568 research outputs found


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    An experiment has been conducted to evaluate the chlorine demand and efficacy of 6 chlorine concentrations in brackish pond water, to control indigenous bacteria in shrimps pond

    Implementasi Strategi Melalui Penyusunan Program, Partisipasi Anggaran Dan Prosedur Terhadap Kinerja Koperasi Di Kota Palu

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyusunan program, partisipasi anggaran dan prosedur terhadap kinerja koperasi di kota Palu. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap lembaga koperasi yang berada diwilayah kota Palu dan masih aktif sebanyak 61 koperasi. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer diperoleh dengan menggunakan tehnik observasi, wawancara dan penyebaran kuisioner. Data sekunder diperoleh dari laporan keuangan koperasi, artikel dan literature yang mendukung. Selanjutnya analisis data dengan menggunakan SEM (Structural Equation Modelling). Hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa penyusunan program (X1) tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja, partisipasi anggaran (X2) berpengaruh terhadap kinerja dan prosedur (X3) berpengaruh terhadap kinerja. Pengaruh variable yang dominan terhadap kinerja koperasi adalah variable prosedur


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    Minyak nabati merupakan salah satu alternatif yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan biodiesel. Biodiesel tersusun dari berbagai macam ester asam lemak yang berasal dari minyak nabati. Lebih dari 30 macam tumbuhan Indonesia potensial menghasilkan minyak nabati. Salah satu sumber penghasil minyak nabati yang sangat potensial yaitu biji karet. Pada penelitian ini digunakan minyak biji karet untuk sintesis FAME. Proses utama dalam pembuatan FAME adalah transesterifikasi. Komposisi yang terkandung dalam biji karet yaitu 40-50% Wt minyak nabati, 24,21 % Wt karbohidrat, 21,17 % Wt protein dan 3,71 % Wt air dalam daging buah biji karet bebas dari cangkangnya. Proses pembuatan biodiesel dari biji karet dilakukan dengan cara preparasi biji karet untuk mengambil minyak biji karet dengan proses hidrolisa, esterifikasi, transesterifikasi, dan pemurnian. Dalam uji peralatan pembuatan biodiesel dari minyak biji karet dengan variable waktu (30 menit, 60 menit dan 90 menit) dan temperatur konstan 60 oC didapatkan hasil biodiesel terbaik pada waktu 90 menit dengan flash point 102 oC, pour point 9 oC, viskositas kinematik 50.49 cSt, conradson carbon residu 0.0380 gr, water content < 0.01 (trace) dan pH 6.  Kata Kunci : Alat Produksi, Minyak Biji karet, Biodiesel

    Investigating the Differences of Small Enterprise supply chain managements toward Financial Performance: The Influence of an Enterprise Supply Chain Management Strategy

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    The purpose of this study is to critically analyse the impact of demographic characteristics and the way investors choose risk (tolerance) toward financial performance as exemplary for the integrity of enterprise supply chain management upgrading strategies. The demographic characteristics of Micro Small Medium Enterprise supply chain managements (MSME) are assessed, which consist of the type of business, gender, age of owner, age of business, education, and experience. Risk tolerance is measured by assessing the choices of risk averters, risk neutrals, and risk seekers. This study is based on 579 questionnaires filled in by the owners or managers of MSMEs that obtain credit financing from banks in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia (Kota Palu, Sigi, Banggai, Donggala, Morowali, Parigi Moutong, and Poso). The results of this study show the demographic characteristics of the types of trading businesses that are risk seekers, which proved to be the highest type of business that can maximize their financial performance. Notably, males were shown to prefer being risk averse, compared to the majority of female respondents who were mostly risk seekers. Resultingly, many women have high financial performance due to being risk seekers compared to men. Both young and elderly entrepreneurs are more risk averse. The age of the business is still categorised at the stage of business development, it has not been proven to have a significant relationship to risk tolerance and financial performance. Moreover, this study reveals that education apparently has no significant relationship in choosing risk. Education also has no significant relationship to the achievement of financial performance. Experience is suggested to be the key that determines risk tolerance choices and the main determinants of achieving optimal financial performance. This study proves the behavior of MSME investors in choosing risk (risk tolerance) makes a difference in achieving MSME financial performance. Contrastingly exemplified by the higher the risk chosen, the higher the financial performance is received by MSMEs. The integrity of demographic characteristics, risk tolerance and financial performance is a breakthrough for MSMEs to nurture upgrades as an enterprise supply chain management upgrading strategy


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    Identification and classification of benthic habitats in Lake of Laut Tawar, Aceh by using hydro acoustic method can provide data and information on types of substrate and aquatic vegetation in a short time and wide spatial coverage, as done in the present work. Data acoustic collection was performed in 2013 using quantitative echosounder with split beam frequency of 120 kHz, and through a visual observation. The later is destined to look at the bottom types and macrophytes that lie on the line transect of acoustic survey. Analysis of data is to extract the value of bottom volume backscattering for each transect of 0.5-1 km. Classification of the bottom type was done based on the value of Sv using geospatial models. Results show the interval value of Sv for soft bottom ranged between -24.00 dB and -32.00 dB, the type of hard bottom (e.g. rocks, rocky sand substrate) ranged between -14.00 dB and -22.00 dB, whereas the Sv value of macrophyte ranged between- 45.00 dB and -54.00 dB. The percent covers were about 42.90%, 44.71% and 12.93% for hard bottom type, soft bottom and macrophytes, respectively. The types of aquatic vegetation commonly found in the lake were two genera belonging Hydrocharitaceaea and Gramineae. The current work is still lack of information on the classification of organisms into genera scales. Therefore, more signal verification and algorithms verification would be needed in order to estimate macrophytes biomass by comparing with other visual observation


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    The study analyzed nucleotide sequences from the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit (COI) gene region (654) to investigate the genetic structure of the white cyprinid (Tor tambroides) among nine populations from the Manna and Semanka Rivers. A total of 36 individuals were collected for this work. Five nucleotides were found to be variable, resulting in 4 haplotypes. Among the nine populations of Melebuy in Semanka River represents the highest level of variability (h = 1.000, π = 0.0015) whereas Kerinjing, Merabung and Kotabumi populations represent the highest level of variability in Manna River (h = 0.667, π = 0.0020). The Batu Aji, Air Sebilo and Kutopadang populations exhibit the lowest level of variability (h = 0.000, π = 0.000). There is an integrated population throughout all sample sites in Manna River. However, the AMOVA analysis provided corroborating evidence for genetic structure obtained from Nei’s genetic diversity statistic and the FST value (0.310), suggested there is genetic divergence among populations of those populations. Of the total genetic diversity, 35% was attributable to inter-population diversity and the remainder (68.92%) to differences within populations. These two approaches produced a picture of genetic structure in Manna and Semanka River. A molecular phylogenetic tree constructed using The Neighbor-joining (NJ) method showed the 4 haplotypes were assigned to two clades associated geographic regions. These results provide basic information for the conservation and sustainable exploitation of this species


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    Abstract: This research investigated the implementation of Face to Face Interaction in Education of Padjadjaran (EoP) Parepare. This research answered the questions: 1) how is Face to Face Interaction implemented in speaking; 2) how does the face to face interaction impact students’ speaking performance; and 3) how do students response to face to face interaction in speaking EFL. The research proposed qualitative case study design. The results of the study showed that the trainers have two categories in implementing face to face interaction strategy in teaching speaking, the first trainer have highly Face to Face interaction in teaching speaking and the second trainer have mediumly face to face interaction in teaching speaking. The next result showed the impact of FTF Interaction in students’ speaking performance which was have two impacts, they were linguistic impact included students’ fluency, students’ vocabulary, students’ accuracy, and students’ pronunciation and non-linguistic impact included students’ eye contact, body language, and attention, self-confidence and motivation, empathy and feedback, students’ volume in speaking, students’ focus that stay on topic when they speak, and effective and efficient time limit. The last result was the students’ response to FTF Interaction in speaking EFL. There were two kinds of responses that was found in the research, they were positive response and negative response Keyword: Face to Face Interaction, teaching and learning Speakin


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    Ruas Jalan Petapahan – Suram KM ±59 - 60 merupakan jalan lintas yang berstatus Jalan Provinsi yang menjadi kewenangan Dinas Perhubungan Provinsi Riau dalam melengkapi aspek prasarana diruas jalan Petapahan – Suram KM ±59 - 60. Dengan kondisi yang demikian, timbul permasalahan lalu lintas berupa kecelakaan lalu lintas. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengatasi permasalahan lalu litas tersebut diperlukannya suatu analisis untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam peelitian ini adalah dengan Analisis Makro dan Analisis Mikro. Analisis Makro dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik kecelakaan secara umum bagaimana kecenderungan terjadinya kecelakaan lalu lintas pada ruas jalan Petapahan – Suram KM ±59 - 60. Analisis Makro menggunakan analisis numerik sederhana yaitu analisis terhadap waktu kejadian kecelakaan, analisis berdasarkan bulan kejadian, analisis terhadap korban kecelakaan, analisis terhadap jenis kecelakaan . Untuk analisis mikro terdiri dari beberapa analisis yang terdiri dari analisis berdasarkan data kronologi kecelakaan, analisis factor penyebab kecelakaan, analisis kecepatan sesaat/spot speed dan analisis jarak pandang henti. Setelah dilakukannya analisis tersebut maka diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa faktor penyebab kecelakaan yang banyak terjadi pada Petapahan – Suram KM ±59 - 60 adalah faktor manusia dan faktor lingkungan. Faktor manusia menjadi faktor utama kecelakaan yang terjadi. Sehingga diperlukannya penelitian ini guna untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut seperti penambahan, penggantian serta perawatan untuk fasilitas perlengkapan jalan yang sesuai dengan persyaratan teknis
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