471 research outputs found

    Quevedo y la ilustración de portadas: La vida de Marco Bruto y La caída para levantarse

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    Este trabajo presenta un estudio calcográfico de dos obras finales de Quevedo, las vidas de Marco Bruto y de San Pablo, que revela la promoción autorial sobre la invención de sus frontispicios, y apunta a una pasión poco transitada de su producción, con calidades inagotables para la comprensión discursiva. Quevedo no solo proporcionó el material arqueológico sobre el que se fundan las dos fachadas, sino que se congratuló de esa actividad inventiva. Ambos textos y sus portadas abren dimensiones inexploradas sobre el engarce quevediano de su ingenio plástico y discursivo, y sobre su afán coleccionista y ecléctico, facetas del escritor que solicitan estudio. De modo más concreto, también resaltan el brillo de su intuición simbólica, y su provecho hermenéutico de la imagen calcográfica, a través de la cual refuerza el rendimiento argumental de sus escritos. This is a study about the title pages of two final works by Quevedo; namely, the lives of Marco Bruto and San Pablo. Both works reveal the authorial promotion on the invention of both book fronts, and points out a scarcely analysed field of the author’s production which has fruitful implications on the understanding of his overall production. Quevedo did not only provided both title-pages with the archaeological material on which they are founded, but he too promoted himself for that invention. Both texts and their front pages open novel nuances about Quevedo’s combination of his discursive and plastic genius, and about his collector and eclectic spirit, decidedly, spheres of his creation which need revision. More specifically, they also underline his brilliant symbolic intuition and the peculiar profit that he attains of the engraved page, through which he wittily strengthens the line-plot of his writings

    Retratismo alegórigo / emblemático en la obra de Quevedo

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    El estudio revisa algunos hitos y funciones del retrato quevediano de alegorías. En la poesía se resalta la presentación vívida de las figuras como en un cuadro, a través del simbolismo emblemático y el vigor retórico. La prosa satírica muestra el retrato dinámico como un modo temprano. A partir del Sueño del mundo surgen célebres retratos detallantes y se funde el dinamismo y el estatismo. Un esquema retórico de la personificación que aprovecha Quevedo es el que describe el rostro, el cuerpo y adiuncta, al que versatiliza y optimiza. La prosa doctrinal tardía de Virtud militante refuerza la notación, los argumentos sueltos de la persona retórica, y el retrato simbólico-emblemático como índices de la representación. La caracterización costumbrista, la revisión paródica de los modelos artísticos, y la audaz labor conceptuosa son esencias de los bocetos. Al fin, los retratos quevedianos de alegorías irradian una intensa energía plastificante y suelen ser instrumentales en la presentación de moralidades nucleares, en bocetos independientes o en macrotextos. This article analyses mayor modes, landmarks and functions of the quevedian alegorical portrait. The poetry underlines the vivid presentation of the figures as if on a pictorical or emblematic frame, as well as the rhetorical vigor. The satirical prose shows the dynamic portrait to be an early mode. The detailed portraits come from the Sueño del mundo, along with the combination of dinamic and static representational qualities. Quevedo explores and optimises an outline of the personified portrait in rhetoric, which describes the face, the body and dress (or attributes) of the figure. The late moral prose of Virtud militante uses the description of a vice through the ‘notation’, the spare arguments of the rhetorical person and the symbolic / emblematic mode of portraiture. The satiric imprint, the parodic reading of the artistic models, and the witty labor of language, are essential aspects of the sketches. For all this, the quevedian alegorical portraits irradiate an intense plastic energy and they are usually instrumental in the presentation of central moralities, both in independent painting or in macrotexts

    Low temperature microwave emission from molecular clusters

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    We investigate the experimental detection of the electromagnetic radiation generated in the fast magnetization reversal in Mn12-acetate at low temperatures. In our experiments we used large single crystals and assemblies of several small single crystals of Mn12-acetate placed inside a cylindrical stainless steel waveguide in which an InSb hot electron device was also placed to detect the radiation. All this was set inside a SQUID magnetometer that allowed to change the magnetic field and measure the magnetic moment and the temperature of the sample as the InSb detected simultaneously the radiation emitted from the molecular magnets. Our data show a sequential process in which the fast inversion of the magnetic moment first occurs, then the radiation is detected by the InSb device, and finally the temperature of the sample increases during 15 ms to subsequently recover its original value in several hundreds of milliseconds.Comment: changed conten

    Coherent radiation by molecular magnets

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    The possibility of coherent radiation by molecular magnets is investigated. It is shown that to realize the coherent radiation, it is necessary to couple the considered sample to a resonant electric circuit. A theory for describing this phenomenon is developed, based on a realistic microscopic Hamiltonian, including the Zeeman terms, single-site anisotropy, and dipole interactions. The role of hyperfine interactions between molecular and nuclear spins is studied. Numerical solutions of the spin evolution equations are presented.Comment: Latex file, 11 pages, 3 figure

    “Estos que…” écfrasis satírico-burlesca en cinco poemas quevedianos de sociedad

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    La serie quevediana de retratos de oficios y estados constituye un tinglado inventivo, estructural y compositivo, de potente resolución satírica para desvelar la hipocresía rampante de cinco tipos áureos que se retratan como nobles —un casado cornudo, un sucio pastelero, un viejo teñido, una falsa dama y un tabernero infame. La estrategia desmontante está dirigida en esos tres niveles, por un recurso de disensión conflictiva de discursos reflectantes dobles. La calidad de pinturas de las cinco figuras, garantiza a nivel de invención, el comentario degradador del discurso lingüístico sobre el icónico. La microestructura de las cabeceras ecfrásticas aprovecha un movimiento doble con su base epigramática en Marcial, que anula la descripción dignificante de la persona por medio de un envés satírico disonante. A nivel de composición macroestructural, los retratos pictóricos se desajustan por medio de los retratos retóricos que se desarrollan a lo largo de cada unidad poética por medio de la prosopografía, la etopeya y la pragmatografía, fraguándose así la inculpación de la persona por medio de la persona misma. Cada poema quiebra el texto icónico de las apariencias por medio de una hermeneútica de esencias que ilumina las identidades ocultas en una especie de anamorfosis, brillantemente dilucidada en cada resquicio de la fábrica poética. Quevedo’s series of poems 630, 631, 632, 633, 634 (Blecua’s numbering), constitutes a powerful poetic edifice of satiric deconstruction of five social types at the level of invention, structure and composition. The dismantling strategy upholds reflecting discourses in dissonance at those three levels. At the level of invention, the quality of portrait-painting of each one of the types, allows the degrading comment of the linguistic upon the iconic. At a microestructural level, the ecphrastic beginning of each poem develops an epigrammatic argument by Marcial, which blurs the dignifying appearance of the person by means of the satiric and surprising inversion of its ending. At the macroestructural level, the pictoric portraits are dislocated by the rhetorical portraits developed along the poems. What lies underneath is a rhetorical argument to deconstruct the person by the rhetorical esqueleton of the person itself. Each poem subverts the iconic text of appearances by means of the linguistic commentary of the essences, that illuminates the hidden identities of the five social types in a kind of anamorphoses, brilliantly tacked at every level of the poetic fabric

    Definitive spectroscopic determination of the transverse interactions responsible for the magnetic quantum tunneling in Mn12-acetate

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    We present detailed angle-dependent single crystal electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) data for field rotations in the hard plane of the S=10 single molecule magnet Mn12-acetate. A clear four-fold variation in the resonance positions may be attributed to an intrinsic fourth order transverse anisotropy (O44). Meanwhile, a four-fold variation of the EPR lineshapes confirms a recently proposed model wherein disorder associated with the acetic acid of crystallization induces a locally varying quadratic (rhombic) transverse anisotropy (O22). These findings explain most aspects of the magnetic quantum tunneling observed in Mn12-acetate.Comment: 7 pages, including figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    High frequency resonant experiments in Fe8_8 molecular clusters

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    Precise resonant experiments on Fe8_{8} magnetic clusters have been conducted down to 1.2 K at various tranverse magnetic fields, using a cylindrical resonator cavity with 40 different frequencies between 37 GHz and 110 GHz. All the observed resonances for both single crystal and oriented powder, have been fitted by the eigenstates of the hamiltonian H=DSz2+ESx2gμBHS{\cal H}=-DS_z^2+ES_x^2-g\mu_B{\bf H}\cdot {\bf S}. We have identified the resonances corresponding to the coherent quantum oscillations for different orientations of spin S = 10.Comment: to appear in Phys.Rev. B (August 2000

    Tunneling and inversion symmetry in single-molecule magnets: the case of the Mn12 wheel molecule

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    We present a detailed study of the influence of various interactions on the spin quantum tunneling in a Mn12 wheel molecule. The effects of single-ion and exchange (spin-orbit) anisotropy are first considered, followed by an analysis of the roles played by secondary influences, e.g. disorder, dipolar and hyperfine fields, and magnetoacoustic interactions. Special attention is paid to the role of the antisymmetric Dzyaloshinski-Moriya (DM) interaction. This is done within the framework of a 12-spin microscopic model, and also using simplified dimer and tetramer approximations in which the electronic spins are grouped in 2 or 4 blocks, respectively. If the molecule is inversion symmetric, the DM interaction between the dimer halves must be zero. In an inversion symmetric tetramer, two independent DM vectors are allowed, but no new tunneling transitions are generated by the DM interaction. Experiments on the Mn12 wheel can only be explained if the molecular inversion symmetry is broken, and we explore this in detail using both models, focussing on the asymmetric disposition and rounding of Berry phase minima associated with quantum interference between states of opposite parity. A remarkable behavior exists for the `Berry phase zeroes' as a function of the directions of the internal DM vectors and the external transverse field. A rather drastic breaking of the molecular inversion-symmetry is required to explain the experiments; in the tetramer model this requires a reorientation of the DM vectors on one half of the molecule by nearly 180 degrees. This cannot be attributed to sample disorder. These results are of general interest for the quantum dynamics of tunneling spins, and lead to some interesting experimental predictions.Comment: Submitted to PRB. 23 double-column pages, 16 figure

    A multistate epidemic outbreak of Salmonella Goldcoast infection in humans, June 2009 to March 2010: the investigation in Italy.

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    After an urgent inquiry into a suspected international outbreak of Salmonella Goldcoast infection was launched by Hungary in October 2009 a nation-wide multidisciplinary investigation was carried out in Italy. The aims were to verify whether the higher than expected number of cases of S. Goldcoast infection that had occurred in Italy in the previous months were linked to the outbreak in Hungary and to determine their origin. Between June 2009 and March 2010, 79 confirmed cases of S. Goldcoast infection were identified. Of these, 17 were part of three different point-source outbreaks probably associated with the consumption of salami. Eating salami was also reported by 20 of the 39 sporadic cases that could be interviewed. Fifteen strains of S. Goldcoast isolated from the cases were typed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. They shared more than 90% homology with the Hungarian epidemic strain and were also highly similar to S. Goldcoast strains that had been isolated in Italy from pigs and pork-containing food items in 2009 and 2010. Although the origin of the outbreak and the common source linking the Hungarian and the Italian cases could not be definitively identified, our results suggest a possible zoonotic connection of the outbreak cases with the pork production chain

    Quadratic transverse anisotropy term due to dislocations in Mn12-Ac directly obtained by EPR spectroscopy

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    High-Sensitivity Electron Paramagnetic Resonance experiments have been carried out in fresh and stressed Mn12-Acetate single crystals for frequencies ranging from 40 GHz up to 110 GHz. The high number of crystal dislocations formed in the stressing process introduces a E(S_x^2-S_y^2) transverse anisotropy term in the spin hamiltonian. From the behaviour of the resonant absorptions on the applied transverse magnetic field we have obtained an average value for E = 22 mK, corresponding to a concentration of dislocations per unit cell of c = 10^-3.Comment: 13 pages and 4 figure