86 research outputs found

    Sistema de iluminación viaria adaptativa

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    El objetivo de este proyecto es desarrollar un sistema que monitorice el estado de tránsito e iluminación de un tramo de vía y según los parámetros disponibles actuar sobre la iluminación de dicho tramo. Otro objetivo es también el de reducir el consumo eléctrico y alargar la vida útil de los elementos lumínicos, al no estar constantemente sometidos a la misma potencia de funcionamiento. Optimizar los recursos para ofrecer el mismo servicio con un coste mínimo es la tendencia a seguir. Además el sistema funcionará de forma autónoma, sin que sea necesaria la intervención externa para su funcionamiento normal. La red de sensores decidirá en cada momento si iluminar la vía y con qué cantidad de luz debe hacerlo. Este proyecto no puede tomarse como una solución global a la tarea de iluminación viaria. Según la Guía Técnica de Eficiencia Energética en Iluminación, previsto en el RD 1890/2008, hay una gran variedad de factores a la hora de abordar la iluminación pública, como son el tipo de vía, luminarias a utilizar, volumen del tráfico, características de la vía etc. y que se deberán tener en cuenta para adecuar el sistema.Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de GestiónKudeaketa Informatikako Ingeniaritza Tekniko

    Espezialitateko hizkerak eta terminologia II. Euskara estandarra eta espezialitate hizkerak

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    Aurkibidea:- Aurkezpena: Espezialistak idazle.- Espezialitate-arloko terminoak hiztegi orokorretan.- Terminologia-Bankuaren eguneratzea espezialitateko testu normalizatuen corpusa baliatuz.- XX. mendeko euskararen corpus estatistikotik XXI. mendeko erreferentzia corpusera.- Zientzia eta Teknologiaren Corpusa: diseinua eta metodologia.- Irrati-telebistako glosarioa.- Espezialitate-hizkeren garapen lexiko-diskurtsiboa: aldakortasun terminologikoa tratatzeko zenbait irizpide.- Morfologia lexikoa eta hizkera bereziak. -tzaile atzizkia: egile- eta tresna-atzizkia.- Filosofia alemana euskaraz eta euskara estandarra.- Euskara-gaztelania Terminologia Elebidunaren Erauzle Automatikoa.- Zenbait gogoeta euskal definizioen idazkeraz.- Gaztelaniazko agindu- edota betebehar-balioko geroaldiaren ordainak euskarazko administrazio-testuetan.- Magnitude fisikoen neurrien deklinabidea eta joskera.- Ere eta aurresuposizioa hizkera berezituetan.- Espezialitateko hizkeren irakaskuntza: ikuspegi didaktikoa.- Gramatika- eta estilo-arauak espezialitate-hizkeren garapen diskurtsiboari begira.- Terminologia batzordearen lana.- Zientzia-prosa: hitzartutako eredu baten bila.- Gaikako aurkibide

    Analysis of different inhibitors for magnesium investment casting

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    Investment casting of magnesium is a well suited process for the production of aeronautic and automotive components. But still, this process has not been properly developed. One reason for that are the reactions between the Mg melt and the ceramics of the mould that produce a non-desired oxide layer on the part surface. These reactions can be inhibited by the use of silica-free slurries with a higher stability than conventional ones. Another way is using inhibitors, chemical compounds based in fluorides that react with the melt, creating a protective surface layer in the casting. With the aim of developing a reaction-free process, alumina moulds with a stepped geometry have been constructed. These provide different interface conditions. Conventional SF6, non-conventional KBF4 and NaBF4, and environmentally friendly FK inhibitors have been tested on. As a result, KBF4 has been identified as the most suitable inhibitor for magnesium investment casting. Furthermore, the analysis of the cooling curve of different interfaces has provided essential information about the reaction mechanism of the inhibitors

    Do the Effects of Resveratrol on Thermogenic and Oxidative Capacities in IBAT and Skeletal Muscle Depend on Feeding Conditions?

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    The aim of this study was to compare the effects of mild energy restriction and resveratrol on thermogenic and oxidative capacity in interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) and in skeletal muscle. Rats were fed a high-fat high-sucrose diet for six weeks, and divided into four experimental groups fed a standard diet: a control group, a resveratrol-treated group, an energy-restricted group and an energy-restricted group treated with resveratrol. Weights of IBAT, gastrocnemius muscle and fat depots were measured. Activities of carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) and citrate synthase (CS), protein levels of sirtuin (SIRT1 and 3), uncoupling proteins (UCP1 and 3), glucose transporter (GLUT4), mitochondrial transcription factor (TFAM), nuclear respiratory factor (NRF1), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) and AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator (PGC1) activation were measured. No changes in IBAT and gastrocnemius weights were found. Energy-restriction, but not resveratrol, decreased the weights of adipose depots. In IBAT, resveratrol enhanced thermogenesis activating the SIRT1/PGC1/PPAR axis. Resveratrol also induced fatty acid oxidation and glucose uptake. These effects were similar when resveratrol was combined with energy restriction. In the case of gastrocnemius muscle, the effects were not as clear as in the case of IBAT. In this tissue, resveratrol increased oxidative capacity. The combination of resveratrol and energy restriction seemingly did not improve the effects induced by the polyphenol alone.This research was funded by MINECO (AGL-2015-65719-R-MINECO/FEDER, UE), University of the Basque Country (ELDUNANOTEK UFI11/32), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERobn) and Basque Government (IT-572-13). Inaki Milton-Laskibar is a recipient of a doctoral fellowship from the Gobierno Vasco

    Involvement of autophagy in the beneficial effects of resveratrol in hepatic steatosis treatment. A comparison with energy restriction

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    Autophagy eliminates damaged cellular components. In the liver, it has been proposed that it mediates the breakdown of lipid droplets. This study aimed to compare the involvement of autophagy and the oxidative status in the effects of resveratrol and energy restriction as therapeutic tools for managing liver steatosis. In addition, potential additive or synergic effects were studied. Rats were fed a high-fat high-sucrose diet for 6 weeks and then divided into four experimental groups and fed a standard diet: a control group (C), a resveratrol-treated group (RSV, 30 mg kg−1 d−1), an energy restricted group (R, −15%), and an energy restricted group treated with resveratrol (RR). Liver triacylglycerols (TGs) were measured by Folch's method. TBARS, GSH, GSSG, GPx and SOD were assessed using commercial kits. The protein expression of beclin, atg5 and p62, as well as ratios of pSer555 ULK1/total ULK1, pSer757 ULK1/total ULK1 and LC3 II/I were determined by western blotting. Energy restriction increased the protein expression of beclin, atg5 and pSer757 ULK1/total ULK1 and LC3 II/I ratios, and reduced the protein expression of p62, thus indicating that it induced autophagy activation. The effects of resveratrol were similar but less marked than the hypocaloric diet. No differences were observed in oxidative stress determinants except for TBARS, which was decreased by energy restriction. In conclusion, resveratrol can reverse partially dietary-induced hepatic lipid accumulation, although less efficiently than energy restriction. The delipidating effect of energy restriction is mediated in part by the activation of autophagy; however, the involvement of this process in the effects of resveratrol is less clear

    New emerging targets in cancer immunotherapy: CD137/4-1BB costimulatory axis

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    CD137 (4-1BB) is a surface glycoprotein that belongs to the tumour necrosis factor receptor family (TNFRSF9). Its expression is induced on activation on a number of leucocyte types. Interestingly, for cancer immunotherapy, CD137 becomes expressed on primed T and natural killer (NK) cells, which on ligation provides powerful costimulatory signals. Perturbation of CD137 by CD137L or agonist monoclonal antibodies on activated CD8 T cells protects such antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes from apoptosis, enhances effector functionalities and favours persistence and memory differentiation. As a consequence, agonist antibodies exert potent antitumour effects in mouse models and the CD137 signalling domain is critical in chimeric antigen receptors (CAR) of CAR T cells approved to be used in the clinic. New formats of CD137 agonist moieties are being clinically developed, seeking potent costimulation targeted to the tumour microenvironment to avoid liver inflammation side effects, that have thus far limited and delayed clinical development

    Zibererasoetatik babesteko, hacking etikoaren balioa

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    2020an, teknologiak bultzatutako gizarte batean bizi gara, eta datuak komunikatzeko sistemak funtsezkoak bihurtu dira gure eguneroko bizitzaren alderdi guztietan. Covid19-k erakutsi digu ezagutzen ez dugunak eszenatoki eta bizimodu berrietara eraman gaitzakeela, duela hilabete batzuk imajinatu ere ezin genituen lekuetara. Gaur egun, pertsonen, enpresen eta erakundeen arteko harremanak inoiz baino gehiago oinarritzen dira telekomunikazio-sareetan, eta, beraz, zibersegurtasun sofistikatuaren beharra oso garrantzitsua bihurtzen ari da gero eta handiagoak diren zibererasoetatik babesteko. Enpresak eta erakundeak diru kopuru handiak inbertitzen ari dira beren segurtasun zibernetikoan. Egoera horretan, hacking etikoa ohiko tresna bihurtu da behar den segurtasun-maila zehazteko. Hacking etikoaren helburua da sare informatikoetan ahuleziak eta kalteberatasunak aurkitzea, hackerrek sareetan sartzeko eta softwarearen ahuleziak azaltzeko erabiltzen dituzten ezagutza eta tresna berberak erabiliz. Dibulgazio-artikulu honek hacking etikoa zer den, zer onura dituen eta zergatik den beharrezkoa azaltzen du. Hacking etikoari buruzko artearen egoera bat aurkezten du, eta erakusten du enpresek eta erakundeek nola inplementa lezaketen hacking etikoa, sarbide-testetan (Penetration Testing Execution Standard, PTES) oinarritutako metodologia erabiliz.; In 2020, we are living in a technology driven society where data communication systems have become essential in all aspects of our daily life. Covid19 has shown us that the unknown can take us to new scenarios and ways of life that we could not even imagine months ago. Nowadays, relationships between people, companies, and institutions are based more than ever, on telecommunication networks and thus the need for sophisticated cybersecurity is becoming extremely important to protect us from ever-increasing cyber-attacks. Companies and institutions are investing substantial amounts of money in their own cybersecurity. In this scenario, ethical hacking has become a frequent tool to determine the needed security-level. Ethical hacking aims to find weaknesses and vulnerabilities in computer networks, using the same knowledge and tools that hackers use to penetrate networks and expose software vulnerabilities. This disclosure article describes what ethical hacking is, its benefits and why it is needed. It presents a state of the art about ethical hacking and shows how companies and institutions could implement ethical hacking using a methodology based on Penetration Tests (Penetration Testing Execution Standard, PTES)

    U-Shaped and Surface Functionalized Polymer Optical Fiber Probe for Glucose Detection

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    In this work we show an optical fiber evanescent wave absorption probe for glucose detection in different physiological media. High selectivity is achieved by functionalizing the surface of an only-core poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) polymer optical fiber with phenilboronic groups, and enhanced sensitivity by using a U-shaped geometry. Employing a supercontinuum light source and a high-resolution spectrometer, absorption measurements are performed in the broadband visible light spectrum. Experimental results suggest the feasibility of such a fiber probe as a low-cost and selective glucose detector.This work has been funded in part by the European Regional Development Fund; in part by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad under project TEC2015-638263-C03-1-R; and in part by the Gobierno Vasco/Eusko Jaurlaritza under projects IT933-16, IT718-13, and ELKARTEK (KK-2016/0030, KK-2017/00033, KK-2017/00089, KK-2016/0059). Authors are also grateful to the technical and human support provided by SGIKER (UPV/EHU, MICINN, GV/EJ, ERDF, and ESF). The work of Mikel Azkune was supported in part by a research fellowship from the Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), Vicerrectorado de Euskera y Formacion Continua

    Urban Energy Transitions in Europe, towards Low-Socio-Environmental Impact Cities

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    Achieving the ambitious targets set by Europe in its 2050 roadmap, moving away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy sources, while reducing carbon emissions, will require a radical change in Europe’s energy system. Much of the action that will enable this energy transition to be realised in a democratic way is at the local level. It is at this level that many of the decisions regarding the energy transition desired by European citizens will have to be taken. The methodology used in this study is based on data collection, literature review, data validation and analysis. A part of this analysis will also be taken by the mPower project as a diagnostic baseline. The first finding of this research work is that energy transition data availability at the local level is quite low. Second, the local authorities are experiencing difficulties in decarbonising their energy consumption. Finally, the factor with highest positive relationships with other energy transition variables is the number of people employed in the field of energy transition. The results suggest that in order to lead a participatory energy transition, the workforce specifically dedicated to energy transition is a key factor, clearly differentiating it from staff working on the general energy field.This research was funded by the European Union’s H2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement 785171—mPOWER project. The research has been supported by ‘Ekopol: Iraunkortasunerako Bideak’ research group, recognised by the Basque Government (IT-1365-19) and the University of the Basque Country (GIC-18/22)