15 research outputs found

    Creation of an integrated open coworking center for innovation entrepreneurship in higher education institutions

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    Перехід на інноваційну модель розвитку вимагає кардинального збільшення частки інноваційної продукції та послуг шляхом активізації інноваційного підприємництва, введення організаційних інновацій. Одним із ефективних шляхів модернізації економіки є реалізація атрактору комплексного розвитку інноваційної інфраструктури на чотирьох рівнях: макрорівні (національної інноваційної системи; вільних економічних зон, венчурного фінансування); мезорівні (створення бізнес-інкубаторів, технопарків, хакерспейсів, коворкінг); мікрорівнях (залучення коштів; аутсорсинг; інтрапренерство) та нанорівнях (фрілансінг; краудсорсінґ). Гіпотеза наукового дослідження ґрунтується на припущенні, що нове осмислення пріоритетів освітньо-інноваційної політики та створення відповідного інституціонального середовища розвитку екосистеми «освіта – наука – бізнес» сприятиме налагодженню еквівалентних відносин між суб’єктами ринку відповідно до національних пріоритетів та світових тенденцій науково-технічного розвитку. Мета дослідження – комплексне обґрунтування теоретичних і методичних засад формування системи управління кластерною взаємодією інтерактивних інструментаріїв інноваційного ланцюжка знань на новій основі, забезпечення атрактору інноваційного розвитку інноваційно-технологічних центрів коворкінгу як платформи для розвитку освітніх кластерів. загальнонаукової методології – філософії і системному підході, а також на міждисциплінарних методологічних підходах – інституціональному, ресурсному, мережевому і кластерному, що використовуються в соціально-економічних науках. Запропоновано новий підхід до формування інституційних форм реалізації інноваційного підприємництва, а також механізмів формування і функціонування малих кластерних підприємницьких структур на базі (за участю) підрозділів університетів дозволяє забезпечити ефективний трансфер знань від системи освіти в підприємництво для забезпечення інноваційного розвитку як самого підприємницького закладу вищої освіти, так і зоні дії кластеру. Комплексне поєднання запропонованих підходів до організації бізнесу забезпечує впровадження інноваційних напрямів економічної діяльності, створення додаткових робочих місць, скорочення безробіття, подолання бідності та формування прошарку потенційно інноваційно-активних людей, здатних створювати власний бізнес для покращення якості та рівня життя населення.The transition to an innovative development model requires a dramatic increase in the share of innovative products and services by activating innovative entrepreneurship, introducing organizational innovations. One of the effective ways of modernizing the economy is the implementation of the attractor of integrated development of innovation infrastructure at four levels: macro level (national innovation system, free economic zones, venture financing); meso-level (creation of business incubators, technoparks, hacking, coworkings); micro-level (funds attraction, outsourcing, intrapreneurship) and nano-level (freelancing; crowdsourcing). The hypothesis of scientific research is based on the assumption that a new understanding of the priorities of educational and innovation policy and the creation of an appropriate institutional environment for the development of the ecosystem "education – science – business" will promote the establishment of equivalent relations between market actors in accordance with national priorities and world trends in scientific and technological development. The purpose of the research is to provide a comprehensive substantiation of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of a management system of cluster interaction of interactive tools of the innovation chain of knowledge on a new basis, providing the attractor of innovative development of innovation and technological centers of coworking as a platform for the development of educational clusters. The methodology of the research is based on the general scientific methodology – philosophy and system approach, as well as on interdisciplinary methodological approaches – institutional, resource, network and cluster, used in socio-economic sciences. A new approach to the formation of institutional forms of the implementation of innovative entrepreneurship, as well as mechanisms for the formation and functioning of small cluster business structures on the basis (with participation) of university units, allows to provide an efficient transfer of knowledge from the system of education to entrepreneurship in order to provide innovative development as the most entrepreneurial institution of higher education, and cluster action zone. An integrated combination of the proposed approaches to business organization provides introduction of innovative directions of economic activity, creation of additional workplaces, reduction of unemployment, poverty reduction and formation of a stratum of potentially innovative-active people who can create their own business for improving the quality and standard of living of the population

    Benchmarking methodology in a transport sector

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    The article analyses the following issues: 1) Definitions of benchmarking. Benchmarking as a management tool that has long been succefully used both in the private and public sectors to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of products and processes; 2) Benefits of transport benchmarking. Benchmarking can help transport enterprise to: locate its strengths, pinpoint weaknesses, measure its performance against its competitors, discover what it is possible to achieve; 3) Different types of benchmarking. Different types of benchmarking processes can be distinguished into performance benchmarking, process benchmarking, strategic benchmarking, competitor benchmarking, functional benchmarking, generic benchmarking; 4) Transport benchmarking methodology. The basic transport benchmarking principles – planning, analysis, integration, action and recycle are equally valid for transport policy benchmarking; 5) Key performance indicators in a transport sector

    The analysis of strategic planning in transport

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    Strategic planning is a process whish brings to life the mission and vision of an enterprise. The article analyses the following issues: 1) Concepts of strategy. 2) Components of strategic planning. 3) The basis of strategic planning. 4) Formal strategic planning. 5) Tools used in strategy development. 6) Problems of strategic planning

    The improvement of external transport cost evaluation in the context of Lithuania’s integration into the European Union

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    The accepted accession to the European Union in Lithuanian internal transportation is regulated by the co-ordination of national legal acts with the international conventions and documents of various international organisations. This process was particularly accelerated when Lithuania started negotiations on the accession to the European Union. Future transport pricing policy of Lithuania has two objectives - to guarantee the covering of operational costs and to strive for economic efficiency. These objectives should not be coincident. Economic, institutional and legal reforms in Lithuania are implemented with the aim to co-ordinate the standards and regulations effective in Lithuania with the acts of the European Union. In the article on the basis of pricing of the peak, the social marginal, the environmental costs referring to the advanced research of Western and US scientists, were analysed and improved the evaluation of external Lithuanian transport costs and economic methods enabling the integration of external transport costs into the internal costs were offered. The improvement of external cost evaluation will enable the integration of external transport costs in line with the EU standards. One of the most actual problems of Lithuania is the growth of environmental impact and social subsequences caused by the increase of transport in Lithuania. Increasing traffic jams, air pollution, growing rates of accidents and noise emission are the main problems of the Lithuanian transport system. Thus, in transport system, besides the internal costs, there exist the external costs that are not reflected in transport cost price. These costs are caused by air pollution, worsened health condition of people, decreased agrarian fertility, increased water pollution, etc. Therefore it is necessary to evaluate these external transport costs and to propose the ways of their reduction as well as their inclusion into the transportation price. The methodological basis of the article is the method of systematic and multicriterial analysis aiming at the evaluation of the necessity of the inclusion of external transport costs into the transport price with the attitude towards the national and the carrier’s positions. Research work of Western and US scientists was referred to the grounding of the necessity of external transport costs in Lithuania. Having analysed the experience of the scientists of US and Western countries, as well as the practice of Lithuanian scientists, a methodology for the evaluation of external transport costs in the country was offered. The application of the EU standards is tackled as well. Most ideas suggested in the article could be valuable for further formation and enhancement of external costs of economic technique in Lithuania thus approaching the national pricing to the EU standard system. The evaluation made in the article shall be applied for the implementation of external transport cost evaluation technique in Lithuanian transport

    Evaluating efficiency and effectiveness in transport organizations

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    The article analyses the following issues: 1. Needs of evaluation. 2. Evaluation techniques and tools. 3. Effectiveness, performance and results. 4. Theoretical views on organizational effectiveness. 5. Transport organizational effectiveness. Transport effectiveness refers to the effectiveness of transport agency’s organizational systems in achieving its internal and external objectives. 6. Effective internal performance systems. 7. A model of transport organizational effectiveness. 8. Efficiency criterion

    Competitive Advantage Analysis in Pharmacy Companies

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    Article analyzes competitive advantage theoretical aspects and also competitive advantage in pharmacy sector in Lithuania. Competitive advantage is what all (competing) business strategies are directed to. Many factors can provide a competitive advantage; it can be more efficient production, available patents, good advertising, good management, and good customer relations

    Analysis of transport performance indicators

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    The article analyses the following issues: 1) key performance indicators, 2) best value indicators, 3) performance indicators and the change process, 4) transport programme indicators inputs, outputs, results and impacts, 5) indicators of effectiveness, efficiency and performance, 6) overcoming of the problems of using indicators, 7) criteria of the establishment of performance indicator system

    Cluster Entrepreneurship Development in Lithuania Best Practice

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    Clusters becoming important field in Lithuania. Clusters aim to join forces to gain mutual benefits, accelerate the process of developing new products, services or technologies, and bring them to market, foster innovation and collaborate on science and business. Clusters in Lithuania have benefit: stimulates innovation and growth, promotes the transfer of knowledge and helps develop new ideas and business, promotes export development, contributes to the Internationalization of enterprises, helps to reach foreign markets and find new business partners, helps attract new technologies, skilled labor, investment in research and development and innovation, strengthens the human, technical, scientific, capital, innovation, partnership and other capabilities of individual cluster members, provides access to unique, specialized resources and enhances the competitive advantage of cluster members, helps to reduce the costs of small and medium-sized enterprises, prepare SMEs for growth, helps reduce risk and increases the likelihood of success in selecting new R&D trends

    Synthesis of the topological structure of rood freight transport system

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    Synthesis of regional road transport freight system’s topological structure enables the assessment of impact exercised by various structural characteristics on the functioning of the system. Consequently, it should increase the quality of project solutions in the stage of system structural synthesis. Models of optimization and simulation (included into the simulation procedure of optimization of topological structure) have other possibilities as well. For instance, simulation model enables the solution of various objectives of functional analysis of systems, such as the efficiency comparison analysis of stability of structure undergoing the changes of meanings of system’s parameters, the analysis of managing impacts of various types, loading technologies, etc

    The Importance of Education in Peace Marketing

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    Peace defined means the absence of war. War and peace have always been not only military but also political issues advantage. Educational systems are confronted with exceptional challenges during violent conflict. During the conflict International humanitarian law is particularly important. Geneva Conventions a specific reference to protection related to education in wartime. Education peace is also related to the creation of values and skills that help students achieve fullness a life that embraces all people. Education peace relates to aid pupils to recognize many forms and causes violence and promote values and skills to live society. Peace marketing is trying to influence social behavior, change attitudes, habits, and not to the marketing person, but to the benefits of society in general. Article analyzes peace education concepts, role education in promoting peace marketing, universities peace initiative