504 research outputs found

    Bespoke Bicycle Enclosure

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    Brian Higgins is an American veteran with retinitis pigmentosa who relies on cycling for transportation. The motivation for this project is to design and manufacture a refined prototype bicycle attachment to support him while biking in the rain and cold. The attachment will serve to enclose him for optimal protection from inclement weather, while maintaining sufficient mobility for daily cycling. Mr. Higgins’ bicycle is equipped with an attached sensor system which assists his visual impairment by using an ultrasonic sensor. Therefore, the attachment cannot adversely affect the function of the sensor system. The project timeline is set at approximately 7 months to complete with a budget of 2,000.Uponcompletion,wehadapproximately2,000. Upon completion, we had approximately 800 remaining. This final design report represents roughly seven months of research and ideation, and presents the customer needs, background information, design plan and justification, and CAD modeling for the project. We detail our entire manufacturing process along with associated testing for the completed design. Unfortunately, we did not meet all our design goals with the end-product, but we did manage to create a functioning prototype that satisfied all our major constraints. Although our testing did not meet our original standards, this project serves as a first-pass design which can be improved by other engineering teams in the future

    Simulated Performance of 3-DTI Gamma-Ray Telescope Concepts

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    We present Monte Carlo simulations of two astronomical gamma-ray telescope concepts based on the ThreeDimensional Track Imager (3- DTI) detector. The 3-DTI consists of a time projection chamber with two-dimensional, crossedstrip micro-well detector readout. The full three- dimensional reconstruction of charged-particle tracks in the gas volume is obtained from transient digitizers, which record the time signature of the charge collected in the wells of each strip. Such detectors hold great promise for advanced Compton telescope (ACT) and advanced pair telescope (APT) concepts due to the very precise measurement of charged particle momenta that is possible (Compton recoil electrons and electron-positron pairs, respectively). We have investigated the performance of baseline ACT and APT designs based on the 3-DTI detector using simulation tools based on GEANT3 and GEANT4, respectively. We present the expected imaging, spectroscopy, polarimetry, and background performance of each design

    Medium-Energy Gamma-Ray Astrophysics with the 3-DTI Gamma-Ray Telescope

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    Gamma-ray observations in the medium energy range (0.50-50.0 MeV) are central to unfolding many outstanding questions in astrophysics. The challenges of medium-energy gamma-ray observations, however, are the low photon statistics and large backgrounds. We review these questions, address the telescope technology requirements, and describe our development of the 3-Dimensional Track Imaging (3-DTI) Compton telescope and its performance for a new mediumenergy gamma-ray mission. The 3-DTI is a large-volume time projection chamber (TPC) with a 2-dimensional gas micro-well detector (MWD) readout

    Neutron Imaging Camera

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    The Neutron Imaging Camera (NIC) is based on the Three-dimensional Track Imager (3DTI) technology developed at GSFC for gamma-ray astrophysics applications. The 3-DTI, a large volume time-projection chamber, provides accurate, approximately 0.4 mm resolution, 3-D tracking of charged particles. The incident direction of fast neutrons, En > 0.5 MeV, are reconstructed from the momenta and energies of the proton and triton fragments resulting from (sup 3)He(n,p) (sup 3)H interactions in the 3-DTI volume. The performance of the NIC from laboratory and accelerator tests is presented

    Gamma-Ray Imaging for Explosives Detection

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    We describe a gamma-ray imaging camera (GIC) for active interrogation of explosives being developed by NASA/GSFC and NSWCICarderock. The GIC is based on the Three-dimensional Track Imager (3-DTI) technology developed at GSFC for gamma-ray astrophysics. The 3-DTI, a large volume time-projection chamber, provides accurate, approx.0.4 mm resolution, 3-D tracking of charged particles. The incident direction of gamma rays, E, > 6 MeV, are reconstructed from the momenta and energies of the electron-positron pair resulting from interactions in the 3-DTI volume. The optimization of the 3-DTI technology for this specific application and the performance of the GIC from laboratory tests is presented

    Divergent Pathways in COS-7 Cells Mediate Defective Internalization and Intracellular Routing of Truncated G-CSFR Forms in SCN/AML

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    Expression of truncated G-CSFR forms in patients with SCN/AML induces hyperproliferation and prolonged cell survival. Previously, we showed that ligand internalization is delayed and degradation of truncated G-CSFR forms is defective in patients with SCN/AML.In this study, we investigated the potential roles of dileucine and tyrosine-based motifs within the cytoplasmic domain of the G-CSFR in modulating ligand/receptor internalization. Using standard binding assays with radiolabeled ligand and COS-7 cells, substitutions in the dileucine motif or deletion of tyrosine residues in the G-CSFR did not alter internalization. Attachment of the transferrin receptor YTRF internalization motif to a truncated G-CSFR form from a patient with SCN/AML corrected defective internalization, but not receptor degradation suggesting that receptor internalization and degradation occur independently via distinct domains and/or processes.Our data suggest that distinct domains within the G-CSFR mediate separate processes for receptor internalization and degradation. Our findings using standard binding assays differ from recently published data utilizing flow cytometry

    Engaging Undergraduates in Science Research: Not Just About Faculty Willingness.

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    Despite the many benefits of involving undergraduates in research and the growing number of undergraduate research programs, few scholars have investigated the factors that affect faculty members' decisions to involve undergraduates in their research projects. We investigated the individual factors and institutional contexts that predict faculty members' likelihood of engaging undergraduates in their research project(s). Using data from the Higher Education Research Institute's 2007-2008 Faculty Survey, we employ hierarchical generalized linear modeling to analyze data from 4,832 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) faculty across 194 institutions to examine how organizational citizenship behavior theory and social exchange theory relate to mentoring students in research. Key findings show that faculty who work in the life sciences and those who receive government funding for their research are more likely to involve undergraduates in their research project(s). In addition, faculty at liberal arts or historically Black colleges are significantly more likely to involve undergraduate students in research. Implications for advancing undergraduate research opportunities are discussed

    The Founder’s Lecture 2009: advances in imaging of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis

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    The objective of this review article is to provide an update on new developments in imaging of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis over the past three decades. A literature review is presented that summarizes the highlights in the development of bone mineral density measurements, bone structure imaging, and vertebral fracture assessment in osteoporosis as well as MR-based semiquantitative assessment of osteoarthritis and quantitative cartilage matrix imaging. This review focuses on techniques that have impacted patient management and therapeutic decision making or that potentially will affect patient care in the near future. Results of pertinent studies are presented and used for illustration. In summary, novel developments have significantly impacted imaging of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis over the past three decades

    The associations between body and knee height measurements and knee joint structure in an asymptomatic cohort

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It has been suggested that knee height is a determinant of knee joint load. Nonetheless, no study has directly examined the relationship between anthropometric measures of height and knee joint structures, such as cartilage.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>89 asymptomatic community-based adults aged 25-62 with no diagnosed history of knee arthropathy were recruited. Anthropometric data (knee height and body height) were obtained by standard protocol, while tibial cartilage volume and defects, as well as bone area were determined from magnetic resonance imaging. Static knee alignment was measured from the joint radiograph.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All anthropometric height measures were associated with increasing compartmental tibial bone area (<it>p </it>≀ 0.05). Although knee height was associated with tibial cartilage volume (e.g. Ξ² = 27 mm<sup>3 </sup>95% CI 7- 48; <it>p </it>= 0.009 for the medial compartment), these relationship no longer remained significant when knee height as a percentage of body height was analysed. Knee height as a percentage of body height was associated with a reduced risk of medial tibial cartilage defects (odds ratio 0.6; 95% confidence interval 0.4 - 1.0; <it>p </it>= 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The association between increased anthropometric height measures and increased tibial bone area may reflect inherently larger bony structures. However the beneficial associations demonstrated with cartilage morphology suggest that an increased knee height may confer a beneficial biomechanical environment to the chondrocyte of asymptomatic adults.</p

    Risk prediction model for knee pain in the Nottingham Community: a Bayesian modeling approach

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    Background: 25% of the British population over the age of 50 experience knee pain. It can limit physical ability, cause distress and bears significant socioeconomic costs. Knee pain, not knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is the all to common malady. The objectives of this study were to develop and validate the first risk prediction model for incident knee pain in the Nottingham community and validate this internally within the Nottingham cohort and externally within the Osteoarthritis Initiaitve (OAI) Cohort. Methods: 1822 participants at risk for knee pain from the Nottingham community were followed up for 12 years. Of this cohort, 2/3 (n=1203) were used to develop the risk prediction model and 1/3 (n=619) were used to validate the model. Incident knee pain was defined as pain on most days for at least one month in the past 12 months. Predictors were age, gender, body mass index (BMI), pain elsewhere, prior knee injury and knee alignment. Bayesian logistic regression model was used to determine the probability of an odds ratio >1. The Hosmer-Lemeshow x2 statistic (HLS) was used for calibration and receiver operator characteristics (ROC) was used for discrimination. The OAI cohort was used to examine the performance of the model in a secondary care population. Results: A risk prediction model for knee pain incidence was developed using a Bayesian approach. The model had good calibration with HLS of 7.17 (p=0.52) and moderate discriminative abilities (ROC 0.70) in the community. Individual scenarios are given using the model. However, the model had poor calibration (HLS 5866.28, p<0.01) and poor discriminative ability (ROC 0.54) in the OAI secondary care dataset. Conclusion: This is the first risk prediction model for knee pain, irrespective of underlying structural changes of KOA, in the community using a Bayesian modelling approach. The model appears to work well in a community-based population but not in a hospital derived cohort and may provide a convenient tool for primary care to predict the risk of knee pain in the general population
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