7 research outputs found

    Performa Produksi Telur Turunan Pertama (F1) Persilangan Ayam Arab dan Ayam Kampung yang Diberi Ransum dengan Level Protein Berbeda

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    An experiment has been conducted to study the effect of diets with different level of protein on the production performance of offspring (F1) crossbred between arab and kampung chicken. Fifty four crossbreed hens of 20 weeks of age were used in the experiment. The hens were divided into 3 feeding groups, each 6 x 3 heads. Treatment diets were formulated in three different levels of protein: 15, 17 and 19 %. The diets which an average energy content of 2850 kcal/kg were offered for 8 weeks. Variable observed included: feed intake, hen day egg production, FCR, egg weight and color index of yellow egg. The data were statistically analyzed by variance analysis in completely block design with 3 treatments and 6 replicates. The results indicated the protein level had significant effect on all variables. Diet with 19 % crude protein gave the best performance

    Growth and survival of lactic acid bacteria isolated from byproduct of virgin coconut oil as probiotic candidate for poultry.

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    The main objective of this research is to investigate the potential of LABs isolated from processing byproduct of the VCO in in vitro conditions for use as probiotics in poultry. Forty eight LABs were isolated and four of them have been selected for further study i.e. Lh1, Lh2, Lh3 and Lh4. A series of tests carried out by studying the ability of bacteria to survive at 37 and 42°C, tolerance of LAB at pH 2, 0, 5, 7 and 7, 0 and tolerance to gastric juice as well as sensitivity to several antibiotics commonly was given to poultry. The survival of LABs was evaluated after 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 and 300 min of incubation. The sensitivity test to antibiotics was performed by Muller Hinton's agar. All the bacteria showed tolerance and ability to grow at pH 5 and 7, but only Lh4 enabled to tolerate at pH 2. All of LAB can grow at gastric juice stimulated. Lh4 was not sensitive to all antibiotics (clear zones: 0.33 mm) but the other LABs were sensitive (clear zones: 5-12 mm). The conclusion of this research is the ability of LABs to grow in in vitro conditions varies. The Lh4 has demonstrated its ability to grow and the best survival with the OD (λ = 580) is 1.99 after 300 min of incubation at pH 2 and has shown the most resistant to all antibiotics tested with a wide clear zone 0.33 mm, hence potentially be used for probiotic in poultry

    The Processing Effects of Anthocyanins Extracted from Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) Peel on Total Amount of Anthocyanins and SEM Image in Poultry Nutrition

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    The purpose of present study was to know the effects of different processing of anthocyanin content and scan electron microscope image of anthocyanin of dragon fruit peel in poultry diet. The experiment was performed in a completely randomized design with different processing like untreated dragon fruit peel or control, physical, chemical, biological, and physical-biological, and each treatment was replicated 4 times. Variables measured were total amount of anthocyanin and anthocyanin image of dragon fruit peel. The results indicated that physical treatment significantly increased anthocyanin content of dragon fruit peel. Furthermore, treated dragon fruit peel with chemical, biological, and combination of physical-biological significantly reduced anthocyanin content. The image of anthocyanin from each treated processing revealed that control image was similar to physical treatment, and it was different from other treatments. The physical treatment was the best method to increase anthocyanin content, and did not change the image of anthocyanin from dragon fruit peel

    Pengaruh Pemberian Campuran Madu Dan Kuning Telur Dalam Ransum Terhadap Kualitas Spermtozoa, Fertilitas Dan DayaTetas Ayam Sentul: the Effect of Addition of Honey and Egg Yolk Mixture in Ration on the Quality of Spermatozoa, Fertility and Hatchability of Sentul Chicken

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    Madu dan kuning telur merupakan salah satu feed suplement yang mengandung antioksidan sangat tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Kualitas Spermatozoa ayam jantan Sentul yang diberi madu dan kuning telur sebelum Inseminasi Buatan terhadap kualitas spermatozoa, fertilitas, dan daya tetas telur.Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap Pola Faktorial dengan 3 kali ulangan.Faktor A pemberian madu pada ayam jantan Sentul dengan 4 level yaitu 0 ml (kontrol),3 ml madu,5 ml madu, dan 7 ml madu.Faktor B pemberian kuning telur pada ayam jantan Sentul dengan 4 level yaitu 0 ml kuning telur (kontrol), 3 ml kuning telur, 5 ml kuning telur, dan 7 ml kuning telur.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan analisis statistik terdapat interaksi sangat nyata (P< 0,01) antara kombinasi perlakuan yaitu pemberian madu dan kuning telur terhadap volume semen (0,85ml), konsentrasi spermatozoa (3,92 x 109), motilitas spermatozoa (90,00%), abnormalitas spermatozoa (5,00%), fertilitas telur (91,67%), mortalitas embrio (7%), dan daya tetas telur (93%). Dari hasil penelitian  dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian 5 ml madu dan 5 ml kuning telur yang terbaik

    Kajian Tentang Efek Pemberian Blondo dalam Ransum terhadap Performans Ayam Broiler

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    An experiment was conducted to studi the effect of the blondo in diet to the performance chicken. Five diets were formulated with different level blondo in diet i,e : (A) 0% , (B) 3%, (D) 6% , (D) 9 % and (E) 12 %. The diets were offered for 6 weeks to 80 broiler chickens 3 old days. Variable measured included : Feed consumption , body weight gain, FCR, carcass and percentage of abdominal fat. The data were statistically analyzed for variance analysis in completely randomized design. The results indicated that 12 % blondo in diet gave significant effect to improved performance of broiler chickens

    Kajian Tentang Efek Pemberian Blondo dalam Ransum terhadap Performans Ayam Broiler

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    An experiment was conducted to studi the effect of the blondo in diet to the performance chicken. Five diets were formulated with different level blondo in diet i,e : (A) 0% , (B) 3%, (D) 6% , (D) 9 % and (E) 12 %. The diets were offered for 6 weeks to 80 broiler chickens 3 old days. Variable measured included : Feed consumption , body weight gain, FCR, carcass and percentage of abdominal fat. The data were statistically analyzed for variance analysis in completely randomized design. The results indicated that 12 % blondo in diet gave significant effect to improved performance of broiler chickens