336 research outputs found

    FeCo/Graphite Nanocrystals for Multi-Modality Imaging of Experimental Vascular Inflammation

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    BACKGROUND: FeCo/graphitic-carbon nanocrystals (FeCo/GC) are biocompatible, high-relaxivity, multi-functional nanoparticles. Macrophages represent important cellular imaging targets for assessing vascular inflammation. We evaluated FeCo/GC for vascular macrophage uptake and imaging in vivo using fluorescence and MRI. METHODS AND RESULTS: Hyperlipidemic and diabetic mice underwent carotid ligation to produce a macrophage-rich vascular lesion. In situ and ex vivo fluorescence imaging were performed at 48 hours after intravenous injection of FeCo/GC conjugated to Cy5.5 (n = 8, 8 nmol of Cy5.5/mouse). Significant fluorescence signal from FeCo/GC-Cy5.5 was present in the ligated left carotid arteries, but not in the control (non-ligated) right carotid arteries or sham-operated carotid arteries (p = 0.03 for ligated vs. non-ligated). Serial in vivo 3T MRI was performed at 48 and 72 hours after intravenous FeCo/GC (n = 6, 270 µg Fe/mouse). Significant T2* signal loss from FeCo/GC was seen in ligated left carotid arteries, not in non-ligated controls (p = 0.03). Immunofluorescence staining showed colocalization of FeCo/GC and macrophages in ligated carotid arteries. CONCLUSIONS: FeCo/GC accumulates in vascular macrophages in vivo, allowing fluorescence and MR imaging. This multi-functional high-relaxivity nanoparticle platform provides a promising approach for cellular imaging of vascular inflammation

    Procedural recommendations of cardiac PET/CT imaging: standardization in inflammatory-, infective-, infiltrative-, and innervation (4Is)-related cardiovascular diseases: a joint collaboration of the EACVI and the EANM

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    With this document, we provide a standard for PET/(diagnostic) CT imaging procedures in cardiovascular diseases that are inflammatory, infective, infiltrative, or associated with dysfunctional innervation (4Is). This standard should be applied in clinical practice and integrated in clinical (multicenter) trials for optimal procedural standardization. A major focus is put on procedures using [18F]FDG, but 4Is PET radiopharmaceuticals beyond [18F]FDG are also described in this document. Whilst these novel tracers are currently mainly applied in early clinical trials, some multicenter trials are underway and we foresee in the near future their use in clinical care and inclusion in the clinical guidelines. Finally, PET/MR applications in 4Is cardiovascular diseases are also briefly described. Diagnosis and management of 4Is-related cardiovascular diseases are generally complex and often require a multidisciplinary approach by a team of experts. The new standards described herein should be applied when using PET/CT and PET/MR, within a multimodality imaging framework both in clinical practice and in clinical trials for 4Is cardiovascular indications

    The role of myocardial innervation imaging in different clinical scenarios: an expert document of the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging and Cardiovascular Committee of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine

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    Cardiac sympathetic activity plays a key role in supporting cardiac function in both health and disease conditions, and nuclear cardiac imaging has always represented the only way for the non-invasive evaluation of the functional integrity of cardiac sympathetic terminals, mainly through the use of radiopharmaceuticals that are analogues of norepinephrine and, in particular, with the use of I-123-mIBG imaging. This technique demonstrates the presence of cardiac sympathetic dysfunction in different cardiac pathologies, linking the severity of sympathetic nervous system impairment to adverse patient's prognosis. This article will outline the state-of-the-art of cardiac I-123-mIBG imaging and define the value and clinical applications in the different fields of cardiovascular diseases.Cardiolog

    Optimal constraint-based decision tree induction from itemset lattices

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    International audienceIn this article we show that there is a strong connection between decision tree learning and local pattern mining. This connection allows us to solve the computationally hard problem of finding optimal decision trees in a wide range of applications by post-processing a set of patterns: we use local patterns to construct a global model. We exploit the connection between constraints in pattern mining and constraints in decision tree induction to develop a framework for categorizing decision tree mining constraints. This framework allows us to determine which model constraints can be pushed deeply into the pattern mining process, and allows us to improve the state-of-the-art of optimal decision tree induction

    Membrane transport of camptothecin: facilitation by human P-glycoprotein (ABCB1) and multidrug resistance protein 2 (ABCC2)

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of the present study was to continue the investigation of the membrane transport mechanisms of 20-(S)-camptothecin (CPT) in order to understand the possible role of membrane transporters on its oral bioavailability and disposition. METHODS: The intestinal transport kinetics of CPT were characterized using Caco-2 cells, MDCKII wild-type cells and MDCKII cells transfected with human P-glycoprotein (PGP) (ABCB1) or human multidrug resistance protein 2 (MRP2) (ABCC2). The effects of drug concentration, inhibitors and temperature on CPT directional permeability were determined. RESULTS: The absorptive (apical to basolateral) and secretory (basolateral to apical) permeabilities of CPT were found to be saturable. Reduced secretory CPT permeabilities with decreasing temperatures suggests the involvement of an active, transporter-mediated secretory pathway. In the presence of etoposide, the CPT secretory permeability decreased 25.6%. However, inhibition was greater in the presence of PGP and of the breast cancer resistant protein inhibitor, GF120918 (52.5%). The involvement of additional secretory transporters was suggested since the basolateral to apical permeability of CPT was not further reduced in the presence of increasing concentrations of GF120918. To investigate the involvement of specific apically-located secretory membrane transporters, CPT transport studies were conducted using MDCKII/PGP cells and MDCKII/MRP2 cells. CPT carrier-mediated permeability was approximately twofold greater in MDCKII/PGP cells and MDCKII/MRP2 cells than in MDCKII/wild-type cells, while the apparent K(m )values were comparable in all three cell lines. The efflux ratio of CPT in MDCKII/PGP in the presence of 0.2 μM GF120918 was not completely reversed (3.36 to 1.49). However, the decrease in the efflux ratio of CPT in MDCKII/MRP2 cells (2.31 to 1.03) suggests that CPT efflux was completely inhibited by MK571, a potent inhibitor of the Multidrug Resistance Protein transporter family. CONCLUSIONS: The current results provide evidence that PGP and MRP2 mediate the secretory transport of CPT in vitro. However, the involvement of other transporters cannot be ruled out based on these studies. Since these transporters are expressed in the intestine, liver and kidney variations in their expression levels and/or regulation may be responsible for the erratic oral absorption and biliary excretion of CPT observed in human subjects

    Increased accumulation of doxorubicin and doxorubicinol in cardiac tissue of mice lacking mdr1a P-glycoprotein

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    To gain more insight into the pharmacological role of endogenous P-glycoprotein in the metabolism of the widely used substrate drug doxorubicin, we have studied the plasma pharmacokinetics, tissue distribution and excretion of this compound in mdr1a(–/– and wild-type mice. Doxorubicin was administered as an i.v. bolus injection at a dose level of 5 mg kg−1. Drug and metabolite concentrations were determined in plasma, tissues, urine and faeces by high-performance liquid chromatography. In comparison with wild-type mice, the terminal half-life and the area under the plasma concentration–time curve of doxorubicin in it>mdr1a(–/–) mice were 1.6- and 1.2-fold higher respectively.The retention of both doxorubicin and its metabolite doxorubicinol in the hearts of mdr1a(–/–) mice was substantially prolonged. In addition, a significantly increased drug accumulation was observed in the brain and the liver of mdr1a(–/–) mice. The relative accumulation in most other tissues was not or only slightly increased. The differences in cumulative faecal and urinary excretion of doxorubicin and metabolites between both types of mice were small. These experiments demonstrate that the absence of mdr1a P-glycoprotein only slightly alters the plasma pharmacokinetics of oxorubicin. Furthermore, the substantially prolonged presence of both doxorubicin and doxorubicinol in cardiac tissue of mdr1a(–/–) mice suggests that a blockade of endogenous P-glycoprotein in patients, for example by a reversal agent, may enhance the risk of cardiotoxicity upon administration of doxorubicin. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Nuclear medicine in the assessment and prevention of cancer therapy-related cardiotoxicity: prospects and proposal of use by the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)

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    Cardiotoxicity may present as (pulmonary) hypertension, acute and chronic coronary syndromes, venous thromboembolism, cardiomyopathies/heart failure, arrhythmia, valvular heart disease, peripheral arterial disease, and myocarditis. Many of these disease entities can be diagnosed by established cardiovascular diagnostic pathways. Nuclear medicine, however, has proven promising in the diagnosis of cardiomyopathies/heart failure, and peri- and myocarditis as well as arterial inflammation. This article first outlines the spectrum of cardiotoxic cancer therapies and the potential side effects. This will be complemented by the definition of cardiotoxicity using non-nuclear cardiovascular imaging (echocardiography, CMR) and biomarkers. Available nuclear imaging techniques are then presented and specific suggestions are made for their application and potential role in the diagnosis of cardiotoxicity

    The acridonecarboxamide GF120918 potently reverses P-glycoprotein-mediated resistance in human sarcoma MES-Dx5 cells

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    The doxorubicin-selected, P-glycoprotein (P-gp)-expressing human sarcoma cell line MES-Dx5 showed the following levels of resistance relative to the non-P-gp-expressing parental MES-SA cells in a 72 h exposure to cytotoxic drugs: etoposide twofold, doxorubicin ninefold, vinblastine tenfold, taxotere 19-fold and taxol 94-fold. GF120918 potently reversed resistance completely for all drugs. The EC50s of GF120918 to reverse resistance of MES-Dx5 cells were: etoposide 7 ± 2 nM, vinblastine 19 ± 3 nM, doxorubicin 21 ± 6 nM, taxotere 57 ± 14 nM and taxol 91 ± 23 nM. MES-Dx5 cells exhibited an accumulation deficit relative to the parental MES-SA cells of 35% for [3H]-vinblastine, 20% for [3H]-taxol and [14C]-doxorubicin. The EC50 of GF120918, to reverse the accumulation deficit in MES-Dx5 cells, ranged from 37 to 64 nM for all three radiolabelled cytotoxics. [3H]-vinblastine bound saturably to membranes from MES-Dx5 cells with a KD of 7.8 ± 1.4 nM and a Bmax of 5.2 ± 1.6 pmol mg–1 protein. Binding of [3H]-vinblastine to P-gp in MES-Dx5 membranes was inhibited by GF120918 (Ki = 5 ± 1 nM), verapamil (Ki = 660 ± 350 nM) and doxorubicin (Ki = 6940 ± 2100 nM). Taxol, an allosteric inhibitor of [3H]-vinblastine binding to P-gp, could only displace 40% of [3H]-vinblastine (Ki = 400 ± 140 nM). The novel acridonecarboxamide derivative GF120918 potently overcomes P-gp-mediated multidrug resistance in the human sarcoma cell line MES-Dx5. Detailed analysis revealed that five times higher GF120918 concentrations were needed to reverse drug resistance to taxol in the cytotoxicity assay compared to doxorubicin, vinblastine and etoposide. An explanation for this phenomenon had not been found. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig
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