41 research outputs found

    Simplifying Satellite and Ground Data Validation with Level-2 Subsetting

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    We demonstrate that scientists can simplify their satellite data validation workflow with the use of NASA Godddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) subsetting services. We perform a sample validation of Aura ozone products collocated with ground-based ozone measurements using subsetting services to trim satellite data to only the relevant user-defined variables and spatio-temporal region. Because the subsetting service automatically returns only relevant data granules that adhere to a set of user-defined coincidence criteria, user workload is greatly reduced. Moreover, the resultant data files are substantially smaller than full data granules due to the subsetting service further culling the data to the relevant geospatio-temporal coincidence criteria, user-defined variables, and user-defined dimensions of variables. This decreases data download throughput and file storage requirements. The validation presented here quantifies the time and file size savings that can be achieved by utilizing subsetting services within the satellite data validation workflow

    Carbon Cycle Science Data and Services at the Goddard Earth Sciences Data Information and Services Center (GES DISC)

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    The Goddard Earth Sciences Data Information and Services Center (GES DISC) archives and distributes a number of observational and model carbon cycle science data sets. We also provide services that facilitate data discovery, intercomparison, and visualization of these heterogeneous datasets for both research and applications users, such as subsetting, format conversion, How-To documentation, and the Help Desk

    Streamlining Access to Satellite Level 2 Data

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    Users wishing to work with Satellite Level 2 data often have to overcome many hurdles: various file format standards, large files containing hundreds of variables, inconsistent presentation of geospatial and temporal variables, inhomogeneous data structures, and nonlinear spatial geometry. The Level 2 Subsetting service at NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) has many options to streamline and simplify user access to this data. In this presentation, we will detail the capabilities of this service and demonstrate how users can incorporate it into their Level 2 data workflow

    Long-Term Model Assimilated Aerosols from MERRA-2: Data and Services at NASA GES DISC

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    The Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2) is the atmospheric reanalysis conducted with NASA assimilation system GEOS-5. Alongside the meteorological data assimilation, MERRA-2 includes an interactive analysis of aerosols, land, ocean, and ice that feed back into circulation

    Bringing Analysis Closer to Data: Developing a Visualization Tool for L2 Earth Science Satellite Data

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    Earth Science satellite missions provide a unique opportunity for scientists to visualize complex and multifaceted observations projected geospatially across maps of the Earth. While visualization tools can help scientists comprehend, analyze, and share data, visualizing Level-2 Earth Sciences data poses its own specific set of challenges. Since the geospatial information in Level-2 data files is stored as independent variables, the plotting process involves matching dimensional information from latitude and longitude with a desired variable. Variables are stored in different ways across various Earth Science data file formats, which complicates the process of extracting data and plotting variables from a given file without requiring extensive user input and prerequisite familiarity with the file type variable structure. In coordination with NASAs Goddard Earth Sciences Data Information Services Center (GES DISC), the team developed a Level-2 Earth Science data visualization tool that aims to address some of the complexities associated with plotting Level-2 data. This tool offers command-line and user interface support for file and variable selection to accommodate varying use cases and degrees of user familiarity with the structure of a given file. The visualization tool is written in Python 3 and utilizes a modular approach to facilitate continued expansion and reuse. In addressing some common complications involved in plotting Level-2 Earth Sciences data, the tool aims to help to link the process of analysis more directly with data acquisition and visualization, bringing analysis closer to data across levels of processing

    Complexities in Subsetting Level 2 Data

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    Satellite Level 2 data presents unique challenges for tools and services. From nonlinear spatial geometry to inhomogeneous file data structure to inconsistent temporal variables to complex data variable dimensionality to multiple file formats, there are many difficulties in creating general tools for Level 2 data support. At NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC), we are implementing a general Level 2 Subsetting service for Level 2 data to a user-specified spatio-temporal region of interest (ROI). In this presentation, we will unravel some of the challenges faced in creating this service and the strategies we used to surmount them

    Satellite Level 3 & 4 Data Subsetting at NASA GES DISC

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    Earth Science data are available in many file formats (NetCDF, HDF, GRB, etc.) and in a wide range of sizes, from kilobytes to gigabytes. These properties have become a challenge to users if they are not familiar with these formats or only want a small region of interest (ROI) from a specific dataset. At NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC), we have developed and implemented a multipurpose subset service to ease user access to Earth Science data. Our Level 3 & 4 Regridder is capable of subsetting across multiple parameters (spatially, temporally, by level, and by variable) as well as having additional beneficial features (temporal means, regridding to target grids, and file conversion to other data formats). In this presentation, we will demonstrate how users can use this service to better access only the data they need in the form they require

    Limits of survival: The effect of mars-like conditions, irradiation and humidity on the vitality of bryophyte species

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    Due to their ability of desiccation tolerance Bryophytes are able to colonize extreme habitats. Pretests show the remarkable resistance of Grimmia sessitiana to simulated space vacuum, Mars-like atmosphere, extreme temperatures, UVC radiation and desiccation. These are results from the BIOMEX-project (Biology and Mars Experiment)- a space experiment on the exposure platform EXPOSE-R2 on the International Space Station (ISS) (unpublished). As a contribution to the BIOMEX-project, we investigate in addition to Grimmia sessitiana, other species that may survive simulated mars-and space-like conditions. This work aims to give an overview about survival, damage of photosynthesis-apparature and germination of the examinated species after exposure to (I) mars conditions and (II) earth conditions under different doses of irradiation and different levels of humidity. Therefore different moss species with different morphological adaptations to extreme environmental conditions are used. The plant material was taken from Grimmia sessitana ,Grimmia alpestris, Grimmia pulvinata, Ceratodon purpureus, Tortula muralis and Polytrichum piliferum as well as spores from Grimma pulvinata.To simulate mars-conditions and UV- irradiation we used the Mars simulation Facility of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Berlin

    Modern Gravitational Lens Cosmology for Introductory Physics and Astronomy Students

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