592 research outputs found

    Short-range ultrasonic communications in air using quadrature modulation

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    A study has been undertaken of ultrasonic communications methods in air, using a quadrature modulation method. Simulations were first performed to establish the likely performance of quadrature phase shift keying over the limited bandwidth available in an ultrasonic system. Quadrature phase shift keying modulation was then implemented within an experimental communication system, using capacitive ultrasonic sources and receivers. The results show that such a system is feasible in principle for communications over distances of several meters, using frequencies in the 200 to 400 kHz range

    Non-destructive evaluation of concrete using a capacitive imaging technique : preliminary modelling and experiments

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    This paper describes the application of capacitive imaging to the inspection of concrete. A two-dimensional finite-element method was employed to model the electric field distribution from capacitive imaging probe, and how it interacts with concrete samples. Physical experiments with prototype capacitive imaging probes were also carried out. The proof-of-concept results indicated that the capacitive imaging technique could be used to detect cracks on the surface of concrete samples, as well as sub-surface air voids and steel reinforcement bars

    Nutrient Cycles and Marine Microbes in a CO2-Enriched Ocean

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    The ocean carbon cycle is tightly linked with the cycles of the major nutrient elements nitrogen, phosphorus, and silicon. It is therefore likely that enrichment of the ocean with anthropogenic CO2 and attendant acidification will have large consequences for marine nutrient biogeochemistry, and for the microbes that mediate many key nutrient transformations. The best available evidence suggests that the nitrogen cycle may respond strongly to higher CO2 through increases in global N2 fixation and possibly denitrification, as well as potential decreases in nitrification. These trends could cause nitrification to become a nitrogen cycle bottleneck, by increasing the flux of N2 fixed into ammonium while decreasing the fraction being oxidized to nitrate and nitrate. The consequences could include reduced supplies of oxidized nitrogen substrates to denitrifiers, lower levels of nitrate-supported new primary production, and expansion of the regenerated production system accompanied by shifts in current phytoplankton communities. The phosphorus and silicon cycles seem less likely to be directly affected by enhanced CO2 conditions, but will undoubtedly respond indirectly to changing carbon and nitrogen biogeochemistry. A review of culture experiments that examined the effects of increased CO2 on elemental ratios of phytoplankton suggests that for most cyanobacteria and eukaryotes, C:N and N:P ratios will either remain at Redfield values or increase substantially. Natural plankton community CO2 manipulation experiments show much more mixed outcomes, with both increases and decreases in C:N and N:P ratios reported at future CO2 levels. We conclude our review with projections of overall trends in the cycles of nitrogen, phosphorus, and silicon over the next century as they respond to the steady accumulation of fossil-fuel derived CO2 in a rapidly changing ocean

    Optimisation of an acoustic resonator for particle manipulation in air

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    An acoustic resonator system has been investigated for the manipulation and entrapment of micron-sized particles in air. Careful consideration of the effect of the thickness and properties of the materials used in the design of the resonator was needed to ensure an optimised resonator. This was achieved using both analytical and finite-element modelling, as well as predictions of acoustic attenuation in air as a function of frequency over the 0.8 to 2.0 MHz frequency range. This resulted in a prediction of the likely operational frequency range to obtain particle manipulation. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate good capture of particles as small as 15 ”m in diameter

    Using a magnetite/thermoplastic composite in 3D printing of direct replacements for commercially available flow sensors

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    Flow sensing is an essential technique required for a wide range of application environments ranging from liquid dispensing to utility monitoring. A number of different methodologies and deployment strategies have been devised to cover the diverse range of potential application areas. The ability to easily create new bespoke sensors for new applications is therefore of natural interest. Fused deposition modelling is a 3D printing technology based upon the fabrication of 3D structures in a layer-by-layer fashion using extruded strands of molten thermoplastic. The technology was developed in the late 1980s but has only recently come to more wide-scale attention outside of specialist applications and rapid prototyping due to the advent of low-cost 3D printing platforms such as the RepRap. Due to the relatively low-cost of the printers and feedstock materials, these printers are ideal candidates for wide-scale installation as localized manufacturing platforms to quickly produce replacement parts when components fail. One of the current limitations with the technology is the availability of functional printing materials to facilitate production of complex functional 3D objects and devices beyond mere concept prototypes. This paper presents the formulation of a simple magnetite nanoparticle-loaded thermoplastic composite and its incorporation into a 3D printed flow-sensor in order to mimic the function of a commercially available flow-sensing device. Using the multi-material printing capability of the 3D printer allows a much smaller amount of functional material to be used in comparison to the commercial flow sensor by only placing the material where it is specifically required. Analysis of the printed sensor also revealed a much more linear response to increasing flow rate of water showing that 3D printed devices have the potential to at least perform as well as a conventionally produced sensor

    Additively-manufactured piezoelectric devices

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    A low-cost micro-stereolithography technique with the ability to additively manufacture dense piezoelectric ceramic components is reported. This technique enables the layer-wise production of functional devices with a theoretical in-plane resolution of ∌20 Όm and an out-of-plane resolution of <1 Όm without suffering a significant reduction in the piezoelectric properties when compared to conventionally produced ceramics of the same composition. The ability to fabricate devices in complex geometries and with different material properties means that conventional limits of manufacturing are not present. A hollow, spherical shell of the piezoelectric material 0.65Pb(Mg⅓Nb⅔)O3–0.35PbTiO3, built without tooling or recourse to additional equipment or processes, is shown generating ultrasound in the MHz range

    A comparative study of iron and temperature interactive effects on diatoms and Phaeocystis antarctica from the Ross Sea, Antarctica

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    In the future, temperature and iron availability are predicted to change in the coastal polynyas of Antarctica, which are the most biologically productive regions of the Southern Ocean. We examined the individual and combined effects of iron addition (+500 nM) and temperature increase (4°C) on Phaeocystis antarctica and several dominant diatom species isolated from the McMurdo Sound sector of the Ross Sea. Iron addition increased growth, carbon fixation, iron uptake rates, cellular carbon quota, and cell size of almost all tested species, while temperature increase only affected certain species. Concurrent increases in temperature and iron synergistically stimulated the growth rates of some species, particularly Pseudo-nitzschia subcurvata. The diversified responses of these phytoplankton to iron and temperature may help explain the current spatial and temporal distributions of diatoms and prymnesiophytes in the Ross Sea. In the future, potential temperature and iron increases may promote the growth of the diatoms Chaetoceros sp., Fragilariopsis cylindrus, and especially P. subcurvata. In contrast, growth rates of P. antarctica did not increase at higher temperatures, suggesting that a shift in community composition toward diatoms may occur under warmer conditions in this biologically and biogeochemically important Southern Ocean polynya region

    Comment on “The complex effects of ocean acidification on the prominent N2-fixing cyanobacterium Trichodesmium”

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2017. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here under a nonexclusive, irrevocable, paid-up, worldwide license granted to WHOI. It is made available for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Science 357 (2017): eaao0067, doi:10.1126/science.aao0067.Hong et al. (Reports, 5 May 2017, p. 527) suggested that previous studies of the biogeochemically significant marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium showing increased growth and nitrogen fixation at projected future high CO2 levels suffered from ammonia or copper toxicity. They reported that these rates instead decrease at high CO2 when contamination is alleviated. We present and discuss results of multiple published studies refuting this toxicity hypothesis

    Regression modeling of the North East Atlantic Spring Bloom suggests previously unrecognized biological roles for V and Mo

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    In order to identify the biogeochemical parameters controlling pCO(2), total chlorophyll a, and dimethyl sulfide (DMS) concentrations during the North East Atlantic Spring Bloom (NASB), we used previously unpublished particulate and dissolved elemental concentrations to construct several linear regression models; first by hypothesis testing, and then with exhaustive stepwise linear regression followed by leave-one-out cross-validation. The field data was obtained along a latitudinal transect from the Azores Islands to the North Atlantic, and best-fit models (determined by lowest predictive error) of up to three variables are presented. Total chlorophyll a is predicted best by biomass (POC, PON) parameters and by pigments characteristic of picophytoplankton for the southern section of the sampling transect (from the Azores to the Rockhall-Hatton Plateau) and coccolithophores in the northern portion (from the Rockhall-Hatton Plateau to the Denmark Strait). Both the pCO(2) and DMS models included variables traditionally associated with the development of the NASB such as mixed layer depth and with Fe, Si, and P-deplete conditions (dissolved Fe, dissolved and biogenic silica, dissolved PO43-). However, the regressions for pCO(2) and DMS also include intracellular V and Mo concentrations, respectively. Mo is involved in DMS production as a cofactor in dimethylsulfoxide reductase. No significant biological role for V has yet been determined, although intracellular V is significantly correlated (p-value \u3c 0.05) with biogenic silica (R-2 = 0.72) and total chlorophyll a (R-2 = 0.49) while the same is not true for its biogeochemical analogue Mo, suggesting active uptake of V by phytoplankton. Our statistical analysis suggests these two lesser studied metals may play more important roles in bloom dynamics than previously thought, and highlights a need for studies focused on determining their potential biological requirements and cell quotas

    Combined effects of CO 2 level, light intensity, and nutrient availability on the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi

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    Abstract(#br)Continuous accumulation of fossil CO 2 in the atmosphere and increasingly dissolved CO 2 in seawater leads to ocean acidification (OA), which is known to affect phytoplankton physiology directly and/or indirectly. Since increasing attention has been paid to the effects of OA under the influences of multiple drivers, in this study, we investigated effects of elevated CO 2 concentration under different levels of light and nutrients on growth rate, particulate organic (POC) and inorganic (PIC) carbon quotas of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi . We found that OA treatment (pH 7.84, CO 2 = 920 ÎŒatm) reduced the maximum growth rate at all levels of the nutrients tested, and exacerbated photo-inhibition of growth rate under reduced availability of phosphate (from 10.5 to 0.4..
