774 research outputs found

    Subchondral bone density distribution of the talus in clinically normal Labrador Retrievers

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    Background: Bones continually adapt their morphology to their load bearing function. At the level of the subchondral bone, the density distribution is highly correlated with the loading distribution of the joint. Therefore, subchondral bone density distribution can be used to study joint biomechanics non-invasively. In addition physiological and pathological joint loading is an important aspect of orthopaedic disease, and research focusing on joint biomechanics will benefit veterinary orthopaedics. This study was conducted to evaluate density distribution in the subchondral bone of the canine talus, as a parameter reflecting the long-term joint loading in the tarsocrural joint. Results: Two main density maxima were found, one proximally on the medial trochlear ridge and one distally on the lateral trochlear ridge. All joints showed very similar density distribution patterns and no significant differences were found in the localisation of the density maxima between left and right limbs and between dogs. Conclusions: Based on the density distribution the lateral trochlear ridge is most likely subjected to highest loads within the tarsocrural joint. The joint loading distribution is very similar between dogs of the same breed. In addition, the joint loading distribution supports previous suggestions of the important role of biomechanics in the development of OC lesions in the tarsus. Important benefits of computed tomographic osteoabsorptiometry (CTOAM), i.e. the possibility of in vivo imaging and temporal evaluation, make this technique a valuable addition to the field of veterinary orthopaedic research

    In-gas-cell laser ionization spectroscopy in the vicinity of 100Sn: Magnetic moments and mean-square charge radii of N=50-54 Ag

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    In-gas-cell laser ionization spectroscopy studies on the neutron deficient 97-101Ag isotopes have been performed with the LISOL setup. Magnetic dipole moments and mean-square charge radii have been determined for the first time with the exception of 101Ag, which was found in good agreement with previous experimental values. The reported results allow tentatively assigning the spin of 97,99Ag to 9/2 and confirming the presence of an isomeric state in these two isotopes, whose collapsed hyperfine structure suggests a spin of 1/2 . The effect of the N=50 shell closure is not only manifested in the magnetic moments but also in the evolution of the mean-square charge radii of the isotopes investigated, in accordance with the spherical droplet model predictions

    Shape Isomerism at N = 40: Discovery of a Proton Intruder in 67Co

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    The nuclear structure of 67Co has been investigated through 67Fe beta-decay. The 67Fe isotopes were produced at the LISOL facility in proton-induced fission of 238U and selected using resonant laser ionization combined with mass separation. The application of a new correlation technique unambiguously revealed a 496(33) ms isomeric state in 67Co at an unexpected low energy of 492 keV. A 67Co level scheme has been deduced. Proposed spin and parities suggest a spherical (7/2-) 67Co ground state and a deformed first excited (1/2-) state at 492 keV, interpreted as a proton 1p-2h prolate intruder state.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, preprint submitted to Physical Review Letter

    De invloed van orthografie op verleden tijdsvorming door zwakke lezers

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    In dit onderzoek werden morfofonologische vaardigheden van normale en zwakke lezers vergeleken. Specifiek werd de invloed van orthografie op de vervoeging van de verleden tijd bekeken bij 8- tot 11-jarige normale en zwakke lezers. Deze groepen lezers kregen bestaande werkwoorden en pseudo-werkwoorden gepresenteerd in de infiniefvorm (bijvoorbeeld blaffen of taven), waarna hen gevraagd werd de verleden tijdsvorm te produceren. Er is onderzocht of kinderen de juiste vorm van het suffix (-te of -de) selecteerden, op basis van de stemhebbendheid van de mediale obstruent. Ook is onderzocht of kinderen gevoelig waren voor de relatie tussen klinkerlengte en stemhebbendheid in het Nederlands, door pseudo-woorden aan te bieden die verschillen in de mate waarin ze het Nederlandse patroon volgen. Tot slot werd bekeken of auditieve presentatie van de werkwoorden mét het bijbehorende schriftbeeld (waarbij dus ook letters als ‘f’ of ‘v’ zichtbaar waren) leidde tot meer correcte verleden tijdsvormen dan alleen auditieve presentatie van de werkwoorden. De resultaten laten geen verschillen zien tussen de normale en zwakke lezers in het aantal correct vervoegde werkwoorden. Beide groepen zijn beter in staat correcte verleden tijden te maken van bestaande dan van pseudo-werkwoorden. Daarnaast zijn beide groepen gevoelig voor subtiele fonotactische patronen: kinderen maken meer correcte verleden tijdsvormen als de pseudo-werkwoorden het Nederlandse patroon volgen. Ook maakten beide groepen meer fouten met stemloze dan stemhebbende mediale obstruenten (zoals in blaffen - *blafde). De normale lezers presteerden echter beter in de vervoeging van bestaande werkwoorden wanneer het schriftbeeld werd toegevoegd, in tegenstelling tot de zwakke lezers die hier niet van profiteerden. Deze resultaten laten zien dat de (morfo-)fonologie van de zwakke lezers (op deze leeftijd en taak) niet verschilt van de normale lezers, maar dat ze minder gebruik kunnen maken van de orthografie. Dit wijst erop dat niet de fonologische verwerving als zodanig aangetast is bij slechte lezers in deze leeftijdsgroep, maar dat de integratie tussen (morfo-)fonologie en orthografie anders verloopt

    Cortisol interferes with the estradiol-induced surge of lutenizing hormone in the ewe

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    Two experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that cortisol interferes with the positive feedback action of estradiol that induces the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge. Ovariectomized sheep were treated sequentially with progesterone and estradiol to create artificial estrous cycles. Cortisol or vehicle (saline) was infused from 2 h before the estradiol stimulus through the time of the anticipated LH surge in the artificial follicular phase of two successive cycles. The plasma cortisol increment produced by infusion was &sim;1.5 times greater than maximal concentrations seen during infusion of endotoxin, which is a model of immune/inflammatory stress. In experiment 1, half of the ewes received vehicle in the first cycle and cortisol in the second; the others were treated in reverse order. All ewes responded with an LH surge. Cortisol delayed the LH surge and reduced its amplitude, but both effects were observed only in the second cycle. Experiment 2 was modified to provide better control for a cycle effect. Four treatment sequences were tested (cycle 1-cycle 2): vehicle-vehicle, cortisol-cortisol, vehicle-cortisol, cortisol-vehicle. Again, cortisol delayed but did not block the LH surge, and this delay occurred in both cycles. Thus, an elevation in plasma cortisol can interfere with the positive feedback action of estradiol by delaying and attenuating the LH surge.<br /

    Validation of skeletal muscle mass assessment at the level of the third cervical vertebra in patients with head and neck cancer

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    Background: Low skeletal muscle mass (SMM) is associated with adverse outcomes. SMM is often assessed at the third lumbar vertebra (L3) on abdominal imaging. Abdominal imaging is not routinely performed in patients with head and neck cancer (HNC). We aim to validate SMM measurement at the level of the third cervical vertebra (C3) on head and neck imaging. Material and methods: Patients with pre-treatment whole-body computed tomography (CT) between 2010 and 2018 were included. Cross-sectional muscle area (CSMA) was manually delineated at the level of C3 and L3. Correlation coefficients and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were calculated. Cohen's kappa was used to assess the reliability of identifying a patient with low SMM. Results: Two hundred patients were included. Correlation between CSMA at the level of C3 and L3 was good (r = 0.75, p < 0.01). Using a multivariate formula to estimate CSMA at L3, including gender, age, and weight, correlation improved (r = 0.82, p < 0.01). The agreement between estimated and actual CSMA at L3 was good (ICC 0.78, p < 0.01). There was moderate agreement in the identification of patients with low SMM based on the estimated lumbar skeletal muscle mass index (LSMI) and actual LSMI (Cohen's κ: 0.57, 95%CI 0.45–0.69). Conclusions: CSMA at C3 correlates well with CSMA at L3. There is moderate agreement in the identification of patients with low SMM based on the estimated lumbar SMI (based on measurement at C3) and actual LSMI
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