5,158 research outputs found

    Stochastic models which separate fractal dimension and Hurst effect

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    Fractal behavior and long-range dependence have been observed in an astonishing number of physical systems. Either phenomenon has been modeled by self-similar random functions, thereby implying a linear relationship between fractal dimension, a measure of roughness, and Hurst coefficient, a measure of long-memory dependence. This letter introduces simple stochastic models which allow for any combination of fractal dimension and Hurst exponent. We synthesize images from these models, with arbitrary fractal properties and power-law correlations, and propose a test for self-similarity.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    The 6-vertex model of hydrogen-bonded crystals with bond defects

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    It is shown that the percolation model of hydrogen-bonded crystals, which is a 6-vertex model with bond defects, is completely equivalent with an 8-vertex model in an external electric field. Using this equivalence we solve exactly a particular 6-vertex model with bond defects. The general solution for the Bethe-like lattice is also analyzed.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures; added references for section

    Quantifying signals with power-law correlations: A comparative study of detrended fluctuation analysis and detrended moving average techniques

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    Detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) and detrended moving average (DMA) are two scaling analysis methods designed to quantify correlations in noisy non-stationary signals. We systematically study the performance of different variants of the DMA method when applied to artificially generated long-range power-law correlated signals with an {\it a-priori} known scaling exponent α0\alpha_{0} and compare them with the DFA method. We find that the scaling results obtained from different variants of the DMA method strongly depend on the type of the moving average filter. Further, we investigate the optimal scaling regime where the DFA and DMA methods accurately quantify the scaling exponent α0\alpha_{0}, and how this regime depends on the correlations in the signal. Finally, we develop a three-dimensional representation to determine how the stability of the scaling curves obtained from the DFA and DMA methods depends on the scale of analysis, the order of detrending, and the order of the moving average we use, as well as on the type of correlations in the signal.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figure

    Possibility between earthquake and explosion seismogram differentiation by discrete stochastic non-Markov processes and local Hurst exponent analysis

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    The basic purpose of the paper is to draw the attention of researchers to new possibilities of differentiation of similar signals having different nature. One of examples of such kind of signals is presented by seismograms containing recordings of earthquakes (EQ's) and technogenic explosions (TE's). We propose here a discrete stochastic model for possible solution of a problem of strong EQ's forecasting and differentiation of TE's from the weak EQ's. Theoretical analysis is performed by two independent methods: with the use of statistical theory of discrete non-Markov stochastic processes (Phys. Rev. E62,6178 (2000)) and the local Hurst exponent. Time recordings of seismic signals of the first four dynamic orthogonal collective variables, six various plane of phase portrait of four dimensional phase space of orthogonal variables and the local Hurst exponent have been calculated for the dynamic analysis of the earth states. The approaches, permitting to obtain an algorithm of strong EQ's forecasting and to differentiate TE's from weak EQ's, have been developed.Comment: REVTEX +12 ps and jpg figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E, December 200

    A structural evaluation of the tungsten isotopes via thermal neutron capture

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    Total radiative thermal neutron-capture γ\gamma-ray cross sections for the 182,183,184,186^{182,183,184,186}W isotopes were measured using guided neutron beams from the Budapest Research Reactor to induce prompt and delayed γ\gamma rays from elemental and isotopically-enriched tungsten targets. These cross sections were determined from the sum of measured γ\gamma-ray cross sections feeding the ground state from low-lying levels below a cutoff energy, Ecrit_{\rm crit}, where the level scheme is completely known, and continuum γ\gamma rays from levels above Ecrit_{\rm crit}, calculated using the Monte Carlo statistical-decay code DICEBOX. The new cross sections determined in this work for the tungsten nuclides are: σ0(182W)=20.5(14)\sigma_{0}(^{182}{\rm W}) = 20.5(14) b and σ11/2+(183Wm,5.2s)=0.177(18)\sigma_{11/2^{+}}(^{183}{\rm W}^{m}, 5.2 {\rm s}) = 0.177(18) b; σ0(183W)=9.37(38)\sigma_{0}(^{183}{\rm W}) = 9.37(38) b and σ5(184Wm,8.33μs)=0.0247(55)\sigma_{5^{-}}(^{184}{\rm W}^{m}, 8.33 \mu{\rm s}) = 0.0247(55) b; σ0(184W)=1.43(10)\sigma_{0}(^{184}{\rm W}) = 1.43(10) b and σ11/2+(185Wm,1.67min)=0.0062(16)\sigma_{11/2^{+}}(^{185}{\rm W}^{m}, 1.67 {\rm min}) = 0.0062(16) b; and, σ0(186W)=33.33(62)\sigma_{0}(^{186}{\rm W}) = 33.33(62) b and σ9/2+(187Wm,1.38μs)=0.400(16)\sigma_{9/2^{+}}(^{187}{\rm W}^{m}, 1.38 \mu{\rm s}) = 0.400(16) b. These results are consistent with earlier measurements in the literature. The 186^{186}W cross section was also independently confirmed from an activation measurement, following the decay of 187^{187}W, yielding values for σ0(186W)\sigma_{0}(^{186}{\rm W}) that are consistent with our prompt γ\gamma-ray measurement. The cross-section measurements were found to be insensitive to choice of level density or photon strength model, and only weakly dependent on Ecrit_{\rm crit}. Total radiative-capture widths calculated with DICEBOX showed much greater model dependence, however, the recommended values could be reproduced with selected model choices. The decay schemes for all tungsten isotopes were improved in these analyses.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figures, 15 table

    Late-Time Optical and UV Spectra of SN 1979C and SN 1980K

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    A low-dispersion Keck I spectrum of SN 1980K taken in August 1995 (t = 14.8 yr after explosion) and a November 1997 MDM spectrum (t = 17.0 yr) show broad 5500 km s^{-1} emission lines of H\alpha, [O I] 6300,6364 A, and [O II] 7319,7330 A. Weaker but similarly broad lines detected include [Fe II] 7155 A, [S II] 4068,4072 A, and a blend of [Fe II] lines at 5050--5400 A. The presence of strong [S II] 4068,4072 A emission but a lack of [S II] 6716,6731 A emission suggests electron densities of 10^{5-6} cm^{-3}. From the 1997 spectra, we estimate an H\alpha flux of 1.3 \pm 0.2 \times 10^{-15} erg cm^{-2} s^{-1} indicating a 25% decline from 1987--1992 levels during the period 1994 to 1997, possibly related to a reported decrease in its nonthermal radio emission.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, submitted to the Astronomical Journa

    Electron affinity of Li: A state-selective measurement

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    We have investigated the threshold of photodetachment of Li^- leading to the formation of the residual Li atom in the 2p2P2p ^2P state. The excited residual atom was selectively photoionized via an intermediate Rydberg state and the resulting Li^+ ion was detected. A collinear laser-ion beam geometry enabled both high resolution and sensitivity to be attained. We have demonstrated the potential of this state selective photodetachment spectroscopic method by improving the accuracy of Li electron affinity measurements an order of magnitude. From a fit to the Wigner law in the threshold region, we obtained a Li electron affinity of 0.618 049(20) eV.Comment: 5 pages,6 figures,22 reference