236 research outputs found

    Multifunktional Building Brno

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    Studie polyfunkčního domu v Brně řeší nové prostory s funkcí obytnou a prostor pro galerijní činnost. Parcela se nachází v proluce na rušné ulici Milady Horákové (městská čtvrť – Zábrdovice) v sousedství bytových domů. Stavba je začleněna mezi stávající bytové domy na rovinném terénu. Stavba je rozdělena na dva podélné trakty. V užším traktu je umístěno schodiště s výtahem a hygienické zázemí pro jednotlivé byty. Širší trakt je určen pro bydlení a galerijní činnost. V úrovni terénu je navržen průchozí parter, sloužící jako pěší komunikace spojující ulici Milady Horákové a vnitroblok, kde se nachází stávající parkovací plochy a podzemní garáže.The study of polyfunctional building in Brno city solves a new spaces with residential function and a space for galery activity. The site is finding in vacant lot on a busy street Milady Horákové (urban district – Zábrdovice) in neighborhood residential houses. The construction is incorporated between existing residentianl houses on a flat terrain. The object is divided on two longitudinal tracts. In narrower is placed stairs with lift and sanitary for individual apartments. The wider tract is intended for housing and gallery activity. At ground level is designed as passage serving as pedestrian communication connecting Milady Horákové´s street and courtyard where is existing parking areas and underground garage.

    HIIT system programming and some practical problems of its application examined within the sample of selected Czech probands in Brno

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    High Intensity Interval Training is a training method based on a combination of periods in which high-intensity load alternate with low-intensity exercise or passive rest, the so-called rest interval or inactive phase. Nowadays it is gaining more popularity among the general population and is applied in modern fitness centers. The authors found that more than 95 % sports centers organizing group lessons in Brno offer some form of HIIT (“Tabata System”, especially). Changing one of the HIIT components will affect the efficiency of the whole system. This effect is demonstrable on the aerobic and anaerobic performance and the composition of body tissues. Our goal within the broad research is to find out what effect changing one variable has on the most widely used HIIT program, and we wanted to examine whether the method is suitable for recreational athletes.The authors have made the first step in the form of pilot research described in this article, trying to design the system and applying the components in it. The experiment involved twenty deliberately selected male probands. They were randomly divided into two intervention groups of ten probands. In both intervention groups, we observed: number of repetitions performed, subjective load assessment (on the Borg scale) and heart rate. The original design of the pilot study included three training units per week for two weeks (a total of six training units). Basic multiple articulated exercises (Burpees and Jump Squats) were selected for both sets in these protocols in order to achieve key intensity for HIIT. There were some limitations of the experiment described in the article.The result of the first pilot study was essential concerning the adequacy of the cycle settings. The authors were forced to stop the piloting after the completion of the first week due to the acute overtraining of the probands. The reason to stop the experiment is attributed to an inadequate frequency of training units in individual weeks, which we reflected in the design of the following pilot study and reduced the number to two. The authors have kept the research questions and present the results of the modified piloting below.It can be assumed that the prolongation of the rest interval has an impact on the ability to perform repeated exercises, heart rate and subjective perception of stress in selected exercises. These results of our pilot research are also related to people's desire to get as much as possible in as little (time) as possible. The HIIT method is (in many aspects) more effective than the continuous method. Its undeniable advantage is time saving, but efficiency is "redeemed" by intensity and demanding character (proved not just in the described experiments). Where is the line between benefit sport and health-threatening sport? What is the "correct" HIIT setting/programming and what causes a change in one of the key variables? Is less sometimes more or more demanding means more effective? Respecting people's demands and desires for performance, mental fitness and physical beauty, with regard to sustainability and health above all, we will seek answers to all these questions. The first step towards finding them is the study carried out.

    The Selfish Gene as a Possible Driving Force Behind HIIT

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    Purpose: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a training method aimed at increasing the fitness of individuals. It is based on a combination of periods in which high-intensity alternate with low-intensity exercise or passive rest. The topic of this paper is a reflection on the benefits and risks of HIIT health use in recreational athletes. We investigate humans' conscious and unconscious motivations for choosing this specific method in the philosophical discourse. Problem: HIIT is a method that, in some ways and with particular approaches, strongly reflects the imperative of the postmodern age - to get as much as possible, as quickly as possible. Martin Heidegger perceives three fundamental existentials in the context of temporality – historicity, everydayness, and within-time-ness. Here conscious motivation may be linked to the temporal characteristic of human being. As Richard Dawkins presents, unconscious motivation may be related to the application of the selfish gene theory. The philosophical approach to the problem: The Heideggerian concept of temporality leads us to research the authenticity and inauthenticity of the Dasein phenomenon. Some features of motivation for applying HIIT can be examined as inauthentic forms of being. In focusing on possible elements of unconscious motivation, the concept of evolutionary biology, namely Dawkins's theory of the selfish gene, provides a unique platform. It is primarily (a human) effort to spread genes. Here, in connection with HIIT, we build on the concepts of replicator and vehicle and deal with the basic selection unit of evolution and its form. Conclusions: HIIT presents an exciting training method that is examined in the context of effectivity of sports training, social benefits, or health aspects. Here we would like to offer the HIIT concept as the reflection of philosophical (mainly ontological, partly ethical) discourse. &nbsp

    Influence of gender differences between male and female executives in education on the perception of the importance of ethics in school management and their attitude towards it

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    Katedra andragogiky a managementu vzděláváníPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Gut microbiome and its changes related to therapy of chronic diseases

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    This work examines the response of the gut microbiome to therapeutic interventions in three longitudinal studies of chronic gastrointestinal diseases: Crohn's disease, celiac autoimmunity and irritable bowel syndrome. Multiple methods of stool microbiome analysis (especially massively parallel 16S rDNA or 18S rDNA sequencing and metagenomic sequencing) followed by bioinformatic and statistical analysis were used. In Crohn's disease, we detected a previously undescribed secondary nature of changes in the gut bacteriome after anti-TNF treatment. In celiac disease autoimmunity, where previous works described an effect of probiotic intervention on serological markers of the disease, the gut bacteriome and metabolome, we described the absence of significant changes in beneficial gut protozoa. In irritable bowel syndrome, we observed a significant response of the bacteriome after administering four doses of mixed microbiota transplantation but no response in the reduction of clinical symptoms. The results of these studies could contribute to a better understanding of the gut microbiome's role in the pathogenesis of these serious diseases. Keywords: microbiome, Crohn's disease, celiac disease, irritable bowel syndromePráce se zabývá reakcí střevního mikrobiomu na terapeutické intervence ve třech longitudinálních studiích u chronických onemocnění gastrointestinálního traktu: Crohnovy choroby, celiakální autoimunity a syndromu dráždivého tračníku. K tomu byly využity četné metody mikrobiomové analýzy stolice (zejména masivně paralelní sekvenování 16S rDNA či 18S rDNA a metagenomické sekvenování) s následnou bionformatickou a statistickou analýzou. U Crohnovy choroby jsme detekovali dosud nepopsanou sekundární povahu změn střevního bakteriomu po léčbě anti-TNF. U celiakální autoimunity, kde byl v předchozích pracích popsán efekt intervence probiotik na serologické markery nemoci, střevní bakteriom i metabolom, jsme popsali absenci významných změn na prospěšné střevní prvoky. U syndromu dráždivého tračníku jsme po podání čtyř dávek transplantace směsné mikrobioty pozorovali významnou reakci bakteriomu, avšak bez odpovědi na redukci klinických obtíží. Výsledky studií by mohly přispět k lepšímu poznání role střevního mikrobiomu v patogenezi těchto závažných onemocnění. Klíčová slova: mikrobiom, Crohnova choroba, celiakie, syndrom dráždivého tračníkuDepartment of PaediatricsPediatrická klinikaSecond Faculty of Medicine2. lékařská fakult

    Establishment of the Pedagogical Professional Chamber as a public-law institution standardizing the ethical rules of the teaching profession

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    The diploma thesis deals with the topic of the theoretical establishment of the professional pedagogical chamber in the Czech Republic as a public-law institution in terms of ethical and moral patronage of the teaching profession. The profession of teacher is characterized by thorough and demanding work with people, requiring not only extensive knowledge, which is subsequently passed on to pupils and students, but also respect of moral and ethical principles, which presents teachers in public as a valuable profession, but also sets the model for exemplary and desirable behavior in society. At present, however, there is no public-law self-governing professional organization in the Czech Republic that associates members of the teaching profession and morally and ethically shields their profession, as is done, for example, by the medical or advocacy chamber of their members. This, in conjunction with the persistent absence of a defined teacher's professional standard and formal code of ethics, leads to lack of an idea who should teachers refer to regarding the problems of ethics and moral behaviour, what is expected from them in this area and also have no support in a legally established and functional professional organization. The aim of this diploma thesis is therefore to identify and describe the...Závěrečná diplomová práce se věnuje tématu teoretického zřízení pedagogické profesní komory v České republice jako veřejnoprávního subjektu z hlediska etické a mravní patronace učitelské profese. Povolání učitele se vyznačuje důkladnou a náročnou prací s lidmi, přičemž vyžaduje kromě rozsáhlé dispozice odbornými znalostmi, které jsou následně předávány žákům a studentům, rovněž i důrazné dodržování mravních a etických principů, což prezentuje pedagogy jako hodnotnou profesní skupinu na veřejnosti, ale také nastavuje model příkladného a žádoucího jednání ve společnosti. V současné době však v tuzemsku neexistuje žádná veřejnoprávní samosprávná profesní organizace, která by sdružovala členy pedagogické profese a mravně i eticky zaštiťovala jejich povolání tak, jako tomu činí například lékařská či advokátní komora u svých příslušníků. Tato skutečnost v usouvztažnění s přetrvávající absencí definovaného standardu učitelské profese a formálního etického kodexu pak mnohdy vede k tomu, že se učitelé nemají v rámci řešení morálních problémů své profese na koho obrátit, postrádají představu, co konkrétně se od nich v oblasti etiky a mravního chování očekává a nemají oporu v zákonem ustavené a funkční profesní organizaci. Předmětná diplomová práce si tak klade za cíl identifikovat a deskribovat názor české...Katedra andragogiky a managementu vzděláváníFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Decision making under condition of sleep deprivation

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    Práce se zabývá otázkou, jaké rizika vyplývají z nedostatku spánku vzhledem k rozhodování. Postupně analyzuje množství procesů, které mohou mít dopad na rozhodování: vigilita, pozornost, paměť, emoce, divergentní a flexibilní myšlení, exekutivní funkce a v neposlední řadě také schopnost komunikace. Zabývá se také přínosem a riziky běžně dostupných opatření pro minimalizaci dopadů spánkové deprivace. Se spánkovou deprivací je spojeno množství negativních důsledků, které mají selektivní dopady i na výše zmíněné procesy, tudíž spánková deprivace může v konečném důsledku negativně ovlivnit proces rozhodování. Tyto negativní důsledky nelze v plném rozsahu kompenzovat žádnými běžně dostupnými opatřeními, ale jen dostatečně dlouhým a kvalitním spánkem. Klíčová slova: Spánek, deprivace, rozhodování, kognitivní funkceThe paper concerns itself with the question, which risks are associated with the lack of sleep especially with the ability to make decisions. It analyses a number of processes, which can have an effect on the process of decision-making: vigilance, attention, memory, emotions, divergent and flexible thinking, executive functions and at least but not last also the ability to communicate clearly. Some benefits and risks of routinely available countermeasures are also discussed. The sleep deprivation is associated with a significant number of negative consequences, which can affect the processes mentioned above, thus it can have a detrimental impact on decision-making itself. The commonly available countermeasures are not effective in compensating for all of these consequences, only the sleep in sufficient quality and quantity is. Keywords: Sleep, deprivation, decision making, cognitive functionsKatedra psychologieDepartment of PsychologyFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult