14,830 research outputs found

    INTEGRAL-ISGRI observations of the CygOB2 region: earching for hard X-ray point sources in a region containing several non-thermal emitting massive stars

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    Aims: We analyze INTEGRAL-ISGRI data in order to probe the hard X-ray emission (above 20 keV) from point sources in the Cyg OB2 region and to investigate the putative non-thermal high-energy emission from early-type stars (Wolf-Rayet and O-type stars). Among the targets located in the field of view, we focus on the still unidentified EGRET source 3EG 2033+4118 that may be related to massive stars known to produce non-thermal emission in the radio domain, and on the wide colliding-wind binary WR 140. Methods: Using a large set of data obtained with the IBIS-ISGRI imager onboard INTEGRAL, we run the OSA software package in order to find point sources in the fully coded field of view of the instrument. Results: Our data do not allow the detection of a lower-energy counterpart of 3EG J2033+4118 nor of any other new point sources in the field of view, and we derive upper limits on the high-energy flux for a few targets: 3EG J2033+4118, TeV J2032+4130, WR140, WR146 and WR147. The results are discussed in the context of the multiwavelength investigation of these objects. Conclusions: The upper limits derived are valuable constraints for models aimed at understanding the acceleration of particles in non-thermal emitting massive stars, and of the still unidentified very-high gamma-ray source TeV J2032+4130.Comment: 6 page, 2 figures including one figure in GIF format, accepted for publication by A&

    The investigation of particle acceleration in colliding-wind massive binaries with SIMBOL-X

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    An increasing number of early-type (O and Wolf-Rayet) colliding wind binaries (CWBs) is known to accelerate particles up to relativistic energies. In this context, non-thermal emission processes such as inverse Compton (IC) scattering are expected to produce a high energy spectrum, in addition to the strong thermal emission from the shock-heated plasma. SIMBOL-X will be the ideal observatory to investigate the hard X-ray spectrum (above 10 keV) of these systems, i.e. where it is no longer dominated by the thermal emission. Such observations are strongly needed to constrain the models aimed at understanding the physics of particle acceleration in CWB. Such systems are important laboratories for investigating the underlying physics of particle acceleration at high Mach number shocks, and probe a different region of parameter space than studies of supernova remnants.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the workshop "Simbol-X: the hard X-ray universe in focus", held in Bologna, Italy (14-16 May 2007

    Heterotic String Compactifications on Half-flat Manifolds II

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    In this paper, we continue the analysis of heterotic string compactifications on half-flat mirror manifolds by including the 10-dimensional gauge fields. It is argued, that the heterotic Bianchi identity is solved by a variant of the standard embedding. Then, the resulting gauge group in four dimensions is still E6 despite the fact that the Levi-Civita connection has SO(6) holonomy. We derive the associated four-dimensional effective theories including matter field terms for such compactifications. The results are also extended to more general manifolds with SU(3) structure.Comment: 31 page

    Phase resolved spectroscopy of the Vela pulsar with XMM-Newton

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    The ~10^4 y old Vela Pulsar represents the bridge between the young Crab-like and the middle-aged rotation powered pulsars. Its multiwavelength behaviour is due to the superposition of different spectral components. We take advantage of the unprecedented harvest of photons collected by XMM-Newton to assess the Vela Pulsar spectral shape and to study the pulsar spectrum as a function of its rotational phase. As for the middle-aged pulsars Geminga, PSR B0656+14 and PSR B1055-52 (the "Three Musketeers"), the phase-integrated spectrum of Vela is well described by a three-component model, consisting of two blackbodies (T_bb1=(1.06+/-0.03)x10^6 K, R_bb1=5.1+/-0.3 km, T_bb2=(2.16+/-0.06)x10^6 K, R_bb2=0.73+/-0.08 km) plus a power-law (gamma=2.2+/-0.3). The relative contributions of the three components are seen to vary as a function of the pulsar rotational phase. The two blackbodies have a shallow 7-9% modulation. The cooler blackbody, possibly related to the bulk of the neutron star surface, has a complex modulation, with two peaks per period, separated by ~0.35 in phase, the radio pulse occurring exactly in between. The hotter blackbody, possibly originating from a hot polar region, has a nearly sinusoidal modulation, with a single, broad maximum aligned with the second peak of the cooler blackbody, trailing the radio pulse by ~0.15 in phase. The non thermal component, magnetospheric in origin, is present only during 20% of the pulsar phase and appears to be opposite to the radio pulse. XMM-Newton phase-resolved spectroscopy unveils the link between the thermally emitting surface of the neutron star and its charge-filled magnetosphere, probing emission geometry as a function of the pulsar rotation. This is a fundamental piece of information for future 3-dimensional modeling of the pulsar magnetosphere.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Quantum Gravity Corrections for Schwarzschild Black Holes

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    We consider the Matrix theory proposal describing eleven-dimensional Schwarzschild black holes. We argue that the Newtonian potential between two black holes receives a genuine long range quantum gravity correction, which is finite and can be computed from the supergravity point of view. The result agrees with Matrix theory up to a numerical factor which we have not computed.Comment: 14 pages, Tex, no figure

    Long Term Variability of SDSS Quasars

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    We use a sample of 3791 quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Early Data Release (EDR), and compare their photometry to historic plate material for the same set of quasars in order to study their variability properties. The time base-line we attain this way ranges from a few months to up to 50 years. In contrast to monitoring programs, where relatively few quasars are photometrically measured over shorter time periods, we utilize existing databases to extend this base-line as much as possible, at the cost of sampling per quasar. Our method, however, can easily be extended to much larger samples. We construct variability Structure Functions and compare these to the literature and model functions. From our modeling we conclude that 1) quasars are more variable toward shorter wavelengths, 2) their variability is consistent with an exponentially decaying light-curve with a typical time-scale of ~2 years, 3) these outbursts occur on typical time-scales of ~200 years. With the upcoming first data release of the SDSS, a much larger quasar sample can be used to put these conclusions on a more secure footing.Comment: 16 pages, accepted for publication in AJ, Sept issu

    Recurrent Neutrino Emission from Supermassive Black Hole Mergers

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    The recent detection of possible neutrino emission from the blazar TXS 0506+056 was the first high-energy neutrino associated with an astrophysical source, making this special type of active galaxies promising neutrino emitters. The fact that two distinct episodes of neutrino emission were detected with a separation of around 3 years suggests that emission could be periodic. Periodic emission is expected from supermassive binary black hole systems due to jet precession close to the binary's merger. Here we show that if TXS 0506+056 is a binary source then the next neutrino flare could occur before the end of 2021. We derive the binary properties that would lead to the detection of gravitational waves from this system by LISA. Our results for the first time quantify the time scale of these correlations for the example of TXS 0506+056, providing clear predictions for both the neutrino and gravitational-wave signatures of such sources.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitte

    The Projected Rotational Velocity Distribution of a Sample of OB stars from a Calibration based on Synthetic He I lines

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    We derive projected rotational velocities (vsini) for a sample of 156 Galactic OB star members of 35 clusters, HII regions, and associations. The HeI lines at λλ\lambda\lambda4026, 4388, and 4471A were analyzed in order to define a calibration of the synthetic HeI full-widths at half maximum versus stellar vsini. A grid of synthetic spectra of HeI line profiles was calculated in non-LTE using an extensive helium model atom and updated atomic data. The vsini's for all stars were derived using the He I FWHM calibrations but also, for those target stars with relatively sharp lines, vsini values were obtained from best fit synthetic spectra of up to 40 lines of CII, NII, OII, AlIII, MgII, SiIII, and SIII. This calibration is a useful and efficient tool for estimating the projected rotational velocities of O9-B5 main-sequence stars. The distribution of vsini for an unbiased sample of early B stars in the unbound association Cep OB2 is consistent with the distribution reported elsewhere for other unbound associations.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    On the Supergravity Gauge theory Correspondence and the Matrix Model

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    We review the assumptions and the logic underlying the derivation of DLCQ Matrix models. In particular we try to clarify what remains valid at finite NN, the role of the non-renormalization theorems and higher order terms in the supergravity expansion. The relation to Maldacena's conjecture is also discussed. In particular the compactification of the Matrix model on T3T_3 is compared to the AdS5×S5AdS_5\times S_5 N=4{\cal N}=4 super Yang-Mills duality, and the different role of the branes in the two cases is pointed out.Comment: 19 pages, Late