11,850 research outputs found

    Morphine activates neuroinflammation in a manner parallel to endotoxin

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    Opioids create a neuroinflammatory response within the CNS, compromising opioid-induced analgesia and contributing to various unwanted actions. How this occurs is unknown but has been assumed to be via classic opioid receptors. Herein, we provide direct evidence that morphine creates neuroinflammation via the activation of an innate immune receptor and not via classic opioid receptors. We demonstrate that morphine binds to an accessory protein of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), myeloid differentiation protein 2 (MD-2), thereby inducing TLR4 oligomerization and triggering proinflammation. Small-molecule inhibitors, RNA interference, and genetic knockout validate the TLR4/MD-2 complex as a feasible target for beneficially modifying morphine actions. Disrupting TLR4/MD-2 protein–protein association potentiated morphine analgesia in vivo and abolished morphine-induced proinflammation in vitro, the latter demonstrating that morphine-induced proinflammation only depends on TLR4, despite the presence of opioid receptors. These results provide an exciting, nonconventional avenue to improving the clinical efficacy of opioids.Xiaohui Wang, Lisa C. Loram, Khara Ramos, Armando J. de Jesus, Jacob Thomas, Kui Cheng, Anireddy Reddy, Andrew A. Somogyi, Mark R. Hutchinson, Linda R. Watkins and Hang Yi

    Forelimb muscle and joint actions in Archosauria: insights from Crocodylus johnstoni (Pseudosuchia) and Mussaurus patagonicus (Sauropodomorpha)

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    Many of the major locomotor transitions during the evolution of Archosauria, the lineage including crocodiles and birds as well as extinct Dinosauria, were shifts from quadrupedalism to bipedalism (and vice versa). Those occurred within a continuum between more sprawling and erect modes of locomotion and involved drastic changes of limb anatomy and function in several lineages, including sauropodomorph dinosaurs. We present biomechanical computer models of two locomotor extremes within Archosauria in an analysis of joint ranges of motion and the moment arms of the major forelimb muscles in order to quantify biomechanical differences between more sprawling, pseudosuchian (represented the crocodile Crocodylus johnstoni) and more erect, dinosaurian (represented by the sauropodomorph Mussaurus patagonicus) modes of forelimb function. We compare these two locomotor extremes in terms of the reconstructed musculoskeletal anatomy, ranges of motion of the forelimb joints and the moment arm patterns of muscles across those ranges of joint motion. We reconstructed the three-dimensional paths of 30 muscles acting around the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints. We explicitly evaluate how forelimb joint mobility and muscle actions may have changed with postural and anatomical alterations from basal archosaurs to early sauropodomorphs. We thus evaluate in which ways forelimb posture was correlated with muscle leverage, and how such differences fit into a broader evolutionary context (i.e. transition from sprawling quadrupedalism to erect bipedalism and then shifting to graviportal quadrupedalism). Our analysis reveals major differences of muscle actions between the more sprawling and erect models at the shoulder joint. These differences are related not only to the articular surfaces but also to the orientation of the scapula, in which extension/flexion movements in Crocodylus (e.g. protraction of the humerus) correspond to elevation/depression in Mussaurus. Muscle action is highly influenced by limb posture, more so than morphology. Habitual quadrupedalism in Mussaurus is not supported by our analysis of joint range of motion, which indicates that glenohumeral protraction was severely restricted. Additionally, some active pronation of the manus may have been possible in Mussaurus, allowing semi-pronation by a rearranging of the whole antebrachium (not the radius against the ulna, as previously thought) via long-axis rotation at the elbow joint. However, the muscles acting around this joint to actively pronate it may have been too weak to drive or maintain such orientations as opposed to a neutral position in between pronation and supination. Regardless, the origin of quadrupedalism in Sauropoda is not only linked to manus pronation but also to multiple shifts of forelimb morphology, allowing greater flexion movements of the glenohumeral joint and a more columnar forelimb posture

    Incoherence of Bose-Einstein condensates at supersonic speeds due to quantum noise

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    We calculate the effect of quantum noise in supersonic transport of Bose-Einstein condensates. When an obstacle obstructs the flow of atoms, quantum fluctuations cause atoms to be scattered incoherently into random directions. This suppresses the propagation of Cherenkov radiation, creating quantum turbulence and a crescent of incoherent atoms around the obstacle. We observe similar dynamics if the BEC is stirred by a laser beam: crescents of incoherent atoms are emitted from the laser's turning-points. Finally, we investigate supersonic flow through a disordered potential, and find that the quantum fluctuations generate an accumulation of incoherent atoms as the condensate enters the disorder.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    High-throughput in-situ characterization and modelling of precipitation kinetics in compositionally graded alloys

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    The development of new engineering alloy chemistries is a time consuming and iterative process. A necessary step is characterization of the nano/microstructure to provide a link between the processing and properties of each alloy chemistry considered. One approach to accelerate the identification of optimal chemistries is to use samples containing a gradient in composition, ie. combinatorial samples, and to investigate many different chemistries at the same time. However, for engineering alloys, the final properties depend not only on chemistry but also on the path of microstructure development which necessitates characterization of microstructure evolution for each chemistry. In this contribution we demonstrate an approach that allows for the in-situ, nanoscale characterization of the precipitate structures in alloys, as a function of aging time, in combinatorial samples containing a composition gradient. The approach uses small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) at a synchrotron beamline. The Cu-Co system is used for the proof-of-concept and the combinatorial samples prepared contain a gradient in Co from 0% to 2%. These samples are aged at temperatures between 450{\textdegree}C and 550{\textdegree}C and the precipitate structures (precipitate size, volume fraction and number density) all along the composition gradient are simultaneously monitored as a function of time. This large dataset is used to test the applicability and robustness of a conventional class model for precipitation that considers concurrent nucleation, growth and coarsening and the ability of the model to describe such a large dataset.Comment: Published in Acta Materiali

    Quantifying Finite Temperature Effects in Atom Chip Interferometry of Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We quantify the effect of phase fluctuations on atom chip interferometry of Bose-Einstein condensates. At very low temperatures, we observe small phase fluctuations, created by mean-field depletion, and a resonant production of vortices when the two clouds are initially in anti-phase. At higher temperatures, we show that the thermal occupation of Bogoliubov modes makes vortex production vary smoothly with the initial relative phase difference between the two atom clouds. We also propose a technique to observe vortex formation directly by creating a weak link between the two clouds. The position and direction of circulation of the vortices is subsequently revealed by kinks in the interference fringes produced when the two clouds expand into one another. This procedure may be exploited for precise force measurement or motion detection.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Musculoskeletal Geometry, Muscle Architecture and Functional Specialisations of the Mouse Hindlimb

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    Mice are one of the most commonly used laboratory animals, with an extensive array of disease models in existence, including for many neuromuscular diseases. The hindlimb is of particular interest due to several close muscle analogues/homologues to humans and other species. A detailed anatomical study describing the adult morphology is lacking, however. This study describes in detail the musculoskeletal geometry and skeletal muscle architecture of the mouse hindlimb and pelvis, determining the extent to which the muscles are adapted for their function, as inferred from their architecture. Using I2KI enhanced microCT scanning and digital segmentation, it was possible to identify 39 distinct muscles of the hindlimb and pelvis belonging to nine functional groups. The architecture of each of these muscles was determined through microdissections, revealing strong architectural specialisations between the functional groups. The hip extensors and hip adductors showed significantly stronger adaptations towards high contraction velocities and joint control relative to the distal functional groups, which exhibited larger physiological cross sectional areas and longer tendons, adaptations for high force output and elastic energy savings. These results suggest that a proximo-distal gradient in muscle architecture exists in the mouse hindlimb. Such a gradient has been purported to function in aiding locomotor stability and efficiency. The data presented here will be especially valuable to any research with a focus on the architecture or gross anatomy of the mouse hindlimb and pelvis musculature, but also of use to anyone interested in the functional significance of muscle design in relation to quadrupedal locomotion

    Musculoskeletal modelling of an ostrich (Struthio camelus) pelvic limb: influence of limb orientation on muscular capacity during locomotion

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    We developed a three-dimensional, biomechanical computer model of the 36 major pelvic limb muscle groups in an ostrich (Struthio camelus) to investigate muscle function in this, the largest of extant birds and model organism for many studies of locomotor mechanics, body size, anatomy and evolution. Combined with experimental data, we use this model to test two main hypotheses. We first query whether ostriches use limb orientations (joint angles) that optimize the moment-generating capacities of their muscles during walking or running. Next, we test whether ostriches use limb orientations at mid-stance that keep their extensor muscles near maximal, and flexor muscles near minimal, moment arms. Our two hypotheses relate to the control priorities that a large bipedal animal might evolve under biomechanical constraints to achieve more effective static weight support. We find that ostriches do not use limb orientations to optimize the moment-generating capacities or moment arms of their muscles. We infer that dynamic properties of muscles or tendons might be better candidates for locomotor optimization. Regardless, general principles explaining why species choose particular joint orientations during locomotion are lacking, raising the question of whether such general principles exist or if clades evolve different patterns (e.g., weighting of muscle force–length or force–velocity properties in selecting postures). This leaves theoretical studies of muscle moment arms estimated for extinct animals at an impasse until studies of extant taxa answer these questions. Finally, we compare our model’s results against those of two prior studies of ostrich limb muscle moment arms, finding general agreement for many muscles. Some flexor and extensor muscles exhibit self-stabilization patterns (posture-dependent switches between flexor/extensor action) that ostriches may use to coordinate their locomotion. However, some conspicuous areas of disagreement in our results illustrate some cautionary principles. Importantly, tendon-travel empirical measurements of muscle moment arms must be carefully designed to preserve 3D muscle geometry lest their accuracy suffer relative to that of anatomically realistic models. The dearth of accurate experimental measurements of 3D moment arms of muscles in birds leaves uncertainty regarding the relative accuracy of different modelling or experimental datasets such as in ostriches. Our model, however, provides a comprehensive set of 3D estimates of muscle actions in ostriches for the first time, emphasizing that avian limb mechanics are highly three-dimensional and complex, and how no muscles act purely in the sagittal plane. A comparative synthesis of experiments and models such as ours could provide powerful synthesis into how anatomy, mechanics and control interact during locomotion and how these interactions evolve. Such a framework could remove obstacles impeding the analysis of muscle function in extinct taxa

    Effects of temperature upon the collapse of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a gas with attractive interactions

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    We present a study of the effects of temperature upon the excitation frequencies of a Bose-Einstein condensate formed within a dilute gas with a weak attractive effective interaction between the atoms. We use the self-consistent Hartree-Fock Bogoliubov treatment within the Popov approximation and compare our results to previous zero temperature and Hartree-Fock calculations The metastability of the condensate is monitored by means of the l=0l=0 excitation frequency. As the number of atoms in the condensate is increased, with TT held constant, this frequency goes to zero, signalling a phase transition to a dense collapsed state. The critical number for collapse is found to decrease as a function of temperature, the rate of decrease being greater than that obtained in previous Hartree-Fock calculations.Comment: 4 pages LaTeX, 3 eps figures. To appear as a letter in J. Phys.

    Gapless finite-TT theory of collective modes of a trapped gas

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    We present predictions for the frequencies of collective modes of trapped Bose-condensed 87^{87}Rb atoms at finite temperature. Our treatment includes a self-consistent treatment of the mean-field from finite-TT excitations and the anomolous average. This is the first gapless calculation of this type for a trapped Bose-Einstein condensed gas. The corrections quantitatively account for the downward shift in the m=2m=2 excitation frequencies observed in recent experiments as the critical temperature is approached.Comment: 4 pages Latex and 2 postscript figure
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