24 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Pembangunan Pertanian di Bali Selama Pjp I dan Program Pembangunan Pertanian Tahun 2000-2004

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    During the first stage long-term development (PJP I), almost all of agricultureproducts increased. However, start the sixth five years development (Pelita VI),production of agriculture diminishing return or levelling off, even decrease likeproduction of rice. Beside that, the agriculture of development to face the manyproblems linkage with agriculture land, irrigation water, pest and plant disease,production factors, post harvest, agriculture institution, etc.Implemented the regional autonomy in 2001, so needed changing theagriculture development paradigm, which involve planning aspect, businessorientation, behavior orientation, approach, and farmer\u27s participation.Program of agriculture development forward five years (2000-2004) namely:(1) Program of national food security, and (2) program of agribusiness development.Both of this programs its essence are to increase the welfare of agriculturecommunity and to direct the vision of 21-decade agriculture i.e.: modern, strong,and efficient

    Model Matematik Hubungan Luas Lahan dengan Jumlah Populasi Ternak Sapi Bali di Provinsi Bali

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana hubungan perkembangan populasi sapi Bali di Baliterhadap luas lahan pertanian. Untuk mendapatkan data yang representative mewakili Bali maka sampling dilakukandi berbagai Kabupaten Kota (BPS). Data dianalisis dengan beberapa model regresi yaitu regresi polinomial, regresiexponensial, regresi logaritmik dan Hoerl's regresi. Data diolah dengan Costat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwamelalui model regresi polinomal didapatkan bahwa hubungan luas lahan terhadap populasi sapi Bali berhubunganpositif sangat nyata (P<0,05) R2 =0.6696 dan Mode persamaan matematika Y = 9.426 + 1,1061X. Melalui modelregresi exponensial didapatkan bahwa hubungan luas lahan terhadap populasi sapi Bali berhubungan positif sangatnyata (P<0,05) R2=0,6580 dan model persamaan matematika Y = 14,0396 e 0,0278. (3). Melalui model regresilogaritmik didapatkan bahwa hubungan luas lahan terhadap populasi sapi Bali berhubungan positif nyata (P<0,05)R2 = 0,5867 dan model persamaan matematika Y = - 35,1095 + 25,9318 Ln(X) dan (4). Melalui Hoerl's didapatkanbahwa hubungan luas lahan terhadap populasi sapi Bali berhubungan positif sangat nyata (P<0,05) R = 0,8923dan model persamaan matematika Y = 2,5042 X0,8504 e -0,0017. Dari ke empat model yang dicoba disimpulkanbahwa semua menunjukkan bahwa model hubungan fungsi matematika antara luas kepemilikan lahan terhadapjumlah populasi sapi Bali menunjukkan hubungan yang positif significant sampai sangat significant (P<0,05)dengan demikian alih fungsi lahan pertanian di Bali mengakibatkan luas lahan peternakan berkurang dan dapatmembahayakan poulasi sapi Bali

    Length Plastron Correlation Towards Ridley Turtles Long Flipper That Given Lemuru and Seaweed Feeds

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    A turtle security that was released their habitat in conserving, it was determined by their speed and agility to swimming and diving at avoiding predators even chasing prey to be eaten. The most an important part of turtle organs for agile swimming and diving was a flipper. Flippers forward more function as paddles when swimming and diving while the rear flippers serve as a rudder to steer the direction of movement of swimming and diving. The front flippers are unlike paddle when swimming and diving, whereas, the back flippers as a rudder at direction when swimming and diving. At front flippers, there was belong strong nails for ripping or tearing their prey, therefore, it was easy eaten. The study was intended to know a feeding effect of lemuru and seaweed on different percentage towards length plastron correlation to in front length flippers both

    Potensi Ternak Sapi Potong, Sapi Perah dan Kerbau sebagai Penghasil Daging di Kabupaten Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur yang sering dijuluki sebagai lumbung sapi potong sapi perah dan kerbau.Dipandang dari sudut luas lahan yang dikuasai oleh rumah tangga antara lain lahan bukan pertanian, lahanpertanian yaitu lahan sawah dan lahan bukan sawah seluas. Penelitian dilakukan terbatas pada tiga buahkabupaten di NTT yaitu Kupang, Timor Tengah Selatan (TTS) dan Belu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hubunganmatematika antara lahan pangan (X) terhadap populasi sapi potong (Y) didapatkan: Y = 110,2324+1,7048X dan R2= 0,9838 (P<0,01). Hubungan matematika antara lahan perkebunan (X) terhadap populasi sapi potong (Y) adalah:Y=116,5996+2,4735X dan R2 = 0,9833 (P<0,01). Hubungan matematika antara lahan hortikultural (X) terhadappopulasi sapi potong (Y) tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05). Nilai Location Quotien terbesar pada kerbau terdapatdi Kabupaten Kupang 6,2920, selanjutnya nilai LQ untuk kerbau di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan sebesar4,9411 dan nilai LQ untuk kerbau di Kabupaten Belu sebesar 2,0762. Nilai LQ untuk sapi perah terbesar 1,4577ditemukan di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa populasi ternakpotong terhadap lahan pangan dan perkebunan berhubungan positif sangat nyata (R2 = 0,98 P<0,01). Nilai LQternak kerbau terbesar berturut-turut didapatkan di Kabupaten Kupang, TTS dan Belu sehingga dapat dijadikansentra ternak kerbau untuk daerah-daerah lain di Provinsi NTT. Begitu juga untuk ternak perah di KabupatenTimor Tengah Selatan dapat dijadikan sentra ternak karena lebih besar dari satu


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    The Jalak Bali is a species endemic to the island of Bali. One of PT Pertamina (Persero) Ngurah Rai’s CSR pro- grams is the conservation and breeding of Jalak Bali bird. The purpose of this study was to find out and analyze community behavior towards the existence of PT Pertamina (Persero) Ngurah Rai’s CSR, in Sibang Kaja village, Abiansemal district, Badung regency. The selection of this research location used a purposive method. The po- pulation in this study amounted to 235 families while the probability sample purposive technique used the slovin formula. So that the number of samples taken was 73 people. Data analysis in this study used descriptive analysis and Chi Square. Based on the results of research on community behavior towards the existence of PT Pertamina (Persero) DPPU Ngurah Rai’s CSR in Sibang Kaja village, it can be seen from the attitude of the community that they are in the agree category, while the level of knowledge and skills is in the high category. The results of the Chi Square analysis show that there is a real relationship between attitudes and knowledge from the calculated X2 value (18.21) > X2 (0.05) = 3.841. When viewed from the relationship between attitudes and skills from the calculated X2 value (13.18) > X2 (0.05) = 3.841 there is a real relationship. As well as the relationship between knowledge and skills with a calculated X2 value (7.08) > X2 (0.05) = 3.841 there is also a real relationship

    Mortalitas dan Penampilan Anak Babi Prasapih yang Diinjeksi dengan Tysinol pada Umur yang Berbeda

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui umur yang paling baik dilakukan injeksi Tysinol pada anak babi prasapih sehingga diperoleh penampilan yang terbaik dan tingkat mortalitas terendah. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK), dengan 3 perlakuan yaitu tidak diinjeksi dengan Tysinol (I0), injeksi dengan Tysinol pada umur 1 hari (I1), dan injeksi dengan Tysinol pada umur 3 hari (I3). Anak babi prasapih berasal dari 4 induk (blok) dengan 3 kali ulangan, sehingga dipergunakan anak babi prasapih sebanyak 36 ekor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dengan injeksi Tysinol pada anak babi prasapih umur 1 hari (I1) diperoleh berat badan sapih (39%), tambahan berat badan harian (38%), lingkar dada (5,9%), dan panjang badan (6%) yang nyata lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan tanpa injeksi Tysinol (Io) (P<0,05). Pada variabel yang sama diperoleh hasil yang tidak berbeda nyata antara Io dan I3 (P>0,05). Untuk variabel tinggi badan dan mortalitas diperoleh hasil yang tidak berbeda nyata untuk semua perlakuan yang diberikan (P>0,05). Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa anak babi yang baru lahir harus diberikan Tysinol, dan sebaiknya diinjeksi pada umur 1 (satu) hari setelah kelahiran

    The Role of Molecule Clustering by Hydrogen Bond in Hydrous Ethanol on Laminar Burning Velocity

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    The role of hydrogen bond molecule clustering in laminar burning velocities was observed. The water in hydrous ethanol can change the interaction between water-ethanol molecules. A certain amount of water can become oxygenated which increases the burning velocity. The hydrogen bond interaction pattern of ethanol and water molecules was modeled. Based on the molecular model, azeotropic behavior emerges from ethanol-water hydrogen bond, which is at a 95.1%v composition. The interaction with water molecule causes the ethanol molecule to be clustered with centered oxygenated compound. So, it supplies extra oxygen and provides intermolecular empty spaces that are easily infiltrated by the air. In the azeotropic composition, the molecular bond chain is the shortest, so hypothetically the burning velocity is anticipated to increase. The laminar burning velocity of ethanol fuel was tested in a cylindrical explosion bomb in lean, stoichiometric, and rich mixtures. The experimental result showed that the maximum burning velocity occurred at hydrous ethanol of 95.5%v composition. This discrepancy is the result of the addition of energy from 7.7% free ethanol molecules that are not clustered. At the rich mixture, the burning velocity of this composition is higher than that of anhydrous ethanol


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    The decline of the world oil reserves is a global crisis for decades to come. The search for renewable energy alternatives is an urgent topic of current research trends. Indonesia has an abundance of energy availability in the form of potential microhydro development. This research is a research of development of new innovative technology in microhydro technology in the form of conversion technique of water flow energy into electric energy using hydro flutter technology. In this research, the development of new tool to convert energy from water flow into electrical energy was developed. A prototype was built that can extract energy from the water stream at times into mechanical energy ready for conversion into electrical energy using the hydro flutter principle of a flexibly mounted free leading edge cantilevered rigid plate. The advantages of the new concept are the simplicity of the design and the ability to clean the system by itself, thereby reducing the maintenance costs.Menurunnya cadangan minyak dunia menjadi krisis global untuk beberapa dasawarsa ke depan. Pencarian alternatif energi terbaharui menjadi topik urgen tren penelitian saat ini. Indonesia memiliki keberlimpahan ketersediaan energi berupa potensi pengembangan mikrohidro. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan teknologi inovatif baru dalam teknologi mikrohidro berupa teknik pengkonversian energi aliran air menjadi energi listrik menggunakan teknologi hidro flutter. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan alat baru pengkonversian energi dari aliran air menjadi energi listrik. Sebuah purwarupa dibangun yang bisa pengekstrak energi dari aliran air di kali menjadi energi mekanik yang siap di konversi menjadi energi listrik menggunakan prinsip hydro flutter dari sebuah flexibly mounted free leading edge cantilevered rigid plate. Keunggulan dari konsep baru yang ditawarkan adalah kesederhanaan dari desain dan kemampuan untuk membersihkan sistem sendiri sehingga mengurangi biaya pemeliharaan


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    In order to conserve turtles carried out by the community through the Turtle Conservation and Education Center (TCEC), PT Pertamina (Persero) DPPU Ngurah Rai through the Corporate Social Responsibility Program strongly supports the conservation and conservation of turtles on Serangan Island. The purpose of this study was to analyze the social and CSR impact of Pertamina on public interest in preserving the turtle economy on Serangan Island. This research was conducted on Serangan Island and the selection of this location was determined purposively. The population in this study found 137 people while the sampling technique in this study used a simple random sampling method of 42 people. Data analysis in this research is descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The resul- ts showed that the social impact of Pertamina’s CSR on public interest in turtle conservation on Serangan Island was seen from community development, community participation, and preservation of conservation programs in the good category with a score of 3.96. Meanwhile, the economic impact of Pertamina’s CSR on public interest in turtle conservation on Serangan Island which consists of indicators of employment, increased income, and tourism potential is in the good category with a score of 4.02. Suggestions for the community are expected to continue to monitor the conservation and preservation of turtles in order to increase tourism potential on Serangan Island

    Effect of Carcass Aging Towards Pork Organoleptic Quality of Bali Pig

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    The research aims were to observe the effect of carcass aging on a different time to pork organoleptic quality of Bali pig. It used Completely Randomized Design with 4 treatments i.e. P0 = hot carcass without aging, P1 = carcass aging for 1 day, P2 = hot carcass aging for 2 days, P3 = carcass aging for 3 days. Pork samples for the organoleptic quality test were taken from part of longgsimus dorsi (LD). Data obtained were analyzed with none parametric test of Hedonic (Kruskal & Wallis, 1952). Variables observed were colour, aromatic, texture, taste, tenderness and overall acceptance. The research results showed that the best panel preference level to the pork colour was on the pork aging for 1 day (P1), then its decreased on day 2 and 3. Preference level of the panel to aromatic, taste, and tenderness of the pork aging for 1 to 3 days were increased significantly. The panel preference level to the pork texture aging for 1 to 3 days was not significant. Overall, the acceptance level of the pork aging for 1 day have the highest score. From data mentioned above could be concluded that the best organoleptic quality was the pork aging for 1 day