5 research outputs found

    Image Upscaling Menggunakan Iterative Curvature Based Interpolation

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    Image Upscaling adalah proses peningkatan resolusi sebuah citra tanpa menghilangkan kesan natural yang ada di dalamnya. Proses ini cenderung membutuhkan waktu komputasi yang tinggi dan menghasilkan citra dengan kualitas yang rendah. Iterative curvature based interpolation adalah salah satu metode image upscaling yang dikatakan mampu untuk melakukan pemrosesan dengan cepat dan menghasilkan citra dengan kualitas yang baik. Metode tersebut melakukan interpolasi untuk mengisi nilai pixel kosong lalu melakukan perubahan nilai secara bertahap untuk meningkatkan kualitas citra akhir. Tujuan tugas akhir ini adalah membuktikan kemampuan metode tersebut dengan melakukan berbagai macam analisis terhadap lama pemrosesan dan kualitas citra hasil. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan pada tugas akhir ini metode tersebut menghasilkan nilai PSNR 18.37 hingga 36.61 pada perbesaran dua kali dan 15.31 hingga 30.54 pada perbesaran empat kali. Rata-rata waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk perbesaran dua kali adalah 1.48 detik dengan lima iterasi dan 1.65 detik untuk sepuluh iterasi, sedangkan untuk perbesaran empat kali 1.66 detik untuk lima iterasi dan 1.77 detikuntuk sepuluh kali. image upscaling, iterative curvature based interpolation, interpolation,super resolutio

    Alat Pengukur Keatomikan Kebutuhan Perangkat Lunak Berbasis Kemajemukan Kalimat

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    Keatomikan kebutuhan perangkat lunak adalah bagian penting dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak. Kebutuhan yang bersifat tidak atomik dapat mengakibatkan masalah serius dalam proses pengembangan perangkat lunak. Kami membangun metode perhitungan keatomikan kebutuhan perangkat lunak berdasarkan kemajemukan kalimat spesifikasi kebutuhan perangkat lunak. Untuk menguji metode tersebut kami membuat alat pengukur keatomikan yang hasilnya kami bandingkan dengan hasil perhitungan ahli. Kami mendapatkan sistem kami memiliki akurasi sebesar 75%. Kami juga menemukan masalah-masalah seperti pendeteksian konteks dan ketergantungan terhadap kebenaran struktur kalimat yang harus diperbaiki agar metode kami dapat digunakan dengan baik


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    There are challenges and drawbacks that will be faced in implementing a Scrum method. One of the problems is in Code Quality because the team only has a short time in each sprint. This causes the team to not be able to conduct a thorough code review, resulting in the team having to increase their workload and pressure. Code review is necessary to identify defects in the code before it goes into the core of the project. But the cumbersome, time-consuming and labor-intensive nature of code review causes a barrier in adopting code review practices properly. To simplify and speed up code review, the researcher will try to implement Continuous Code Quality (CCQ) with the Scrum process by conducting empirical experiments. By examining the effect on the speed of the process and knowing the point of view of the development team. Based on the experiments conducted, the CCQ automation system helps the development team in speeding up the code review process and maintaining good code quality. The biggest influence on the speed of the process remains in the complexity of the system built in a running sprint. Even with an automated code review system, a manual code review process is still needed to ensure there are no errors that cannot be detected by the automated system


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    This study aims to appraise current competency development practices at the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights and provide recommendations for the process improvements based on the People Capability Maturity Model (P-CMM) approach. The only P-CMM appraisal method recognized by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) is the Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI). The appraisal was carried out in three P-CMM Process Areas which were selected based on the scope of research, specifically Training and Development, Competency Analysis, and Competency Development. From the appraisal carried out, there is a total of 17 practices that have not been implemented properly. To improve the process, several activities are recommended, such as identifying critical training and skills needed for a competency, evaluating training alternatives, holding formal discussions related to development with each employee periodically, providing development opportunities based on the results of formal discussion, measuring the training and development activities, making and evaluating three important documents (Workforce Competency, Competency-based process and Competency information) periodically, forming a new unit specifically for managing the employee’s competence, evaluating competency analysis activities, and periodically auditing the definition and use of data on competency development for compliance with organizational policies. Key Words : Competency Analysis, Competency Development, People Capability Maturity Model, Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement with People CMM, Training and Development  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan appraisal terhadap praktik pengembangan kompetensi di Kemenkumham RI saat ini dan memberikan rekomendasi perbaikannya berdasarkan pendekatan People Capability Maturity Model (P-CMM). Satu-satunya metode appraisal P-CMM yang diakui oleh Software Engineering Institute (SEI) adalah Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI) with People CMM. Appraisal dilakukan pada 3 Process Area P-CMM yang dipilih berdasarkan kesesuaiannya dengan ruang lingkup penelitian, yaitu Training and Development, Competency Analysis, dan Competency Development. Dari hasil appraisal yang dilakukan pada 3 Process Area tersebut, terdapat total 17 praktik yang belum diimplementasikan dengan baik. Untuk memperbaiki ketiga Process Area tersebut, beberapa aktivitas direkomendasikan untuk diimplementasikan, yaitu mengidentifikasi pelatihan dan keahlian kritikal yang dibutuhkan untuk sebuah kompetensi, mengevaluasi alternatif pelatihan, mengadakan diskusi formal terkait pengembangan dengan setiap ASN secara periodik, memberikan kesempatan pengembangan berdasarkan hasil diskusi tersebut, melakukan pengukuran terhadap aktivitas pelatihan dan pengembangan, membuat dan mengevaluasi 3 dokumen penting (Workforce Competency, Competency-based process dan Competency information) secara periodik, membentuk unit baru khusus untuk mengelola kompetensi ASN, mengevaluasi aktivitas analisis kompetensi, dan mengaudit data definisi pengembangan kompetensi secara periodik untuk menyesuaikan dengan kebijakan organisasi. Kata Kunci: Competency Analysis, Competency Development, People Capability Maturity Model, Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement with People CMM, Training and Developmen

    The impact of tourist’s intention to use Web 3.0: a conceptual integrated model based on TAM & DMISM

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    The rapid revolution of information technology has enhanced the global tourism industry that positively changed the structure of economy in large scale. Today, tourists face difficulties to find information to meet their needs or exceed their expectations due to the huge amount of information in the current Web and tourism portals. This has made the tourists or travelers decision to visit a particular destination very difficult. The main purpose of this research is to propose a conceptual integrated model to determine the factors influencing tourist’s intentions to use Web3.0. Therefore, despite the enormous transformative innovation that the Web3.0 will provide, there is still a significant gap between the current applied systems and the new technology at this moment. Besides that, the literature has shown that there are only few publications that used integrated theoretical model of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Delone and Mclean Information System Model (DMISM) to investigate tourist’s intention to use new technology particularly Web 3.0. In addition, this research not only defines Web3.0, but also determines the possible challenges, risks, and opportunities that are emerged from Web3.0 technology specifically in the tourism domain. Moreover, while Web3.0 is prominent across businesses, there is surprisingly very limited academic work devoted to study its effect on consumer’s intentions to use and the tourism industry is not an exception. Consequently, this study will provide more insights, advance our understanding and contribute to this growing area of research as well as the proposed integrated conceptual model can serve as fundamental framework to be used in different domains