39 research outputs found

    Onion routing in deterministic delay tolerant networks

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    Aquest volum de Lecture notes in computer science, amb el títol Foundations and Practice of Security, recull les actes al 8th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security que va tenir lloc a Clermont-Ferrand (France), del 16 al 28 d'octubre de 2015Deterministic DTNs are networks where the behavior is known in advance or where a repetitive action occurs over time like in public transportation networks. This work proposes the application of an onion routing approach to deterministic DTNs to achieve anonymous communications. We show how the prior stage of path selection in onion routing can be achieved using the information provided by deterministic networks

    Optimal Placement of Multiple Interconnected Gateways in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Data c ollec ted b y sensors of ten h av e to b e rem otely d eliv ered th rou g h m u lti- h op w ireless path s to d ata sink s c onnec ted to applic ation ser v ers for inform ation proc essing . T h e position of th ese sink s h as a h u g e im pac t on th e q u ality of th e spec i c W ireless S ensor N etw or k ( W S N ) . Ind eed , it m ay c reate ar ti c ial traf c b ottlenec k s w h ic h affec t th e energ y ef c ienc y and th e W S N lifetim e. T h is paper c onsid ers a h eterog eneou s netw or k sc enar io w h ere w ireless sensors d eliv er d ata to inter m ed iate g atew ay s g eared w ith a d iv erse w ireless tec h nolog y and inter c onnec ted tog eth er and to th e sink . An optim iz ation f ram ew or k b ased on Integ er L inear P rog ram m ing (IL P ) is d ev eloped to loc ate w ireless g atew ay s m inim iz ing th e ov erall installation c ost and th e energ y c onsu m ption in th e W S N , w h ile ac c ou nting for m u lti- h op c ov erag e b etw een sensors and g atew ay s, and c onnec tiv ity am ong w ireless g atew ay s. T h e proposed IL P for m u lations are solv ed to optim ality for m ed iu m -siz e instanc es to analy z e th e q u ality of th e d esig ned netw or k s, and h eu r istic alg or ith m s are also proposed to tac k le larg e-sc ale h eterog eneou s sc enar ios


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    A Pattern for Web-based WSN monitoring

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    This paper describes a pattern for the architecture of web-based wireless sensor network monitoring. Sensor nodes are used to measure characteristics of the physical environment and sensed data is stored on the Internet using web-based technologies. Users can access data remotely as long as they have Internet connectivity. Many wireless sensor network applications developed today use smartphones as a gateway between the sensor network or the user, and the Internet. This allows the sensor network and/or the users to be mobile. Implementation of a web-based wireless sensor network architecture, that uses smartphones, provides a scalable solution with applicability in many areas such as healthcare, environmental monitoring, border security, structural health monitoring, and many more


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    2.1 Energy Consumption Model for Wireless Communication......... 3 2.2 Basic Techniques for Conserving Energy..................