1,352 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara persepsi terhadap peran ayah dengan intensi merokok pada siswa SMP Fransiskus Semarang. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 149 siswa. Sampel yang diambil untuk penelitian sebanyak 105 siswa. Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan yaitu Skala Persepsi Terhadap Peran Ayah (103 aitem valid; α = 0,961) dan Intensi Merokok (39 aitem valid; α = 0,954). Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi sederhana. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya hubungan negatif yang signifikan antara persepsi terhadap peran ayah dengan intensi merokok (rxy= -0,636; p < 0,001). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin positif persepsi terhadap peran ayah, maka semakin rendah intensi merokok yang dimiliki siswa. Sebaliknya, semakin negatif persepsi terhadap peran ayah, maka semakin tinggi intensi merokok yang dimiliki siswa. Persepsi terhadap peran ayah memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 40,5% dalam memengaruhi intensi merokok siswa dan 59,5% lainnya dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain


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    Remote sensing satellite imagery is currently needed to support the needs of information in various fields. Distribution of remote sensing data to users is done through electronic media. Therefore, it is necessary to make security and identity on remote sensing satellite images so that its function is not misused. This paper describes a method of adding confidential information to medium resolution remote sensing satellite images to identify the image using steganography technique. Steganography with the Least Significant Bit (LSB) method is chosen because the insertion of confidential information on the image is performed on the rightmost bits in each byte of data, where the rightmost bit has the smallest value. The experiment was performed on three Landsat 8 images with different area on each composite band 4,3,2 (true color) and 6,5,3 (false color). Visually the data that has been inserted information does not change with the original data. Visually, the image that has been inserted with confidential information (or stego image) is the same as the original image. Both images cannot be distinguished on histogram analysis.  The Mean Squared Error value of stego images of  all three data less than 0.053 compared with the original image.  This means that information security with steganographic techniques using the ideal LSB method is used on remote sensing satellite imagery

    Breaking Up Prolonged Sitting with Light-intensity Walking Attenuated Postprandial Hyperglycemia

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    Sedentary behaviour is a risk factor for comorbidities and mortality regardless of physicalactivity level. Experimental data show interrupting prolonged sitting is beneficially associatedwith metabolic risk. This study therefore investigated the acute effects of interruptingprolonged sitting with light-intensity walking on postprandial hyperglycemia in healthy adults.This study involved thirty normoglycemic participants. Each of the study participants weregiven a standard 75-grams glucose. The treatment of the participants was divided into twotrials. First, the control trial, the participants were instructed to sit for five straight hours. Theprofile of changes in blood glucose was taken at an inverval of 30 minutes from minutes 0, 30,90, 120, 180, 240, and 300. Second, the experimental trial where the participants wereinstructed to take a short walk for 3 minutes then sit for 27 minutes. Data were analyzed usingpaired T-test. There were no significant data difference at the baseline between trials. Therewere no significant changes in all the point of blood glucose recordings except at 120 minutes,where the postprandial blood glucose of the experimental trial with light-intensity walking wassignificantly lower than that of control trial. The main finding of this study was that breakingup sitting time with short bouts of light-intensity activity attenuated postprandialhyperglycemia. The light-intensity walking attenuated the postprandial hyperglycemia albeitnot significant statistically except at the 120 minutes time point. Postprandial hyperglycemiais a cardiovascular risk factor in people with Type 2 diabetes and even in nondiabetics.Reducing postprandial hyperglycemia improves inflammation and endothelial function andreduces carotid intima-media thickness. Frequent brief interruptions to prolonged sitting withlight-intensity walking, impart beneficial postprandial responses. Further study isrecommended on more prolonged light-intensity bouts of activity and shorter period of sitting

    Frequent Interruptions with Light-intensity Calisthenics Reduced Postprandial Hyperglycemia during Prolonged Sitting

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    Individuals with high levels of sedentary time may have significantly increased the relative riskof diabetes, cardiovascular events, cardiovascular mortality, and all-cause mortality,respectively. This study examined the acute effects of interrupting prolonged sitting with lightintensity calisthenics on postprandial hyperglycemia in healthy adults. Thirty normoglycemicuniversity students participated in this research. Each participant consumed standard 75-gramsglucose. The treatment was divided into two trials. First, the control trial, the participants wereinstructed to sit for five straight hours. The profile of changes in blood glucose was taken at aninterval of 30 minutes from minutes 0, 30, 90, 120, 180, 240, and 300. Second, theexperimental trial was the same with the control trial except that the participants did lightintensity calisthenics for 3 minutes then sit for 27 minutes, repeating this activity at the 30-minute intervals. Data were analyzed using a paired T-test. The baseline data between trialswere not significantly different in some points of blood glucose recording. There was adecrease in the blood glucose level of the experimental group. However, those decrementswere not significant statistically. This study found that interrupting sitting time with shortbouts of light-intensity calisthenics reduced postprandial hyperglycemia. However, this lightintensity activity reduced the postprandial hyperglycemia although not at a significant level.Given these positive effects observed in healthy participants, it seems prudent to regularlybreak periods of prolonged sitting with brief bouts of activity. Further study is recommendedon more frequent light-intensity bouts of exercise and shorter periods of uninterrupted sittingand at a higher intensity


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    This research departed from many errors made by junior high school students in solving Pythagorean theorem problems. These errors can be seen from mistakes they have done in solving the given problem. Many methods and models of learning used by teachers from various sources, but the models are not necessarily an instruction that can be applied successfully in all types of students. It requires a depth analysis of learning obstacles in students to find the actual problems experienced by students. From the result of the analysis it will be designed an effective and efficient instructional material to eliminate the learning obstacles found. The learning obstacles will be classified into three learning obstacles, which are: ontogenic obstacles, epistemological obstacles, and didactical obstacles. This research using a descriptive exploratory to describe the symptom and the phenomena occur within students in solving the problem. The research data obtained from a test of Pythagorean theorem problems and the result of interviews that then extracted to the instructional material design in the mathematics textbooks. The analysis results will be gathered and concluded in the way to design an instructional material that based on the didactical design research. This instructional material was designed by creating a situation where students are able to think and to do discovery of their own knowledge. In every situation given, it has been prepared the anticipation of didactical and pedagogical that consists of students’ response and the feedbacks from the teacher. This instructional material is not a standard teaching material yet, means it will continue to be evaluated and improved in order to obtain the best result. Model Pembelajaran kooperatif, Team Assisted Individualization, Aplikasi Wondershare Quizcreator, Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK)

    Hubungan Kepala Desa dengan Camat dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Hubungan Kepala Desa dengan Camat dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan di Kabupaten Katingan (Studi : Desa Tumbang Liting dengan Kecamatan Katingan Hilir). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskritif kualitatif, tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan memperoleh Hubungan Kepala Desa dengan Camat dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan. Teknik pengumpulan data, teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian Hubungan Kepala Desa dengan Camat dengan indikator pengaturan berdasarkan ketentuan peraturan dalam bidang pelayanan, bidang pemberdayaan dilaksanakan dengan baik dan bidang pembangunan kurang optimal dalam belum terselesaikannya pembangunan jembatan dalam RKPDes Tahun 2020. Indikator Penataan pemerintahan pengarahan, pembinaan, fasilitasi, berjalan dengan optimal. Indikator Pemberdayaan masyarakat setempat, bidang koordinasi saling tidak berkoordinasi dalam program pelatihan, bidang pembinaan dan pengawasan, Camat tidak berkontribusi dalam program pelatihan. Akuntabilitas penyelenggaraan pemerintahan, bidang koordinasi, terjadinya banjir bandang, bidang pembinaan dan pengawasan, adanya kekosongan jabatan sementara Kepala Desa dan Kasi Kesejahteraan Desa Tumbang Liting. Kendala Hubungan Kepala Desa dengan Camat dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan adalah kualitas sumber daya aparatur kerja Pemerintah Desa Tumbang Liting. Sehingga Kepala Desa melakukan penyimpangan kekuasaan dan perangkat desa mengalami pekerjaan merangkap, akibatnya penyelenggaraan pemerintah desa&nbsp; tidak optimal dalam menjalankan Hubungan Kepala Desa dengan Camat dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan di Kabupaten Katingan. Keoptimalan Hubungan Kepala Desa dengan Camat dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan dapat dilakukannya peningkatan peran aktif Kepala Desa dan seluruh jajaran aparatur kerja Pemerintah Desa Tumbang Liting untuk mengetahui lebih jauh terhadap bentuk keteraturan yang mengatur terhadap uraian tugas dan fungsi. Orientasinya akan menciptakan keefektifan dan keefisiensian dalam pelayanan, pembangunan, dan pemberdayaan pemerintah daerah

    Social Media and It’s Implication in Health Care: A Literature Review

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    Social media is a platform to be shared with the public and identify different effects on patients. For example, their autonomy by complementing the information provided by health care to provide psychosocial support, and improve service delivery. Social media have effects on both patients and the wider health care system. Therefore, it is important to identify its implications for the healthcare system. This paper reviews the literature and briefs about social media and its implications in health care. This literature review is synthesized based on empirical evidence derived from the research literature from 2017-2023 and consists of 14 relevant articles from various online databases such as ScienceDirect, PUBMED, CINAHL, and Allied Health Literature. Social media is spreading across healthcare it increases patient awareness and satisfaction, which helps in improving the effectiveness of communication and satisfaction. Social media is mainly for social support, emotional support, esteem support, and network support. The implication of social media use by patients was also to affect the healthcare and patient's relationships by stimulating equal communication between the patient and healthcare, shorter relationships, increased switching healthcare, harmonious relationship, and suboptimal interaction between the patient and healthcare


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan Transparansi Keuangan Pemerintah Desa dalam Pembangunan Tahun Anggaran 2020 di Desa Jaweten Kecamatan Dusun Timur Kabupaten Barito Timur. Penelitian ini mengangkat permasalahan transparansi keuangan pemerintah desa dalam pembangunan dengan indikator transparansi yang digunakan adalah : ketersedian dan aksesbilitas dokumen, kejelasan dan kelengkapan informasi, keterbukaan proses dan kerangka regulasi yang menjamintransparansi. Adapun siklus keuangan pemerintah desa yaitu dimulai dari tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, penatausahaan, pelaporan dan pertanggungjawaban. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian Deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu melalui pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan kesimpulan. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Pemerintah Desa Jaweten dalam Transparansi Keuangan dalam Pembangunan masih kurang transparansi hal tersebut diukur dari indikator transparansi menurut Kristianten (2006) yaitu : ketersediaan aksesbillitas dokumen, kejelasan dan kelengkapan informasi, keterbukaan proses dan kerangka regulasi yang menjamin transparansi


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengkaji kinerja camat dalam pembinaan dan pengawasan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan kelurahan Palangka, indikator yang digunakan untuk mengukur penelitian ini anatara lain: input (masukan), process (proses), output (keluaran), dan benefit (manfaat). Jenis penelitian yang digunakan penelitian kualitatif secara deskriptif dengan jenis data primer dan sekunder. Data primer sebagai data utama dan data sekunder dipakai sebagai data yang memperkuat data primer. Teknik&nbsp; yang digunakan memlalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Faktor-faktor yanag ditemukan selama observasi dilapangan berasal dari pihak luar (eksternal) dan pihak dalam (internal). Pihak internal yaitu camat,sekretaris camat, lurah, kepala seksi pemerintahan kecamatan&nbsp; dan dinas-dinas, yang dapat dikatakan sebagai pendukung dan penghambat dan pihak eksternal yaitu&nbsp; masyarakat yang dimana berperan sebagai pendukung dan penghambat


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    In this study, there are 2 (two) groups of conflicting citizens, namely the Papuans living in Yogyakarta which consist of students and working residents, and Yogyakartans, that is several ethnic groups other than ethnic Papuan. This study uses a qualitative approach and the paradigm of constructivism. The root of the conflicts is the Papuans’ perception of their historical past as well as cultural elements such as poverty, lack of education, and lifestyle. The triggers of conflict is the Papuans’ negative lifestyles, namely frequently get drunk, eating without paying the bill, breaking traffic rules, and always shouting “merdeka” (meaning independence) when making protesting rallies. On the other side, the people of Yogyakarta have negative prejudices against Papuans and discriminate them accordingly, which could even be perceived as a racial attitude.The Yogyakartan police seem not to have a good understanding about the root and causes of conflicts, because they tend to handle conflicts by repressive measures only after the violence had occurred. They clearly believe Papuan case is politically sensitive and full of outsiders’ influences. They also fail to have an open communication with the Papuans because the Papuans do not trust the police. For those reasons, the police often let Papuans who broke the law left unpunished, which produces suspicion among the people of Yogyakarta that the police might be afraid of the Papuans
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