277 research outputs found

    Comparison of Migratory and Resident Populations of Brown Trout Reveals Candidate Genes for Migration Tendency

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    Candidate genes associated with migration have been identified in multiple taxa: including salmonids, many of whom perform migrations requiring a series of physiological changes associated with the freshwater-saltwater transition. We screened over 5,500 SNPs for signatures of selection related to migratory behavior of brown trout Salmo trutta by focusing on ten differentially migrating freshwater populations from two watersheds (the Koutajoki and the Oulujoki). We found eight outlier SNPs potentially associated with migratory versus resident life history using multiple (>= 3) outlier detection approaches. Comparison of three migratory versus resident population pairs in the Koutajoki watershed revealed seven outlier SNPs, of which three mapped close to genes ZNF665-like, GRM4-like, and PCDH8-like that have been previously associated with migration and smoltification in salmonids. Two outlier SNPs mapped to genes involved in mucus secretion (ST3GAL1-like) and osmoregulation (C14orf37-like). The last two strongly supported outlier SNPs mapped to thermally induced genes (FNTA1-like, FAM134C-like). Within the Oulujoki, the only consistent outlier SNP mapped close to a gene (EZH2) that is associated with compensatory growth in fasted trout. Our results suggest that a relatively small yet common set of genes responsible for physiological functions associated with resident and migratory life histories is evolutionarily conserved

    Haplotype analysis in Icelandic and Finnish BRCA2 999del5 breast cancer families

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    To access publisher full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links fieldThe 999del5 mutation is the single, strong BRCA2 founder mutation in Iceland and the most common BRCA1/2 founder mutation in Finland. To evaluate the origin and time since spreading of the 999del5 mutation in Iceland and in Finland, we constructed haplotypes with polymorphic markers within and flanking the BRCA2 gene in a set of 18 Icelandic and 10 Finnish 999del5 breast cancer families. All Icelandic families analysed shared a common core haplotype of about 1.7 cM. The common ancestors for the Icelandic families studied were estimated to trace back to 340-1000 years, not excluding the possibility that the mutation was brought to Iceland during the settlement of the country. Analysis of the Finnish families revealed two distinct haplotypes. A rare one, found in three families in the old settlement region in southwestern Finland, shared a four-marker (0.5 cM) core haplotype with the Icelandic 999del5 haplotype. A distinct approximately 6 cM haplotype was shared by seven 999del5 Finnish families estimated to have a common ancestry 140-300 years ago. These families cluster in two geographical regions in Finland, in the very same area as those with the rare haplotype and also in the most eastern, late settlement region of Finland. The results may indicate a common ancient origin for the 999del5 mutation in Iceland and in Finland, but distinct mutational events cannot be ruled out. The surprising finding of the same mutation in two completely different haplotypes in a sparsely populated area in Finland may suggest gene conversion

    Comparing RADseq and microsatellites for estimating genetic diversity and relatedness Implications for brown trout conservation

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    The conservation and management of endangered species requires information on their genetic diversity, relatedness and population structure. The main genetic markers applied for these questions are microsatellites and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), the latter of which remain the more resource demanding approach in most cases. Here, we compare the performance of two approaches, SNPs obtained by restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) and 16 DNA microsatellite loci, for estimating genetic diversity, relatedness and genetic differentiation of three, small, geographically close wild brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations and a regionally used hatchery strain. The genetic differentiation, quantified as F-ST, was similar when measured using 16 microsatellites and 4,876 SNPs. Based on both marker types, each brown trout population represented a distinct gene pool with a low level of interbreeding. Analysis of SNPs identified half- and full-siblings with a higher probability than the analysis based on microsatellites, and SNPs outperformed microsatellites in estimating individual-level multilocus heterozygosity. Overall, the results indicated that moderately polymorphic microsatellites and SNPs from RADseq agreed on estimates of population genetic structure in moderately diverged, small populations, but RADseq outperformed microsatellites for applications that required individual-level genotype information, such as quantifying relatedness and individual-level heterozygosity. The results can be applied to other small populations with low or moderate levels of genetic diversity

    Tulosperusteiset rahoitusmallit kalastonhoidon vauhdittajina

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    Ympäristöhaasteiden ratkaiseminen vaatii systeemisiä muutoksia ja rahallisia panostuksia. Samaan aikaan julkisen sektorin kyvykkyys rahoittaa vaadittavia toimenpiteitä on heikentynyt julkisen talouden kasvavan kestävyysvajeen vuoksi. On tärkeää kehittää aktiivisesti uusia rahoitustapoja, jotka tehostavat julkisen rahan vaikuttavuutta sekä perustuvat malleihin, joilla yksityistä sijoituspääomaa pystytään hyödyntämään ympäristötavoitteiden edistämisessä nykyistä enemmän. Uudet tulosperusteiset rahoitusmallit siirtävät tarkastelun tarkkaan rajattujen suoritteiden tai toimien hankinnasta tulosten ja vaikutusten perusteella tapahtuviin maksuihin ja muuttavat nykyiset ympäristöhaasteet sijoituskohteiksi. Kalavarojen tilan parantaminen on tärkeä yhteiskunnallinen tavoite, jonka saavuttaminen edellyttää onnistumisia mm. kalastuksen säätelyssä, vaellusreittien avaamisessa ja veden tilan parantamisessa. Esiselvityksessä tarkastellaan minkälaisiin tavoitteisiin ja toimenpiteisiin tulosperusteiset rahoitus- ja hankintamallit voisivat soveltua kalavarojen tilaa parantavien toimien osalta. Lisäksi työssä arvioidaan uudenlaisten rahastomallien mahdollisuuksia lisätä yksityistä rahoitusta tai sijoituspääomaa kalataloudellisten kunnostusten toteuttamiseen. Selvitystyön perusteella tavoitteena on käynnistää pilotointityö tulosperusteisista rahoitusmalleista kalataloudellisissa kunnostuksissa