274 research outputs found

    Antigens of a Human Breast Carcinoma Cell Line (BT 20). I. Synthesis of Serum Proteins, Membrane-Associated Antigens, and Oncofetal-Associated Antigens

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    The synthesis of various products by a human mammary cell line (BT 20) was studied by incorporation of 14Clabeled amino acids, choline, glucosamine, or galactosamine into nondialyzable materials. These products had molecular weights ranging from less than 12,300 daltons to more than 200,000 daltons. They were analyzed by immunoelectrophoresis and double diffusion in agar. Among the synthesized products, the following proteins were identified: β2-glycoprotein I, α2HS-glycoprotein, α2-lipoprotein, actin, β2-microglobulin, carcinoembryonic antigen, three oncofetal-associated antigens, and various erythrocyte membrane-associated antigens (namely, glycophorin). Synthesis of milk proteins was not detectable. Only the protein moiety of the glycophorin molecule seemed to be synthesized. The β2-microglobulin was synthesized in an unbound state as well as bound to a glycoprotein whose relationship with the transplantation or tumor antigens must be determined. The three oncofetal-associated antigens were also synthesized in vitro by human fetal tissues and neoplastic and dysplastic human mammary tissue

    Antigens of a human breast carcinoma cell line (BT 20). I. Synthesis of serum proteins, membrane-associated antigens, and oncofetal-associated antigens.

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    The synthesis of various products by a human mammary cell line (BT 20) was studied by incorporation of 14C-labeled amino acids, choline, glucosamine, or galactosamine into nondialyzable materials. These products had molecular weights ranging from less than 12,300 daltons to more than 200,000 daltons. They were analyzed by immunoelectrophoresis and double diffusion in agar. Among the synthesized products, the following proteins were identified: beta2-glycoprotein I, alpha2HS-glycoprotein, alpha2-lipoprotein, actin, beta2-microglobulin, carcinoembryonic antigen, three oncofetal-associated antigens, and various erythrocyte membrane-associated antigens (namely, glycophorin). Synthesis of milk proteins was not detectable. Only the protein moiety of the glycophorin molecule seemed to be synthesized. The beta2-microglobulin was synthesized in an unbound state as well as bound to a glycoprotein whose relationship with the transplantation or tumor antigens must be determined. The three oncofetal-associated antigens were also synthesized in vitro by human fetal tissues and neoplastic and dysplastic human mammary tissues

    Transplantation of a Human Mammary Carcinoma Cell Line (BT 20) Into Nude Mice

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    Cell suspensions of a human mammary carcinoma cell line (BT 20), when injected subcutaneously into nude athymic mice (BALB/c Nu/Nu), produced tumor nodules at the injection site. Subsequent serial transplantations also gave rise to neoplastic nodules after latency periods averaging 3 weeks. The nodules displayed morphologic and functional characteristics comparable to those of the original tumor cells. Metastases, however, were not observed in any of the tumor-bearing mic

    Academics perception towards various water reuse options: University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro - UTAD Campus (Portugal) as a case study

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    Any strategy of water reuse has to achieve social acceptance to be successful. This paper presents the results of a multiple choice survey that attempted to establish the general attitude toward water reuse by asking academics in UTAD (Portugal) a wide range of questions. The survey included 20 reuse options, which were clustered into three reuse categories, specifically: low, medium and high contact levels. Correlation analysis between the level of support of low, medium and high contact options and demographic characteristics, personal and environmental beliefs was performed. Results show that a high proportion of the participants supported low and medium contact reuse options. Correlation was found to exist between the income classes and to the level of support of medium and high reuse options and between education level and the support for high contact reuse options. The responses to the survey suggested that some beliefs influence the level of support


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    Evaluación del riesgo volcánico en Tenerife, Islas Canarias. Resultados del análisis de susceptibilidad

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    Los mapas de riesgo han demostrado ser una herramienta útil para poder pronosticar y disminuir el tiempo de respuesta respecto a los procesos naturales catastróficos. Las erupciones volcánicas representan para la sociedad actual un problema de gran envergadura, debido a la localización de áreas urbanas en zonas de riesgo. Esto se acentúa en la isla de Tenerife debido a la gran expansión urbanística que ha experimentado en las últimas décadas y al aumento significativo del turismo. En esta contribución se analiza una propuesta para la elaboración de un mapa de riesgo volcánico para Tenerife utilizando diferentes bases de datos en un entorno SIG. El proyecto de construcción del mapa de riesgo volcánico de Tenerife incluye cuatro fases distintas. En la primera se han de realizar mapas de susceptibilidad para cada tipo de erupción. Posteriormente se aplicarán sobre ellos modelos físicos de simulación para diferentes tipos de erupciones, obteniendo así mapas de peligrosidad. Paralelamente se genera el mapa de vulnerabilidad con información socio-económica de la zona. El mapa de riesgo, en último lugar, se obtendrá a partir de los datos anteriores. Como una primera aportación a este proyecto se presenta un mapa de susceptibilidad elaborado para erupciones basálticas. Este se realiza a partir de la superposición de diversas capas, en las cuales se representan los diferentes criterios que se tendrán en cuenta a la hora de evaluar una posible erupción. Se incluye información geológica (cartografía de localización y depósitos de los centros eruptivos existentes); información de deformación superficial (mediante datos tomados con interferometría SAR); información geoquímica (mapa de desgasificación difusa); datos sobre el campo de esfuerzos (mediante un modelo numérico y otro estructural de medidas de campo) e información sísmica (con la elaboración de un mapa de distribución de epicentros). La combinación de las diferentes capas de información permite la obtención del mapa de probabilidad espacial para erupciones basálticas basado en criterios objetivos, constituyendo el primer paso necesario para la obtención de los mapas de peligrosidad y riesgo de Tenerife.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Reconstrucción de la frecuencia de corrientes de derrubios en el Barranc d’Erill

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    El Barranco d’Erill, Pirineos Centrales, presenta un importante espesor de material de origen glaciar perteneciente a las últimas glaciaciones depositado sobre un paleorelieve en roca ígnea y metamórfica con tendencia a inestabilizarse en forma de debris flow asociado a episodios lluviosos que condiciona en gran medida el uso presente y futuro del territorio. Se ha realizado una importante recopilación histórica de fotografías (1890-2012), una encuesta exhaustiva a los ancianos del lugar que pudieran haber sufrido directa o indirectamente los estragos del barrano en el S.XX, datos de precipitación diaria (1928-2012). Adicionalmente se ha obtenido el permiso necesario para la realización de catas transversales al flujo en la parte más distal del fan que han permitido identificar los eventos y los espesores de los distintos episodios identificados fotográficamente correspondientes al S.XX. Además y gracias a la toma de muestras fósiles durante la etapa de excavación de la cata (restos óseos humanos, dentición de animales y otras) y, se ha podido obtener resultados fiables de datación absoluta que han permitido cuantificar el número total de eventos y volumen total depositado en los últimos 40.000 años. El resultado de este trabajo ha permitido cartografiar los depósitos generados por los episodios del S.XX así como cuantificar un volumen acumulado correspondiente a estos eventos de más de 150.000m3. Paralelamente durante los 6 últimos años se ha realizado una exhaustiva monitorización de la cuenca para determinar la dinámica torrencial de la misma que ha permitido registrar varios eventos torrenciales de volumen menor. El análisis combinado de la estratigrafía, arqueología y paleontología, los eventos históricos del pasado siglo y la auscultación más reciente nos permiten establecer una curva magnitud- frecuencia muy completa para la cuenca del Barranco de Erill, que tal vez pueda ser usada en otras cuencas Pirenaicas con características análogas.Postprint (published version

    Interrupting seasonal transmission of Schistosoma haematobium and control of soil-transmitted helminthiasis in northern and central Côte d’Ivoire: a SCORE study protocol

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    © The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. The attached file is the published version of the article

    DebrisInterMixing-2.3: a Finite Volume solver for three dimensional debris flow simulations based on a single calibration parameter – Part 2: Model validation

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    Here we present the validation of the fluid dynamic solver presented in part one of this work (von Boetticher et al., 2015), simulating laboratory-scale and large-scale debris-flow experiments. The material properties of the experiments, including water content, sand content, clay content and its mineral composition, and gravel content and its friction angle, were known. We show that given these measured properties, a single free model parameter is sufficient for calibration, and a range of experiments with different material compositions can be reproduced by the model without recalibration. The model validation focuses on different case studies illustrating the sensitivity of debris flows to water and clay content, channel curvature, channel roughness and the angle of repose of the gravel. We characterize the accuracy of the model using experimental observations of flow head positions, front velocities, run-out patterns and basal pressures.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Dimensions of professional competences for interventions towards sustainability

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    This paper investigates sustainability competences through the eyes of professional practitioners in the field of sustainability and presents empirical data that have been created using an action research approach. The design of the study consists of two workshops, in which professional practitioners in interaction with each other and the facilitators are invited to explore and reflect on the specific knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours necessary to conduct change processes successfully towards sustainability in a variety of business and professional contexts. The research focuses on the competences associated with these change processes to devise, propose and conduct appropriate interventions that address sustainability issues. Labelled ‘intervention competence’, this ability comprises an interlocking set of knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours that include: appreciating the importance of (trying to) reaching decisions or interventions; being able to learn from lived experience of practice and to connect such learning to one’s own scientific knowledge; being able to engage in political-strategic thinking, deliberations and actions, related to different perspectives; the ability for showing goal-oriented, adequate action; adopting and communicating ethical practices during the intervention process; being able to cope with the degree of complexity, and finally being able to translate stakeholder diversity into collectively produced interventions (actions) towards sustainability. Moreover, this competence has to be practised in contexts of competing values, non-technical interests and power relations. The article concludes with recommendations for future research and practice