11 research outputs found

    Risk Factors for Excessive Social Media Use Differ from Those of Gambling and Gaming in Finnish Youth

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    Purpose: Adolescents' excessive social media use has characteristics similar to other addictive behaviours. This study aims to explore whether the same risk factors are associated with excessive social media use as with excessive gaming and gambling among Finnish adolescents. Methods: Multinomial logistic regression analyses were carried out using the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs data, collected from Finnish adolescents aged 15-16 in 2019 (n = 4595). Results: Excessive use of social media was more common among girls (reported by 46% of respondents) than boys of the same age (28%), whereas boys reported both excessive gaming (23%) and gambling (6%) more often than girls (4% and 1%, respectively). All differences between genders were statistically significant (p < 0.0001). Daily smoking was associated with a high risk of excessive gambling (AOR = 3.23) and low risk of excessive gaming (AOR = 0.27) but had no significant effect on excessive social media use. Cannabis use in the past 12 months was positively associated only with excessive gambling (AOR = 2.39), while past 12 months alcohol consumption increased the risk for excessive social media use (AOR = 1.25). Conclusions: Adolescent girls are at greater risk of excessive social media use than boys, while boys are at greater risk of excessive gaming and gambling. The associations with known risk factors are somewhat different for excessive use of social media as compared to excessive gambling and gaming and should be acknowledged when developing preventive measures for adolescents.Peer reviewe

    Kirjallisuuskatsaus yliopisto-opiskelijoiden yleisimmistä mielenterveysongelmista

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    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mitkä ovat yliopisto-opiskelijoiden yleisimpiä mielenterveysongelmia ja mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat mielenterveysongelmien ilmaantuvuuteen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tuottaa ajankohtaista tietoa yleisimmistä mielenterveysongelmista, joita yliopisto-opintojen aikana ilmenee ja selvittää vaikuttavia tekijöitä mielenterveysongelmien ilmenemiseen. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tiedonhaku tehtiin neljään eri tietokantaan; Medic, Scopus sekä CINAHL ja yksi haku tehtiin manuaalisesti. Varsinaiseen katsaukseen valikoitui neljä alkuperäistutkimusta, jotka täyttivät asetetut sisäänotto- ja poissulkukriteerit. Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen mukaan yleisimmin esille nousseet mielenterveysongelmat ovat masennus, ahdistuneisuushäiriöt, stressi sekä uniongelmat. Muita mielenterveysongelmia oli harvemmin tutkittu yliopisto-opiskelijoilla. Mielenterveysongelmien ilmaantuvuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä kirjallisuuskatsauksen mukaan ovat sukupuoli, ikä, vanhempien tausta, opintojen kesto ja opintojen ala. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää psyykkisten oireiden ennaltaehkäisyssä ja yliopiston terveyspalveluiden kehittämisessä

    Terveyden edistämisen opas Namibian lähetystyöntekijöille

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    Hylkilä, Krista & Pöntynen, Peppi. Terveyden edistämisen opas Namibian lähetystyöntekijöille. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu. Syksy 2016, 24 sivua, 1 liite. Sairaanhoitajan koulutusohjelma, Sairaanhoitaja (AMK), Diakoninen suuntautumisvaihtoehto, Sairaanhoitaja-diakonissa (AMK). Opinnäytetyömme tarkoitus oli tuottaa namibialaisten terveyttä edistävä opas Suomen lähetysseuralle. Opas tehtiin tuotteistamisprosessia noudattaen. Opas tehtiin yhteistyössä Suomen lähetysseuran henkilöstön kanssa. Oppaan tavoitteena oli kehittää Namibiassa työskentelevien Suomen Lähetysseuran työntekijöiden terveystietoa ja ensiaputaitoja. Oppaaseen kuuluvat osiot terveyden edistämisestä ja ensiavusta. Terveyden edistämisen osio sisältää tietoa tavallisimmista sairauksista, ja niiden hoidosta, rokotuksista, ilmastosta ja luonnosta sekä puhtaan veden puutteesta aiheutuvista ongelmista. Ensiapuosio sisältää tietoa Namibiassa yleisimmin tarvittavista ensiaputaidoista sekä henkisestä ja hengellisestä ensiavusta. Asiasanat: ensiapu, Afrikka, opasHylkilä, Krista & Pöntynen, Peppi. A health promotion manual for Namibian missionaries. Diaconia University of Applied Sciences. Autumn 2016. 24 pages, 1 appendix. Degree: Registered Parish Nurse, Registered Nurse. The purpose of the thesis was to produce a health promotion manual for the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Namibia. The manual was produced following the productization process. The manual was produced in collaboration with staff of the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission. The purpose of the manual was to develop the health education and the emergency skills of missionaries working for FELM in Namibia. The manual consists of a section promoting general health and another promoting first aid. The health promotion section includes information about the most common illnesses and how to treat them, vaccination, the climate, nature and problems caused by the lack of fresh water. The first aid section includes information about the most common first aid skills needed in Namibia. This section also includes information on spiritual and mental health. Keywords: First aid, Africa, manualLiittenä Health promotion manual-opa

    Some:kaksiteräinen miekka

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    Tiivistelmä Some voi toimia sekä hyvinvoinnin edistäjänä että estäjänä

    Tunnistatko digipeliriippuvuuden?

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    Abstract WHO määritteli digipeliriippuvuuden mielenterveydelliseksi ongelmaksi vuonna 2018, kun se sai oman ICD-11-tautiluokituksen. Tuoreimpien tutkimusten mukaan digipeliriippuvuuden yleisyys väestössä on noin 3–4 prosenttia, jolloin se olisi yleisempi kuin pakko-oireinen häiriö. Digipeliriippuvuus luokitellaan toiminnalliseksi riippuvuudeksi ja se voi aiheuttaa merkittäviä psyykkisiä, fyysisiä sekä sosiaalisia haittoja. Yleisimpiä haittoja ovat masennus, ahdistuneisuus, pakko-oireinen häiriö sekä uniongelmat

    The association of problematic gaming characteristics with dietary habits among Finnish vocational school students

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    Digital gaming is a popular pastime among young people, but its links to dietary habits have been little studied. The purpose of the study was to describe dietary habits and to examine their associations to problematic gaming behavior with regard to the degree of daily digital gaming time and the overall levels of disordered-like gaming behavior among students in vocational education in the Oulu region of Finland. This cross-sectional study consisted of a total of 773 first-year vocational school students who had played digital games regularly. Data was collected by using an online survey measuring sociodemographic information, dietary habits, amount of digital gaming time, and symptoms of problematic gaming behavior. Most prevalent weekly consumed food types were chicken (90.1%), chips (87.7%), and sausages/cold cuts (85.4%). Around one-fourth of students skipped breakfast on weekdays and at weekends. A higher amount of digital gaming time was associated with skipping breakfast on weekdays. More elevated levels of disordered gaming behavior were particularly associated with the use of a group of food types encompassing carbohydrate-dense and fast food. Current research provides indications that digital gaming may have an impact on youths’ dietary habits, while at the same time, however, emphasizing that the issue can be affected by several interrelated and complex factors

    Associations between digital gaming behavior and physical activity among Finnish vocational students

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    Digital gaming is considered to be a major sedentary lifestyle among youth. The time spent on digital gaming may also affect the physical behavior of young adults. Objective This study aimed to investigate the associations between various characteristics of digital gaming behavior (i.e., gaming time, device, and game type) and participation in physical activity among Finnish vocational students. Materials and methods The research employed a cross-sectional survey design. The analyzed sample consisted of 773 students (455 males, 318 females) from eight vocational school units in Northern Finland who regularly played digital games. Data were collected via an online self-reported questionnaire, which included questions concerning average weekly time spent on digital gaming, preferred device, favorite types of games, and physical activity. Results The students spent an average of two hours each day playing digital games. Males preferred to play using personal computers (PCs), whereas mobile gaming was more popular among females. Shooter (42.4%) and entertainment (64.2%) games were the most popular game types among males and females, respectively. The results revealed that male gender and PC gaming were both positively related to physical inactivity among vocational school students. A preference toward sport games was inversely related with physical inactivity. Conclusion The presented findings can be utilized to develop interventions that target the prevention of sedentary behavior among vocational students. Further longitudinal studies will be required to reliably assess the relationship between digital gaming and physical activity

    The effects of an early intervention on adults’ gaming-related problems:a pilot study

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    Abstract Gaming Disorder (GD) has been recognized as an official psychiatric condition characterized by individuals’ impaired control over gaming, continuous gaming despite the occurrence of negative side-effects, and gaming taking increasing priority over other important areas of life, thus leading to significant impairments in their everyday lives. To date few prevention and treatment programs have been developed. The present pilot study aimed to investigate the effects of an early psycho-educational intervention for young adults with excessive gaming behaviors. A one-group pre- and post-test design without a control group was used. A total of 22 young adults (20 males and 2 females) aged between 18 and 28 (M = 23.05, SD = 3.02) years old, engaged with the intervention. The severity of gaming-related problems, average gaming time per day, quality of life, and mental well-being were assessed at pretest and post-test stages. Participants demonstrated a slight reduction in gaming time (d = 0.13, p = .545 for weekdays, and d = 0.08, p = .714 for weekend days) and in the severity of problematic gaming (d = 0.17, p = .411) over the three-month intervention period. Changes in neither gaming-related measures nor self-assessed quality of life (p > .01) and mental well-being (d = 0.23, p = .288) reached statistical significance, however. Regardless of limitations on sample size, this study shows encouraging signs that this brief 10-session and three-month educational intervention can achieve positive effects on gaming behavior. A larger scale investigation is needed to develop the intervention further

    Terveydenhoitajien ja psykiatristen sairaanhoitajien kokemukset IPC-menetelmäohjauksesta koulu- ja opiskeluterveydenhuollossa

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    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata terveydenhoitajien ja psykiatristen sairaanhoitajien kokemuksia IPC (interpersonal counseling) -menetelmäohjauksesta koulu- ja opiskeluterveydenhuollossa. Tutkimus tuotti uutta tietoa terveydenhoitajien ja psykiatristen sairaanhoitajien ammatillisen osaamisen ja IPC-menetelmäohjauksen kehittämiseksi. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena, kuvailevana tutkimuksena. Aineisto kerättiin teemahaastatteluilla yhden suuren kaupungin koulu- ja opiskeluterveydenhuollossa työskenteleviltä terveydenhoitajilta (n=9) ja psykiatrisilta sairaanhoitajilta (n=2) lokakuun 2021 ja maaliskuun 2022 välisenä aikana. Haastateltavat olivat osallistuneet IPC-koulutukseen, hyödyntäneet IPC-menetelmää työssään ja osallistuneet IPC-menetelmäohjaukseen. Aineisto analysoitiin induktiivisella sisällönanalyysillä. Terveydenhoitajien ja psykiatristen sairaanhoitajien kokemuksia IPC-menetelmäohjauksesta koulu- ja opiskeluterveydenhuollossa kuvasivat 1) yhteisöllisyyden edistämiseen vaikuttavat tekijät menetelmäohjauksessa, 2) omien työtapojen kehittäminen menetelmäohjauksessa saatavien tietojen avulla, 3) menetelmäohjauksen vaikutukset työn mielekkyyteen ja merkityksellisyyteen sekä 4) käytännön toteutuksen onnistumiseen vaikuttavat tekijät menetelmäohjauksessa. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että menetelmäohjaus on tarpeen uuden työmenetelmän implementoinnissa osaksi hoitotyötä. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää terveydenhoitajien ja psykiatristen sairaanhoitajien ammatillisen osaamisen vahvistamisessa nuorten mielenterveyden edistämiseksi sekä IPC-koulutuksen ja menetelmäohjauksen kehittämisessä

    Risk factors for excessive social media use differ from those of gambling and gaming in Finnish youth

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    Abstract Purpose: Adolescents’ excessive social media use has characteristics similar to other addictive behaviours. This study aims to explore whether the same risk factors are associated with excessive social media use as with excessive gaming and gambling among Finnish adolescents. Methods: Multinomial logistic regression analyses were carried out using the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs data, collected from Finnish adolescents aged 15–16 in 2019 (n = 4595). Results: Excessive use of social media was more common among girls (reported by 46% of respondents) than boys of the same age (28%), whereas boys reported both excessive gaming (23%) and gambling (6%) more often than girls (4% and 1%, respectively). All differences between genders were statistically significant (p &lt; 0.0001). Daily smoking was associated with a high risk of excessive gambling (AOR = 3.23) and low risk of excessive gaming (AOR = 0.27) but had no significant effect on excessive social media use. Cannabis use in the past 12 months was positively associated only with excessive gambling (AOR = 2.39), while past 12 months alcohol consumption increased the risk for excessive social media use (AOR = 1.25). Conclusions: Adolescent girls are at greater risk of excessive social media use than boys, while boys are at greater risk of excessive gaming and gambling. The associations with known risk factors are somewhat different for excessive use of social media as compared to excessive gambling and gaming and should be acknowledged when developing preventive measures for adolescents