22,107 research outputs found

    A census of massive stars in NGC 346. Stellar parameters and rotational velocities

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    Spectroscopy for 247 stars towards the young cluster NGC 346 in the Small Magellanic Cloud has been combined with that for 116 targets from the VLT-FLAMES Survey of Massive Stars. Spectral classification yields a sample of 47 O-type and 287 B-type spectra, while radial-velocity variations and/or spectral multiplicity have been used to identify 45 candidate single-lined systems, 17 double-lined systems, and one triple-lined system. Atmospheric parameters (Teff_eff and loggg) and projected rotational velocities (vev_esinii) have been estimated using TLUSTY model atmospheres; independent estimates of vev_esinii were also obtained using a Fourier Transform method. Luminosities have been inferred from stellar apparent magnitudes and used in conjunction with the Teff_eff and vev_esinii estimates to constrain stellar masses and ages using the BONNSAI package. We find that targets towards the inner region of NGC 346 have higher median masses and projected rotational velocities, together with smaller median ages than the rest of the sample. There appears to be a population of very young targets with ages of less than 2 Myr, which have presumably all formed within the cluster. The more massive targets are found to have lower vev_esinii consistent with previous studies. No significant evidence is found for differences with metallicity in the stellar rotational velocities of early-type stars, although the targets in the SMC may rotate faster than those in young Galactic clusters. The rotational velocity distribution for single non-supergiant B-type stars is inferred and implies that a significant number have low rotational velocity (≃\simeq10\% with vev_e<40 km/s), together with a peak in the probability distribution at ve≃v_e \simeq300 km/s. Larger projected rotational velocity estimates have been found for our Be-type sample and imply that most have rotational velocities between 200-450 km/s.Comment: Accepted by A&

    Deformed Harry Dym and Hunter-Zheng Equations

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    We study the deformed Harry Dym and Hunter-Zheng equations with two arbitrary deformation parameters. These reduce to various other known models in appropriate limits. We show that both these systems are bi-Hamiltonian with the same Hamiltonian structures. They are integrable and belong to the same hierarchy corresponding to positive and negative flows. We present the Lax pair description for both the systems and construct the conserved charges of negative order from the Lax operator. For the deformed Harry Dym equation, we construct the non-standard Lax representation for two special classes of values of the deformation parameters. In general, we argue that a non-standard description will involve a pseudo-differential operator of infinite order.Comment: Latex file, 15 page

    Contaminant Interferences with SIMS Analyses of Microparticle Impactor Residues on LDEF Surfaces

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    Elemental analyses of impactor residues on high purity surface exposed to the low earth orbit (LEO) environment for 5.8 years on Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) has revealed several probable sources for microparticles at this altitude, including natural micrometeorites and manmade debris ranging from paint pigments to bits of stainless steel. A myriad of contamination interferences were identified and their effects on impactor debris identification mitigated during the course of this study. These interferences included pre-, post-, and in-flight deposited particulate surface contaminants, as well as indigenous heterogeneous material contaminants. Non-flight contaminants traced to human origins, including spittle and skin oils, contributed significant levels of alkali-rich carbonaceous interferences. A ubiquitous layer of in-flight deposited silicaceous contamination varied in thickness with location on LDEF and proximity to active electrical fields. In-flight deposited (low velocity) contaminants included urine droplets and bits of metal film from eroded thermal blankets

    VLA Survey of Dense Gas in Extended Green Objects: Prevalence of 25 GHz Methanol Masers

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    We present ∼1−4"\sim1-4" resolution Very Large Array (VLA) observations of four CH3_3OH J2−J1J_2-J_1-EE 25~GHz transitions (JJ=3, 5, 8, 10) along with 1.3~cm continuum toward 20 regions of active massive star formation containing Extended Green Objects (EGOs), 14 of which we have previously studied with the VLA in the Class~I 44~GHz and Class~II 6.7~GHz maser lines (Cyganowski et al. 2009). Sixteen regions are detected in at least one 25~GHz line (JJ=5), with 13 of 16 exhibiting maser emission. In total, we report 34 new sites of CH3_3OH maser emission and ten new sites of thermal CH3_3OH emission, significantly increasing the number of 25~GHz Class I CH3_3OH masers observed at high angular resolution. We identify probable or likely maser counterparts at 44~GHz for all 15 of the 25~GHz masers for which we have complementary data, providing further evidence that these masers trace similar physical conditions despite uncorrelated flux densities. The sites of thermal and maser emission of CH3_3OH are both predominantly associated with the 4.5 μ\mum emission from the EGO, and the presence of thermal CH3_3OH emission is accompanied by 1.3~cm continuum emission in 9 out of 10 cases. Of the 19 regions that exhibit 1.3~cm continuum emission, it is associated with the EGO in 16 cases (out of a total of 20 sites), 13 of which are new detections at 1.3~cm. Twelve of the 1.3~cm continuum sources are associated with 6.7~GHz maser emission and likely trace deeply-embedded massive protostars

    Quantifying physiological influences on otolith microchemistry

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    Trace element concentrations in fish earstones (‘otoliths’) are widely used to discriminate spatially discrete populations or individuals of marine fish, based on a commonly held assumption that physiological influences on otolith composition are minor, and thus variations in otolith elemental chemistry primarily reflect changes in ambient water chemistry. We carried out a long-term (1-year) experiment, serially sampling seawater, blood plasma and otoliths of mature and immature European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) to test relationships between otolith chemistry and environmental and physiological variables. Seasonal variations in otolith elemental composition did not track seawater concentrations, but instead reflected physiological controls on metal transport and biokinetics, which are likely moderated by ambient temperature. The influence of physiological factors on otolith composition was particularly evident in Sr/Ca ratios, the most widely used elemental marker in applied otolith microchemistry studies. Reproduction also triggered specific variations in otolith and blood plasma metal chemistry, especially Zn/Ca ratios in female fish, which could potentially serve as retrospective spawning indicators. The influence of physiology on the trace metal composition of otoliths may explain the success of microchemical stock discrimination in relatively homogenous marine environments, but could complicate alternative uses for trace element compositions in biominerals of higher organism

    On the Nonlocal Equations and Nonlocal Charges Associated with the Harry Dym Hierarchy

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    A large class of nonlocal equations and nonlocal charges for the Harry Dym hierarchy is exhibited. They are obtained from nonlocal Casimirs associated with its bi-Hamiltonian structure. The Lax representation for some of these equations is also given.Comment: to appear in Journal of Mathematical Physics, 17 pages, Late

    The VLT-FLAMES survey of massive stars: Nitrogen abundances for Be-type stars in the Magellanic Clouds

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    Aims. We compare the predictions of evolutionary models for early-type stars with atmospheric parameters, projected rotational velocities and nitrogen abundances estimated for a sample of Be-type stars. Our targets are located in 4 fields centred on the Large Magellanic Cloud cluster: NGC 2004 and the N 11 region as well as the Small Magellanic Cloud clusters: NGC 330 and NGC 346. Methods. Atmospheric parameters and photospheric abundances have been determined using the non-LTE atmosphere code tlusty. Effective temperature estimates were deduced using three different methodologies depending on the spectral features observed; in general they were found to yield consistent estimates. Gravities were deduced from Balmer line profiles and microturbulences from the Si iii spectrum. Additionally the contributions of continuum emission from circumstellar discs were estimated. Given its importance in constraining stellar evolutionary models, nitrogen abundances (or upper limits) were deduced for all the stars analysed. Results. Our nitrogen abundances are inconsistent with those predicted for targets spending most of their main sequence life rotating near to the critical velocity. This is consistent with the results we obtain from modelling the inferred rotational velocity distribution of our sample and of other investigators. We consider a number of possibilities to explain the nitrogen abundances and rotational velocities of our Be-type sample.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, submitted to A&

    Effects of image charges, interfacial charge discreteness, and surface roughness on the zeta potential of spherical electric double layers

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    We investigate the effects of image charges, interfacial charge discreteness, and surface roughness on spherical electric double layers in electrolyte solutions with divalent counter-ions in the setting of the primitive model. By using Monte Carlo simulations and the image charge method, the zeta potential profile and the integrated charge distribution function are computed for varying surface charge strengths and salt concentrations. Systematic comparisons were carried out between three distinct models for interfacial charges: 1) SURF1 with uniform surface charges, 2) SURF2 with discrete point charges on the interface, and 3) SURF3 with discrete interfacial charges and finite excluded volume. By comparing the integrated charge distribution function (ICDF) and potential profile, we argue that the potential at the distance of one ion diameter from the macroion surface is a suitable location to define the zeta potential. In SURF2 model, we find that image charge effects strongly enhance charge inversion for monovalent interfacial charges, and strongly suppress charge inversion for multivalent interfacial charges. For SURF3, the image charge effect becomes much smaller. Finally, with image charges in action, we find that excluded volumes (in SURF3) suppress charge inversion for monovalent interfacial charges and enhance charge inversion for multivalent interfacial charges. Overall, our results demonstrate that all these aspects, i.e., image charges, interfacial charge discreteness, their excluding volumes have significant impacts on the zeta potential, and thus the structure of electric double layers.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, some errors are change

    Validity and practical utility of accelerometry for the measurement of in-hand physical activity in horses

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    Background: Accelerometers are valid, practical and reliable tools for the measurement of habitual physical activity (PA). Quantification of PA in horses is desirable for use in research and clinical settings. The objective of this study was to evaluate a triaxial accelerometer for objective measurement of PA in the horse by assessment of their practical utility and validity. Horses were recruited to establish both the optimal site of accelerometer attachment and questionnaire designed to explore owner acceptance. Validity and cut-off values were obtained by assessing PA at various gaits. Validation study- 20 horses wore the accelerometer while being filmed for 10 min each of rest, walking and trotting and 5 mins of canter work. Practical utility study- five horses wore accelerometers on polls and withers for 18 h; compliance and relative data losses were quantified. Results: Accelerometry output differed significantly between the four PA levels (P &#60;0•001) for both wither and poll placement. For withers placement, ROC analyses found optimal sensitivity and specificity at a cut-off of &#60;47 counts per minute (cpm) for rest (sensitivity 99.5 %, specificity 100 %), 967–2424 cpm for trotting (sensitivity 96.7 %, specificity 100 %) and &#8805;2425 cpm for cantering (sensitivity 96.0 %, specificity 97.0 %). Attachment at the poll resulted in optimal sensitivity and specificity at a cut-off of &#60;707 counts per minute (cpm) for rest (sensitivity 97.5 %, specificity 99.6 %), 1546–2609 cpm for trotting (sensitivity 90.33 %, specificity 79.25 %) and &#8805;2610 cpm for cantering (sensitivity 100 %, specificity 100 %) In terms of practical utility, accelerometry was well tolerated and owner acceptance high. Conclusion: Accelerometry data correlated well with varying levels of in-hand equine activity. The use of accelerometers is a valid method for objective measurement of controlled PA in the horse

    The VLT-FLAMES survey of massive stars: rotation and nitrogen enrichment as the key to understanding massive star evolution

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    Rotation has become an important element in evolutionary models of massive stars, specifically via the prediction of rotational mixing. Here, we study a sample of stars, including rapid rotators, to constrain such models and use nitrogen enrichments as a probe of the mixing process. Chemical compositions (C, N, O, Mg and Si) have been estimated for 135 early B-type stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud with projected rotational velocities up to ~300km/s using a non-LTE TLUSTY model atmosphere grid. Evolutionary models, including rotational mixing, have been generated attempting to reproduce these observations by adjusting the overshooting and rotational mixing parameters and produce reasonable agreement with 60% of our core hydrogen burning sample. We find (excluding known binaries) a significant population of highly nitrogen enriched intrinsic slow rotators vsini less than 50km/s incompatible with our models ~20% of the sample). Furthermore, while we find fast rotators with enrichments in agreement with the models, the observation of evolved (log g less than 3.7dex) fast rotators that are relatively unenriched (a further ~20% of the sample) challenges the concept of rotational mixing. We also find that 70% of our blue supergiant sample cannot have evolved directly from the hydrogen burning main-sequence. We are left with a picture where invoking binarity and perhaps fossil magnetic fields are required to understand the surface properties of a population of massive main sequence stars.Comment: ApJL. 10 pages, 1 figure. Updated to match accepted versio
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