42 research outputs found


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    Peduli untuk sesama adalah perilaku yang sulit ditemukan dikehidupan sosial di era industri 4.0. Sebagian besar orang sudah sibuk dengan dirinya sendiri dan tidak peduli kepada sesama. Tujuan program pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah agar para mahasiswa, akademisi, dan praktisi dapat mengimplementasikan rasa peduli kepada sesama dengan melakukan tindakan-tindakan kasih. Metode yang digunakan adalah seminar kepada mahasiswa yang akan mengadakan pengabdian masayarakat, dan pembagian bantuan sosial kepada masyarakat di kampung Nolotan, Sabah, Malaysia.  Hasilnya, berdasarkan laporan dari penduduk, selama mahasiswa melakukan pengabdian masyarakat kehadiran mereka sangat menolong penduduk. Mereka juga bersukacita atas bantuan sosisal berupa sandang dan dana yang mereka telah terima


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    A figure in the New Testament who is quite well known among Christians but notedin only one book that is in the book of John is Nicodemus. He was a Pharisee and amember of the Sanhedrin, the highest judicial institution for the Jewish people. Hisadmiration for the teachings of Jesus made him want to meet and talk with Him. Buthis status, position and education were very different in contrast to Jesus who had noformal education. The meeting could undermine his credibility as a respected,honorable assembly. That is why Nicodemus met Jesus at night after all the residentsentered their homes, after the situation was quiet outside so that no one would see themeeting. Because of this event, a view and opinion emerged which stated thatNicodemus was afraid to declare himself to be a disciple of Jesus openly and onlydeclared himself to be a disciple of Jesus after his death at Golgotha. It seems thatpeople often ignore Nicodemus' courage when expressing his faith in the SanhedrinAssembly's courtroom

    Apakah Orang Kaya Di Dalam Gereja Membutuhkan Pendampingan Pastoral?

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    Community in the church is divided into three classes: top layercommunity, middle layer community and bottom layer community. A citizen of thetop layer community is not too many when compared with the middle layer andbottom layer communities in the church. The top layer or often called as rich peopleregards as people who already have everything and do not need any more to get theattention even from the church. But in reality they too are human beings with athousand problems in their lives. Church need to give attention and pastoral care notonly for the bottom and middle layers community but also for rich people who aremembers of the congregation

    Tiga Dimensi Dasar Relasi Manusia Dalam Kehidupan Sosial

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    Early relationships in the life of humans as social beings generally begin inthree dimensions: family, marriage and friendship. The family is the corerelationships in the social institutions of mankind because families formedcommunity and nation. Marriage is a relationship that is the closest, most intimate inhuman relations area and the most ideal relationship among other relationship. Bibleuses the marital relationship to symbolized God's relationship with His people, Christas the bridegroom and his church as the bride. As social beings, friendship relation isa necessity. Friendship is a reciprocal relationship between individuals who each ofone will build relation one another

    Firman Tuhan: Pelita Dan Pedang Bermata Dua

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    Firman-Nya adalah pelita yang akan menerangi jalan menuju kehidupan umatmanusia yang telah digelapkan oleh dosa. Namun apabila pelita itu sengaja ditutupiatau diabaikan sehingga menjadikan agama itu hanya formalitas belaka dan kegiatanagama hanya rutinitas semata tanpa pertanggungjawaban moral dan spiritual, hal iniakan mendatangkan penghukuman Allah yang melebihi dampak yang dihasilkan olehpedang bermata dua. Dengarkan, lakukan dan jangan pernah abaikan firman itu agarkita dapat selamat, sebab tidak pernah ada berkat tanpa tanggung jawab

    Pengaruh dekadensi moral terhadap pendidikan karakter dan bimbingan konseling pada siswa Kristen

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    The background of this research is based on the moral crisis that occurred in an Adventist Christian high school. The purpose of the study was to identify the effect of moral decadence on character education and counseling guidance, as well as the effect of character education on counseling guidance. This quantitative research uses structural equation modeling (SEM). The data collection technique used random proportionate cluster sampling, with 553 students from three schools as the sample. The results of the study have an effect on positive moral decadence on character education and counseling guidance. Meanwhile, character education has a negative effect on counseling guidance. In conclusion, inconsistent character education results in moral decadence which requires students to do counseling, so character education must focus on one day-to-day rather than focus on student mistakes so that the process is consistent. Abstrak Latar belakang penelitian ini didasarkan pada krisis moral yang terjadi di sekolah menengah Kristen Advent. Tujuan penelitian untuk meng-identifikasi pengaruh dekadensi moral terhadap pendidikan karakter dan bim-bingan konseling, serta pengaruh pendidikan karakter terhadap bimbingan konseling. Penelitian kuantitatif ini menggunakan pemodelan persamaan struk-tural (SEM). Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan random propor-sionate cluster sampling, dengan 553 siswa dari tiga sekolah sebagai sampel. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkann bahwa dekadensi moral berpengaruh positif ter-hadap pendidikan karakter dan bimbingan konseling. Sementara pendidikan karakter berpengaruh negatif terhadap bimbingan konseling. Kesimpulannya, pendidikan karakter yang inkonsistensi mengakibatkan dekadensi moral yang mengharuskan siswa melakukan bimbingan konseling, sehingga pendidikan karakter harus berfokus kepada situasi sehari-hari daripada fokus mencari kesalahan siswa agar prosesnya konsisten

    The Role of Christian Counseling towards Character Building of High School Students in Salemba Adventist School, Jakarta Based on the Theology of Titus 2:6-7a

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    The purpose of this study is to look the role of Christian counseling towards characterbuilding of high school students with a theology of Titus 2:6, 7a as the base of research. Themethod used in the study is quantitative research by using a survey questionnaire as researchtool with five indicators. The research was conducted in Salemba Adventist Academy,Jakarta with 40 high school students as its sample respondents. Data analysis is done usingstatistical software that analyses mean, standard deviation, t-test, and regression analysis. Theresult of the study shows that from the five main indicators studied that (1) Titus wascommissioned to counsel the youth so that they may be sober-minded in everything, (2)Christian counseling is a ministry that God entrusted to Pastor or a trained-church member,(3) Counseling at school is a program to help students to develop their self-identity, to helpstudents that involved in youth's misbehavior to repent and change, (4) The beginning ofone’s conduct is in their mind. By the conduct one’s character can be known. Therefore, mindis the beginning of the character building, (5) Environment situation is one of the mostimportant factors of building or changing character. Counseling can be made as theenvironmental situation to build or to change character. Based on the filled questionnaires, itis interpreted that students have a good understanding of the five main indicators. The authorsuggests to optimize this good situation by conducting systematic and sustainable counseling


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    In this study, the author examines with a title is Analysis of the Purpose of EatingTogether as a Method of Evangelism Based on Acts 2:46 at Pakusarakan SDAChurch, Cimahi, Bandung. This research is conducted to know whether the purposeof eating together can be used as a method of evangelism or not? The Researcher haddistributed the list of questionnaires to 30 persons of the church member with 25statements are taken from the opinions of experts.Problem identification in this study is based on four indicators of questionsnamely: first, how about the purposes of eating in the Bible?; second, how thepurposes of eating together in the early church?; third, how the connection in theservice of the need for physical and the need for spiritual and what consequences ifavoid both of them in evangelism services?Based on observation through literature books, there are four indicators that the authoroffers namely: first, the purpose of eating in the Old Testament explained as eatingfor hospitality, eating is a sign of friendship, eating is an honor. The secondindicators are about the purpose of eating in the New Testament explained as eating isan honorary, eating is a sign of fellowship, eating is part of holistic services, eating isan instrument of reach in, eating is an instrument of reach out.The third indicators are the purpose of eating together in the early Church namelyeating together is to build up brotherly love, eating is as a sign of kindness of theheart, eating is to honor the quest, eating is to tighten or to maintain the fellowship,eating is to help the needy, eating is to remember the sacrifice and the death of Jesus.The fourth indicators are about the connection in the service of the need for physical andthe need for spiritual and what consequences if avoid both of them in evangelismservices.This study is divided into two parts namely theoretical research and field research.The theory research about the purpose of eating in the Old Testament, the author foundthat eating is for hospitality; eating is a sign of friendship; eating is a sign of virtue.Then the theory research about eating in the New Testament, the author found that eatingis an honor, eating is a sign of fellowship; eating is part of holistic services, eating is atool to reach in and eating is a tool to reach out. The last theory of this study is aboutconnection in the service of physical needs and spiritual needs. The author concluded thatthe physical and spiritual needs are two types of needs that are connected to one another.Thus the service of physical needs and spiritual needs can not be ignored inevangelism service.The Research through questionnaires distributed, authors obtained the following data: 1. For the questionnaires were distributed about the purpose of eating in the OldTestament, the authors noticed that 30 respondents have a good answer.2. For the questionnaires about statement of the purpose of eating in the NewTestament, the authors noticed that 30 respondents also have a good answer.3. For the questionnaires on the purpose of eating together in the early church, 30respondents have a good answer.4. For the questionnaires about the connection in the service of the need for physicaland the need for spiritual, 30 participators also have a good answer.Thus the results of 30 respondents answer Pakusarakan church of all thestatements from each indicator are offered, the authors concluded that all therespondents have a very positive answer that the answer category is strongly agreeand agree


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    Injustice will bring social problems, especially in terms of economy. This will bringup the poverty and misery in the midst of society. The Church played important rolein overcoming poverty and also become one of the responsibilities of Jesus’followers. Christianity must concern and caring to the poor and suffer and shouldplay an active role in overcoming the problem of poverty due to the accountability inlast judgement. Churches in the world, including Seventh-day Adventist Church,take responsible to reduce poverty problem

    Gangguan Stres Pascatrauma Dan Panggilan Penginjilan: Sebuah Refleksi Teologis dan Psikologis dari Kitab Yunus

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    Evangelism is the Great Commission from God to mankind. God gave the same mandate to Jonah, but Jonah bravely refused the Great call. This study tries to find out why Jonah was "too brave" to reject God's great call and go to Tarshish? And why then did he change course from Tarshish to Nineveh? This study used a qualitative method with a descriptive analysis approach through a literature review of the biblical text. In conclusion, Jonah's "too brave" action in rejecting God's Great call was caused by the post-traumatic stress disorder he experienced with his family from childhood to adulthood during the Syrian invasion of Northern Israel, resulting in his intense antagonism towards Nineveh which made him drift away from God. When Jonah's post-traumatic stress disorder was treated with complete surrender through prayer, Jonah was given the courage, fortitude, and determination to spread the news of salvation to the city of Nineveh.Penginjilan adalah Amanat Agung dari Tuhan untuk setiap manusia. Amanat yang sama juga dimandatkan Tuhan untuk Yunus, namun Yunus menolak dengan berani panggilan Agung tersebut. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mencari tahu mengapa Yunus “terlalu berani” menampik panggilan Agung Tuhan dan bertolak ke Tarsis? Dan mengapa kemudian dia bertukar haluan dari Tarsis ke Niniwe?. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif analisis melalui kajian literatur terhadap teks Alkitab dengan mengkaji sisi teologis dan psikologis Yunus melalui tiga tahap analisis. Sebagai kesimpulan, tindakan “terlalu berani” Yunus menampik panggilan Agung Tuhan diakibatkan oleh gangguan stres pasca trauma yang dialaminya bersama keluarga sejak ia kecil hingga dewasa selama invasi Suriah ke Israel Utara sehingga muncul sikap antagonisme intensnya terhadap Niniwe yang membuatnya menjauh dari Tuhan. Ketika gangguan stres pasca trauma yang dialami Yunus diobati dengan penyerahan sepenuhnya melalui doa, Yunus diberikan ketangguhan, ketabahan, dan ketegaran hati untuk mengabarkan berita keselamatan ke kota Niniwe