163 research outputs found


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    In the operation and design planning for the power system, the most significant and beneficial approach for the investigation of problems relating to power systems can be done by means of load flow analysis or design power flow. In light of a predefined structured power system and transmission system, the load flow analysis provides steady state characteristic data for voltage phase angles and its magnitude, the flow of reactive power in the transmission lines, losses in the system, generation and consumption of reactive power in the bus bar load. In this paper, an endeavor has been made to explore power flow in the 132kV grid by utilizing ETAP. The data is collected from Kohat 132KV substation over a period of one year, specifically in summer and winter peak loads

    Effect of Current Transformer Impedace on Secondary Injection Accuracy

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    ان الطريقة التقليدية لاجراء اختبار الحقن الثانوي  تتضمن فصل الملف الثانوي لمحولة التيار عن دائرة الفحص. هذا البحث يتحقق من ان وجود الملفات الثانوية لمحولة التيار ضمن دائرة الفحص يؤثر على دقة نتائج الفحص لم لا. تم استخدام برنامج الماتلاب من اجل نمذجة و محاكاة دائرة الفحص. لقد اظهرت نتائج الاختبارات بان وجود  الملف الثانوي لمحولة التيار ضمن دائرة الحقن الثانوي لايؤثر على دقة نتائج الفحص.The traditional procedure of the secondary injection test includes splitting the secondary winding of current transformer from the test circuit. This work investigates whether the presence of the current transformer secondary winding inside the test circuit affects the accuracy of the test results or not. Matlab/Simulink has been used in this paper for modeling and simulating  the tested circuit. Paper results show that the accuracy of the test is not affected when the secondary winding of current transformer presence inside the test circuit

    Design and analysis of a novel concentric rings based crossed lines single negative metamaterial structure

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    AbstractThis paper presents the design and analysis of a novel single negative metamaterial (MTM) based on concentric rings with crossed lines (CR-CL) to be miniaturized to λ/4 at 15GHz. The unit cell is structured to behave as a single negative MTM, -ε or -μ, at different frequency bands. The unit cell is consistent of a dielectric substrate, 5×5×1mm3, of FR4-Epoxy underneath of a conductive patch designed as 4.4×4.4mm2. A complete analysis in terms of S-parameters, constitutive parameters and refraction index are evaluated for the unit cell using both full wave simulation and circuitry analysis as well. Nevertheless, the unit cell characteristics based circuit equivalent lumped components are retrieved. HFSS software package based on Finite Element Method (FEM) and Advanced Design System (ADS) based on circuit analysis formulations are invoked to perform the simulation study. Later on, the obtained simulation results are compared to their identical measurements based on transmission line technique. Finally, the simulated and measured results are agreed excellently


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    In the operation and design planning for the power system, the most significant and beneficial approach for the investigation of problems relating to power systems can be done by means of load flow analysis or design power flow. In light of a predefined structured power system and transmission system, the load flow analysis provides steady state characteristic data for voltage phase angles and its magnitude, the flow of reactive power in the transmission lines, losses in the system, generation and consumption of reactive power in the bus bar load. In this paper, an endeavor has been made to explore power flow in the 132kV grid by utilizing ETAP. The data is collected from Kohat 132KV substation over a period of one year, specifically in summer and winter peak loads

    Prevalence and predictors of iron deficiency anemia in children under five years of age in Pakistan, a secondary analysis of national nutrition survey data 2011–2012

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    Background: Iron deficiency Anemia (IDA) in children is a recognized public health problem that impacts adversely on child morbidity, mortality and impairs cognitive development. In Pakistan information on the true prevalence and predictors of IDA is limited. This study sought to investigate IDA in children under five years of age using data from a nationally representative stratified cross-sectional survey. Methods: Secondary analysis was performed on the National Nutrition Survey in Pakistan 2011–2012. We used a pre-structured instrument to collect socio demographic and nutritional data on mothers and children. We also collected Anthropometric measurements and blood samples for micronutrient deficiencies. IDA was defined as having both haemoglobin levels of \u3c110 g/L and ferritin levels of \u3c 12 μg/L. Data analysis was performed by applying univariate and multivariate techniques using logistic regression through SPSS. Findings: A total of 7138 children aged between 6–59 months were included in the analysis. The prevalence of IDA was 33.2%. In multivariate regression analysis adjusted odds ratios (AOR) were calculated. Age \u3c 24 months (AOR 1.40, 95% CI 1.18–1.55 p \u3c0.05), stunting (AOR 1.42 CI 1.23–1.63 p\u3c0.05), presence of clinical anemia (AOR 5.69 CI 4.93–6.56 p\u3c0.05), having a mother with IDA (AOR 1.72 CI 1.47–2.01 p\u3c0.05) and household food insecurity (AOR 1.20 CI 1.10–1.40 P\u3c0.05) were associated with IDA. Living in a rural area (AOR 0.77 CI 0.65–0.90 p\u3c0.05) and being a female child (AOR 0.87 CI 0.76–0.98 p\u3c0.05) were associated with reduced odds of IDA. Conclusion: The prevalence of IDA amongst Pakistani children represents a moderate burden that disproportionately affects the youngest, growth retarded children, affected children are more likely to have mothers with IDA and live in areas where food security is lacking. National efforts to alleviate the burden of IDA should involve both short term vertical programs such as iron supplementation and long term horizontal programs including wheat flour fortification

    Neurophysiological Findings in Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome by Nerve Conduction Study in Comparing with Ultrasound study

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    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is the most common entrapment problem of upper limb compressive neuropathy. Clinically, the patient presented with pain and parasthesia in median nerve distribution sites and sometimes all the hand and even the pain may affect the forearm and arm, in severe cases thenar muscles atrophy.  The signs and symptoms occur due to compression of median nerve at wrist as a result of increase the carpal tunnel pressure by any condition that can increase the pressure within tunnel. The aim of the study is to assess the correlation of CTS severity by nerve conduction study and it's correlation with US results and their relation with other risk factor such as duration of disease and body mass index. The study was conducted in Merjan Medical City, in the period from January 2013 to December 2014. And included 94 patients group (164 hands) with signs and symptoms of CTS as well as positive NCS with age ranged from 20-70 years. The study also includes control group 64 persons (128 hands) which were matched age, gender and BMI as patients group. Results: there were significant differences in NCS of median nerve both sensory and motor parameters between patients and control groups. The patients group divided according to NCS as 73 (45%) had mild, 63(38%) had moderate, and 28(17%) had severe CTS. There were significant difference among group severity of disease and increase BMI. There was a high significant difference in the duration of disease and disease severity. There was significant relationship between dominant hands and disease severity. There is significant correlation between age and severity of disease determined by NCS. There was significant relationship between onset of symptom (day and night and night alone) and the severity of CTS by NCS, in mild CTS 75.0% night symptoms, while in severe CTS 71.4% day and night symptoms. Keywords: Carpal Tunnel syndrome, Severity, NCS and US

    Spatial Analysis of the Results of Parliamentary Elections in Babylon Governorate in 2018

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     . يهتم البحث ببيان جغرافية الدعم التصويتي للأحزاب والكتل الفائزة في انتخابات 12\أيار\2018 البرلمانية؛ وذلك من خلال اجراء تحليل جغرافي لنتائج الانتخابات بالاعتماد على بيانات الشريط الانتخابي الصادر عن المفوضية العليا المستقلة للانتخابات\مكتب بابل، وتكون البحث من مقدمة وثلاثة فصول: تضمن الفصل الاول الاطار النظري ومفاهيم الدراسة، بينما تضمن الفصل الثاني التحليل الجغرافي السياسي لنتائج الانتخابات البرلمانية في محافظة بابل لعام 2018، في حين تضمن الفصل الثالث مجموعة من الاستنتاجات والمقترحات.The research is concerned with the geographical indication of the voting support of the winning parties and blocs in the parliamentary elections of 12\5\ 2018, through making a geographical analysis of the election results by depending on the electoral tape data issued by official resource, the research consists of an introduction and three chapters: The first theoretical framework and concepts of the study, while the second chapter included the geopolitical analysis of the results of parliamentary elections in the province of Babylon in 2018, while the third chapter contained a set of conclusions and suggestion

    Investigating Volatility in Saudi Arabia Crude Oil Prices and its impact on oil Stock Market

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    This study is the evidence of a research that was carried out to investigate the impact of oil price volatility on oil stock markets in the context of Saudi Arabia.  Prior studies have measured the impact of crude oil price (COP) volatility on stock market performance but not much attention has been paid on Saudi Arabia. This study was an attempt to fill this research gap by finding any linkages between crude oil price and Saudi stock market performance. The study also aimed to identify such structural changes in the crude oil market during a given time period caused by varying factors such as old and new financial investors, emergence of new markets, socio-political events and fluctuation in demand-supply ratios causing changes in the crude oil price significantly. Often it has been observed that when new participants enter the oil market, there are structural changes in the process of crude oil price setting, much similar to the process in any kind of financial markets. The role of OPEC in setting oil prices shall also be studied during the course of this study. Prior studies have revealed that lack of OPEC spare capacity has caused serious large imbalances in the crude oil prices worldwide as OPEC historically has been a major policy maker on the supply side.  In order to carry out such a study, different models/ methods can be used including Markov Regime Switch Method and GARCH and Granger Causality Method. However, the choice of model will depend on properties/ variables. Keywords: Oil Price, demand supply ratios, Volatility, Stock Market JEL Classifications: E39, J20, R5