20,073 research outputs found

    An invitation to quantum tomography (II)

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    The quantum state of a light beam can be represented as an infinite dimensional density matrix or equivalently as a density on the plane called the Wigner function. We describe quantum tomography as an inverse statistical problem in which the state is the unknown parameter and the data is given by results of measurements performed on identical quantum systems. We present consistency results for Pattern Function Projection Estimators as well as for Sieve Maximum Likelihood Estimators for both the density matrix of the quantum state and its Wigner function. Finally we illustrate via simulated data the performance of the estimators. An EM algorithm is proposed for practical implementation. There remain many open problems, e.g. rates of convergence, adaptation, studying other estimators, etc., and a main purpose of the paper is to bring these to the attention of the statistical community.Comment: An earlier version of this paper with more mathematical background but less applied statistical content can be found on arXiv as quant-ph/0303020. An electronic version of the paper with high resolution figures (postscript instead of bitmaps) is available from the authors. v2: added cross-validation results, reference

    Conway groupoids, regular two-graphs and supersimple designs

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    A 2(n,4,λ)2-(n,4,\lambda) design (Ω,B)(\Omega, \mathcal{B}) is said to be supersimple if distinct lines intersect in at most two points. From such a design, one can construct a certain subset of Sym(Ω)(\Omega) called a "Conway groupoid". The construction generalizes Conway's construction of the groupoid M13M_{13}. It turns out that several infinite families of groupoids arise in this way, some associated with 3-transposition groups, which have two additional properties. Firstly the set of collinear point-triples forms a regular two-graph, and secondly the symmetric difference of two intersecting lines is again a line. In this paper, we show each of these properties corresponds to a group-theoretic property on the groupoid and we classify the Conway groupoids and the supersimple designs for which both of these two additional properties hold.Comment: 17 page

    Associating sporadic, foodborne illness caused by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli with specific foods : a systematic review and meta-analysis of case-control studies

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    Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) infections are a significant public health issue, with foodborne transmission causing >1 million illnesses worldwide each year. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis (PROSPERO registry # CRD42017074239), to determine the relative association of different food types with sporadic illnesses caused by STEC. Searches were conducted from 01 August to 30 September 2017, using bibliographic and grey literature databases, websites and expert consultation. We identified 22 case-control studies of sporadic STEC infection in humans, from 10 countries within four World Health Organization subregions, from 1985 to 2012. We extracted data from 21 studies, for 237 individual measures in 11 food categories and across three status types (raw or undercooked, not raw and unknown). Beef was the most significant food item associated with STEC illness in the Americas and Europe, but in the Western Pacific region, chicken was most significant. These findings were not significantly moderated by the raw or cooked status of the food item, nor the publication year of the study. Data from the African, South-East Asian and Eastern Mediterranean subregions were lacking and it is unclear whether our results are relevant to these regions

    The presence of valine at residue 129 in human prion protein accelerates amyloid formation

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    The polymorphism at residue 129 of the human PRNP gene modulates disease susceptibility and the clinicopathological phenotypes in human transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. The molecular mechanisms by which the effect of this polymorphism are mediated remain unclear. It has been shown that the folding, dynamics and stability of the physiological, alpha-helix-rich form of recombinant PrP are not affected by codon 129 polymorphism. Consistent with this, we have recently shown that the kinetics of amyloid formation do not differ between protein containing methionine at codon 129 and valine at codon 129 when the reaction is initiated from the a-monomeric PrPC-like state. In contrast, we have shown that the misfolding pathway leading to the formation of beta-sheet-rich, soluble oligomer waS favoured by the presence of methionine, compared with valine, at position 129. In the present work, we examine the effect of this polymorphism on the kinetics of an alternative misfolding pathway, that of amyloid formation using partially folded PrP allelomorphs. We show that the valine 129 allelomorph forms amyloids with a considerably shorter lag phase than the methionine 129 allelomorph both under spontaneous conditions and when seeded with pre-formed amyloid fibres. Taken together, our studies demonstrate that the effect of the codon 129 polymorphism depends on the specific misfolding pathway and on the initial conformation of the protein. The inverse propensities of the two allelomorphs to misfold in vitro through the alternative oligomeric and amyloidogenic pathways could explain some aspects of prion diseases linked to this polymorphism such as age at onset and disease incubation time. (c) 2005 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Experimenter's Freedom in Bell's Theorem and Quantum Cryptography

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    Bell's theorem states that no local realistic explanation of quantum mechanical predictions is possible, in which the experimenter has a freedom to choose between different measurement settings. Within a local realistic picture the violation of Bell's inequalities can only be understood if this freedom is denied. We determine the minimal degree to which the experimenter's freedom has to be abandoned, if one wants to keep such a picture and be in agreement with the experiment. Furthermore, the freedom in choosing experimental arrangements may be considered as a resource, since its lacking can be used by an eavesdropper to harm the security of quantum communication. We analyze the security of quantum key distribution as a function of the (partial) knowledge the eavesdropper has about the future choices of measurement settings which are made by the authorized parties (e.g. on the basis of some quasi-random generator). We show that the equivalence between the violation of Bell's inequality and the efficient extraction of a secure key - which exists for the case of complete freedom (no setting knowledge) - is lost unless one adapts the bound of the inequality according to this lack of freedom.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, incorporated referee comment

    A novel minimal in vitro system for analyzing HIV-1 Gag mediated budding

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    A biomimetic minimalist model membrane was used to study the mechanism and kinetics of cell-free in vitro HIV-1 Gag budding from a giant unilamellar vesicle (GUV). Real time interaction of Gag, RNA and lipid leading to the formation of mini-vesicles was measured using confocal microscopy. Gag forms resolution limited punctae on the GUV lipid membrane. Introduction of the Gag and urea to a GUV solution containing RNA led to the budding of mini-vesicles on the inside surface of the GUV. The GUV diameter showed a linear decrease in time due to bud formation. Both bud formation and decrease in GUV size were proportional to Gag concentration. In the absence of RNA, addition of urea to GUVs incubated with Gag also resulted in subvesicle formation but exterior to the surface. These observations suggest the possibility that clustering of GAG proteins leads to membrane invagination even in the absence of host cell proteins. The method presented here is promising, and allows for systematic study of the dynamics of assembly of immature HIV and help classify the hierarchy of factors that impact the Gag protein initiated assembly of retroviruses such as HIV.Comment: 27 pages, 9 Figures and 0 Table

    Induction of Mutation in Rough Lemon (Citrus jambhiri Lush.) Using Gamma Rays

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    The present investigation was carried out to study variability induced by gamma rays with respect to vegetative characters and LD50 dose in Rough lemon. Rough lemon seeds were gamma irradiated at doses of 0, 4, 6 and 8 kr along with control. Seed germination decreased with increasing dose of gamma radiation. Seedling height and leaf size also decreased with increasing dose of gamma radiation, whereas, apical branching, number of branches/seedling, number of variegated / albino seedlings and number of leaves increased with increasing dose of gamma radiation. Maximum variability for seedling height, number of leaves, leaf size, colour, internode length, and per cent apical branching was observed at two months from sowing in seeds treated with 8 kr dose of gamma radiation. Variability for all characters was, however, found to be minimum in the control