9 research outputs found

    The relationship between cultural intelligence, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, islamic work ethics and work performance among public service employees in Malaysia

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    A high performance public service is increasingly recognised as one of the critical elements in international competitiveness. The success of public service organisations depends on the availability of a globally competent workforce. Due to cross cultural differences and complexities, public service employees need to embrace the right capabilities in order to effectively deal with international customers. The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between cultural intelligence, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, Islamic work ethics and work performance among public service employees in Malaysia. This study aims to discover whether there is a mediating effect by Islamic work ethics on the relationship between cultural intelligence, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, and work performance. Data were gathered via survey questionnaires from a sample of 174 employees from two government agencies in Malaysia. Data were analysed using the Partial Lease Square (PLS) and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) software. The results of the study show that the dimension of culture intelligence, namely drive cultural intelligence is the strongest predictor of contextual performance, while dimension of emotion intelligence, namely self-emotion appraisal is the strongest predictor of task performance. Examination of the Islamic work ethics as a mediator found that only the relationship between social intelligence and work performance has a partial mediation effect, even though both cultural intelligence and emotional intelligence significantly influence work performance without the mediator variable. The findings contribute to both practice and theory. Several recommendations are made for future research based on the outcome and limitations of this study

    The effects of cultural intelligence on ASEAN mobility students’ sociocultural adjustment

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    Student mobility is one of the key strategic elements of cooperation which leads to development of a harmonized higher education environment among countries in Southeast Asia.The ASEAN International Mobility for Students (AIMS) program was initiated in 2009 purposely to encourage student mobility through multilateral collaborations among ASEAN member countries. In the context of globalization and challenging jobs market, the demand for highly qualified graduates who are able to cope in diverse cultural settings is in a serious need.As most universities view international students as a source of lucrative income and a critical success factor for international education marketing, it is imperative that the challenges that could reduce the learning effectiveness for international students should be minimised.As such, Cultural Intelligence (CQ), which is defined as a person’s capability to function effectively in situations characterised by culture diversity (Ang et al., 2007) may provide one of the solutions to minimise adjustment difficulties, specifically in integrating with the host country’s environment. Hence, this paper will introduce the concept of CQ and enlighten the role of CQ in promoting mobility students’ cross-cultural competence development. We propose a conceptual model, discussing the impacts of CQ on mobility students’ sociocultural adjustment. This paper also provides some insight on how CQ training could help mobility students in the ASEAN region to be well prepared to undertake study across the globe


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    Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Implemntasi Tabungan Akad Mudharabah Terhadap Para Nasabah di Bank Syariah Mandiri Cabang Jambi dan bagaimana Implementasi Tabungan Akad Mudharabah Terhadap Para Nasabah Perspektif Hukum Perbankan Syariah. Tabungan mudharabah adalah salah satu jenis dari produk tabungan bank Syariah yang menggunakan akad mudharabah mutlaqah dan menerapkan sistem bagi hasil, dimana Bank bertindak sebagai pengelola (Mudharib) dan Nasabah sebagai pemilik dana (Shahibul Mall). Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui dan memaparkan apakah Implementasi Tabungan Akad Mudharabah Terhadap Para Nasabah di Bank Syariah Mandiri Cabang Jambi sudah diterapkan sesuai dengan prinsip syariah Islam serta rukun dan syarat akad mudharabah atau belum, kemudian bagaimana implementasi tabungan akad mudharabah tersebut menurut perspektif hukum perbankan syariah. Menggunakan pendekatan penelitian sosial empiris karena data yang diperoleh berdasarkan temuan langsung di lapangan. Data yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini yaitu data primer dan data sekunder, data primer yang melalui wawancara langsung kepada pegawai Bank Syariah Mandiri Cabang Jambi sedangkan data sekunder berupa dokumen-dokumen resmi, buku-buku, hasil penelitian terdahulu yang berupa laporan, website, fatwa MUI dan sebagainya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu dimana peneliti memaparkan kondisi obyektif dari obyek penelitian dan menggunakan dalam bentuk kalimat berdasarkan data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Implementasi Tabungan Akad Mudharabah Terhadap Para Nasabah Perspektif Hukum Perbankan Syariah di Bank Syariah Mandiri Cabang Jambi sudah sesuai dengan prinsip syariah Islam dan telah memenuhi syarat serta rukun akad mudharabah

    The Influence of Individual Absorptive Capacity on Individual Knowledge Acquisition of HostCounty National Workers in Foreign MNCs in Malaysia

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    The presence of MNCs in Malaysia is expected to give benefits to the nation’s human capital developments such as through training and knowledge transfer program. The training that affects almost all levels of local employees in MNCs from production operator level to upper-level officers through on-site or off-site training is expected to increase the local employees’ competencies through the presence of effective individual knowledge acquisition at the workplace. Prior to effective individual knowledge acquisition, the individual absorptive capacity of HCN workers is something crucial to be examined. Through this, it will portray the capability of individuals to acquire knowledge in MNCs. Acquiring knowledge in MNCs is one of the important elements for further skill enrichment process that becomes promising factor for HCN workers to increase their skills to a higher level. This behavior is also identified as a turning point for local workers to improve their skills until they become expert or specialist in the related area. The existence of MNCs in Malaysia is assumed to be the best medium for knowledge acquisition activities among locals who serve to that organization. At overall, the study investigates the relationship between two main variables, which is referring to individual absorptive capacity and individual knowledge acquisition

    Effect of cultural intelligence, emotional intelligence, social intelligence and Islamic work ethics on individual work performance

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    A high performance public service is increasingly recognized as a critical ingredient in international competitiveness.The success of public service organizations depend on the availability of globally competent workers.Due to cultural challenges and complexities, public service workers need to embrace the right capabilities to deal effectively with global customers.One of the key managerial competencies that are needed for dealing effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds is ‘Cultural Intelligence’ (CQ).Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is another complementary form intelligence that has a potential to contribute to more positive attitudes, behaviours and outcomes. When interacting with customers, Social Intelligence (SQ) is an important competency used to describe and predict human behaviour.The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship of CQ, EQ and SQ on employee work performance in cross-cultural service encounters.This study also will investigate whether Islamic Work Ethics moderate the relationship between the intelligences (CQ, EQ and SQ) with employee work performance in the public service organizations

    The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Retail Consumer Behavior

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    The COVID-19 pandemic that occurred throughout 2020 has an impact on economic sector. Consumers tend to use online channels to reduce face-to-face contact with marketers or other consumers. On the other hand, the consumer's need to see, touch and feel a product directly is only available in physical stores. This study aims to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on retail consumer behavior. This study uses quantitative methods with secondary data sources obtained from several countries including the United States, England, Germany, France, Canada and Latin America. The results show that the shopping trends during the COVID-19 pandemic are webrooming and pure online shopping. Retail sales data in these countries shows that retail sales in physical stores exceed 70% of total retail sales and retail e-commerce sales are less than 30% of total retail sales. This research is expected to be useful for marketers in improving retail marketing strategies during the COVID-19 pandemi

    Pengaruh kemanjuran-diri terhadap tingkah laku innovatif di kalangan pekerja-pekerja peringkat eksekutif di syarikat multinasional asing yang beroperasi di Malaysia

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    [Effect of Self-Efficacy on Innovative Behaviors Among Employees of the Executive Level in Foreign Multinational Companies Operating in Malaysia] Elements of self-efficacy, better known as self-efficacy in English is a very important element of motivation in influencing a person's behavior, such as what has been stated in the social cognitive theory.To evaluate the effect of self-efficacy to innovative behavior, a detailed study has been carried out in some selected companies in the country.The companies involved are foreign multinational companies operating in Malaysia in the electrical and electronics sector.A total of 304 respondents from various companies and backgrounds from all over Malaysia have responded to the questions of the questionnaire that was circulated. Data were then analyzed directly by using the variance-based SEM with Smart-PLS v2 program.The study found that self-efficacy huge impact on the innovative behavior of employees. This finding is also consistent with the statement in the social cognitive theory.In conclusion, to drive innovative behavior among employees to a higher level in the organization, the level of self-efficacy for each employee should be enhanced.If necessary, specific training related self-efficacy should be given to every employee in an organization. Elemen kemanjuran-diri atau lebih dikenali sebagai self-efficacy di dalam bahasa Inggeris merupakan satu elemen motivasi yang sangat penting di dalam mempengaruhi tingkah laku seseorang, seperti apa yang telah dinyatakan di dalam teori kognitif sosial. Bagi menilai pengaruh kemanjuran-diri terhadap tingkah laku inovatif, satu kajian terperinci telah dijalankan di beberapa syarikat terpilih di negara ini. Syarikat-syarikat terbabit adalah syarikat-syarikat multinasional asing yang beroperasi di Malaysia di dalam sektor elektrik dan elektronik. Sebanyak 304 responden dari pelbagai syarikat dan latar belakang dari seluruh Malaysia telah memberi maklum balas ke atas soalan soalan soal selidik yang telah diedarkan. Data yang diperolehi kemudiannya dianalisa secara langsung dengan menggunakan varian-based SEM dengan program Smart-PLS v2.Kajian mendapati bahawa kemanjuran-diri memberi kesan yang sangat besar terhadap tingkahlaku inovatif pekerja. Dapatan kajian ini juga selari dengan kenyataan di dalam teori kognitif sosial. Secara kesimpulan, bagi memacu tingkah laku inovatif di kalangan pekerja ke tahap yang lebih tinggi di dalam sesuatu organisasi, tahap kemanjuran-diri bagi setiap pekerja perlu dipertingkatkan. Jika perlu, latihan yang khusus berkaitan kemanjuran-diri perlu diberikan kepada setiap pekerja di dalam sesebuah organisasi

    The influence of anxiety on sociocultural adjustment among international students in Malaysia

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    The main purpose of this study is to investigate whether anxiety will inversely influence international students’ socio cultural adjustment in the context of pursuing education in higher learning institutions in Malaysia; specifically in Universiti Utara Malaysia.The data used for this study was derived from the questionnaire survey conducted randomly among the international students in Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) who came from 27 different nationalities.A total number of 397 valid responses were successfully obtained.Multiple regression analysis was performed to test the model.For the relationship between anxiety and socio cultural adjustment, although a significant relationship is found, the direction of the postulated relationship is positive instead of negative.The result may have some implications to management and policy makers

    Anxiety and sociocultural adjustment from the perspective of international students in Malaysia

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    The main purpose for this study is to investigate whether anxiety will inversely influence international students’ sociocultural adjustment in the context of pursuing education in higher learning institutions in Malaysia; specifically in Universiti Utara Malaysia. The data used for this study derived from the questionnaire survey conducted randomly among the international students in Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) who came from 27 different nationalities. A total number of 397 valid responses were successfully obtained. The descriptive analysis, reliability analysis and correlation analysis were undertaken in this study. For the relationship between anxiety and sociocultural adjustment, although a significant relationship is found, the direction of the postulated relationship is positive instead of negative. Discussions and conclusion of research are put forth