1,557 research outputs found

    Field quantization in inhomogeneous anisotropic dielectrics with spatio-temporal dispersion

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    A quantum damped-polariton model is constructed for an inhomogeneous anisotropic linear dielectric with arbitrary dispersion in space and time. The model Hamiltonian is completely diagonalized by determining the creation and annihilation operators for the fundamental polariton modes as specific linear combinations of the basic dynamical variables. Explicit expressions are derived for the time-dependent operators describing the electromagnetic field, the dielectric polarization and the noise term in the latter. It is shown how to identify bath variables that generate the dissipative dynamics of the medium.Comment: 24 page

    Oscillator model for dissipative QED in an inhomogeneous dielectric

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    The Ullersma model for the damped harmonic oscillator is coupled to the quantised electromagnetic field. All material parameters and interaction strengths are allowed to depend on position. The ensuing Hamiltonian is expressed in terms of canonical fields, and diagonalised by performing a normal-mode expansion. The commutation relations of the diagonalising operators are in agreement with the canonical commutation relations. For the proof we replace all sums of normal modes by complex integrals with the help of the residue theorem. The same technique helps us to explicitly calculate the quantum evolution of all canonical and electromagnetic fields. We identify the dielectric constant and the Green function of the wave equation for the electric field. Both functions are meromorphic in the complex frequency plane. The solution of the extended Ullersma model is in keeping with well-known phenomenological rules for setting up quantum electrodynamics in an absorptive and spatially inhomogeneous dielectric. To establish this fundamental justification, we subject the reservoir of independent harmonic oscillators to a continuum limit. The resonant frequencies of the reservoir are smeared out over the real axis. Consequently, the poles of both the dielectric constant and the Green function unite to form a branch cut. Performing an analytic continuation beyond this branch cut, we find that the long-time behaviour of the quantised electric field is completely determined by the sources of the reservoir. Through a Riemann-Lebesgue argument we demonstrate that the field itself tends to zero, whereas its quantum fluctuations stay alive. We argue that the last feature may have important consequences for application of entanglement and related processes in quantum devices.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figur

    Experimental test of higher-order Laguerre–Gauss modes in the 10 m Glasgow prototype interferometer

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    Brownian noise of dielectric mirror coatings is expected to be one of the limiting noise sources, at the peak sensitivity, of next generation ground based interferometric gravitational wave (GW) detectors. The use of higher-order Laguerre–Gauss (LG) beams has been suggested to reduce the effect of coating thermal noise in future generations of gravitational wave detectors. In this paper we describe the first test of interferometry with higher-order LG beams in an environment similar to a full-scale gravitational wave detector. We compare the interferometric performance of higher-order LG modes and the fundamental mode beams, injected into a 10 m long suspended cavity that features a finesse of 612, a value chosen to be typical of future gravitational wave detectors. We found that the expected mode degeneracy of the injected LG3, 3 beam was resolved into a multiple peak structure, and that the cavity length control signal featured several nearby zero crossings. The break up of the mode degeneracy is due to an astigmatism (defined as |Rcy − Rcx|) of 5.25 ± 0.5 cm on one of our cavity mirrors with a radius of curvature (Rc) of 15 m. This observation agrees well with numerical simulations developed with the FINESSE software. We also report on how these higher-order mode beams respond to the misalignment and mode mismatch present in our 10 m cavity. In general we found the LG3, 3 beam to be considerably more susceptible to astigmatism and mode mismatch than a conventional fundamental mode beam. Therefore the potential application of higher-order Laguerre–Gauss beams in future gravitational wave detectors will impose much more stringent requirements on both mode matching and mirror astigmatism

    Navigating the Web in Search of Resources on Antimicrobial Stewardship in Health Care Institutions

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    Bacterial resistance to antimicrobials has become a public health threat for which coordinated action at the international, national, and local level is needed. Current recommendations for the control of antimicrobial overuse and resistance in hospitals recommend various strategies, including antimicrobial stewardship programs. Several of these integrated and multidisciplinary antimicrobial management programs provide detailed information and recommendations on the Web. We performed a search of the most relevant and authoritative Web sites in English that were available without need for special registration or cost. The search excluded community-based programs, and we present only established programs or those providing expert information useful for building a hospital-based antimicrobial stewardship program. The overview of these Web sites may be useful either for institutions or individuals planning to implement such programs in their own health care institution or for educational purposes targeted at different professionals involved in improving antimicrobial practic

    Comparison of different sloshing speedmeters

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    By numerical simulation, we compare the performance of four speedmeter interferometer configurations with potential application in future gravitational wave detectors. In the absence of optical loss, all four configurations can be adjusted to yield the same sensitivity in a fair comparison. Once we introduce a degree of practicality in the form of lossy optics and mode mismatch, however, the situation changes: the sloshing Sagnac and the speedmeter of Purdue and Chen have almost identical performance showing smaller degradation from the ideal than the speedmeter of Freise and the speedmeter of Miao. In a further step, we show that there is a similar hierarchy in the degree of improvement obtained through the application of 10 dB squeezing to the lossy speedmeters. In this case, the sensitivity of each speedmeter improves, but it is greatest for the sloshing Sagnac and the speedmeter of Purdue and Chen, in particular in the lower part of the target frequency range

    A random quantum key distribution by using Bell states

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    We proposed a new scheme for quantum key distribution based on entanglement swapping. By this protocol \QTR{em}{Alice} can securely share a random quantum key with \QTR{em}{Bob}, without transporting any particle.Comment: Accepted by J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Op

    Secure direct communication using Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pairs and teleportation

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    A novel scheme for secure direct communication between Alice and Bob is proposed, where there is no need for establishing a shared secret key. The communication is based on Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pairs and teleportation between Alice and Bob. After insuring the security of the quantum channel (EPR pairs), Bob encodes the secret message directly on a sequence of particle states and transmits them to Alice by teleportation. In this scheme teleportation transmits Bob's message without revealing any information to a potential eavesdropper. Alice can read out the encoded messages directly by the measurement on her qubits. Because there is not a transmission of the qubit which carry the secret message between Alice and Bob, it is completely secure for direct secret communication if perfect quantum channel is used

    Spin controlled atom-ion inelastic collisions

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    The control of the ultracold collisions between neutral atoms is an extensive and successful field of study. The tools developed allow for ultracold chemical reactions to be managed using magnetic fields, light fields and spin-state manipulation of the colliding particles among other methods. The control of chemical reactions in ultracold atom-ion collisions is a young and growing field of research. Recently, the collision energy and the ion electronic state were used to control atom-ion interactions. Here, we demonstrate spin-controlled atom-ion inelastic processes. In our experiment, both spin-exchange and charge-exchange reactions are controlled in an ultracold Rb-Sr+^+ mixture by the atomic spin state. We prepare a cloud of atoms in a single hyperfine spin-state. Spin-exchange collisions between atoms and ion subsequently polarize the ion spin. Electron transfer is only allowed for (RbSr)+^+ colliding in the singlet manifold. Initializing the atoms in various spin states affects the overlap of the collision wavefunction with the singlet molecular manifold and therefore also the reaction rate. We experimentally show that by preparing the atoms in different spin states one can vary the charge-exchange rate in agreement with theoretical predictions

    Dynamical Casimir effect without boundary conditions

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    The moving-mirror problem is microscopically formulated without invoking the external boundary conditions. The moving mirrors are described by the quantized matter field interacting with the photon field, forming dynamical cavity polaritons: photons in the cavity are dressed by electrons in the moving mirrors. The effective Hamiltonian for the polariton is derived, and corrections to the results based on the external boundary conditions are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Sensitivity limitations in optical speed meter topology of gravitational-wave antennae

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    The possible design of QND gravitational-wave detector based on speed meter principle is considered with respect to optical losses. The detailed analysis of speed meter interferometer is performed and the ultimate sensitivity that can be achieved is calculated. It is shown that unlike the position meter signal-recycling can hardly be implemented in speed meter topology to replace the arm cavities as it is done in signal-recycled detectors, such as GEO 600. It is also shown that speed meter can beat the Standard Quantum Limit (SQL) by the factor of ∼3\sim 3 in relatively wide frequency band, and by the factor of ∼10\sim 10 in narrow band. For wide band detection speed meter requires quite reasonable amount of circulating power ∼1\sim 1 MW. The advantage of the considered scheme is that it can be implemented with minimal changes in the current optical layout of LIGO interferometer.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure
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