27 research outputs found

    Fake News Analysis on Supreme Court Decisions Relating to Law No. 11 of 2008 From Linguistic Forensic Perspective

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    The purpose of this study is to analysis speech act form and speech event of a person from forensic linguistic perspective who break the rule of Law No. 11 of 2008 about Information and Electronic Transactions, Article 28 Paragraph (2), “Intentionally and Without Right Spread Information Intended to Induce Hate Speech or Hostility towards Certain Individuals and/or Community Groups Based on Ethnicity, Religion, Race, Group, and Intergroup (SARA).” This study used a desvriptive qualitative method. The data of conversation text includes identification, classification, analysis, and discussion. Participant who became the object of this research was a 54-year-old man who was accused of spreading fake news. The form of speech act data analysis refers to the theory of Austin Searle (1969), while speech events refer to Hymes (1972). The results of the research show that there are four speech acts, such as; assertive, directive, expressive, commissive, and declarative. The results of the research on speech events found eight speech events, starting from setting scene, participant, ending, action, instrumentality, key, norm, and genre

    Fake News Analysis of Supreme Court Decision from Linguistic Forensic and Critical Discourse Analysis Perspective

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    This research purposes to know the results of the Supreme Court's decision on fake news by implementing linguistic forensic and critical discourse analysis based on Fairclough's 1995 grand theory approach. Some categories of analysis include representation, relations, identity, and sociocultural practices.  Individual who break the law by spreading fake news may imprisonment. This is in accordance with the rules stated in Article 45A paragraph (2) of law number 19 of 2016, which amends law number 11 of 2008.The research method used is descriptive qualitative by collecting and analyzing data from defendants who are proven to have committed acts of insult and hatred of Ethnic Religion and Intergroup. The results of data analysis are in the form of representation of news information, power relations contained in it, the identity of the defendant formed, and the sociocultural practices that arise. Sociocultural practices that occur in this context, such as discrimination, controversy, and manipulation of information. The results of this study can become a foundation to sensitize the public about the dangers of fake news, encourage changes in creating truth in media practices, and increase defendants' awareness of the importance of justice in the criminal justice system

    Penyiram Otomatis Berdasarkan Sensor Kelembaban Tanah

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    AbstrakTingkat kesuburan tanah dapat dipengaruhi oleh intensitas air yang dikandungnya. Untuk itu kita perlu menjaga suhu dan kelembaban tanah dalam kondisi tertentu. Saat ini penyiraman tanaman secara tradisional dianggap tidak efisien karena lamanya waktu penyiraman tanaman dan membutuhkan banyak energi. Dalam mengatasi masalah ini, peneliti akan mencoba mengembangkan penelitian yang ada dengan merancang Aplikasi Kelembaban Sensor Tanah sebagai Detektor Kelembaban Tanah dengan Sistem Kontrol Penyiram Otomatis. Alat ini dimaksudkan untuk membantu pengguna untuk menyiram tanaman secara otomatis. Sistem Kontrol Penyiram Tanaman Otomatis ini adalah berbasis penerapan mikrokontroler Arduino Uno R3 yang diprogram berdasarkan detektor sensor kelembaban tanah. Ketika sensor mendeteksi kondisi tanah kering, alat akan secara otomatis berfungsi untuk menyirami tanaman. Sebaliknya, jika kondisi tanah basah, alat tidak akan menyiram, sehingga tanaman dapat tumbuh dengan baik karena kebutuhan elemen air terpenuhi setiap saat. Alat ini bisa berfungsi saat penghuni rumah tidak di rumah, sehingga memudahkan pemilik rumah untuk memelihara tanamannya.Kata kunci   kelembaban tanah, tanaman, sensor tana

    Modern english conversation

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    Al arabu wa al islam

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    Buku ini disajikan dalam bahasa Arab.- - Buku ini berisi tentang perkembangan Islam di Arab.19.2 cm, 5-152 hl

    Al arabu wa al islam

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    Buku ini disajikan dalam bahasa Arab.- - Buku ini berisi tentang perkembangan Islam di Arab.19.2 cm, 5-152 hl

    Pertarungan Antara Alam Fikiran Islam dengan Alam Fikiran Barat

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    224 hlm.; 21.5 x 14 c