2,115 research outputs found

    Lithofacies analysis of the Catfish Creek till: Bradtville, Ontario

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    Sedimentologic and facies analyses are used to interpret a section of Catfish Creek till at Bradtville, Ontario. Repetitive passive lodgement of debris-rich ice and gradual melt-out beneath active ice produced four massive matrix-supported diamicts (Dmm) separated by sand (Sg) and gravel (Gm) horizons. This sequence was partly reworked by melt-water focused along sand horizons, depositing cross-cutting Dcm, Sg and Gm facies. Post-depositional faulting also occurred. Deposition and glaciofluvial reworking are inferred to have occurred at some distance behind an alternately floated and grounded margin of the late Wisconsinan Erie Lobe. RÉSUMÉ Une approche sédimentologique et une analyse des faciès sont utilisées pour interpréter une coupe du till du ruisseau Catfish à Bradville, en Ontario. La succession de la mise en place passive de glace riche en débris et de la fonte graduelle sous le glacier ont produit quatre diamictons à support par la matrice (Dmm), séparés par des horizons de sable (Sg) et de gravier (Gm). Cette séquence a été en partie remaniée par de l'eau de fonte concentrée le long d'horizons sableux, qui à dépose les faciès discordants Dcm, Sg et Gm. Des mouvements de failles postérieurs au dépôt se sont aussi produits. Il est déduit que le dépôt et le remaniement fluvio-glaciaire se seraient produits à une certaine distance de la marge du lobe Erié, du Wisconsinien tardif, laquelle était altérnativement flottante et échouée. [Traduit par le journal

    Ambipolar Nernst effect in NbSe2_2

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    The first study of Nernst effect in NbSe2_2 reveals a large quasi-particle contribution with a magnitude comparable and a sign opposite to the vortex signal. Comparing the effect of the Charge Density Wave(CDW) transition on Hall and Nernst coefficients, we argue that this large Nernst signal originates from the thermally-induced counterflow of electrons and holes and indicates a drastic change in the electron scattering rate in the CDW state. The results provide new input for the debate on the origin of the anomalous Nernst signal in high-Tc_c cuprates.Comment: 5 pages including 4 figure

    Comparative Analysis of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Caenorhabditis elegans Protein Interaction Network

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    Protein interaction networks aim to summarize the complex interplay of proteins in an organism. Early studies suggested that the position of a protein in the network determines its evolutionary rate but there has been considerable disagreement as to what extent other factors, such as protein abundance, modify this reported dependence. We compare the genomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Caenorhabditis elegans with those of closely related species to elucidate the recent evolutionary history of their respective protein interaction networks. Interaction and expression data are studied in the light of a detailed phylogenetic analysis. The underlying network structure is incorporated explicitly into the statistical analysis. The increased phylogenetic resolution, paired with high-quality interaction data, allows us to resolve the way in which protein interaction network structure and abundance of proteins affect the evolutionary rate. We find that expression levels are better predictors of the evolutionary rate than a protein's connectivity. Detailed analysis of the two organisms also shows that the evolutionary rates of interacting proteins are not sufficiently similar to be mutually predictive. It appears that meaningful inferences about the evolution of protein interaction networks require comparative analysis of reasonably closely related species. The signature of protein evolution is shaped by a protein's abundance in the organism and its function and the biological process it is involved in. Its position in the interaction networks and its connectivity may modulate this but they appear to have only minor influence on a protein's evolutionary rate.Comment: Accepted for publication in BMC Evolutionary Biolog

    Self-awareness in Dementia: a Taxonomy of Processes, Overview of Findings, and Integrative Framework

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    Purpose of Review: Self-awareness, the capacity of becoming the object of one’s own awareness, has been a frontier of knowledge, but only recently scientific approaches to the theme have advanced. Self-awareness has important clinical implications, and a finer understanding of this concept may improve the clinical management of people with dementia. The current article aims to explore self-awareness, from a neurobiological perspective, in dementia. Recent Findings: A taxonomy of self-awareness processes is presented, discussing how these can be structured across different levels of cognitive complexity. Findings on self-awareness in dementia are reviewed, indicating the relative preservation of capacities such as body ownership and agency, despite impairments in higher-level cognitive processes, such as autobiographical memory and emotional regulation. Summary: An integrative framework, based on predictive coding and compensatory abilities linked to the resilience of self-awareness in dementia, is discussed, highlighting possible avenues for future research into the topic

    Polyphase Glacigenic Deformation of Advance Glaciofluvial Sediments, Near Big Creek, British Colombia

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    Deformation structures were observed in glaciofluvial sediments near Big Creek, central British Columbia. These sediments record a sequence of polyphase deformation resulting from the advance and retreat of the Late Wisconsinan (Fraser Glaciation) Cordilleran Ice Sheet. Deformation is attributed to ductile then brittle failure resulting from: (a) horizontal compression and loading as ice advanced over saturated sediments; followed by (b) lateral extension then (c) compression under frozen conditions during glacier overriding; and finally (d) vertical extension during unloading upon déglaciation. Most deformation (a-c, above) appears to have occurred during the advance phase of the Fraser Glaciation.Des structures de déformation ont été observées dans des sédiments fluvioglaciaires, près de Big Creek. Ces sédiments comprennent la séquence d'une déformation polyphasée résultant de l'avancée et du retrait de l'Inlandsis de la Cordillère (Glaciation de Fraser) au Wisconsinien supérieur. La déformation est attribuée à des fractures d'abord de type ductile, puis cassant résultant : (a) d'une compression et d'une charge horizontales à mesure que la glace avançait sur les sédiments saturés; suivie (b) d'une extension latérale, puis (c) d'une compression en milieu gelé pendant la phase de chevauchement glaciaire; et enfin (d) d'une extension verticale pendant la décharge au moment de la déglaciation. La plus grande partie de la déformation (a-c) s'est produite au cours de la phase d'avancée de la Glaciation de Fraser.Nahe bei Big Creek im Zentrum von British Columbia hat man Verformungsstrukturen in fluvioglazialen Sedimenten beobachtet. Diese Sedimente belegen eine Sequenz mehrphasiger Verformung, welche durch den VorstoB und Rùckzug der Kordilleren-Eisdecke im spaten Wisconsin (Fraser-Vereisung) verursacht wurde. Die Verformung fuhrt man auf zunàchst geschmeidiges, dann sprodes Nachgeben zuruck, veranlaRt durch: (a) horizontale Verdichtung und Anhâufung wàhrend das Eis uber die saturierten Sedimente vordrang, darauf folgend (b) eine latérale Ausdehnung und dann (c) Verdichtung in vereistem Milieu wàhrend der Gletscherûberschiebung, und schlie&lich (d) vertikale Ausdehnung wàhrend der durch die Enteisung bewirkten Stromungen. Der grôRte TeN der Verformung (siehe a-c oben) scheint wàhrend der VorstoRphase der Fraser-Vereisung geschehen zu sein

    SNAP-8 corrosion program Quarterly progress report, period ending 31 May 1965

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    Differences in corrosion and mass transfer rates in corrosion loops for SNAP-8 system and effectiveness of cold trapping in reducing hydrogen concentratio

    Snap-8 corrosion program quarterly progress report, period ending 28 feb. 1965

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    SNAP-8 corrosion program - hydrogen solubility in sodium-potassium, permeability of hydrogen and deuterum through stainless steel, and phase equilibri
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