13 research outputs found

    Accuracy of telephone triage for predicting adverse outcomes in suspected COVID-19 : an observational cohort study linking NHS 111 telephone triage, primary and secondary healthcare and mortality records.

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    Objectives Settings in identifying need for emergency care amongst those with suspected COVID-19 infection and identify factors which affect triage accuracy. Approach An observational cohort study of adults who contacted the NHS 111 telephone triage service provided by Yorkshire Ambulance Service between March and June 2020 with symptoms indicating possible COVID-19 infection. Patient-level data encompassing  triage call, primary care, hospital care and death registration records relating to 40,261 adults were linked. The accuracy of triage outcome (self-care/non-urgent assessment versus ambulance/urgent assessment) was assessed for death or organ support 30 days from first contact. Multivariable logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with risk of false negative or false positive triage. Results Callers had a 3% (1,200/40,261) risk of serious adverse outcomes. Telephone triage recommended self-care or non-urgent assessment for 60% (24,335/40,261), with a 1.3% (310/24,335) risk of adverse outcomes 30 days from first contact. Telephone triage had 74.2% sensitivity (95% CI: 71.6 to 76.6%) and 61.5% specificity (61% to 62%) for the primary outcome. Analysis suggested respiratory comorbidities may be over-appreciated and diabetes under-appreciated as predictors of deterioration. Repeat contact with triage service appears to be an important under-recognised predictor of deterioration. Conclusion Patients advised to self-care or receive non-urgent clinical assessment had a small but non-negligible risk of serious clinical deterioration. Repeat contact with telephone services needs recognition as an important predictor of subsequent adverse outcomes

    Agricultural practices and plant economy of the West Bank / Palestine from the Bronze Age to the Ottoman period : carpological and ethno-archaeobotanical studies

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    L'Ă©tude des restes vĂ©gĂ©taux issus de sites archĂ©ologiques diffĂ©rents, tant sur le plan chronologique que gĂ©ographique, localisĂ©s en Cisjordanie : Tell Jenin, Bustan Abdo, SĂ©bastiyĂ©, Khirbet BirZeit, Tell Kiela, Khirbet al-Mafjar « moulin » et Qasser Hisham, nous a permis de comprendre la relation entre les sociĂ©tĂ©s locales et la vĂ©gĂ©tation environnante, mais Ă©galement de mettre en Ă©vidence les principales cultures agricoles et leurs activitĂ©s associĂ©es. En raison de certains obstacles, essentiellement techniques, rencontrĂ©s au cours de nos recherches archĂ©ologiques, et particuliĂšrement pour localiser desĂ©chantillons dans les contextes archĂ©ologiques, nous avons Ă©laborĂ© une mĂ©thode d’étude afin de prĂ©ciser les rĂ©sultats tirĂ©s de l'analyse de ces Ă©chantillons. La documentation et l’étude de certaines activitĂ©s et procĂ©dĂ©s agricoles en Cisjordanie, tels que la production de frikeh (grain de blĂ© laiteux non mĂ»r, grillĂ© au feu), la production badoudia (c'est une mĂ©thode d'extraction traditionnelle de l'huile d'olive). Et le four Ă  pain traditionnel (Tabun), et aussi les connaissances tirĂ©es de l'histoire orale et d'entretiens effectuĂ©s au sujet des anciennes mĂ©thodes agricoles, nous ont offert des indications essentielles et une base comparative solide afin de comprendre les mĂ©thodes agricoles et la transformation des aliments dans la rĂ©gion au cours des siĂšcles. Cette thĂšse constitue la premiĂšre Ă©tape de notre projet d'Ă©tude archĂ©obotanique des sites palestiniens. La comparaison de nos rĂ©sultats avec les travaux archĂ©obotaniques effectuĂ©s auparavant, mais aussi les mĂ©thodes de culture itinĂ©rante, les sĂ©lections de cultures et certaines mĂ©thodes de traitement des aliments sont une preuve de la continuitĂ© culturelle en Palestine. On a pu aussi mettre au jour des variations entraĂźnĂ©es par les conditions climatiques, l'influence des sociĂ©tĂ©s limitrophes et les nouvelles cultures apparues ou importĂ©es dans la rĂ©gion. Ce travail se poursuivra afin d'Ă©toffer notre corpus archĂ©obotanique et d'approfondir nos connaissances quant aux relations entre l'homme et son milieu.By studying ancient plant remains, from many archaeological sites in the West Bank / Palestine, Tell Jenin in Jenin, Bustan Abdo, Samaria near Nablus, Khirbet BirZeit near BirZeit, Tell Kiela near Hebron, Khirbet al-Mafjar "water mill” and Qasser Hisham in Jericho, although these archaeological sites are differentiated by their contexts, their chronological sequences and their geographical location, we were provided a good idea of the relationship between the local society and its surrounding vegetation, in addition to the main agricultural crops and its associated activities. Due to some obstacles, mainly the technical once during the archaeological work, we found that after the analysis of these samples, we needed another type of study method to clarify the results of these samples. Documenting and studying some agricultural activities and process in the West Bank, such as frikeh (unripe, milky roasted wheat grain kernels) production, badoudia production (one of the primitive olive oil extraction methods in Palestine), and tabun oven, in addition to the oral history of the ancient agricultural methods, give a very good indication and a sort of analogy very important to understand the agricultural methods and food processing in the region during the time. This thesis is the first step of a future work in Archaeobotany in the Palestinian region ; meanwhile we compared our results in general with the ancient archaeobotanical work that had been done before. The agricultural methods, crops selections and some food processing methods are an evidence of the cultural continuity in Palestine, with some kind of interactions depending on the climatic conditions, effects of neighbor’s societies, and the new crops that appeared in or were imported to the region. For this reason, our work will continue after this thesis by documenting more and more traditional agricultural and food processing methods, in addition to the archaeobotanical remains analysis belonging to new archaeological sites projects ; as a trying to have more evidence that support our idea of agricultural method continuity during scale of time

    Vi mÄste vara engagerade tillsammans : En kvalitativ studie om praktikgemenskaper inom bankvÀsendet

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    Bankerna i Sverige har en betydande funktion för svensk tillvÀxt och vÀlfÀrd. EttvÀlfungerande banksystem Àr en grundpelare för det samhÀlle vi kÀnner till idag. Bankerförser oss med tjÀnster och produkter för att vi ska ha möjlighet att spara och lÄna. Kunskapoch kompetens blir fÀrskvaror eftersom vi lever i ett samhÀlle i konstant förÀndring. KravetpÄ kompetens ökar konstant, inte minst för privatrÄdgivare som har en viktig funktion förhela den svenska befolkningens privatekonomi.Mot denna bakgrund har vi lagt fokus pÄ att skapa en förstÄelse för privatrÄdgivares villkorför lÀrande, i avsikt att fÄ syn pÄ hur de aktualiserar kunskap och kompetens för att kunnamöta bÄde kunders och omvÀrldens krav. Studien behandlar privatrÄdgivares lÀrande pÄarbetsplatsen vid tvÄ av Sveriges största banker. Syftet med studien Àr att fÄ kunskap om ochförstÄelse för hur praktikgemenskaper, med fokus pÄ praktik och gemenskap, bidrar tilllÀrande för privatrÄdgivare. Vi har intresserat oss för frÄgor som berör privatrÄdgivareserfarenhetsutbyte pÄ arbetsplatsen. Studien resultat visar att privatrÄdgivares praktiker avserexempelvis samspel mellan kollegor, gemensamma veckomöten och workshops. RÄdgivarnasgemenskaper kÀnnetecknas av ett ömsesidigt engagemang kring gemensamt uppsatta mÄl.Studiens resultat visar Àven att den praktikgemenskap som framtrÀder av privatrÄdgivaresbeskrivningar kÀnnetecknas av en gemensam förstÄelse kring arbetsrelaterade ÀndamÄl. Dettabidrar till ett systematiskt samspel mellan privatrÄdgivarna och deras kollegor och Àr sÄledesen stÀndigt pÄgÄende lÀrprocess dÀr erfarenheter utbyts.Studien har en teoretisk utgÄngspunkt i Wengers (1998) teori om praktikgemenskaper. Vidgenomförandet anvÀndes kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer av sex privatrÄdgivare somarbetar pÄ tvÄ storbanker i Sverige

    Supplementary Figure 4 from Immune Modulation of Innate and Adaptive Responses Restores Immune Surveillance and Establishes Antitumor Immunologic Memory

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    A. TKO mouse ovarian cancer cells were treated with increasing concentrations of CARG-2020 or VLV-GFP and effect on cell growth and cell death is quantified in real time using Cytation5/Biospa by measuring mCherry confluence and CelltoxTM fluorescence; B. Representative fluorescence images showing PBS Control and CARG-2020-treated cultures. red, mCherry; green, CelltoxTM; C. Human ovarian cancer cells, clone OCSC1-F2 and the hTERT-immortalized human endometrial stromal cells were treated with increasing concentrations of CARG-2020 for 72h and cell death was quantified using CelltoxTM fluorescence. Note that CARG-2020 induces cell death only in cancer cells and not in normal cells.</p

    Supplementary Figure 5 from Immune Modulation of Innate and Adaptive Responses Restores Immune Surveillance and Establishes Antitumor Immunologic Memory

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    A. Cytolytic effect of VLV-GFP in cancer cells is mediated by the induction of pro-apoptotic genes. Treatment of cancer cells with VLV-GFP is associated with a significant increase on TRAIL and FAS mRNA expression. *=p>0.005; **= p>0.001 B. In vivo induction of pro-apoptotic genes. Mice bearing mCherry-TKO tumors were treated 2X with VLV-GFP. The expression of TRAIL and FAS was determined 24h after the last treatment. Note the significant increase on TRAIL and FAS mRNA expression following VLV-GFP treatment. ***= p>0.0001</p

    Supplementary Figure 7 from Immune Modulation of Innate and Adaptive Responses Restores Immune Surveillance and Establishes Antitumor Immunologic Memory

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    A. Mean tumor burden over time of nude mice bearing OCSC1-F2 human ovarian tumors. mCherry fluorescent ROI was used to provide a measure of tumor burden. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. Treatments began on day 6 and continued through to day 12. B. Survival analysis using Kaplan-Meier.  </p