890 research outputs found

    Stability analysis of reaction-diffusion models on evolving domains: the effects of cross-diffusion

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    This article presents stability analytical results of a two component reaction-diffusion system with linear cross-diffusion posed on continuously evolving domains. First the model system is mapped from a continuously evolving domain to a reference stationary frame resulting in a system of partial differential equations with time-dependent coefficients. Second, by employing appropriately asymptotic theory, we derive and prove cross-diffusion-driven instability conditions for the model system for the case of slow, isotropic domain growth. Our analytical results reveal that unlike the restrictive diffusion-driven instability conditions on stationary domains, in the presence of cross-diffusion coupled with domain evolution, it is no longer necessary to enforce cross nor pure kinetic conditions. The restriction to activator-inhibitor kinetics to induce pattern formation on a growing biological system is no longer a requirement. Reaction-cross-diffusion models with equal diffusion coefficients in the principal components as well as those of the short-range inhibition, long-range activation and activator-activator form can generate patterns only in the presence of cross-diffusion coupled with domain evolution. To confirm our theoretical findings, detailed parameter spaces are exhibited for the special cases of isotropic exponential, linear and logistic growth profiles. In support of our theoretical predictions, we present evolving or moving finite element solutions exhibiting patterns generated by a short-range inhibition, long-range activation reaction-diffusion model with linear cross-diffusion in the presence of domain evolution

    Compressible homogeneous shear: Simulation and modeling

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    Compressibility effects were studied on turbulence by direct numerical simulation of homogeneous shear flow. A primary observation is that the growth of the turbulent kinetic energy decreases with increasing turbulent Mach number. The sinks provided by compressible dissipation and the pressure dilatation, along with reduced Reynolds shear stress, are shown to contribute to the reduced growth of kinetic energy. Models are proposed for these dilatational terms and verified by direct comparison with the simulations. The differences between the incompressible and compressible fields are brought out by the examination of spectra, statistical moments, and structure of the rate of strain tensor

    Direct simulation of compressible turbulence in a shear flow

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    Compressibility effects on the turbulence in homogeneous shear flow are investigated. The growth of the turbulent kinetic energy was found to decrease with increasing Mach number: a phenomenon which is similar to the reduction of turbulent velocity intensities observed in experiments on supersonic free shear layers. An examination of the turbulent energy budget shows that both the compressible dissipation and the pressure-dilatation contribute to the decrease in the growth of kinetic energy. The pressure-dilatation is predominantly negative in homogeneous shear flow, in contrast to its predominantly positive behavior in isotropic turbulence. The different signs of the pressure-dilatation are explained by theoretical consideration of the equations for the pressure variance and density variance. Previously, the following results were obtained for isotropic turbulence: (1) the normalized compressible dissipation is of O(M(sub t)(exp 2)); and (2) there is approximate equipartition between the kinetic and potential energies associated with the fluctuating compressible mode. Both of these results were substantiated in the case of homogeneous shear. The dilatation field is significantly more skewed and intermittent than the vorticity field. Strong compressions seem to be more likely than strong expansions

    Shock-turbulence interactions in a reacting flow

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    A specific reactive flow configuration, the interaction of a detonation wave with convected homogeneous isotropic weak turbulence (which can be constructed by a Fourier synthesis of small amplitude shear waves) is addressed. The effect of chemical heat release on the rms fluctuations downstream of the detonation is presented as a function of Mach number. In addition, for the particular case of the von Karman spectrum, the one dimensional power spectra of these flow quantities is given

    Spectral multigrid methods for elliptic equations 2

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    A detailed description of spectral multigrid methods is provided. This includes the interpolation and coarse-grid operators for both periodic and Dirichlet problems. The spectral methods for periodic problems use Fourier series and those for Dirichlet problems are based upon Chebyshev polynomials. An improved preconditioning for Dirichlet problems is given. Numerical examples and practical advice are included

    The analysis and simulation of compressible turbulence

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    Compressible turbulent flows at low turbulent Mach numbers are considered. Contrary to the general belief that such flows are almost incompressible, (i.e., the divergence of the velocity field remains small for all times), it is shown that even if the divergence of the initial velocity field is negligibly small, it can grow rapidly on a non-dimensional time scale which is the inverse of the fluctuating Mach number. An asymptotic theory which enables one to obtain a description of the flow in terms of its divergence-free and vorticity-free components has been developed to solve the initial-value problem. As a result, the various types of low Mach number turbulent regimes have been classified with respect to the initial conditions. Formulae are derived that accurately predict the level of compressibility after the initial transients have disappeared. These results are verified by extensive direct numerical simulations of isotropic turbulence

    The analysis and modeling of dilatational terms in compressible turbulence

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    It is shown that the dilatational terms that need to be modeled in compressible turbulence include not only the pressure-dilatation term but also another term - the compressible dissipation. The nature of these dilatational terms in homogeneous turbulence is explored by asymptotic analysis of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. A non-dimensional parameter which characterizes some compressible effects in moderate Mach number, homogeneous turbulence is identified. Direct numerical simulations (DNS) of isotropic, compressible turbulence are performed, and their results are found to be in agreement with the theoretical analysis. A model for the compressible dissipation is proposed; the model is based on the asymptotic analysis and the direct numerical simulations. This model is calibrated with reference to the DNS results regarding the influence of compressibility on the decay rate of isotropic turbulence. An application of the proposed model to the compressible mixing layer has shown that the model is able to predict the dramatically reduced growth rate of the compressible mixing layer

    Analysis of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) Marketing and Price Trends in Selected Markets of Argungu Local Government Area, Kebbi State, Nigeria

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    The study analyzed cowpea marketing and price trends in selected rural and urban markets of Argungu Local Government Area, Kebbi State, Nigeria. A single-stage sampling technique was used for sample selection. The samples were collected from purposively selected Kara markets in Argungu (reference market), Felande, Gulma, Lailaba and Sauwa (supplying markets) from the selected Districts. Primary data were obtained from a sample of 100 marketers with the aid of the structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and spatial price model were employed in analyzing the data. Results of the analysis shows an average age of marketers to be 34 years, 69% were married and 62% have formal education with an average household size of 8 persons. However, 73% were discovered not join any cooperative association while 79% of them do not have access to credit to finance their business. Analysis of spatial aspects of pricing efficiency showed that the positive price spread is slightly high, even after considering plausible levels of unmeasured transaction costs. The trend in price revealed higher price per bag during the off-season (N27, 000/bag) in July and August and low (N15, 000) during harvest (October,November, December and January). Temporal aspects showed considerable risk was involved in storage operations to achieve high profits. The marketing channels identified in the study area were; Farmers, Village merchants, Wholesalers, Retailers, Processors and finally the Consumers. The constraints identified in the study area were lack of access to credit (25.69%), inadequate market information (24.59%), inadequate market infrastructure (22.65%), provision of quality product (16.02%) and poor storage facilities (11.05%). It is recommended that sellers should form cooperatives that can support them in provision of physical facilities and better dissemination of market intelligence and facts. Accordingly, to alleviate the problem of access to credit in the study area, awareness campaign and provision of such credit facilities at affordable level by the relevant stakeholders (State and Local Government authorities) could be an excellent  performance in enhancing the marketing activities in the study area

    Simple Model for Active Isolation of Machine Foundations by Open Trenches

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    Ground disturbance due to waves generated by a machine foundation can be detrimental to adjacent structures or operation of sensitive equipment nearby. For machine foundations vibrating at moderate to high frequencies, the amplitude of ground motion can be reduced significantly by installing a wave barrier around the source. A three-dimensional boundary element algorithm incorporating quadratic elements has been used to perform an extensive parametric study on the effectiveness of open trenches as wave barriers. Based on the results of the study, a simple model in the form of an algebraic expression is developed for estimating the vibration screening effectiveness of open trench wave barriers. Furthermore, through comparisons with published field test data and rigorous boundary element solutions, the validity of the simple model is established

    Computation of the sound generated by isotropic turbulence

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    The acoustic radiation from isotropic turbulence is computed numerically. A hybrid direct numerical simulation approach which combines direct numerical simulation (DNS) of the turbulent flow with the Lighthill acoustic analogy is utilized. It is demonstrated that the hybrid DNS method is a feasible approach to the computation of sound generated by turbulent flows. The acoustic efficiency in the simulation of isotropic turbulence appears to be substantially less than that in subsonic jet experiments. The dominant frequency of the computed acoustic pressure is found to be somewhat larger than the dominant frequency of the energy-containing scales of motion. The acoustic power in the simulations is proportional to epsilon (M(sub t))(exp 5) where epsilon is the turbulent dissipation rate and M(sub t) is the turbulent Mach number. This is in agreement with the analytical result of Proudman (1952), but the constant of proportionality is smaller than the analytical result. Two different methods of computing the acoustic power from the DNS data bases yielded consistent results
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