a function of kaon production angle and photon energy. The total cross section for Lambda production rises steeply with energy close to threshold, whereas the Sigma0 cross section rises slowly to a maximum at about E_gamma = 1.45 GeV. Cross sections together with their angular decompositions into Legendre polynomials suggest contributions from resonance production for both reactions. In general, the induced polarization of Lambda has negative values in the kaon forward direction and positive values in the backward direction. The magnitude varies with energy. The polarization of Sigma0 follows a similar angular and energy dependence as that of Lambda, but with opposite sign.Comment: 21 pages, 25 figures, submitted to Eur. Phys. J.

    Evidence for the positive-strangeness pentaquark Θ+\Theta^+ in photoproduction with the SAPHIR detector at ELSA

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    The positive--strangeness baryon resonance Θ+\Theta^+ is observed in photoproduction of the nK+Ks0\rm nK^+K^0_s final state with the SAPHIR detector at the Bonn ELectron Stretcher Accelerator ELSA. It is seen as a peak in the nK+\rm nK^+ invariant mass distribution with a 4.8σ4.8\sigma confidence level. We find a mass MΘ+=1540±4±2\rm M_{\Theta^+} = 1540\pm 4\pm 2 MeV and an upper limit of the width ΓΘ+<25\rm \Gamma_{\Theta^+} < 25 MeV at 90% c.l. From the absence of a signal in the pK+\rm pK^+ invariant mass distribution in γppK+K\rm\gamma p\to pK^+K^- at the expected strength we conclude that the Θ+\Theta^+ must be isoscalar.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Photoproduction of pi0 omega off protons for E(gamma) < 3 GeV

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    Differential and total cross-sections for photoproduction of gamma proton to proton pi0 omega and gamma proton to Delta+ omega were determined from measurements of the CB-ELSA experiment, performed at the electron accelerator ELSA in Bonn. The measurements covered the photon energy range from the production threshold up to 3GeV.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure

    Exclusive electroproduction of K+ Lambda and K+ Sigma^0 final states at Q^2 = 0.030-0.055 (GeV/c)^2

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    Cross section measurements of the exclusive p(e,e'K+)Lambda,Sigma^0 electroproduction reactions have been performed at the Mainz Microtron MAMI in the A1 spectrometer facility using for the first time the Kaos spectrometer for kaon detection. These processes were studied in a kinematical region not covered by any previous experiment. The nucleon was probed in its third resonance region with virtual photons of low four-momenta, Q^2= 0.030-0.055 (GeV/c)^2. The MAMI data indicate a smooth transition in Q^2 from photoproduction to electroproduction cross sections. Comparison with predictions of effective Lagrangian models based on the isobar approach reveal that strong longitudinal couplings of the virtual photon to the N* resonances can be excluded from these models.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Electromagnetic Meson Production in the Nucleon Resonance Region

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    Recent experimental and theoretical advances in investigating electromagnetic meson production reactions in the nucleon resonance region are reviewed.Comment: 75 pages, 42 figure

    Photoproduction of pions and properties of baryon resonances from a Bonn-Gatchina partial wave analysis

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    Masses, widths and photocouplings of baryon resonances are determined in a coupled-channel partial wave analysis of a large variety of data. The Bonn-Gatchina partial wave formalism is extended to include a decomposition of t- and u-exchange amplitudes into individual partial waves. The multipole transition amplitudes for γppπ0\gamma p\to p\pi^0 and γpnπ+\gamma p\to n\pi^+ are given and compared to results from other analyses.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figure