74 research outputs found


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    Absol u te growth and shell color of juvenile H asinina was moni tored over a period of 2-months in an experiment consisting of 8 treatments with 3 repl icates (n = !O individuals per replicate). The treatments were: fresh red seaweed ( Gracillaria verrucosa), and green algae ( Viva lactuca) and 6 formulated . feeds using different seaweed meals. This study is an attempt made on the effects of partially replacing fish meal with aigae (U lactuca) of the formulated feeds on the growth This preliminary study investigated the effect of seaweed and formulated feed on the growth, the shell color of this abalone and survival of abalone. The result s showed that the absolute growth of abalone fed by macroalgae G.verrucosa higher .than abalone fed with other feed and significantly different from the makroalgae U lactuca and others feeds fommlated. Results showed that abalones fed the seaweed G. 'verrucosa and formulated feed with G. verrucosa meal had dark - brown shells. However, abalones fod with makroalgae U !actuca and either of the formulated feeds (with spiru1ina) and formulated feeds (with U lactuca meal) remarkably had the s2me good growth performance and green shell appea;:ance. Investigations showed that seaweeds meal could be the better replacement for fish meal in pelleted feeds of H asinina. Keywords : abalone, growth, formulated feed, seaweed, seaweed mea

    Lupin ingredients in shrimp (Penaeus monodon) diets: influence of lupin species and types of meals

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    The nutritive value of five isonitrogenous practical diets containing different legume meals, whole or dehulled lupin (Lupinus albus) seed meal (WAD and DAD, respectively), dehulled lupin (L. angustifolius) seed meal (DND), lupin (L. angustifolius) protein concentrate (LPCD), and defatted soybean meal (SBD), was evaluated in two laboratory experiments (growout and digestibility studies) using juvenile (4.07±0.05 g, mean±SD) shrimp, Penaeus monodon. In the 42-day growout study, shrimp fed SBD or DND had significantly higher (P<0.05) growth rates than those fed LPCD, DAD or WAD. Protein conversion efficiency (PCE) and apparent protein utilization (APU) values of DND were significantly higher than those of LPCD, DAD or WAD. SBD and DND had significantly higher feed intake values and better feed conversion ratios (FCRs) than WAD and DAD. LPCD had a similar FCR to other diets but lower feed intake than SBD. Shrimp fed WAD had significantly poorer performance in all the above parameters than shrimp fed other diets except for DAD and LPCD. The diets SBD, DND, LPCD, and DAD had significantly higher (P<0.05) apparent dry matter digestibilities (ADMD) (68.3–71.4%) than WAD (64.4%). All diets had a similar apparent protein digestibility (APD) (87.1–89.1%) with a small, but significant difference being observed for the diets with the highest (DND) and the lowest (WAD) protein digestibility. Pellet water stability was significantly different (P<0.05) among the diets. The most stable pellet was displayed by LPCD, while WAD had the poorest water stability. Dehulling or concentrating lupin seed protein did not improve the nutritive value of lupin diets for juvenile P. monodon. The lupin seed meal of L. angustifolius was better utilized by P. monodon than that of L. albus and the nutritive value of L. angustifolius diet was equal to that of soybean (control) diet. Results of a feeding preference test also indicated that L. angustifolius diet was more attractive for juvenile P. monodon than L. albus diet


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    Tepung cangkang kerang simping sebagai solusi pemanfaatan limbah memiliki rasio kalsium dan fosfor yang tidak seimbang sehingga penyerapan dalam tubuh belum optimal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji formulasi kalsium dan fosfor tepung cangkang kerang simping dengan jagung dan jawawut serta pengaruhnya terhadap kandungan gizi dan karakteristik snack. Penelitian telah dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2011. Parameter yang diamati meliputi kadar kalsium, fosfor, air, karbohidrat, protein, lemak, abu, serat kasar, hedonik dan fisik produk pada hasil menunjukkan rasio perbandingan kalsium dan fosfor 3 : 1 pada snack modifikasi tepung cangkang kerang simping dengan jagung maupun jawawut. Pada formulasi tepung cangkang kerang simping dan jagung dihasilkan cookies dengan kalsium sebesar 349,01 mg/100 g dan fosfor 99,58 mg/100 g, sedangkan ekstrudat menghasilkan kalsium sebesar 582,66 mg/100 g dan fosfor 180 mg/100 g. Pada formulasi tepung cangkang kerang simping dan jawawut dihasilkan ekstrudat menghasilkan kalsium sebesar 950 mg/100 g dan fosfor 280 mg/100 g. Pada fish nugget menghasilkan kalsium sebesar 910,01 mg/100 g dan fosfor 260,03 mg/100 g. Kadarabu tertinggi didapat pada fish nugget fortifikasi tepung cangkang kerang simping dengan jawawut yaitu sebesar 5,92%. Tingkat kerenyahan tertinggi diperoleh pada snack fortifikasi tepung cangkang kerang simping dengan jagung yaitu pada ekstrudat sebesar 8,81 KgF. Pada fish nugget gel strength tertinggi pada formulasi tepung cangkang kerang simping dan jawawut sebesar 27,77 KgF. Snack hasil formulasi berpotensi untuk memenuhi asupan kalsium sehari-hari


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    Pengawasan mutu yang ketat melalui Rapid Alert System (RAS) dan Zero Tolerance terhadap residu antibiotik terlarang pada produk perikanan untuk setiap produk yang akan diekspor ke Uni Eropa menjadi titik tolak bagi pemerintah Republik Indonesia, untuk melakukan tindakan perbaikan di semua lini (pada setiap tahapan/proses produksi primer, pengolahan dan distribusi hasil perikanan). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mengkaji efektivitas dan menganalisa pengaruh dari program pengendalian mutu dan keamanan hasil perikanan yang telah diterapkan dalam kegiatan budidaya udang, khususnya di provinsi Lampung. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara terhadap narasumber yang telah ditentukan, yaitu aparat pemerintah yang terkait (18 orang) dan pembudidaya (22 orang). Materi wawancara berpedoman pada kuesioner yang berkaitan dengan variabel – variabel yang mempengaruhi implementasi kebijakan. Setelah data hasil verifikasi dan wawancara diperoleh, maka dilakukan penarikan kesimpulan dengan menggunakan analisa proses hirarki (AHP), untuk mendapatkan rekomendasi yang terbaik dalam implementasi kebijakan tersebut. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah implementasi sistem pengendalian mutu dan keamanan hasil perikanan pada kegiatan budidaya udang di provinsi Lampung belum dilaksanakan secara efektif. Namun, kebijakan terkait penerapan sistem mutu telah memberikan pengaruh terhadap keberhasilan program tersebut di Lampung. Dari analisa AHP diperoleh bahwa alternatif yang dapat dilakukan dalam rangka continous improvement adalah memperbaiki struktur birokrasi melalui pembinaan pada aparat pemerintah sebagai fasilitator dan pembudidaya sebagai implementator. The strict quality control through Rapid Alert System (RAS) and Zero Tolerance to forbidden antibiotic residue in fisheries product which will be exported to the European Union was become a foundation for Indonesian government in improving each step in fisheries process, including production, manufacturing and distribution stage of the fishery product. The purpose of this research is to evaluate and to review the influence of the regulation implementation that had been done in the Lampung Province. Data will be collected from interviewing some key persons that were involved effectively regarding to quality management and food safety program. They consist of 18 persons of government officers and 22 persons of shrimp farmers. Interviewing will be based on the questioner that was related to the factor which influenced the policy implementation. Afterwards, conclusion will be determinate using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The result is the implementation of quality control and fisheries product safety systems in the shrimp culture in Lampung province have not been implemented effectively. However, the program has an impact on the success of the program in Lampung. By using AHP method, bureaucracy structure is the most important things to be improved. This can be achieved through capacity building in the scope of government officers as well as shrimp farmers

    Nutritional Content of Artemia sp. Fed with Chaetoceros calcitrans and Skeletonema costatum

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    Artemia sp. is a natural food with high protein content, especially amino acid. Nowadays, Indonesia still relies on import for its supply. Hence, the utilization of local Artemia sp. as an alternative to the imported product is recommended as it contains more protein and less expensive. The advantages of local Artemia sp. is its better crystal quality as it is still fresh. It also provides better income for salt farmers because waste water from salt farm can be used to culture Artemia sp.. This research is aimed at determining the quality of locally-produced Artemia sp., by evaluation of its essential amino acid and fatty acid profiles after treatments. Our results indicated that Artemia sp. cysts with good quality were produced after 8 hours and Artemia sp. reaches a hatching rate of 1,320,000 cysts (95%) after 27 hours. We also found an indication that the best feed concentration was a mix of 60% Chaetoceros calcitrans with 40% Skeletonema costatum. Fatty acid profile analyses showed that the highest SAFA (12.86%) and PUFA (29.91%) were gained after feeding with Chaetoceros calcitrans, whereas the highest HUFA (4.93%) was gained after feeding with Skeletonemacostatum. Essential amino acid profile analyses revealed the highest content of amino acid (18912.62 ppm) was after feeding with a combination of Chaetoceros calcitrans and Skeletonema costatum.  Finally, the proper water quality during research was at 25-30 oC of temperature, 30-31 ppt of salinity, pH 7.8-8.9, and DO was at 3.0-4.4 mg/L

    Pengaruh Pakan Organik Dengan Kandungan Protein Yang Berbeda Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Telur Oithona sp. Yang Berbasis Pakan Fitoplankton (Chaetoceros calcitrans)

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    Oithona sp. merupakan salah satu copepoda yang dapat digunakan sebagai pakan alami untuk larva ikan ataupun udang laut. Oithona sp. memiliki nilai nutrisi yang hampir sebanding dengan Artemia. Oithona sp. memiliki kandungan protein sebesar 69,24%. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengkaji pengaruh perbedaan kandungan protein pada pakan organik terhadap performa pertumbuhan Oithona sp., dan mengetahui perlakuan dari kandungan protein pakan organik yang memberikan performa pertumbuhan Oithona sp. terbaik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode eksperimen menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 4 kali ulangan. Perlakuan yang dilakukan yaitu pemberian pakan organik dengan kandungan protein 25% (A), 30% (B), 35% (C) dan 40% (D). Kultur Oithona sp. dilakukan di dalam 14 toples plastik bervolume 9 L yang diisi air media sebanyak 2,5 L. Pemeliharaan dilakukan selama 20 hari. Pada setiap kultur Oithona sp. dalam toples plastik diberikan pakan sebanyak 50% dari sel mikroalga Chaetoceros calcitrans dan 50% pakan organik yang telah difermentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kandungan protein pakan organik berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap pertumbuhan Oithona sp. (P0,05). Pemberian 30% protein pada pakan organik merupakan dosis terbaik dalam penelitian ini. Kepadatan total Oithona sp. dengan pemberian kandungan protein pakan organik 30 % mencapai 76,5±3,1 ind/ml (terdiri dari stadia nauplii sebanyak 35,0±2,6 ind/ml, stadia copepodit sebanyak 12,8±1,3 ind/ml, dan stadia dewasa 21,0±1,6 ind/ml) dan rata-rata produksi telur sebanyak 3,2±0,3 butir/in

    Strategi Pengembangan Budidaya Tambak Udang Vanname (Litopenaeus Vannamei) Di Kabupaten Kendal, Jawa Tengah

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    Udang vanname (Litopenaeus vannamei) merupakan komoditas perikanan yang dikembangkan di Kabupaten Kendal, pengembangan budidaya udang vanname tersebut saat ini menggunakan cara pembudidayaan yang masih sederhana hingga teknologi intensif. Permasalahan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa pengembangan yang sekarang dilakukan masih perlu penentuan strategi yang sesuai dengan potensi, daya dukung lingkungan dan kondisi wilayah pengembangan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji profil budidaya dan menentukan strategi pengembangan budidaya tambak udang vanname di Kabupaten Kendal, kemudian menentukan prioritas strategi berdasarkan analisis Quantitative Strategies Planning Matrix (QSPM) serta implikasi manajemen. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif, dengan metode studi kasus (case study). Berdasarkan analisis SWOT kekuatan (S) yang paling besar pengaruhnya untuk pengembangan budidaya tambak udang vanname di Kabupaten Kendal adalah tata lingkungan budidaya (0,33), sedangkan kelemahan terbesar adalah sumber daya manusia (SDM) dan produk hasil budidaya (0,23), serta peluang (O) terbesar adalah kegiatan manajemen tambak (0,37), dan ancaman (T) terbesar adalah penyakit viral (0,25). Dalam persaingan keunggulan strategis Kabupaten Kendal berada pada posisi persaingan aman (favorable) dengan jumlah skor pembobotan variabel internal sebesar 3,11. Total skor pembobotan dari peluang yaitu sebesar 1,72 dan dari ancaman adalah 1,07. Berdasarkan matriks SWOT diperoleh rangking strategi alternatif yaitu berturut-turut strategi SO (3,92), ST (3,27), WO (2,64) dan WT (2,01), sedangkan berdasarkan kuadran analisis berada pada kuadran 1 (Growth Oriented Strategy). Berdasarkan analisis QSPM, Total Attractive Score (TAS) diperoleh prioritas strategi utama yaitu Strategi WO1 (TAS = 6,964) yaitu meningkatkan kompetensi dan profesionalisme SDM melalui implikasi manajemen berupa kegiatan penyuluhan rutin dan berkala, sedangkan strategi pilihan terakhir adalah strategi WO3 (TAS = 6,678) yaitu memanfaatkan sumber dana yang ada untuk meningkatkan hasil produksi budidaya melalui kegiatan partisipatif, kerjasama dan kemitraan yang saling menguntungkan. Vanname shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) is a commodity that is developed in Kendal, the development of vanname culture currently adapted was simple cultivation to intensive technology method. The problem of this study is that the development is now done still need to determine the appropriate strategy with the potential, carrying capacity of the environment and conditions of development area. The purpose of this study is to assess profile and also development strategy of vanname shrimp brackishwater culture in Kendal, then priorities strategies based on Quantitative Strategies Planning Matrix (QSPM) analysis and implication management. This study used descriptive method that is a case study. Based on SWOT analysis, the result showed that Strength (S) for developing vannamei shrimp brackishwater culture in Kendal Regency is environmental culture management as the most influence(0.33), but the biggest weakness are human resources and culture production (0.23), while the biggest opportunity (O) is pond management (0.37) and the biggest threat (T) is viral diseases (0.25). On the competitive strategic advantage, Kendal Regency is in a safe position (favorable), with the number of weighting internal variables about 3.11. Total score weighting of opportunities and threats are 1.72 and 1.07. Ranking of alternative strategy gained based on the SWOT matrix are SO (3.92), ST (3.27), WO (2.64) and WT (2.01) while quadrant analysis is in 1stquadrant (Growth Oriented Strategy). Based on QSPM analysis, Total Attractive Score (TAS) obtained the key strategic priority is WO1 (TAS= 6,964) which is to improve human resource competence and professionalism through management implications in the form of routine and periodic extension activities, while the last strategy choice is WO3 (TAS=6,678) by utilize the existing funding sources to increase the aquaculture production through participatory, cooperation and partnerships activities

    Pengaruh Penambahan Kotoran Ayam, Ampas Tahu Dan Silase Ikan Rucah Dalam Media Kultur Terhadap Biomassa, Populasi Dan Kandungan Nutrisi Cacing Sutera (Tubifex SP.)

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    Pemanfaatan kotoran ayam, ampas tahu dan silase ikan rucah untuk penambahan media kultur cacing sutera diharapkan dapat meningkatkan biomassa, populasi dan kandungan nutrisi cacing sutera (Tubifex sp.). Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan kotoran ayam, ampas tahu dan silase ikan rucah dalam media kultur terhadap biomassa, populasi dan kandungan nutrisi cacing sutera. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan masing-masing 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan tersebut adalah penambahan 100% Kotoran Ayam (A); 50 % kotoran ayam, 35% ampas tahu dan 15% silase ikan rucah (B); 50% kotoran ayam, 25% ampas tahu dan 25% silase ikan rucah (C); 50% kotoran ayam, 15% ampas tahu dan 35% silase ikan rucah (D). Penentuan dosis perlakuan yang digunakan mengacu pada penelitian pendahuluan yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya. Kotoran ayam, ampas tahu dan silase ikan rucah dimasukkan ke dalam 12 wadah dengan ukuran 50x13x10 cm (luas 0,065 m2). Wadah dialiri air mengalir dengan sistem sistem sirkulasi dengan debit 0,35 L/menit dan ditebari cacing 10 g/wadah, selanjutnya cacing dipelihara selama 52 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan B memberikan hasil terbaik dengan biomassa tertinggi 57,93±1,59 g/wadah, populasi 13.995±374,8 individu/wadah dan kandungan protein 59,75±0,001%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penambahan kotoran ayam, ampas tahu, dan silase ikan rucah dalam media kultur berpengaruh sangat nyata (P&lt;0,01) terhadap biomassa, populasi dan kandungan nutrisi cacing sutera. The utilization of chicken manure, tofu waste and trace fish for additional culture medium that supposed to be increase the biomass, population and nutrition content of Silk worm (Tubifex sp.). The purpose of this research was to examine the effect of the addition of chicken manure, tofu waste, and silage trace fish in culture medium on biomass, population and nutrition content of Tubifex sp. This research was used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replicates, respectively. Those treatments were the addition 100% chicken manure (A); 50% chicken manure, 35% tofu waste and 15% silage trace fish (B); 50% chicken manure, 25% tofu waste and 25% silage trace fish (C); and 50% chicken manure, 15% tofu waste and 35% silage trace fish (D). This doses determination treatment used, were referred to previous preliminary research. Chicken manure, tofu waste, and silage trace fish were placed in 12 container with the size of 50x13x10 cm (0,065 m2 in the area). The container was irrigated with watering circulation system on discharge 0,35 L/minute and 10 g/container ofdensity, furthermore cultivan was cultivated during 52 days. The result showed that the treatment B was the best treatment with the highest biomass 57,93±1,59 g/container, population 13995±374,68 ind/container and protein content 59,75±0,001%. Base on the results, it was concluded that the addition of chicken manure, tofu waste and silage trace fish in cuture medium has a significant effect (P&lt;0.01) on biomass, population and nutrition content of silk worm
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