209 research outputs found

    Spin Crossover and Fluorine-Specific Interactions in Metal Complexes of Terpyridines with Polyfluorocarbon Tails

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    In coordination chemistry and materials science, terpyridine ligands are of great interest, due to their ability to form stable complexes with a broad range of transition metal ions. We report three terpyridine ligands containing different perfluorocarbon (PFC) tails on the backbone and the corresponding FeII and CoII complexes. The CoII complexes display spin crossover close to ambient temperature, and the nature of this spin transition is influenced by the length of the PFC tail on the ligand backbone. The electrochemical properties of the metal complexes were investigated with cyclic voltammetry revealing one oxidation and several reduction processes. The fluorine-specific interactions were investigated by EPR measurements. Analysis of the EPR spectra of the complexes as microcrystalline powders and in solution reveals exchange-narrowed spectra without resolved hyperfine splittings arising from the 59Co nucleus; this suggests complex aggregation in solution mediated by interactions of the PFC tails. Interestingly, addition of perfluoro-octanol in different ratios to the acetonitrile solution of the sample resulted in the disruption of the F... F interactions of the tails. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first investigation of fluorine-specific interactions in metal complexes through EPR spectroscopy, as exemplified by exchange narrowing

    Electrochemistry and Spin-Crossover Behavior of Fluorinated Terpyridine-Based Co(II) and Fe(II) Complexes

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    Due to their ability to form stable molecular complexes that have tailor-made properties, terpyridine ligands are of great interest in chemistry and material science. In this regard, we prepared two terpyridine ligands with two different fluorinated phenyl rings on the backbone. The corresponding CoII and FeII complexes were synthesized and characterized by single-crystal X-ray structural analysis, electrochemistry and temperature-dependent SQUID magnetometry. Single crystal X-ray diffraction analyses at 100 K of these complexes revealed Co−N and Fe−N bond lengths that are typical of low spin CoII and FeII centers. The metal centers are coordinated in an octahedral fashion and the fluorinated phenyl rings on the backbone are twisted out of the plane of the terpyridine unit. The complexes were investigated with cyclic voltammetry and UV/Vis-NIR spectroelectrochemistry. All complexes show a reversible oxidation and several reduction processes. Temperature dependent SQUID magnetometry revealed a gradual thermal SCO behavior in two of the complexes, while EPR spectroscopy provided further insights on the electronic structure of the metal complexes, as well as site of reduction

    What is the potential benefit of pre-hospital extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation for patients with an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest?:A predictive modelling study

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    AIM: In this predictive modelling study we aimed to investigate how many patients with an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) would benefit from pre-hospital as opposed to in-hospital initiation of extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR).METHODS: A temporal spatial analysis of Utstein data was performed for all adult patients with a non-traumatic OHCA attended by three emergency medical services (EMS) covering the north of the Netherlands during a one-year period. Patients were considered potentially eligible for ECPR if they had a witnessed arrest with immediate bystander CPR, an initial shockable rhythm (or signs of life during resuscitation) and could be presented in an ECPR-centre within 45 minutes of the arrest. Endpoint of interest was defined as the hypothetical number of ECPR eligible patients after 10, 15 and 20 minutes of conventional CPR and upon (hypothetical) arrival in an ECPR-centre as a fraction of the total number of OHCA patients attended by EMS.RESULTS: During the study period 622 OHCA patients were attended, of which 200 (32%) met ECPR eligibility criteria upon EMS arrival. The optimal transition point between conventional CPR and ECPR was found to be after 15 minutes. Hypothetical intra-arrest transport of all patients in whom no return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) was obtained after that point (n = 84) would have yielded 16/622 (2.5%) patients being potentially ECPR eligible upon hospital arrival (average low-flow time 52 minutes), whereas on-scene initiation of ECPR would have resulted in 84/622 (13.5%) potential candidates (average estimated low-flow time 24 minutes before cannulation).CONCLUSION: Even in healthcare systems with relatively short transport distances to hospital, consideration should be given to pre-hospital initiation of ECPR for OHCA as it shortens low-flow time and increases the number of potentially eligible patients.</p

    PIP5KIβ Selectively Modulates Apical Endocytosis in Polarized Renal Epithelial Cells

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    Localized synthesis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate [PtdIns(4,5)P2] at clathrin coated pits (CCPs) is crucial for the recruitment of adaptors and other components of the internalization machinery, as well as for regulating actin dynamics during endocytosis. PtdIns(4,5)P2 is synthesized from phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate by any of three phosphatidylinositol 5-kinase type I (PIP5KI) isoforms (α, β or γ). PIP5KIβ localizes almost exclusively to the apical surface in polarized mouse cortical collecting duct cells, whereas the other isoforms have a less polarized membrane distribution. We therefore investigated the role of PIP5KI isoforms in endocytosis at the apical and basolateral domains. Endocytosis at the apical surface is known to occur more slowly than at the basolateral surface. Apical endocytosis was selectively stimulated by overexpression of PIP5KIβ whereas the other isoforms had no effect on either apical or basolateral internalization. We found no difference in the affinity for PtdIns(4,5)P2-containing liposomes of the PtdIns(4,5)P2 binding domains of epsin and Dab2, consistent with a generic effect of elevated PtdIns(4,5)P2 on apical endocytosis. Additionally, using apical total internal reflection fluorescence imaging and electron microscopy we found that cells overexpressing PIP5KIβ have fewer apical CCPs but more internalized coated structures than control cells, consistent with enhanced maturation of apical CCPs. Together, our results suggest that synthesis of PtdIns(4,5)P2 mediated by PIP5KIβ is rate limiting for apical but not basolateral endocytosis in polarized kidney cells. PtdIns(4,5)P2 may be required to overcome specific structural constraints that limit the efficiency of apical endocytosis. © 2013 Szalinski et al

    Genetic variation in Pneumocystis carinii isolates from different geographic regions: implications for transmission.

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    To study transmission patterns of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) in persons with AIDS, we evaluated P. carinii isolates from patients in five U.S. cities for variation at two independent genetic loci, the mitochondrial large subunit rRNA and dihydropteroate synthase. Fourteen unique multilocus genotypes were observed in 191 isolates that were examined at both loci. Mixed infections, accounting for 17.8% of cases, were associated with primary PCP. Genotype frequency distribution patterns varied by patients' place of diagnosis but not by place of birth. Genetic variation at the two loci suggests three probable characteristics of transmission: that most cases of PCP do not result from infections acquired early in life, that infections are actively acquired from a relatively common source (humans or the environment), and that humans, while not necessarily involved in direct infection of other humans, are nevertheless important in the transmission cycle of P. carinii f. sp. hominis

    Androgen Receptor Function Links Human Sexual Dimorphism to DNA Methylation

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    Sex differences are well known to be determinants of development, health and disease. Epigenetic mechanisms are also known to differ between men and women through X-inactivation in females. We hypothesized that epigenetic sex differences may also result from sex hormone functions, in particular from long-lasting androgen programming. We aimed at investigating whether inactivation of the androgen receptor, the key regulator of normal male sex development, is associated with differences of the patterns of DNA methylation marks in genital tissues. To this end, we performed large scale array-based analysis of gene methylation profiles on genomic DNA from labioscrotal skin fibroblasts of 8 males and 26 individuals with androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) due to inactivating androgen receptor gene mutations. By this approach we identified differential methylation of 167 CpG loci representing 162 unique human genes. These were significantly enriched for androgen target genes and low CpG content promoter genes. Additional 75 genes showed a significant increase of heterogeneity of methylation in AIS compared to a high homogeneity in normal male controls. Our data show that normal and aber

    Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Strain ST398 Is Present in Midwestern U.S. Swine and Swine Workers

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    BACKGROUND: Recent research has demonstrated that many swine and swine farmers in the Netherlands and Canada are colonized with MRSA. However, no studies to date have investigated carriage of MRSA among swine and swine farmers in the United States (U.S.). METHODS: We sampled the nares of 299 swine and 20 workers from two different production systems in Iowa and Illinois, comprising approximately 87,000 live animals. MRSA isolates were typed by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) using SmaI and EagI restriction enzymes, and by multi locus sequence typing (MLST). PCR was used to determine SCCmec type and presence of the pvl gene. RESULTS: In this pilot study, overall MRSA prevalence in swine was 49% (147/299) and 45% (9/20) in workers. The prevalence of MRSA carriage among production system A's swine varied by age, ranging from 36% (11/30) in adult swine to 100% (60/60) of animals aged 9 and 12 weeks. The prevalence among production system A's workers was 64% (9/14). MRSA was not isolated from production system B's swine or workers. Isolates examined were not typeable by PFGE when SmaI was used, but digestion with EagI revealed that the isolates were clonal and were not related to common human types in Iowa (USA100, USA300, and USA400). MLST documented that the isolates were ST398. CONCLUSIONS: These results show that colonization of swine by MRSA was very common on one swine production system in the midwestern U.S., suggesting that agricultural animals could become an important reservoir for this bacterium. MRSA strain ST398 was the only strain documented on this farm. Further studies are examining carriage rates on additional farms

    Comparative Structural Analysis of Lipid Binding START Domains

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    Steroidogenic acute regulatory (StAR) protein related lipid transfer (START) domains are small globular modules that form a cavity where lipids and lipid hormones bind. These domains can transport ligands to facilitate lipid exchange between biological membranes, and they have been postulated to modulate the activity of other domains of the protein in response to ligand binding. More than a dozen human genes encode START domains, and several of them are implicated in a disease.We report crystal structures of the human STARD1, STARD5, STARD13 and STARD14 lipid transfer domains. These represent four of the six functional classes of START domains.Sequence alignments based on these and previously reported crystal structures define the structural determinants of human START domains, both those related to structural framework and those involved in ligand specificity.This article can also be viewed as an enhanced version in which the text of the article is integrated with interactive 3D representations and animated transitions. Please note that a web plugin is required to access this enhanced functionality. Instructions for the installation and use of the web plugin are available in Text S1
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