504 research outputs found

    Application Performance Modeling via Tensor Completion

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    Performance tuning, software/hardware co-design, and job scheduling are among the many tasks that rely on models to predict application performance. We propose and evaluate low-rank tensor decomposition for modeling application performance. We discretize the input and configuration domains of an application using regular grids. Application execution times mapped within grid-cells are averaged and represented by tensor elements. We show that low-rank canonical-polyadic (CP) tensor decomposition is effective in approximating these tensors. We further show that this decomposition enables accurate extrapolation of unobserved regions of an application's parameter space. We then employ tensor completion to optimize a CP decomposition given a sparse set of observed execution times. We consider alternative piecewise/grid-based models and supervised learning models for six applications and demonstrate that CP decomposition optimized using tensor completion offers higher prediction accuracy and memory-efficiency for high-dimensional performance modeling

    QR factorization over tunable processor grids

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    The increasing complexity of modern computer architectures has greatly influenced algorithm design. Algorithm performance on these architectures is now determined by the movement of data. Therefore, modern algorithms should prioritize minimizing communication. In this work, we present a new parallel QR factorization algorithm solved over a tunable processor grid in a distributed memory environment. The processor grid can be tuned between one and three dimensions, resulting in tradeoffs in the asymptotic costs of synchronization, horizontal bandwidth, flop count, and memory footprint. This parallel algorithm is the first to efficiently extend the Cholesky-QR2 algorithm to matrices with an arbitrary number of rows and columns. Along its critical path of execution on P processors, our tunable algorithm improves upon the horizontal bandwidth cost of the existing Cholesky-QR2 algorithm by up to a factor of c^2 when solved over a c x d x c processor grid subject to P = c^2 d and E[1,P^1/3]. The costs attained by our algorithm are asymptotically equivalent to state-of-the-art QR factorization algorithms that have yet to be implemented. We argue that ours achieves better practicality and flexibility while still attaining minimal communication.Ope

    Social capital and active membership in the Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme - A mixed method study

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    Background: People's decision to enroll in a health insurance scheme is determined by socio-cultural and socio-economic factors. On request of the National health Insurance Authority (NHIA) in Ghana, our study explores the influence of social relationships on people's perceptions, behavior and decision making to enroll in the National Health Insurance Scheme. This social scheme, initiated in 2003, aims to realize accessible quality healthcare services for the entire population of Ghana. We look at relationships of trust and reciprocity between individuals in the communities (so called horizontal social capital) and between individuals and formal health institutions (called vertical social capital) in order to determine whether these two forms of social capital inhibit or facilitate enrolment of clients in the scheme. Results can support the NHIA in exploiting social capital to reach their objective and strengthen their policy and practice. Method: We conducted 20 individual- and seven key-informant interviews, 22 focus group discussions, two stakeholder meetings and a household survey, using a random sample of 1903 households from the catchment area of 64 primary healthcare facilities. The study took place in Greater Accra Region and Western Regions in Ghana between June 2011 and March 2012.Results: While social developments and increased heterogeneity seem to reduce community solidarity in Ghana, social networks remain common in Ghana and are valued for their multiple benefits (i.e. reciprocal trust and support, information sharing, motivation, risk sharing). Trusting relations with healthcare and insurance providers are, according healthcare clients, based on providers' clear communication, attitude, devotion, encouragement and reliability of services. Active membership of the NHIS is positive associated with community trust, trust in healthcare providers and trust in the NHIS (p-values are.009,.000 and.000 respectively). Conclusion: Social capital can motivate clients to enroll in health insurance. Fostering social capital through improving information provision to communities and engaging community groups in health care and NHIS services can facilitate peoples' trust in these institutions and their active participation in the scheme.</p

    PriorBand: Practical Hyperparameter Optimization in the Age of Deep Learning

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    Hyperparameters of Deep Learning (DL) pipelines are crucial for their downstream performance. While a large number of methods for Hyperparameter Optimization (HPO) have been developed, their incurred costs are often untenable for modern DL. Consequently, manual experimentation is still the most prevalent approach to optimize hyperparameters, relying on the researcher's intuition, domain knowledge, and cheap preliminary explorations. To resolve this misalignment between HPO algorithms and DL researchers, we propose PriorBand, an HPO algorithm tailored to DL, able to utilize both expert beliefs and cheap proxy tasks. Empirically, we demonstrate PriorBand's efficiency across a range of DL benchmarks and show its gains under informative expert input and robustness against poor expert belief

    Can Fairness be Automated?:Guidelines and Opportunities for Fairness-aware AutoML

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    The field of automated machine learning (AutoML) introduces techniques that automate parts of the development of machine learning (ML) systems, accelerating the process and reducing barriers for novices. However, decisions derived from ML models can reproduce, amplify, or even introduce unfairness in our societies, causing harm to (groups of) individuals. In response, researchers have started to propose AutoML systems that jointly optimize fairness and predictive performance to mitigate fairness-related harm. However, fairness is a complex and inherently interdisciplinary subject, and solely posing it as an optimization problem can have adverse side effects. With this work, we aim to raise awareness among developers of AutoML systems about such limitations of fairness-aware AutoML, while also calling attention to the potential of AutoML as a tool for fairness research. We present a comprehensive overview of different ways in which fairness-related harm can arise and the ensuing implications for the design of fairness-aware AutoML. We conclude that while fairness cannot be automated, fairness-aware AutoML can play an important role in the toolbox of an ML practitioner. We highlight several open technical challenges for future work in this direction. Additionally, we advocate for the creation of more user-centered assistive systems designed to tackle challenges encountered in fairness work

    Exoplanet Diversity in the Era of Space-based Direct Imaging Missions

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    This whitepaper discusses the diversity of exoplanets that could be detected by future observations, so that comparative exoplanetology can be performed in the upcoming era of large space-based flagship missions. The primary focus will be on characterizing Earth-like worlds around Sun-like stars. However, we will also be able to characterize companion planets in the system simultaneously. This will not only provide a contextual picture with regards to our Solar system, but also presents a unique opportunity to observe size dependent planetary atmospheres at different orbital distances. We propose a preliminary scheme based on chemical behavior of gases and condensates in a planet's atmosphere that classifies them with respect to planetary radius and incident stellar flux.Comment: A white paper submitted to the National Academy of Sciences Exoplanet Science Strateg
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