559 research outputs found

    Enhancement of Androgenesis and Plant Regeneration From Wheat Anther Culture by Seed Pre-Sowing Gamma Irradiation

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    Combination breeding and mutation breeding are widely used methods in plant breeding. Intensive studies are carried out on biotechnological methods that will allow obtaining homozygous lines in a short time in populations obtained with these two techniques. Numerous studies have been carried out by different researchers on mutation breeding in wheat. There are few studies on anther culture response in mutagen-treated genotypes. Two different bread wheat promising advanced lines were used as the material in the study, in which the possibilities of combining mutation breeding with anther culture through ionizing radiation in high quality wheat breeding were investigated. In the study, the responses of advanced bread wheat mutant lines to anther culture, to which eight different doses of gamma rays (0, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400 Gy) were applied, including the control, were investigated. There are significant differences between genotypes and irradiation doses for all traits studied. It has been shown that it is possible to decrease albinism and increase the response of anther culture with dose-dependent gamma irradiation depending on bread wheat varieties. In the multiple comparison test to classify the difference between doses; statistically, 150 gray dose 5.60 is in the first statistical class and in the first place with the number of transferred green plants. After that, it ranks second in the same class with the number of green plants transferred with a 300 gray dose of 5.21. In the total number of regenerated green plants excluding controls (888), 635 unit (71.5%) and 205 unit (23.1%) haploids and spontaneous double haploid plants were obtained, respectively. In the study integrated into the bread wheat breeding program, a total of 205 spontaneous double haploid mutant lines were produced. According to the data obtained, it was shown that the gamma ray doses of 150 and 200 Gy had a significant stimulation effect on all parameters studied and ultimately the success index of anther culture in bread wheat compared to control. © 2022 Namik Kemal University - Agricultural Faculty. All rights reserved

    A comparison of epidemic algorithms in wireless sensor networks

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We consider the problem of reliable data dissemination in the context of wireless sensor networks. For some application scenarios, reliable data dissemination to all nodes is necessary for propagating code updates, queries, and other sensitive information in wireless sensor networks. Epidemic algorithms are a natural approach for reliable distribution of information in such ad hoc, decentralized, and dynamic environments. In this paper we show the applicability of epidemic algorithms in the context of wireless sensor environments, and provide a comparative performance analysis of the three variants of epidemic algorithms in terms of message delivery rate, average message latency, and messaging overhead on the network. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Mathematical Model of the Shell with the Infill for Retaining Structures

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    A description of finite element model and analysis of a shell with an infill is performed. A large diameter thin cylindrical shell structure with the edge leaning against compressible foundation soil is analyzed. Different materials are considered individually for the models of each structure shell and infill component (metal or reinforced concrete shell, and granular or elastic infill in a shell and foundation soil loaded by the structure). Contact conditions between 1) the infill and the shell’s inner surface and 2) between the foundation material and the shell edge are analyzed. An example of calculating strain conditions in the shell according to the proposed finite element model and tasks of its development process and specification are provided in this paper

    Interface Friction Parameters for the Mathematical Modeling of Shell Structures with Infill

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    Thin metal or reinforced concrete shells with granular infill structures are considered in this article. These structures are massive and they are used as support for the construction of berthing quays, piers, artificial islands, shore protection, and other structures of coastal infrastructure. It is more convenient to use the thin shell structures during the development of the Arctic shelf, because it is possible to install them from the ice side. In addition, it is possible to enhance the technology and install thin shells with infill on deeper solid foundation layers. A mathematical model for the stresses on a compressible foundation soil in front of a thin cylindrical shell with infill due to the eccentric loading is developed. A modeling and experimental determination of the interface strength of the contact surface between the infill and the inner surface of the shell is proposed. The details of the construction stages and testing of the physical model used for the experiments are discussed. The effects of the interface friction on the shell behavior and on the foundation stresses in front of the wall are investigated. The influence of parameters affecting the interaction between the soil infill and the inner surface of the shell material is determined. It is based on a comparison of experimental results with calculations performed using the proposed mathematical model. The obtained parameters and proposed methods can be used in numerical simulations using the finite element method to analyze and design the thin shell structures with soil infill. The findings of the study and proposed methods can also be applied to the thin shell structures used in other facilities such as hydraulic, industrial, civil, and transportation


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    EULAR European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR) -- JUN 01-04, 2022 -- Copenhagen, DENMARK[Abstract Not Available]European Alliance Assoc Rheumato

    Singlet oxygen generation by photodynamic agents

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    Abstract The singlet oxygen quantum yield of photodynamic agents was measured at 546 nm, 630 nm, and on the far-red absorption peak. The technique employed is available in most laboratories, in which the photosensitization of lysozyme is used as an internal actinometer. Measurements in a pH 7.4 phosphate buffer plus 1% Triton X-! 00 (PB/X 100) are scaled to 0.52 for methylene blue in the phosphate buffer. The average quantum yields are: hematoporphyrin IX (0.73), protoporphyrin IX (0.56) zinc protoporphyrin IX (0.91), mesotetra-(4-sulfonato-phenyl) porphine (0.61), Photofrin s (0.89), benzoporphyrin derivative monoacid ring-A (0.84), chlorin e6 in PB (0.64), pheophorbide a (0.69), and aluminum phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate (0.38). Protection factors were measured for added azide ion, 1,4-diazabicyclo [ 2.2.2]-octane, and superoxide dismutase. Spectral evidence is presented for chlorin e6 interactions with PB/TX 100 and for binding to lysozyme

    The effects of physicochemical parameters on fish distribution in Eğirdir Lake, Turkey

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    The present study was conducted based on the fish species and physicochemical parameters of Eğirdir Lake. Sampling was carried out monthly from January through December 2010 between 9 am and 11 am. The parameters measured were water temperature, depth, secchi disk depth, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, saturation of dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, chloride, hardness, calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate, carbonate, nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, sulphate, phosphate, silica, organic substance, acid power (SBV) and chlorophyll-a. Monthly sampling was performed at four stations at different depths. Water temperature ranged from 6.9±0.5 °C in February to 26.8±0.4 °C in August. Minimum secchi disk depth recorded was 0.5 m while the maximum was 2.4 m. Dissolved oxygen ranged from 4.2±0.2 to 12.6±0.6 mgL^-1. The pH values ranged from 8.4 to 9.6. In this study, 15 fish species, belonging to eight families were identified. Among the 15 fish species recorded, Cyprinidae was the dominant family followed by Percidae (3%). According to detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), variables were able to explain 90% of total variation suggesting a significant result. The results showed that water temperature, dissolved oxygen and saturation of dissolved oxygen were the most important physicochemical parameters affecting fish distribution. Other physicochemical parameters of this lake did not show any significant statistical differences in determining fish distribution


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    Kafein, ülkemizde önemli bir tarımsal ürün olan ve büyük miktarlarda üretilen çayın enönemli bileşenidir. Kafein, çok yaygın ve farklı alanlardaki kullanımı nedeniyle büyük ticarideğer taşımaktadır. Bu nedenle, ekonomik üretim proseslerinin geliştirilmesi son dereceönemlidir.Bu çalışmanın amacı, kafeinin su ve etil asetat/kloroform karışımı arasındaki dağılmakatsayılarının pH\'a bağlı olarak değişiminin incelenmesidir. Çalışmada organik çözücükarışımı etil asetat/kloroformun beş farklı oranı kullanılmıştır. Bu oranlar %20, %40, %50,%60 ve %80 kloroform içerecek şekilde seçilmiştir. Ayrıca dağılma katsayısının pH\'yabağımlılığının incelenmesi için denemeler beş farklı pH\'da yapılmıştır. Bu pH değerleri 5.65,5.90, 6.25, 7.10 ve 7.90\'dır. Deneysel çalışmada hazırlanan % 1\'lik (hacimsel) kafeinçözeltisinden belirli miktar alınarak çözücü karışımı ile ekstrakt edilmiş ve iyodometriyöntemiyle kafein analizi yapılmıştır. Yapılan deneysel çalışmalar sonucunda, pH değerininyükselmesiyle dağılma katsayısının arttığı tespit edilmiştir.Caffeine is a main component of tea, which is an important agricultural product in ourcountry. It has a great economical value because of its different and extensive industrialapplications.The aim of this study is to investigate the variation of the distribution coefficients ofcaffeine between water and ethyl acetate/chloroform mixture depending on pH. Ethylacetate/chloroform mixture was used in five different ratios. These ratios were selected as tocontain 20%, 40%, 50%, 60% and 80% chloroform. Also five different pH were selected toinvestigate the distribution coefficient depending on pH. These pH values were 5.65, 5.90,6.25, 7.10 and 7.90.In experimental investigations, 1% aqueous solution of caffeine was used. Caffeinecontent was analysed by means of Iodometry method.It was seen that the distribution coefficient of caffeine between water and solvent mixturewas increased with increasing pH