315 research outputs found

    Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad (Student Teams Achievement Division) Dikombinasikan dengan Media Animasi pada Materi Laju Reaksi Kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Palu

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    Students have difficulties in understanding chemistry subject contained mathematical calculation like on reaction rate topic. Cooperative learning model STAD type can be an alternative for the material contained calculation whereas animation media is for conceptual understanding. The objective of the research was to determine the influence of cooperative learning model STAD type combined with animation media for the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Palu in academic year 2012/2013 toward the students' learning outcome on reaction rate material. This research was quasy experimental using posttest-only control group design. The population was the whole eleventh grade students of science program with the sample determination using purposive sampling method. The sample were class of science program 2 as the experimental class which using cooperative learning model STAD type with animation media whereas class of science program 4 as the control one which using convensional learning method. The research results showed that cooperative learning model STAD type combined with animation media at reaction rate material gave students' learning outcome higher than convensional method

    Analisis Kalium, Kalsium dan Natrium dalam Buah Merah (Pandanus Baccari) Asal Kabupaten Poso sebagai Alternatif Peluruh Batu Ginjal

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    Red fruit (pandanus baccari) founded in Poso District was not familiar by many people. Red fruit contains chemicals that can be used as a traditional medicine for a wide variety of treatments. The purposes of this study were to analyze the content of potassium, calcium, and sodium in the extract of red fruit, and the solubility of calcium in the extract. Concentration of the extract was varied to 1%, 2%. 4%, and 6% to test the solubility of the calcium. Solubility of calcium in the extract of red fruit was determined by using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). The results showed that the extract of red fruit contained 30.35 ppm, 58.24 ppm, and 50.00 ppm of potassium, calcium, and sodium, respectively. Results of the solubility test of calcium in the extract showed that higher the concentration affected to the greater solubility. This can be seen from the difference between the lowest concentrations to the highest concentration in a row at 29.446 ppm, to 78.856 ppm, to 189.446, to 285.016 ppm. Thus it can be concluded that the extract of red fruit was possible to dissolve kidney stones

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 005 Rantau Panjang Kiri

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    This study was motivated by the percentage of students who achieve KKM 70 on odd semester 2014/2015 is still low. Of the 20 students, only 9 (45.00%) of students who reach KKM and 11 (55.00%) students who have not reached KKM with an average grade 62.85. This is because teachers do not use teaching model during the learning process in the classroom. Of these problems is necessary to study a class action by applying the Guided Inquiry learning model. The place is a study in SDN 005 Rantau Panjang Kiri with research subjects are students of class IV of 20 people, boys 9 and 11 female students. This study was conducted in two cycles. Data collection instruments in this research is to test daily tests, observation of student activity sheets and sheets of observations of teacher activity. The results showed that the learning outcomes of students has increased, the base score with an average of 62.85 increased in the first cycle to 74.00 with the percentage increase of the base score to the first cycle of 17.74%. In the second cycle increased to 83.00 with the percentage increase of the base score to cycle II of 32.06%. Mastery learning students in the first cycle showed that 70.00% reaching KKM predetermined by category classical completeness is not completed and the second cycle increased to 90.00% with the category of classical completeness completed. Observations show that the activity of students and teachers also increased. Student activity at the first meeting (55.00%) increased in the second meeting (70.00%) and then at the first meeting of the second cycle increased (80.00%) and at the meeting of 2 increase (85.00%). The activities of teachers in the first cycle 1 meeting at 60.00% increase in the second meeting (75.00%) and the second cycle the first meeting increased by 80.00% in the second meeting increased (95.00%). From the above shows that through the implementation of Guided Inquiry Learning Model to improve learning outcomes IPA grade IV SDN 005 Rantau Panjang Kiri academic year 2014/2015

    Hubungan Motivasi dengan Perilaku dalam Pemanfaatan Teknologi Inseminasi Buatan pada Peternak Anggota Kelompok Tani Ternak Sapi Perah (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Ungaran Barat, Kabupaten Semarang)

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    The aim of this research is to determine a relationship between motivation and behavior in the use of artificial insemination technology on farmer members of Livestock Farmers Community (KTT) in the West Ungaran District. The study conducted on December 2012 up to January 2013. Survay method was used in this research. Responden were chosen with stratified random sampling supported with slovin equation. Primary and secondary data were collected. Descriptive quantitatif was used in data analysis, supported with Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 16. The result showed correlation between motivation and behavior, knowledge, atitude and skills with r-square 0,979, 0,979, 0,556 and 0,962, respectively. Highly correlation showed in correlation of motivation and behavior towards artificial inseminaton technology used. Factor affected correlation of motivation and behavior towards artificial inseminaton technology used are age and experience. This study concluded that increasing motivation of responden will increased behavior of the artificial inseminaton technology used. Suggested that increasing skills of farmers by government to increased bahavior of the artificial inseminaton technology used

    Pemanfaatan Ampas Tahu sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Biodiesel

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    Biodiesel is an alternative raw material for fuel of diesel motor made from vegetable oil. This study attempted to utilize tofu dregs as raw material for biodiesel. This study aimed to determine the yield of biodiesel produced and the content of methyl esters in the biodiesel yield, and to analyze the quality of biodiesel produced based on Indonesian national standard (SNI). This study consisted of four stages: the provision of samples, pre-treatment, esterification and transesterification, and analysis of the quality of biodiesel produced which include the density at 15 °C, the viscosity at 40 °C, and the moisture content. The results showed that the yield of biodiesel was 4.01%, and the content of methyl ester shown by larger Rf (0.87) using eluent of hexane:diethylether:formic acid. Results of the analysis of biodiesel quality obtained the density at 15°C was 864 kg/m3, the viscosity at 40 °C was 2.57 mm2/s, and the water content was 4%. Based on the parameters ofthe density at 15 °C and the viscosity at 40 °C, the product of biodiesel met the requirements of SNI, while in term of the water content the product did not meet the requirements of SNI

    Antioxidant properties of rice bran oil from different varieties extracted by solvent extraction methods

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    Antioxidant properties of rice bran oil from different rice bran varieties; Rice Bran-Bario (RB-Bario), Rice bran-Lowland (RB-Low) and Rice Bran- Upland rice (RB-Up), collected from different cultural plots, were assessed. Measurement of antioxidant properties was evaluated by TPC (total phenolic content), DPPH scavenging activities and reducing power of extracts.. The study shows that antioxidant efficacy of rice bran was found the highest in RB-Up, followed by RB- Low and RB-Bario. The antioxidant properties were related to the rice bran origin and water irrigation demand by particular variety. RB –Up has a unique plantation condition which takes least amount of water retention which contribute to the highest antioxidant activity. Extraction solvents used shows that Upland (16.15%) and Lowland (16.16%) yielded the highest amount in conserving the crude fat oil in rice bran extract compared to Bario

    Flat-plate solar array project. Volume 4: High-efficiency solar cells

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    The High Efficiency Solar Cell Task was assigned the objective of understanding and developing high efficiency solar cell devices that would meet the cost and performance goals of the Flat Plate Solar Array (FSA) Project. The need for research dealing with high efficiency devices was considered important because of the role efficiency plays in reducing price per watt of generated energy. The R&D efforts conducted during the 1982 to 1986 period are summarized to provide understanding and control of energy conversion losses associated with crystalline silicon solar cells. New levels of conversion efficiency were demonstrated. Major contributions were made both to the understanding and reduction of bulk and surface losses in solar cells. For example, oxides, nitrides, and polysilicon were all shown to be potentially useful surface passivants. Improvements in measurement techniques were made and Auger coefficients and spectral absorption data were obtained for unique types of silicon sheets. New modelling software was developed including a program to optimize a device design based on input characteristics of a cell