67 research outputs found

    A perioperatív medicina szülészeti aspektusai

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    Napjainkban a világon a leggyakrabban végzett sebészi beavatkozás a császármetszés. Alapvető feltétel, hogy a műtétet szövődménymentesen lehessen végezni és a gyermekágyasok gyors posztoperatív felépülése biztosítható legyen, hiszen az anya–újszülött kapcsolatot már a műtét napján lehetővé kell tenni. A császármetszések mortalitása az elmúlt évtizedekben lényegesen csökkent, ez jelentős teammunka eredménye, valamint köszönhető a széles körben elterjedt gerincközeli érzéstelenítő eljárásoknak. A perinatológusteam tagja a szülészen és a neonatológuson kívül az aneszteziológus is, aki a páciens perioperatív ellátásáért felel. A szövődmények megelőzésének és korai eredményes kezelésének a feltétele, hogy az aneszteziológus már a terhesség során ismerkedjék meg a várandós nő állapotával, hogy megtervezhesse a perioperatív ellátást. A szerzők ismertetik a nagy kockázatú szülőnők csoportjait, a leggyakoribb anyai halálokokat és a preventív, valamint terápiás lehetőségeket. Orv. Hetil., 2014, 155(29), 1147–1151. | Recently the most frequently applied surgical procedure worldwide has been Cesarean section. It is essential to perform the operation without any complication. In addition, a fast postoperative recovery must be provided, because all mothers must have the chance for being together with their newborn infant even on the first day. The maternal mortality rates of Cesarean section significantly decreased in the last decades due to the planned team work as well as the widely applied regional (spinal and epidural) anesthetic procedures. Apart from the obstetrician and neonatologist the anesthesiologist is the member of the perinatal team, too, who is responsible for the patient’s perioperative care. To prevent complications and have an early successful treatment the anesthesiologist should be informed by the pregnant woman’ s health status in time in order to be able to plan the perioperative management. The high-risk groups of pregnant women, the most common causes of maternal death and possibilities of prevention and treatment are discussed. Orv. Hetil., 2014, 155(29), 1147–1151

    Production and use of Angelica in medicine and environmental protection

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    The concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, especially carbon dioxide is increasing apace on account of population’s growing, human and industrial activities. These gases are not only unhealthy but also there has been growing interest in the global temperature of Earth. The Ashitaba (Angelica) could be used as strong carbon offsetting and it is used as medicine raw material and the health food supplement. In Scandinavian countries the angelica has been known and used as a medicinal and culinary herb since the 12th century. It has been grown in England since the 16th century. Folk medicine recommends the scalded leaves for colds, and for the illnesses of the stomach, for carminative purposes or for respiratory illnesses. The spasmolytic and anti-inflammatory effects of the plant were confirmed in the in vitro experiment. The root furanocumarines inhibited the growth of certain cancer cells as specified in animal studies. In some in vivo studies the anti-ulcer, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, analgesic and sedative effects were demonstrated

    Micromorphological investigations on two paleosol horizons of the loess/paleosol sequence of Madaras, Hungary

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    Abstract The loess/paleosol sequence near the village of Madaras is an outstanding record of Late Quaternary paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic changes in Hungary and the entire Carpathian Basin. The present study highlights the results of preliminary micromorphological investigations implemented on 24 samples taken from two pre-selected pedogenized horizons of the sequence. Our work yielded interesting results regarding the evolutionary history and modes of pedogenesis in the studied section

    Production and use of Angelica in medicine and environmental protection

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    The concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, especially carbon dioxide is increasing apace on account of population’s growing, human and industrial activities. These gases are not only unhealthy but also there has been growing interest in the global temperature of Earth. The Ashitaba (Angelica) could be used as strong carbon offsetting and it is used as medicine raw material and the health food supplement. In Scandinavian countries the angelica has been known and used as a medicinal and culinary herb since the 12th century. It has been grown in England since the 16th century. Folk medicine recommends the scalded leaves for colds, and for the illnesses of the stomach, for carminative purposes or for respiratory illnesses. The spasmolytic and anti-inflammatory effects of the plant were confirmed in the in vitro experiment. The root furanocumarines inhibited the growth of certain cancer cells as specified in animal studies. In some in vivo studies the anti-ulcer, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, analgesic and sedative effects were demonstrated
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