22 research outputs found

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    看護系大学一校の成人看護学実習および老年看護学実習における看護学生の看護基本技術についてその見学または実施状況を明らかにし, 今後の講義・演習の内容や, 実習カリキュラムと実習施設, 実習指導の在り方等を検討するための基礎資料とすることを目的に, 文献等から選定した看護基本技術118項目の「見学」または「指導者の助言・監督下で実施」について調査した. 同大学で領域別看護学実習を履修した4年生のうち協力の得られた79名(回答率98.8%)のデータを分析した結果, 成人看護学実習・老年看護学実習の全般において, 環境整備, 清潔ケア, バイタルサイン測定, 病態・症状観察等の看護基本技術を見学または実施した学生が過半数を超えた. 一方, 呼吸, 排泄, 与薬, 救急, 症状・生体機能管理, 感染予防面の看護基本技術の見学または実施は, 全体の4分の1程度にとどまった. 学生が, 多様な治療を受ける患者の看護を学ぶことを通し, 臨地実習の場で見学や実施したことを振り返り, そして現象を関連付けて理解できる実習を編成することの重要性が示唆された.The purpose of this survey is to identify the current status of fundamental nursing skills performed by nursing students in adult and gerontological nursing practicums incorporated as part of a four-year baccalaureate nursing program. There were 118 survey items about fundamental nursing skills selected from the related literature. For each fundamental nursing skill the respondents were asked to answer, "have observed demonstration of this skill", "have performed this skill under the supervision of clinical nurse instructors" or "have not had any chance for observation or performance". Seventy-nine senior students (response rate: 98.8%) agreed to fill in and submit the survey sheet. The survey showed that more than half of the respondents had observed demonstration of, or had performed under supervision, such fundamental skills as management of the environment of care (cleanliness and safety of hospital beds and rooms), personal and hygiene care, vital sign measurement, assessment and monitoring of signs and symptoms in either adult or gerontological nursing practicum, or in both. In addition, about less than one-fourths of the respondents reported that they had observed demonstration of, or had performed under supervision, skills like respiratory care, elimination care, medication, monitoring and maintenance of vital functions and infection control. These results indicate the importance of arranging nursing practicums in such a way that students can learn a variety of nursing interventions and clinical skills in diverse care settings. Furthermore, nursing students need to be encouraged to learn through observation, performance under supervision and reflection so that they can understand the meaning of a variety of interconnected phenomena