75 research outputs found

    My Dear Professor Meral Alpay

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    Saygıdeğer Profesörüm Meral Alpay’ın vefatı nedeniyle kaleme aldığım anı yazısıdır.This is the memoir of my dear Professor Meral Alpay

    An Implementation on Project Management in the Construction Sector

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    In the increasingly globalized world, the most important goal of the businesses is trying to do activities both in time and with the least cost by managing the resources productively. The businesses attach the importance to planning, programming and controlling for the purpose of increasing productivity and ensuring coordination on the ground of increasing competition and extensity of the works. Because of that reason, today Project and Project management become unavoidable in each sector. Regardless of the work done with Project managemet, activies are seen as whole, these activities are examined thoroughly with the appropriate methods of Project analysis and it is created a business plan. The business plans differ in not only management strategies of the business but also application methods in sectors. In this study, it is aimed to examine the contribution of the time analysis to the Project by using the Project planning techniques in a constructional Project. In accordance with this purpose, the Project of the main warehouse conducted in Pamukkale University is investigated with the Project methods and techniques and it is estimated how long it will take. It is put forward reasons for differences by comparing the results with data obtained from the analysis and the actual time of Project

    Resource Description and Access (RDA) Format in University Library: Istanbul Bilgi University Library Cataloging and Metadata Section

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    Bu çalışmada kataloglamada Anglo Amerikan Kataloglama Kuralları 2’nin (AAKK2) yerini alan ve yeni kataloglama standardı olan Kaynak Tanımlama ve Erişim (Resource Description and Access - RDA) formatının İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Kütüphanesinde nasıl uygulandığı, genel tarihçesi ile anlatılmaktadır. Ayrıca İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınevi kitaplarının orijinal katalog formatında nasıl değişiklikler yapıldığı ve şu an kullanılan format örneklendirilmektedir. RDA formatı ile kataloglama yapılarak, kütüphane standartlarının devamlılığı sağlanmakta ve AAKK2’ye göre daha nitelikli ve ayrıntılı katalog yapılmaktadır. Farklı kaynak türlerinde katalogların yapılması ile katalog kütüphanecilerinin RDA konusundaki bilgileri ve tecrübeleri perçinleştirilerek, kaynaklara çok daha hızlı, doğru ve ayrıntılı şekilde erişim mümkün olacaktır. Böylece hem mesleki gelişim hem de bilgi ve belgeye ulaşım sağlanmaya devam edilecektir.In this paper, it will be chronologically described how Resource Description and Access (RDA) format which takes the place of the Anglo American Cataloging Rules 2 (AACR2) has been applied in Bilgi University Libraries. In addition, the changes in the original cataloging format of the books & resources of Istanbul Bilgi University Publishing and the current applications will be illustrated with examples. Cataloging with RDA format ensures the continuity of library standards and more qualified and detailed cataloging which have been made based on the AACR2. By cataloging of different types of sources, it will be possible for catalog librarians to access more accurate and detailed resources much faster by consolidating their knowledge and experience on RDA. Thus; both professional development and access to information and documents will continue

    Aile İklimi Ölçeği’nin Türkçeye Uyarlanması ve PsikometrikAçıdan İncelenmesi

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, Björnberg ve Nicholson (2007) tarafından geliştirilen Aile İklimi Ölçeği’ni (Family Climate Scale) Türkçeye kazandırmak ve ölçeğin psikometrik özelliklerini incelemektir. Açımlayıcı faktör analizinin yürütüldüğü ilk çalışmanın örneklemini 474 (Ort. yaş = 22.39, SS = 2.75) yetişkin oluşturmuştur. Sonuçlar, orijinal ölçeğin 48 maddeden oluşan altı faktörlü yapısı yerine, Türkiye örnekleminde 34 maddeden oluşan üç faktörlü yapıyı desteklemiştir. Bununla birlikte ölçeğin geçerlik ve güvenirlik değerlerinin iyi düzeyde olduğu görülmüştür. Orijinal ölçekte yer alan kuşaklar-arası otorite ve bilişsel uyum boyutları uyarlama çalışmasında büyük oranda aynı kalırken, diğer dört boyut (açık iletişim, duygusal uyum, kuşaklar-arası ilgi, uyumluluk) tek bir faktör altında birleşmiş ve bu faktör aile içi ilişkisellik olarak adlandırılmıştır. Doğrulayıcı faktör analizi çalışmasına ise 446 (Ort yaş = 21.42, SS = 1.64) yetişkin katılmıştır. Açımlayıcı faktör analizinden elde edilen faktör yapısı, doğrulayıcı faktör analizinde test edilmiş ve sonuçlar modelin uyum değerlerinin kabul edilebilir düzeyde olduğunu göstermiştir. Kuşaklar-arası ilişkileri geniş aile bağlamında değerlendiren bu ölçeğin, ulusal yazınına katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. Anahtar kelimeler. Aile iklimi, kuşaklar-arası ilişkiler, geçerlik, güvenirlikThe aim of the current study is to adapt the Family Climate Scale developed by Björnberg and Nicholson, (2007) into Turkish and to examine its psychometric properties. The sample of the first study, in which exploratory factor analyses were performed, consisted of 474 adults (M = 22.39, SD = 2.75). Results supported a three factor solution with 34 items in Turkish sample. The scale also has shown good reliability and validity values. While the intergenerational authority and cognitive cohesion dimensions of the original scale remained almost the same in the Turkish version, the other four dimensions dimensions (open communication, emotional cohesion, intergenerational attention, and adaptability) formed a single factor, named as relatedness in family. The second sample, which was used in confirmatory factor analysis study, consisted of 446 participants (M = 21.42, SD = 1.64). The factor structure obtained from the exploratory factor analysis was tested by using confirmatory factor analysis, and the results showed that the fit indices of the model were acceptable. The scale that evaluates intergenerational interactions in a broad family context will contribute to the related national literature

    Relationship between diagnosis of adhd in offspring and current and retrospective self-reports of parental adhd

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    This study aimed to discover the relationship between parental self-reports of ADHD symptoms and the diagnosis of ADHD in offspring, to demonstrate the extent to which parental ADHD symptoms predict ADHD diagnosis in offspring, to examine the contribution of adult ADHD scales to ADHD diagnosis, and to provide findings on the psychometric utility of adult ADHD scales. The sample consisted of 6-12-year-old boys diagnosed with ADHD (n = 149), boys in the control group (n = 47) and both parents (n = 392). Amongst the many exclusion criteria was the comorbidity of neurological and psychiatric disorders. Parental self-reports of current ADHD symptoms were obtained using the Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Scale (ADD/ADHD Scale), and past symptoms were retrospectively obtained using the Wender-Utah Rating Scale (WUR Scale). For children diagnosed with ADHD, the frequency of parents with ADHD symptoms was higher than the parents without ADHD symptoms; the significance was derived from the group in which both parents displayed ADHD symptoms. The ADHD symptom scores of the parents led to a high accuracy level when predicting ADHD in children (sensitivity) but led to a low accuracy level when classifying children without any diagnosis in the control group (specificity). The study disclosed the psychometric strengths and weaknesses of the ADD/ADHD and WUR scales for measuring parental ADHD symptoms and provided original findings on their psychometric properties

    Prevalence of Allergic Rhinitis in Children in the Trabzon Province of the Black Sea Region of Turkey

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    Objective: We aimed to determine the prevalence of allergic rhinitis in children aged 12-15 years who lived in the Trabzon Province, specify possible risk factors, and compare the data obtained with those of the other studies conducted in our country and in other countries.Methods: First, 1372 students from nine primary schools determined according to the recommendations of Department of Public Health and approval of The Provincial Directorate of Health were screened in their schools with questionnaire forms. Second, students providing the response “yes” to the first and/or second questions in the questionnaire forms were considered as possible allergic rhinitis patients and invited to our clinic. Then, 246 students were subjected to a skin prick test. Data were collected with the evalution of questionnaire and skin prick test results together.Results: The prevalance of allergic rhinitis in children between 12 and 15 years age was found to be 14.5% in Trabzon. Female gender was found to be a relative a risk factor for allergic rhinitis (p=0.015). The prevalence of allergic rhinitis in children whose both parents were smoking was significantly higher than that in children whose only one parent was smoking or both parents were nonsmokers (p=0.0024). In addition, living in an apartment flat (p=0.015) and owing pets (p=0.04) were detected to be other risk factors for allergic rhinitis.Conclusion: According to our investigations, this is the first prevalence study in Trabzon, which is the largest settlement in the Eastern Black Sea Region. The prevalence of allergic rhinitis in children was found to be 14.5%. Female gender, smoking habits of the parents, owing pets, and living in an apartment flat are risk factors for allergic rhinitis

    Okul öncesi çocuklarının aile bağlamında kendileri ve başkaları ile ilgili toplumsal cinsiyet tiplemesi.

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    The current study aims to examine preschoolers’ gender-typing of self and others in the family context. With this aim, three different but complementary studies were conducted. In the first study, mother-child-father triads’ gender stereotypes for the child in the family (self-referenced) vs. a random child (other-referenced) were examined via thematic analysis (Ntriads = 40). Participants’ answers were grouped under gender-consistent, gender-inconsistent, and gender-neutral themes. Although the content did not change for self-referenced and other-referenced information, Linear Mixed Model analyses revealed that fathers and children are more flexible while they are talking about the child in the family. Those themes were used to develop the Parents’ Gender-stereotypical Beliefs about Children Scale (PGBC; N = 597) in the second study. The factor analyses supported four-factor structure, including masculine behaviors expected from boys, not expected from girls and feminine behaviors expected from girls, not expected from boys. In the third study, four different models were tested via path analyses to examine the predictive role of the PGBC scale, division of chores, and childcare on preschoolers’ gender-typing of self and others. Data were collected via home visits (Ntriads = 152). Both parents’ firmer gender-stereotypical beliefs and mothers’ higher perceived responsibility in chores predicted less flexibility in gender stereotypical attitudes. Further, fathers’ higher responsibility in chores predicted less gender-stereotypical personal interest. The current study contributed to the existing literature by examining personal and attitude differences in children’s gender stereotypes and the predictive role of both parents in this process by blending quantitative and qualitative methods.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Psychology

    Bayesıan Approach To Cox Regressıon Model Wıth Covarıate Subject To Measurement Error

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    The Cox regression model with the measurement error covariate can cause an important bias when estimating coefficients by maximizing the known partial likelihood function. In this case, alternative estimation methods have been proposed and the effectiveness of these methods has been discussed. The measurement error occurs when the actual values of the covariates measured on a continuous scale cannot be obtained. Biological measurements such as systolic blood pressure and CD4 count, which are frequently used in survival analysis, are mostly variables with measurement error. The Bayesian approach is one of the methods used to reduce the bias arising from measurement error in the Cox regression model. In this thesis, the corrected Bayesian Cox regression model with polygonal prior to measurement error was proposed as an alternative to the partial likelihood function method, its Bayesian approach and the corrected Bayesian Cox regression model with Gamma prior to measurement error and its effectiveness was investigated. The results of the Cox regression model obtained from the partial likelihood function, its Bayesian analysis, the corrected Bayesian Cox regression model with Gamma prior to measurement error, and the corrected Bayesian Cox regression model with polygonal prior to measurement error were compared. Simulation studies were performed with different scenarios to evaluate the performance of the estimators obtained with these methods. It is concluded that as a result of the analysis, in cases where the risk is high, the corrected Bayesian Cox regression model with Gamma prior to measurement error gives the best results in all scenarios, and in the case of low risk, not a suitable alternative in almost all scenarios. It is also shown that if the risk is low, the corrected Bayesian Cox regression model with polygonal prior to measurement error gives better results in low and medium reliability situations except for low censoring and large sample size, and at least one of the corrected models is an alternative method to Cox regression model and its Bayesian analysis in high reliability scenarios. However, if the model has the explanatory variable subject to measurement error, as the sample size increases, the coverage possibilities for the coefficients obtained by the classical method and its Bayesian analysis decrease well below the normal level especially in low and medium reliability cases. To demonstrate the applicability of the methods in real data, the results of the primary biliary cirrhosis data from the Mayo Clinic study in R were obtained, compared, and interpreted. As a second application, model results were obtained for different samples randomly selected from AIDS data used by Goldman et al. (1996) in R. Based on the information obtained as a result of the simulation study, considering that the Cox and Bayesian Cox regression models are not suitable in the presence of measurement error covariate, the best model for both applications was obtained with the corrected Bayesian Cox regression model with polygonal prior to measurement error.Cox regresyon modeli, ölçüm hatalı açıklayıcı değişken içermesi durumunda bilinen kısmi olabilirlik fonksiyonunun maksimizasyonu ile çözümlendiğinde, katsayı kestirimlerinde önemli bir yana neden olabilir. Bu durumda kısmi olabilirlik yaklaşımına alternatif yeni tahmin yöntemleri önerilmiş ve bu yöntemlerin etkinliği tartışılmıştır. Ölçüm hatası, sürekli ölçekle ölçülmüş açıklayıcı değişkenlerin gerçek değerlerinin elde edilemediği durumlarda ortaya çıkar. Yaşam çözümlemesi çalışmalarında da sıklıkla kullanılan sistolik kan basıncı, CD4 sayısı gibi sürekli ölçekle ölçülmüş biyolojik ölçümler çoğunlukla ölçüm hatası içeren değişkenlerdir. Bayesci yaklaşım, ölçüm hatalı Cox regresyon modelinde yanı azaltmak için kullanılan yöntemlerden biridir. Bu tez çalışmasında ölçüm hatası için düzeltilmiş poligonal önselli Bayesci Cox regresyon modeli, literatürde yer alan kısmi olabilirlik fonksiyonuna, Bayesci çözümlemesine ve ölçüm hatası için düzeltilmiş Gamma önselli Bayesci Cox regresyon modeline alternatif olarak önerilmiş ve etkinliği incelenmiştir. Kısmi olabilirlik fonksiyonundan elde edilen Cox regresyon modeli, Bayesci çözümlemesi, ölçüm hatası için düzeltilmiş Gamma önselli Bayesci Cox regresyon modeli ve ölçüm hatası için düzeltilmiş poligonal önselli Bayesci Cox regresyon modeli sonuçları karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu yöntemlerle elde edilen tahmin edicilerin performansını değerlendirmek için farklı senaryolar ile benzetim çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda riskin yüksek olduğu durumlarda ölçüm hatası için düzeltilmiş Gamma önselli Bayesci Cox regresyon modelinin tüm senaryolarda en iyi sonucu verdiği, riskin düşük olduğu durumda ise ölçüm hatası için düzeltilmiş Gamma önselli Bayesci Cox regresyon modelinin neredeyse tüm senaryolarda uygun bir alternatif olmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ölçüm hatası için düzeltilmiş poligonal önselli Bayesci Cox regresyon modelinin düşük riskte, düşük ve orta güvenirlik durumlarında, büyük örneklem ve düşük durdurma hariç daha iyi sonuç verdiği, yüksek güvenirlikteki senaryolarda ise Cox regresyon modeline ve Bayesci çözümlemesine düzeltilmiş yöntemlerden en az birinin alternatif bir yöntem olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ancak ölçüm hatalı açıklayıcı değişken olması durumunda örneklem büyüklüğü arttıkça klasik yöntem ve Bayesci çözümlemesi ile elde edilen katsayılar için kapsama olasılıkları özellikle düşük ve orta güvenirlik durumlarında normal düzeyinin oldukça altına düşmektedir. Yöntemlerin gerçek verilerde uygulanabilirliğini göstermek amacıyla R programında yer alan Mayo Klinik çalışmasından elde edilen primer biliyer sirozu verisinde sonuçlar elde edilmiş, karşılaştırılmış ve yorumlanmıştır. İkinci bir uygulama olarak R programında yer alan Goldman ve ark.’nın (1996) kullanmış oldukları AIDS verisinden rastgele seçilen farklı örneklemler için model sonuçları elde edilmiştir. Benzetim çalışması sonucunda ulaşılan bilgiye dayanarak ölçüm hatalı açıklayıcı değişken olması durumunda Cox ve Bayesci Cox çözümlemelerinin uygun olmadığı düşünüldüğünde her iki uygulama için en iyi model poligonal önselli Bayesci Cox regresyon modeli sonucunda elde edilmiştir

    3.sınıf kız öğrencileri ve bu öğrencilerin anneleri cinsiyete bağlı kalıp yargılarını ve bu kalıp yargılarına bağlı ailesel kısıtlamaları nasıl algılar: Türkiye’de bir kültür içi karşılaştırma

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    The aim of the current study was to examine third-grade female Turkish students’ and their mothers’ perceptions on gender stereotypes and parental restriction based on gender stereotypic expectations considering within-culture differences (Ankara vs Mersin) and personal characteristics of mothers. 168 third grade female students and their mothers participated in the study (103 from Mersin and 65 from Ankara). BEM Sex Role Inventory (Bem, 1981), Balanced Integration and Differentiation Scale (İmamoğlu, 1998; 2003), Emphatic Tendency Scale (Dökmen, 1988) and were given to mothers. In addition, children were asked to read six hypothetical scenarios related to gender stereotypes and to answer the following questions. The following questions included the evaluation and justification of three different situations Similarly, mothers filled out the adult version of those gender related questions. The results showed that as the individuation level of mothers increased and femininity level decreased, they showed more support for gender inconsistent situations. In addition, higher empathy scores of mothers predicted higher support for gender consistent situations. Individuation and femininity scores of mothers also significantly predicted their tolerance to gender based parental restriction. No within-culture differences were found. Finally, no significant relationship was found between the predictors and children’s evaluation on gender related situations. Mothers’ and children’s evaluation on gender consistent and inconsistent situations were correlated with each other. The types of justifications that the children and their mothers used for three different situations were given in the results section. Limitations and contributions of the study were discussed in light of the related literature.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Ağ analizi ve zaman serisi yöntemleri ile patent verisi analizi

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    Hem özel hem kamu kurumları stratejik yatırımlar yapabilmek ve çalışmalarını hangi yönde ilerletmeleri gerektiğini öğrenebilmek için gelişmekte olan teknolojilere ilişkin ön bilgilere büyük ilgi duyarlar. Gelişmeleri izlemek ve yönelimleri takip etmek için patent dokümanlarından teknoloji tahminleri yapmak son zamanlarda ortaya çıkan ve parlayan bir araştırma alanıdır. Bugüne kadar farklı alanlarda teknoloji tahmini yapıp sonuçlarını paylaşan birçok çalışma yapılmıştır. Ancak günümüzün en önemli konularından olan bilgi güvenliği için teknoloji tahmini alanında yapılan çalışmalar kısıtlıdır. Son zamanlarda bilgi güvenliği hem yazılım, hem donanım hem de insanı ilgilendiren karmaşık bir yapı haline gelmiştir. Bunun sonucunda, bilgi güvenliği alanında ortaya çıkan yeni teknolojiler hızla artmaktadır. Bu çalışmada da son on yılda alınan patentlerden bilgi güvenliğini ilgilendirenler veri seti olarak hazırlanmış ve çalışmanın devamında veri setindeki patentler ağ analizi ve zaman serisi analizi yöntemleriyle incelenmiştir. Ağ analiziyle yıl bazında analizler yapılıp hangi yıl hangi ülkenin hangi patent sınıfıyla bu alana yöneldiği izlenmiştir. Aynı zamanda ağ analizi tüm veri seti için de yapılmış olup, son on yılın bilgi güvenliği alanında en çok patent alan ülkesi ve en çok patente sahip sınıfı belirlenmiştir. Patentler sınıflandırma sistemi sayesinde teknik alanlara göre ayrılmaktadır.Zaman serisi analizinde frekans değerine farklı bir bakış açısıyla yaklaşıp, veri setinde en çok kullanılan dokuz patent sınıfı frekans olarak kullanılmış ve bu şekilde yapılan zaman serisi analizi sonuçları paylaşılmıştır. Zaman serisi analizi için farklı yöntemler denenmiş, 2019 yılı için en yakın tahmini yapan metodun 2020 yılı için yaptığı tahminleri dikkate alınmıştır. Değerlendirmemiz önerilen zaman serisi analizi yönteminin 2019 yılı ilk 6 ayı için bilgi güvenliği alanında alınan patentlerin patent sınıflarına ait patent sayılarını %98 doğrulukla hesaplayabileceğini ortaya koymaktadır.--------------------Both private and public institutions are very interested in prior knowledge of emerging technologies in order to make strategic investments and learn how to advance their work. Technology forecasting from patent documents to follow developments and follow trends is a recent and shining field of research. Until today, many studies have been conducted in different fields that make technology forecasts and share their results. However, studies in the field of technology forecasting for information security, which is one of the most important issues of today, are limited.Recently, information security has become a complex structure that concerns both software, hardware and people. As a result, new technologies emerging in the field of information security are increasing rapidly.In this study, among the patents obtained in the last decade, those concerning information security were prepared as a data set, and the patents in the data set were examined by network analysis and time series analysis methods.With the network analysis, year-based analyzes were made and it was monitored which year which country and which patent class directed to this field. At the same time, the network analysis was performed for the entire data set, and the country with the most patents and the class with the most patents in the field of information security of the last decade was determined. Patents are divided according to technical areas thanks to the classification system.In the time series analysis, approaching the frequency value from a different perspective, the most used nine patent class frequencies in the data set were used and the results of the time series analysis made in this way were shared. Different methods were tried for time series analysis, and the estimates made for 2020 by the method that made the closest estimate for 2019 were taken into account. Our evaluation reveals that the proposed time series analysis method can calculate the number of patents belonging to patent classes of patents received in the field of information security for the first half of 2019 with 98% accuracy