470 research outputs found

    Factors Influence Intention to Opt for Islamic Investment Schemes Among Market Players

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    Employing theory of reasoned action with religiosity as its additional construct in the model, this paper is aimed at examining factors influence the intention of investors to opt Islamic investment schemes in Malaysia Islamic capital markets. As many as 120 questionnaires were collected from market players in Bursa Malaysia using online survey. Afterwards, the data collected were analyzed using structural equation model to reveal the relationship of variables tested in the proposed model. The result shows that religiosity and subjective norms appeared to be the significant factors affecting intention to choose Islamic investment schemes in Malaysia Islamic capital markets. Interestingly, despite its significant role shown in previous studies, this study has shown insignificant level of the attitude in predicting the intention behavior. The managerial implications are discussed in this paper

    Effectual forms of chicken eggshell to improve soil pH and exchangeable bases (K, Ca and Mg) of peat soil / Muhammad Nazif Hussin

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    Low soil pH is one of the synonym characteristics of peat soils which restricted the nutrient availability in the soils. Even though the liming application using either agriculture lime, burned lime or hydrated lime is quite common in Malaysia, there is a potential of chicken eggshell to become a substitution for these types of lime, especially in a small scale agricultural area. This study intends to determine the exchangeable bases concentration of chicken eggshell in powder, liquid and crumb forms as well as to evaluate the effects on soil pH. The results were compared to the calcium carbonate (CaCOɜ) lime to evaluate the effectiveness of the chicken eggshells. From this study, the findings showed that the chicken eggshell in powdered form has significant effects in improving peat soil pH and calcium (Ca) concentration compared to other treatments. It is suggested that the chicken eggshell in powdered forms may have a potential as a substitution of lime with lower cost

    Personal Document Management System

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    In definition, a document management system (DMS) is a computer system (or set of computer programs) used to track and store electronic documents and/or images of paper documents As people nowadays are constantly on the move and the wide spread availability of internet access, the usage of web based systems are increasing by leaps and bounds. And the amount of data and information that is being created and stored is getting bigger by the moment. Sometimes, people who are constantly on the move might forget to bring along their files and documents and there might be a situation when they will need those files and documents urgently. Most of the people might not even be aware of a system available online that would help them organize their files and documents. This might be caused by the fact that these systems are more oriented towards enterprises and businesses. Seeing this situation, the author has initiated a web based system project that is more oriented towards a more personal version of a document management system. This personal document management system will enable users to manage and organize their files easily .Files and documents will be stored centrally on a server and this centralization enables users to access them anytime anywhere through a web based portal. This personal management system is designed as an online system that is install on individual computers where it allows user to upload, retrieve, view, edit, delete, share and even send files to other users that uses the system. In the process of developing this system, the author has done online researches on similar systems and for information that are related to the development of the system. Along with a user intuitive interface with heavy emphasis on usage of icons and graphics, it makes it easier for users to understand the system and ultimately find it as a useful tool to make their everyday life easier

    Amalan Psikolinguistik dalam Pemahaman Bahan Bacaan Asas Bahasa Melayu dalam Kalangan Pelajar Muda

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    The research seeks to identify and examine the psycholinguistics practices that has been instilled and inculcate by the teacher in their teaching methods and could be aquired effectively by the Year 1 pupils. The psycholinguistics experiences enable the Year 1 pupils to understand and acquire the basic Malay (Bahasa Melayu) resource materials better. This experimental research based on test and retest were administered on 50 Year 1 pupils of SK Morak in the district of Tumpat, Kelantan. The research findings were obtained from two consecutive tests based on the items contained in the Malay Basic Reading Module. This topic was approved by the senate meeting. Apart from using the quantitative experimental research, the researcher also used qualitative controlled observational method on all the subjects studied. Survey based on a set of questionnaires were carried on the teachers involved and the subjects studied. Unstructural interviews protocol, were also conducted on the parents and guardians. The data obtained through the achievement records were analysed and studied. The findings on the subjects showed that the subjects enable to acquire the basic reading skills better and more effective after instilling the psycholinguistics practices in the teaching and learning methods. The improvement in acquisition of basic reading skills was due to the exposition to various psycholinguistics teaching materials, techniques, learning strategies and a systematic teaching and learning approach based on psycholinguistics practices. Suitable level based items were constructed to test the subjects. From the research, we can deduce that the application of psycholinguistics has a very significance influence on the understanding and acquisition of the basic reading skills in bahasa Melayu. The implication from the research is that the application of psycholinguistics need to be developed from young and this is one of the challenges that teachers will have to confront and aknowledge especially to prepare pupils in the acquisition of the basic reading skills

    Tahap daya tahan dalam kalangan pelajar IPTA di Malaysia dan di luar negara

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau tahap daya tahan dan dimensi daya tahan pelajar IPTA di Malaysia dan di luar negara. Aspek dimensi daya tahan meliputi keyakinan diri, disiplin diri, kemampuan diri, kawalan diri dan tekad diri. Di samping itu, kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti sama ada terdapat perbezaan dalam daya tahan dan dimensi daya tahan berdasarkan beberapa faktor demografi. Aspek demografi yang diliputi terdiri dari jantina, lokasi institusi, lokasi tempat tinggal dan pendidikan ibubapa. Kedua-dua aspek tinjauan tahap daya tahan dan mengenalpasti perbezaan ini diperolehi dari data-data yang dikutip melalui soalselidik. Sampel kajian adalah terdiri daripada pelajar IPTA di Malaysia dan di luar negara. Sejumlah 520 sampel kajian dipilih secara rawak. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan sokongan kaedah kualitatif melalui kaedah temubual kumpulan fokus bagi menjelaskan lebih mendalam dapatan kajian yang diperolehi daripada analisis kuantitatif. Ini termasuk menghuraikan lima dimensi yang di ambil dalam tahap daya tahan pelajar. Dapatan kajian dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan inferensi. Min skor dimensi daya tahan diukur dan dibincangkan berdasarkan profail subjek. Ujian-t pula digunakan bagi meninjau perbezaan dalam daya tahan dan dimensi daya tahan berdasarkan faktor demografi. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan daya tahan dan dimensi daya tahan pelajar berada pada tahap yang tinggi kecuali disiplin diri yang berada pada tahap sederhana. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan dalam daya tahan berdasarkan faktor jantina, lokasi IPT dan pendidikan ibubapa. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan pelajar IPTA mempunyai daya tahan yang lebih tinggi berbanding dengan pelajar IPT luar negara. Analisi kualitatif melalui perbincangan kumpulan fokus memberi indikasi bahawa daya tahan dilihat memberi impak kepada kepimpinan pelajar IPT

    Factors influencing Malaysian consumers’ intention to use Quick Response (QR) mobile payment

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    In the past decade, conventional payment methods of using cash is progressively replaced with electronic payments. Recently, QR mobile payment begins to receive more attention from many countries including Malaysia. Nevertheless, QR mobile payment is a relatively green area in which very limited literature exists on this subject matter pertaining to consumer acceptance and characteristics of adopter segments of this technology. Therefore, by applying the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as the main theoretical framework, the aim of the present study is to investigate the factors influencing intention to use QR mobile payment in Malaysia. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed which resulted in 485 complete responses. Perceived usefulness, personal innovativeness, perceived ease of use, subjective norm, and perceived security were found to be significant in determining intention to use QR mobile payment among Malaysian consumers

    Analisis Tinjauan Literatur Sistematik (SLR) Berkaitan Penterjemahan Elemen Iltifāt: A Systematic Literature Review (SLR) Analysis on the Translation of Iltifāt Elements

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    Translation studies have increasingly become popular among researchers. However, the strategies of translating iltifāt elements which are known to affect the understanding of a given text have not received much attention. This is due to the perceived complexity and difficulty of translating iltifāt by many scholars. However, its translation strategies do require improvement so as to avoid confusion among target text readers. This study presents a systematic literature analysis on the translation of iltifāt elements with the aims of integrating previous findings and identifying new research areas. This qualitative study applies a document analysis approach and a systematic literature review (SLR). This analysis focuses on the reviewed studies’ backgrounds, issues, methods and findings. The results show that previous studies in general tend to focus on the corpus of the sacral text which is the Quran, particularly on iltifāt ḍamīr (reference switching) and its English translation strategies. The findings also show that the problems arising from previous studies can be resolved by applying efficient translation strategies. Therefore, future research in Arabic-Malay translation that aims to produce equivalent translation strategies in regards to iltifāt ḍamir elements should be emphasized.   ABSTRAK  Kajian mengenai penterjemahan semakin berkembang dan mendapat tumpuan dalam kalangan para pengkaji. Namun begitu, strategi penterjemahan elemen iltifāt yang memberi kesan kepada makna sesuatu teks kurang diberi perhatian. Hal ini kerana kebanyakan sarjana berpendapat bahawa elemen iltifāt adalah rumit dan sukar untuk diterjemahkan. Walau bagaimanapun, strategi penterjemahannya perlu dimantapkan agar makna elemen iltifāt tidak menimbulkan kekeliruan dalam kalangan pembaca teks sasaran. Kajian ini memfokuskan kepada literatur berkaitan penterjemahan elemen iltifāt dalam kajian terdahulu dan mengintegrasikan penemuan kajian lepas bagi meneroka cadangan isu baharu untuk dikaji. Kajian kualitatif ini menerapkan reka bentuk analisis dokumen dan berpandukan tinjauan literatur sistematik (systematic literature review, SLR) sebagai landasan. Analisis ini memfokuskan kepada latar belakang kajian, permasalahan, metode dan dapatan kajian terdahulu. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa kajian-kajian lepas lebih menumpukan korpus teks kudus iaitu al-Quran yang berkisar tentang elemen iltifāt ḍamīr dan strategi penterjemahannya ke dalam bahasa Inggeris. Dapatan juga menunjukkan bahawa permasalahan yang timbul daripada kajian-kajian lepas dapat diatasi dengan menerapkan strategi penterjemahan tertentu. Oleh yang demikian, kajian penterjemahan Arab-Melayu yang memfokuskan kepada usaha menghasilkan strategi penterjemahan yang sepadan dalam menterjemah elemen iltifāt ḍamīr wajar diketengahkan. &nbsp

    Density and diversity of water birds and terrestrial birds at Paya Indah Wetland Reserve, Selangor Peninsular Malaysia

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    The main objectives of this study was to determine and compare the density and diversity of water birds and terrestrial birds using distance sampling point count method at Paya Indah Wetland Reserve, Selangor Peninsular Malaysia. A total of 13872 bird individuals from 100 bird species were recorded in the wetland reserve. Out of the total, 25 (22.26% of all detections) and 75 (77.74% of all detections) bird species belong to water birds and terrestrial birds respectively. The results showed that total bird density of the wetland reserve is 83.92±4.53 birds ha-1 and ranged from 75.40-93.41 birds ha-1 (95% confidence interval). The terrestrial birds have higher density (70.26±4.48 birds ha-1) as compared to water birds (13.09±1.78 birds ha-1). The highest water bird density was recorded for Purple Swamphen (5.05±0.89 birds ha-1) and the lowest was Ballion's Crake (0.31±0.13 birds ha-1). The highest terrestrial bird density was recorded for Yellow-vented Bulbul (12.97±1.05 birds ha-1) and the lowest was Ashy Minivet (0.31±0.18 birds ha-1). The highest species diversity i.e. Shannon’s index (N1 = 20.83), species richness i.e. Margalef’s index (R1 = 7.97) and species evenness, i.e., McIntosh’s index (E = 0.73) was recorded in terrestrial birds. This study indicated that Paya Indah Wetland Reserve is a highly important habitat and provides diverse food, shelter, nesting and roosting sites for water birds as well as terrestrial birds

    Avian density in different habitat typs at Paya Indah Natural Wetland Reserve, Peninsular Malaysia.

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    Population monitoring is an essential tool to detect changes in avian community structure for their effective management and conservation. Present study determined bird diversity and density in five habitat types i.e., marsh swamp, lotus swamp, open water body, dryland and shrub patches using distance sampling point count method at Paya Indah Natural Wetland Reserve, Peninsular Malaysia from November, 2007 to January, 2009. Overall avian density at the reserve was 83.92 ± 4.53 birds/ha which might range from 75.40 – 93.41 birds/ha at 95% confidence interval. Highest bird density was recorded in November, 2007 (11.83 ± 1.92 birds/ha), and the lowest in April, 2008 (3.01 ± 0.45 birds/ha). Marsh Swamp habitat supported the highest avian density (i.e. 136.55 ± 21.21 birds/ha) and open water body lowest one i.e., 70.40 ± 11.14 birds/ha. Yellow-vented Bulbul – Pycnonotus goiavier was the most abundant bird species of Marsh Swamp (11.81 ± 1.30 birds/ha), and Dryland (13.93 ± 1.42 birds/ha), Jungle Myna – Acridotheres tristis (8.43 ± 2.07 birds/ha) for Open Water Body while Scaly-breasted Munia – Lonchura punctulata (31.52 ± 4.75 birds/ha) and Pinknecked Green Pigeon – Treron vernans (19.99 ± 4.52 birds/ha) was the most dominant species of Lotus Swamp and Shrub Patches, respectively. However, 26 bird species (each) of Marsh Swamp and Lotus Swamp, 20 species of Open Water Body, 28 species (each) of Dryland and Shrub Patches were not analyzed due to the small sample size (< 5 detections). Kruskal–Wallis One–Way Nonparametric ANOVA and Tukey’s (HSD) test results showed that bird density of marsh swamp habitat is significantly different from shrub patches, open water body and lotus swamp habitat (F4, 285 = 6.31, P < 0.05). This study highlighted that Paya Indah Natural Wetland Reserve encompasses heterogeneous vegetation that provides diversity food resources, suitable loafing, safe foraging and breeding sites for wide array of avian species

    Strategi komunikasi lisan bahasa Jepun pelajar Melayu di sebuah universiti awam

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    Kajian ini memberi fokus kepada aktiviti interaksi berpasangan oleh pelajar Melayu yang mempelajari bahasa Jepun sebagai bahasa asing di Universiti Putra Malaysia. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penggunaan strategi komunikasi dalam membantu pelajar Melayu menyampaikan mesej dalam komunikasi lisan bahasa Jepun dengan lebih baik. Responden kajian terdiri daripada 10 orang pelajar Melayu yang mempelajari bahasa Jepun tahap asas. Instrumen kajian terdiri daripada dua tugasan lisan yang melibatkan interaksi berpasangan selama 10 minit yang dirakam secara video dan audio. Temu bual dijalankan untuk mendapatkan data sokongan untuk pemerhatian dan transkripsi. Dapatan kajian dianalisis dengan menggunakan Taksonomi Strategi Komunikasi yang telah diubahsuai daripada Bialystok (1983), Faerch & Kasper (1983), Tarone (1983) dan Varadi (1983). Pengkaji membuat kesimpulan bahawa responden kajian yang kurang fasih berbahasa Jepun dan memiliki pengetahuan linguistik bahasa Jepun terhad didapati lebih kerap menggunakan strategi-strategi komunikasi berbanding dengan responden kajian yang fasih berbahasa Jepun. Pemilihan strategi komunikasi yang tepat akan memberi keyakinan dan meningkatkan penguasaan pelajar untuk berkomunikasi dengan lebih berkesan dalam bahasa Jepun