6,445 research outputs found

    Method and apparatus for gripping uniaxial fibrous composite materials

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    A strip specimen is cut from a unidirectional strong, brittle fiber composite material, and the surfaces of both ends of the specimen are grit blasted. The specimen is then placed between metal load transfer members having grit blasted surfaces. Sufficient compressive stress is applied to the load transfer members to prevent slippage during testing at both elevated temperatures and room temperatures. The need for adhesives, load pads, and other secondary composite processing is eliminated. This gripping system was successful in tensile testing, creep rupture testing, and fatigue testing uniaxial composite materials at 316 C

    Financing Canadian Innovation: Why Canada Should End Roadblocks to Foreign Private Equity

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    Canada’s cross-border tax laws raise barriers that needlessly discourage investment in Canadian private equity firms. We examine the harm these barriers cause, and propose ways of reducing them.cross-border taxation

    The GPRIME approach to finite element modeling

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    GPRIME, an interactive modeling system, runs on the CDC 6000 computers and the DEC VAX 11/780 minicomputer. This system includes three components: (1) GPRIME, a user friendly geometric language and a processor to translate that language into geometric entities, (2) GGEN, an interactive data generator for 2-D models; and (3) SOLIDGEN, a 3-D solid modeling program. Each component has a computer user interface of an extensive command set. All of these programs make use of a comprehensive B-spline mathematics subroutine library, which can be used for a wide variety of interpolation problems and other geometric calculations. Many other user aids, such as automatic saving of the geometric and finite element data bases and hidden line removal, are available. This interactive finite element modeling capability can produce a complete finite element model, producing an output file of grid and element data

    1960s travel fiction and Englishness during the postimperial turn

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    British travel writing has for centuries helped to construct English identity in relation to its others. The traditional function of travel narratives to define Englishness, however, faced a fundamental crisis of meaning when the British Empire starting falling apart after WWII. This crisis emerged as an explicit literary subject in several key 1960s novels: John Fowles\u27s The Magus (1965), V. S. Naipaul\u27s The Mimic Men (1967), and Jean Rhys\u27s Wide Sargasso Sea (1966). In these three novels, Fowles, Naipaul and Rhys critique British imperialism by engaging and reinventing the travel narrative form. Although many British writers publishing during the 60s were using travel tropes and the generic conventions of travel narratives in their fiction, they were rarely doing so to question how the connotations of travel had changed with the end of empire or to investigate in self-critical fashion the role of travel in endorsing imperial versions of English national identity. Fowles, Naipaul, and Rhys, on the other hand, argue against nostalgic travel narratives of the 60s by demonstrating the generic limitations of those narratives in representing Englishness after empire and by interrogating the very notion of travel itself. They illustrate how typical elements of the genre such as the gentleman traveler, the freedom and agency of travel, the containment of the other, the trope of travel as a journey of self-discovery, and the use of literary realism inadequately address the emerging postimperial order. In rethinking the role of travel narratives after empire, these three novels help constitute the crisis in meaning for British travel fiction during the postimperial turn of the 1960s

    Nicalon/siliconoxycarbide ceramic composites

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    A series of silsesquioxane copolymers was synthesized by acid hydrolysis and condensation of trimethoxysilanes of the form RSi(OCH3)3, where R = methyl or phenyl. By varying pH, water/methoxy and methyl/phenyl ratios, the molecular structure, polymer rheology and ceramic composition can be controlled. The polymers form an amorphous siliconoxycarbide on pyrolysis. Composites of Nicalon/siliconoxycarbide were fractured in four-point flexure and in tension to evaluate the influence of matrix composition, final fabrication temperature and use of filler on composite mode of failure, modulus, strain capability and strength. Incorporation of filler was found to increase matrix compressive strength. Employment of processing temperatures of 1375 to 1400 C enhanced strain to failure and reduced the tendency toward brittle fracture. Mixed mode (compression/shear and tension/shear) failures were observed in flexural samples processed to the higher temperatures, giving rise to nonlinear stress-strain curves. Tensile samples pyrolyzed to 1400 C showed linear-elastic behavior and failed by fracture of fiber bundles. Matrix material was found to be adherent to the fiber surface after failure. These results demonstrate the need for tensile testing to establish composite behavior

    The Use of a Multi-modal Interface to Integrate In-Vehicle Information Presentation

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    The car of the future will have many new information sources— including telematics systems, navigation systems and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)—that will compete for a driver’s limited cognitive attention. If they are implemented as completely separate systems then cognitive overload and driver distraction are inevitable outcomes. However, if they are implemented as an integrated intelligent system with a multi-modal interface, then the benefits of such functionality will be achieved with much less impact on driving safety. Such a system will support the task of safe driving by filtering and mediating information in response to real-world driving demands. This paper outlines the Human Factors research program being undertaken by Motorola Labs to evaluate key elements of such a multi-modal interface as well as the key human factors issues involved in a multi-modal interface

    Far Ultraviolet Fluorescence of Molecular Hydrogen in IC 63

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    We present observations of H_2 fluorescence at wavelengths between 1000 and 1200 A from the bright reflection nebula IC 63. Observations were performed with the Berkeley spectrograph on the ORFEUS-SPAS II mission. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first detection of astrophysical H_2 fluorescent emission at these wavelengths (excluding planetary atmospheres). The shape of the spectrum is well described by the model of Sternberg (1989). The absolute intensity, however, is fainter than an extrapolation from observations at longer ultraviolet wavelengths (Witt et al. 1989) by a factor of ten. Of the mechanisms that might help reconcile these observations, optical depth effects in the fluorescing H_2 itself are the most promising (or at least the most difficult to rule out).Comment: LaTeX file, 7 pages, 1 encapsulated PostScript figure. Uses aaspp4.sty and astrobib.sty. (Astrobib is available from http://www.stsci.edu/software/TeX.html .) The ORFEUS telescope is described at http://sag-www.ssl.berkeley.edu/orfeus/ . To appear in The Astrophysical Journal (Letters
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