55 research outputs found

    Turnitin Result 2023

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    Korespondensi & Lembar Evaluasi

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    Seabed Detection Using Application Of Image Side Scan Sonar Instrument (Acoustic Signal)

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    The importance of knowing the method for seabed detection using side-scan sonar images with sonar instrument is a much-needed requirement right now. This kind of threat also requires frequent sonar surveys in such areas. These survey operations need specific procedures and special equipment to ensure survey correctness. In this paper describes the method of observation and retrieval of marine imagery data using an acoustic signal method, to determine a target based on the sea. Side scan sonar is an instrument consisting of single beam transducer on both sides. Side scan sonar (SSS) is a sonar development that is able to show in two-dimensional images of the seabed surface with seawater conditions and target targets simultaneously. The side scan sonar data processing is performed through geometric correction to establish the actual position of the image pixel, which consists of bottom tracking, slant-range correction, layback correction and radiometric correction performed for the backscatter intensity of the digital number assigned to each pixel including the Beam Angle Correction (BAC), Automatic Gain Control (AGC), Time Varied Gain (TVG), and Empirical Gain Normalization (EGN)

    Rare Mineral Evidence of Mahsuri Ring Meteorite Impact in Langkawi Island

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    The research area was conducted in Ulu Melaka Village, district of Langkawi, Kedah Province, Malaysia. Coordinate of research area around latitude  99°45'97" to 99°45'04" N and longitude 06°25'05" to 06°20'00"E, with coverage area around 7 x 5 km. This research area is a suspected meteorite impact crater. The analysis begins by taking 7 rock sediment samples spread around the research area. The aim of research to find evidence of meteorite impact has fallen around research area use geochemistry method refer to the content of Rare Minerals of rock samples in the study area. Rock samples were processed using an X-ray diffraction (XRD) machine and run by EVA Software. Rock samples which have been analyzed were S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S10, S19.  Result of the analysis found four types of minerals formed by a meteorite impact consist of  Jagoite, Dickite, Rubidium and Germanium Silicate Zinc Sulfide Diaminopropane. Jagoite and Dickite found in sample S2, Rubidium Germanium Silicate in sample S4 and Zinc Sulfide Diaminopropane in samples S10 and S19, respectively

    The Phenomena of Flood Caused by the Seawater Tidal and its Solution for the Rapid-growth City: A case study in Dumai City, Riau Province, Indonesia

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    A strategic city located on the northern coast of Sumatera Island known as Dumai City. This city is a growth and industrial city that always increase everyday economically. This city faces the flood problem that not only from the excess water from the rain, but also from the phenomena of seawater tidal. The tidal should not reach the mainland for the ideal situation, but the urbanization and development problem made it happen. Field observation and satellite data analysis shows the problem that happened in this city, also find out the solution how to make the seawater tidal will not being the flood when it occurs. The flood caused by the inadequate drainage condition is exacerbated by the low awareness of people who still do not maintain cleanliness, a lot of garbage that accumulates in the drainage causing the process of water flow to be inhibited. Geologically, the base rock of Dumai City consists of sand and peat which logically is a good system to absorb water because sand and peat are materials that have high porosity. Topographically, the city of Dumai is at an average height of three meters above sea level, so in fact, this city could be spared from the flood caused by the tide when it occurs. The solutions that can be proposed for this city are making the rivers being clean with normalization, well-designed drainage, Watergate and making an artificial lake for sinking the tidal seawater

    Separate or together? Women-only public spaces and participation of Saudi women in the public domain in Saudi Arabia

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    Marine seismic reflection data have been collected for decades and since the mid-to late- 1980s much of this data is positioned relatively accurately. Marine geophysical acquisition of data is a very expensive process with the rates regularly ship through dozens of thousands of euros per day. Acquisition of seismic profiles has the position is determined by a DGPS system and navigation is performed by Hypack and Maxview software that also gives all the offsets for the equipment employed in the survey. Examples of some projects will be described in terms of the project goals and the geophysical equipment selected for each survey and specific geophysical systems according to with the scope of work. For amplitude side scan sonar image, and in the multi-frequency system, color, becoming a significant properties of the sea floor, the effect of which is a bully needs to be fixed. The main confounding effect is due to absorption of water; geometric spread; shape beam sonar function (combined transmit-receive sonar beam intensity as a function of tilt angle obtained in this sonar reference frame); sonar vehicle roll; form and function of the seabed backscatter (proportion incident on the seabed backscattered signal to sonar as a function of the angle of incidence relative to the sea floor); and the slope of the seabed. The different angles of view are generated by the translation of the sonar, because of the discrete steps involved by the sequential pings, the angular sampling of the bottom

    Studi Geologi Terhadap Analisis Kestabilan Lereng Menggunakan Metode RMR (Rock Mass Rating) Pada Jalan Daerah Koto Lamo, Kecamatan Kapur Sembilan, Sumatera Barat

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    geographically, the research area is located at coordinates 0°21'12."- 0° 22' 50." latitude and 00°10'53" - 100°33'44.4620" longitude. the study is in the koto lamo and surrounding areas, Kapur Sembilan district, West Sumatra Province. the purpose of this study was to determine the level of slope stability in the study area using the UCS (Uniaxial Compressive Strength) analysis method for intact rock strength, RMR (Rock Mass Rating) and stereographic. From the field data, there are 10 scanlines of the main research objects. Geological mapping shows the slopes are sandstone. From the rock analysis UCS (Uniaxial Compressive Strength), the strength of intact rock the average value of the Schmidt hammer test is 13.08, while the density value of rock samples is 25.86 KN⁄m³. From these results obtained a Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS) value of 19 mpa, included in the weight 2 with a weak category. Then the results of the RMR (Rock Mass Rating) analysis are worth 35.4 with RMR class IV (poor).Secara geografiis, daerah penelitian terletak pada koordinat 0°21’12."- 0° 22’ 50."Lintang Utara dan 00°10’53” - 100°33’44.4620" Bujur Timur. Penelitian terletak di daerah koto lamo dan sekitarnya, Kecamatan Kapur sembilan, Kabupaten Sumatera Barat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kestabilan lereng pada daerah penelitian dengan menggunakan metorde pemetaan geologi, analisis UCS (Uniaxial Compressive Strength) kekuatan batuan utuh, RMR (Rock Mass Rating) dan Stereografis, dari data lapangan. Terdapat 10 scanline utama yang menjadi objek penelitian. Hasil pemetaan geologi menunjukkan lereng tersebut terdapat batuan batupasir, dari batuan tersebut analisis UCS kekuatan batuan utuh memiliki nilai rata – rata dari uji Schmidt Hammer bernilai 13.08, sedangkan nilai densitas sampel batuan nya 25,86 ⁄³. Hasil pengukuran tersebut menunjukkan nilai UCS sebesar 19 MPa, termasuk dalam bobot 2 dengan kategori lemah (weak). Kemudian hasil dari analisis RMR (Rock Mass Rating) bernilai 35,4 dengan kelas RMR IV (jelek)

    Training on the Use of Chatbots as Information Providers at the Sang Nila Utama Museum Riau Province

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    In the era of society 5.0, memory institutions such as museums and libraries need to implement information technology, starting from digitizing collections to information dissemination. However, the new technology development carried out by the Sang Nila Utama Museum is limited to making a one-way website and information system. Social media is a two-way platform that has great potential to be used to disseminate information about the Sang Nila Utama Museum directly to the public's smartphones. Community service activities carried out in the form of counseling on the use of chatbot applications that are integrated with Telegram. Counseling participants were provided with the provision to add chatbot databases through web-based applications and were guided to use Telegram chatbots as well as ways to carry out promotions for museum visitors so they could use the facilities which were expected to attract public interest in browsing available information. Based on the results of the usability testing questionnaire, all participants strongly agreed that the information contained in the application was organized, the application was easy to use and overall, the application supported the information dissemination process in the museum properly and optimally. Overall, the application works according to the functions that have been designed which is indicated by a high average value of 4.48. Partners feel very satisfied and recommend that similar service activities be carried out regularly

    Settlement and Capacity Analysis of Land Support Development on Flyover in Large City; Pekanbaru, Indonesia

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    The study area located on the street of Soebrantas to Soekarno Hatta Street, with the coordinate position of 0 ° 30 ' 0.79  "N 101 ° 24 ' 57.88 "E - 0 ° 30 ' 0.16 "N 101 ° 24 ' 53.17 "E in Pekanbaru City, Indonesia. The development that will Conduct flyovers in this area became the basis of this research. The main study of this research is to find out how an Atterberg's boundaries, compressibility, and the likelihood of a ground decline in drill 1 use the value of N SPT to match with the purpose of this study. Which is (1) to know the large grain size of soil samples, (2) Knowing the value of the liquid limit, the plastic boundary, and the plastic index of the soil samples, (3) Knowing the possibility of land degradation in the research area, (4) Power capacity analysis of ground support (5) Knowing the decline of modeling using the Plaxis 2D method (6) knows the relationship of decreasing values based on NSPT and Plaxis (7) Knowing the relationship of sieve analysis and Attaberg limit with decreased results. Methods of data retrieval have done with soil testing in the field and soil testing in the laboratories. A comprehensive analysis of the grain has done with sieve analysis. Plastic boundary, liquid, and plastic boundary indices with method Attaberg limit. Decreased analysis and Power capacity analysis of ground support with NSPT value tests

    Sea Surface Temperature and Wind Velocity in Batam Waters Its Relation to Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)

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    This study aimed to observe the characteristics of sea surface temperature (SST) and wind velocity and its relation with the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) in the waters of Batam. The data used in this study were the SST datasets and the wind speed of 2016 in the waters of Batam. The method used in this research were the visual analysis using the data ocean view (ODV) to observe at the spatial and temporal distribution of the SST and the wind speed in Batam waters at different seasons. The next method is a fast Fourier transform (FFT). The earlier monsoon season that occurred in April has the highest wind speed with the value of 3.9 MS ** - 1 for components U. As for the V, the component has the highest value of -3.6 MS ** - 1. The SST Batam observed high in April occurred on 19-04-2016 with a value of 304.2 ° K (31.05 ° C). West monsoon winds that occurred in January has the highest wind speed with a value of 4.5 MS ** - 1 for components U. As for the V, the component has the highest value of 5.2 MS ** - 1 in the waters of Batam. The highest SST in Batam was  occurred in January on 19-01-2016 with a value of 302.8 ° K (29.65 ° C). Based on the results of the FFT, wind speed and SST in the waters of the Island has a dominant 6-month period (semiannual)