3,626 research outputs found

    Relics of Supersymmetry in Ordinary 1-flavor QCD: Hairpin Diagrams and Scalar-Pseudoscalar Degeneracy

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    The large-NcN_c orientifold planar equivalence between N=1\mathcal{N}=1 SUSY Yang-Mills theory and ordinary 1-flavor QCD suggests that low-energy quark-gluon dynamics in QCD should be constrained by the supersymmetry of the parent theory. One SUSY relic expected from orientifold equivalence is the approximate degeneracy of the scalar and pseudoscalar mesons in 1-flavor QCD. Here we study the role of the qqˉq\bar{q} annihilation (hairpin) contributions to the meson correlators. These annihilation terms induce mass shifts of opposite sign in the scalar and pseudoscalar channels, making degeneracy plausible. Calculations of valence and hairpin correlators in quenched lattice QCD are consistent with approximate degeneracy, although the errors on the scalar hairpin are large. We also study the role of qqˉq\bar{q} annihilation in the 1- and 2-flavor Nambu-Jona Lasinio model, where annihilation terms arise from the chiral field determinant representing the axial U(1) anomaly. Scalar-pseudoscalar degeneracy for the 1-flavor case reduces to a constraint on the relative size of the anomalous and non-anomalous 4-fermion couplings.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Fractionally charged Wilson loops as a probe of ξ\theta-dependence in CPN−1CP^{N-1} sigma models: Instantons vs. large N

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    The behavior of Wilson loops with fractional charge is used to study the Ξ\theta-dependence of the free energy density Ï”(Ξ)\epsilon(\theta) for the CP1CP^1, CP5CP^5, and CP9CP^9 sigma models in two spacetime dimensions. The function Ï”(Ξ)\epsilon(\theta) is extracted from the area law for a Wilson loop of charge q=Ξ/2πq=\theta/2\pi. For CP1CP^1, Ï”(Ξ)\epsilon(\theta) is smooth in the region Ξ≈π\theta\approx\pi and well-described by a dilute instanton gas throughout the range 0<Ξ<2π0<\theta<2\pi. For CP5CP^5 and CP9CP^9 the energy exhibits a clear cusp and evidence for discrete, degenerate vacua at Ξ=π\theta = \pi, as expected from large NN arguments. For CP9CP^9 the Ξ\theta-dependence is in good quantitative agreement with the leading order large NN prediction Ï”(Ξ)=1/2χtΞ2\epsilon(\theta)={1/2}\chi_t\theta^2 throughout the range 0<Ξ<π0<\theta<\pi.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Modulation of p27/Cdk2 complex formation through 4D5-mediated inhibition of HER2 receptor signaling

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    The molecular mechanisms mediating the anti-proliferative effects of the murine anti-HER2 monoclonal antibody (4D5) were investigated in HER2-overexpressing human carcinoma cell lines. Treatment with 4D5 resulted in a dramatic accumulation of BT-474 breast carcinoma cells in Gl; concomitant with reduced expression of proteins involved in sequestration of the cyclin E/Cdk2 inhibitor protein p27, increased association of p27 with Cdk2 complexes and Cdk2 inactivation. No equivalent effects were observed in BT-474 cells treated with a control, non-inhibitory HER2 monoclonal antibody (FRP5) or in a HER2-overexpressing cell line insensitive to 4D5 treatment (MKN7 gastric carcinoma cells), confirming the relationship between these molecular changes and 4D5-mediated inhibition of proliferation. Increased p27 expression was also observed in 4D5-treated BT-474 cells; however an antisense approach demonstrated that this increase was not required for Cdk2 inactivation or establishment of the Gl block. These data suggest that 4D5 interferes with HER2 receptor signaling, resulting in downregulation of proteins involved in p27 sequestration. This causes release of p27, allowing binding and inhibition of cyclin E/Cdk2 complexes and inhibition of Gl/S progression. This model was confirmed using a second 4D5-sensitive, HER2-overexpressing breast tumor line (SKBR3), and suggests that the dependency of a given tumor cell on elevated HER2-receptor signaling for the maintenance of p27 sequestration proteins may determine the clinical response to treatment with the humanized anti-HER2 monoclonal antibody HerceptinÂź (trastuzumab

    Le dĂ©bit Ă©lĂ©ment clĂ© de la vie des cours d’eau : bilan des altĂ©rations et des possibilitĂ©s de restauration

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    La gestion quantitative de la ressource en eau constitue l’un des principaux enjeux mondiaux tant du point de vue environnemental, Ă©conomique que sociologique. Les besoins en eau continuent de croĂźtre et la ressource est dĂ©jĂ  fortement utilisĂ©e. Les rĂ©gimes de dĂ©bits de la majoritĂ© des grands cours d’eau sont modifiĂ©s par des amĂ©nagements. Ces modifications ont des consĂ©quences fortes sur le fonctionnement Ă©cologique des eaux courantes. Les rĂ©gimes hydrologiques sont en effet reconnus comme la clĂ© de voĂ»te des hydrosystĂšmes. Leur variabilitĂ© est la base du fonctionnement morphologique des riviĂšres, du renouvellement des habitats et donc de la richesse Ă©cologique. Les altĂ©rations de ces rĂ©gimes dues aux usages directs de l’eau (irrigation, eau potable, hydroĂ©lectricitĂ©) ou aux modifications des bassins versants, touchent Ă  la fois les valeurs de bas dĂ©bits, les crues et les frĂ©quences de variations. Les enjeux de la restauration concernent non pas seulement le maintien de valeur de dĂ©bit minimum mais la dĂ©finition de vĂ©ritables rĂ©gimes hydrologiques rĂ©servĂ©s assurant les grandes fonctionnalitĂ©s des eaux courante au travers du respect d’un certain degrĂ© de variabilitĂ© des dĂ©bits. Actuellement, peu d’expĂ©riences de restauration hydrologique de cours d’eau sont conduites. Ces expĂ©riences doivent Ă  la fois s’appuyer sur l’identification des enjeux, sur des outils d’aide Ă  la dĂ©cision mais Ă©galement sur des suivis Ă  long terme de l’ensemble des compartiments de l’écosystĂšme

    Distribution and abundance of fish and crayfish in a Waikato stream in relation to basin area

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    The aim of this study was to relate the longitudinal distribution of fish and crayfish to increasing basin area and physical site characteristics in the Mangaotama Stream, Waikato region, North Island, New Zealand. Fish and crayfish were captured with two-pass removal electroshocking at 11 sites located in hill-country with pasture, native forest, and mixed land uses within the 21.6 km2 basin. Number of fish species and lineal biomass of fish increased with increasing basin area, but barriers to upstream fish migration also influenced fish distribution; only climbing and non-migratory species were present above a series of small waterfalls. Fish biomass increased in direct proportion to stream width, suggesting that fish used much of the available channel, and stream width was closely related to basin area. Conversely, the abundance of crayfish was related to the amount of edge habitat, and therefore crayfish did not increase in abundance as basin area increased. Densities of all fish species combined ranged from 17 to 459 fish 100 m-2, and biomass ranged from 14 to 206 g m-2. Eels dominated the fish assemblages, comprising 85-100% of the total biomass; longfinned eels the majority of the biomass at most sites. Despite the open access of the lower sites to introduced brown trout, native species dominated all the fish communities sampled

    Exploring the Levinthal limit in protein folding

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    According to the thermodynamic hypothesis, the native state of proteins is uniquely defined by their amino acid sequence. On the other hand, according to Levinthal, the native state is just a local minimum of the free energy and a given amino acid sequence, in the same thermodynamic conditions, can assume many, very different structures that are as thermodynamically stable as the native state. This is the Levinthal limit explored in this work. Using computer simulations, we compare the interactions that stabilize the native state of four different proteins with those that stabilize three non-native states of each protein and find that the nature of the interactions is very similar for all such 16 conformers. Furthermore, an enhancement of the degree of fluctuation of the non-native conformers can be explained by an insufficient relaxation to their local free energy minimum. These results favor Levinthal's hypothesis that protein folding is a kinetic non-equilibrium process.FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal [UID/Multi/04326/2013]; Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP); Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientia co e Tecnologico (CNPq

    Dugesia species

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    25 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.Includes bibliographical references (p. 21-24)
