998 research outputs found

    Thermally assisted ordering in Mott insulators

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    Ginzburg-Landau theory describes phase transitions as the competition between energy and entropy: The ordered phase has lower energy, while the disordered phase has larger entropy. When heating the system, ordering is reduced entropically until it vanishes at the critical temperature. This established picture implicitly assumes that the energy difference between ordered and disordered phase does not change with temperature. We show that for the Mott insulator KCuF3 this assumption is strongly violated: thermal expansion energetically stabilizes the orbitally-ordered phase to such and extent that no phase transition is observed. This new mechanism explains not only the absence of a phase transition in KCuF3 but even suggests the possibility of an inverted transition in closed-shell systems, where the ordered phase emerges only at high temperatures.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Stabilization of colloidal suspensions by means of highly-charged nanoparticles

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    We employ a novel Monte Carlo simulation scheme to elucidate the stabilization of neutral colloidal microspheres by means of highly-charged nanoparticles [V. Tohver et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 98, 8950 (2001)]. In accordance with the experimental observations, we find that small nanoparticle concentrations induce an effective repulsion that prevents gelation caused by the intrinsic van der Waals attraction between colloids. Higher nanoparticle concentrations induce an attractive potential which is, however, qualitatively different from the regular depletion attraction. We also show how colloid-nanoparticle size asymmetry and nanoparticle charge can be used to manipulate the effective interactions.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters. See also S. Karanikas and A.A. Louis, cond-mat/0411279. Updated to synchronize with published versio

    When fear of failure leads to intentions to act entrepreneurially: Insights from threat appraisals and coping efficacy

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    Calls in the entrepreneurship literature have advocated theory development and empirical studies exploring fear of failure. Often viewed as an inhibitory factor towards entrepreneurial activity, contemporary research has suggested that fear of failure can also motivate entrepreneurial activity. To explore this issue, we draw on Protection Motivation Theory to conceptualise and operationalise fear of failure. We find support for the notion that fear of failure prompts the adoption of entrepreneurial strategies, provided the entrepreneur believes they have the ability to act entrepreneurially, and that by so doing, their financial situation will improve. Our approach extends the literature on fear of failure in an entrepreneurship context by disentangling cognitive and behavioural aspects focusing not only on threat appraisals, but also on how entrepreneurs cope with them

    Monte Carlo cluster algorithm for fluid phase transitions in highly size-asymmetrical binary mixtures

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    Highly size-asymmetrical fluid mixtures arise in a variety of physical contexts, notably in suspensions of colloidal particles to which much smaller particles have been added in the form of polymers or nanoparticles. Conventional schemes for simulating models of such systems are hamstrung by the difficulty of relaxing the large species in the presence of the small one. Here we describe how the rejection-free geometrical cluster algorithm (GCA) of Liu and Luijten [Phys. Rev. Lett 92, 035504 (2004)] can be embedded within a restricted Gibbs ensemble to facilitate efficient and accurate studies of fluid phase behavior of highly size-asymmetrical mixtures. After providing a detailed description of the algorithm, we summarize the bespoke analysis techniques of Ashton et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 132, 074111 (2010)] that permit accurate estimates of coexisting densities and critical-point parameters. We apply our methods to study the liquid--vapor phase diagram of a particular mixture of Lennard-Jones particles having a 10:1 size ratio. As the reservoir volume fraction of small particles is increased in the range 0--5%, the critical temperature decreases by approximately 50%, while the critical density drops by some 30%. These trends imply that in our system, adding small particles decreases the net attraction between large particles, a situation that contrasts with hard-sphere mixtures where an attractive depletion force occurs.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Farmers that engage in entrepreneurship for the “wrong” reason and the moderating role of cultural intolerance

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    In the agricultural sector, the Law of Jante—a Scandinavian form of cultural intolerance towards standing out, being different and overachieving (akin to the Tall Poppy Syndrome and The nail that sticks out gets hammered down culture found in other countries)—may play an important role by influencing when entrepreneurship is an acceptable strategic choice to adversity. Based on a three group, between-subjects experiment of 122 Swedish university students studying agricultural and rural management, we tested whether the advice our participants gave to a fictitious farmer to pursue entrepreneurial activity depended on information regarding the farmer's motivation to pursue entrepreneurship (experimental treatments included motivation scenarios based on necessity vs. opportunity driven vs. control). Moreover, we test whether entrepreneurial advice is moderated by the participants own “Jante-ness”. Unexpectedly, we found that our participants did not adapt the entrepreneurship advice they give to the situational context, nor does Jante play a moderating role; instead we found that Jante had a significant and negative main effect on the entrepreneurial advice given. This finding suggests that Jante is still very much alive and may play an important role in explaining relatively low rates of innovation and entrepreneurship in (Swedish) agriculture

    The Stellar and Gas Kinematics of the LITTLE THINGS Dwarf Irregular Galaxy NGC 1569

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    In order to understand the formation and evolution of dIm galaxies, one needs to understand their three-dimensional structure. We present measurements of the stellar velocity dispersion in NGC 1569, a nearby post-starburst dIm galaxy. The stellar vertical velocity dispersion, σz\sigma_{\rm z}, coupled with the maximum rotational velocity derived from \ion{H}{1} observations, VmaxV_{\rm max}, gives a measure of how kinematically hot the galaxy is, and, therefore, indicates its structure. We conclude that the stars in NGC 1569 are in a thick disk with a Vmax/σzV_{\rm max} / \sigma_{\rm z} = 2.4 ±\pm 0.7. In addition to the structure, we analyze the ionized gas kinematics from \ion{O}{3} observations along the morphological major axis. These data show evidence for outflow from the inner starburst region and a potential expanding shell near supermassive star cluster (SSC) A. When compared to the stellar kinematics, the velocity dispersion of the stars increase in the region of SSC A supporting the hypothesis of an expanding shell. The stellar kinematics closely follow the motion of the gas. Analysis of high resolution \ion{H}{1} data clearly reveals the presence of an \ion{H}{1} cloud that appears to be impacting the eastern edge of NGC 1569. Also, an ultra-dense \ion{H}{1} cloud can be seen extending to the west of the impacting \ion{H}{1} cloud. This dense cloud is likely the remains of a dense \ion{H}{1} bridge that extended through what is now the central starburst area. The impacting \ion{H}{1} cloud was the catalyst for the starburst, thus turning the dense gas into stars over a short timescale, ∌\sim 1 Gyr. We performed a careful study of the spectral energy distribution using infrared, optical, and ultraviolet photometry producing a state-of-the-art mass model for the stellar disk. This mass modeling shows that stars dominate the gravitational potential in the inner 1 kpc.Comment: 49 pages, 25 figures, accepted in A

    Colloidal stabilization via nanoparticle haloing

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    We present a detailed numerical study of effective interactions between micron-sized silica spheres, induced by highly charged zirconia nanoparticles. It is demonstrated that the effective interactions are consistent with a recently discovered mechanism for colloidal stabilization. In accordance with the experimental observations, small nanoparticle concentrations induce an effective repulsion that counteracts the intrinsic van der Waals attraction between the colloids and thus stabilizes the suspension. At higher nanoparticle concentrations an attractive potential is recovered, resulting in reentrant gelation. Monte Carlo simulations of this highly size-asymmetric mixture are made possible by means of a geometric cluster Monte Carlo algorithm. A comparison is made to results obtained from the Ornstein-Zernike equations with the hypernetted-chain closure

    Logistikutmaningar, lönsamhet och tillfredsstÀllelse i svenska alternativa korta matkanaler

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    Projektet handlar om logistiska utmaningar för smĂ„ matproducenter som prövar nya mer direkta distributionskanaler, s.k. alternativa korta matkanaler (AKM). Denna vĂ€xande rörelse syftar till att kortsluta konventionella lĂ„nga försörjningskedjor med stora livsmedelsproducenter, grossister och butikskedjor. AKM Ă€r t.ex. traditionella gĂ„rdsbutiker, torghandel (t.ex. i form av Bondens marknad) och andelsjordbruk (CSA) men Ă€ven nya fenomen som Reko-ringar och Lokala matnoder har spridits snabbt senaste Ă„ren. Vissa smĂ„ matproducenter försöker genom AKM fĂ„ mer av ”matkronan” och öka sin lönsamhet. För andra aktörer kommer inte ekonomi i första hand, utan drivkrafterna kan vara mer ideologiskt vĂ€rderingsgrundade. Oavsett drivkraft, borde AKM bidra till en mer levande landsbygd. Logistik och försörjningskedjor (SCM) Ă€r viktigt att förstĂ„ för att fĂ„ mat frĂ„n ”jord till bord” eller ”hage till mage”, och handlar om att skapa effektiva flöden av varor, information och betalningar. Vissa AKM innebĂ€r direktkontakt mellan producent och konsument, dĂ€r bonden sjĂ€lv försöker utföra den logistik och försĂ€ljning som tidigare de större specialiserade aktörerna gjort. I andra AKM uppstĂ„r nya mellanhĂ€nder för att överbrygga gap i logistikflöden. Projektet undersöker erfarenheter frĂ„n logistiska utmaningar som olika alternativa korta matkanaler skapar, och hur olika sĂ€tt att arbeta med logistik och SCM pĂ„verkar de mindre aktörernas upplevda lönsamhet och tillfredsstĂ€llelse. Studien inleddes med en förstudie dĂ€r över 1100 hemsidor (producenters och mellanhĂ€nders) hemsidor studerades avseende information kring sortiment, leveransalternativ, leveranstider, transporter, prissĂ€ttning, betalningsalternativ m.m. Huvudstudien baseras sedan dels pĂ„ en enkĂ€tstudie med svar frĂ„n 286 olika producenter frĂ„n olika AKM, samt parallella intervjustudier av bĂ„de producenter och nya typer av mellanhĂ€nder. Resultatet ger en djupare kunskap om uppfattade logistiska styrkor och utmaningar för olika AKM, samt vilka logistikaktiviteter man lĂ€gger tid och energi pĂ„, och hur man uppfattar att detta leder till ökad konkurrenskraft, lönsamhet eller tillfredsstĂ€llelse. Producentens bakomliggande motiv verkar pĂ„verka val av AKM, för olika AKM hur tid och energi lĂ€ggs pĂ„ olika logistikaktiviteter, vars bidrag till uppfattad konkurrenskraft sedan skiljer sig Ă„t. Generellt lĂ€ggs mer tid pĂ„ att hantera kundrelationer och ge leveransinformation, men mindre pĂ„ transport och lagring trots att man uppfattar sig som mindre konkurrenskraftiga pĂ„ dessa aktiviteter. Medan t.ex. CSA i sin logik innebĂ€r att vissa logistikutmaningar förenklas, sĂ„ hanteras utmaningar i andra (t.ex. Reko-ring och Lokala matnoder) genom att virtuella plattformar samordnar leveransplatser och tidpunkter. Dock upplevs ibland att mycket tid och energi dĂ„ istĂ€llet lĂ€ggs pĂ„ administration. I motsats till praxis inom andra branscher, eller rekommenderat i annan forskning, ser vi generellt lite utnyttjande av externa logistikaktörer eller logistiksamarbete mellan producenter, utan man sköter logistiken sjĂ€lva. MĂ„nga producenter rĂ€knar dock inte med kostnad för egen arbetstid, och andra anser att man inte fĂ„r en rĂ€ttvis lön för det arbete man lĂ€gger ner. Man utnyttjar istĂ€llet obetalda arbetsinsatser, nĂ„got som ofta kallas ”sweat equity”. Producenter Ă€r generellt tillfredsstĂ€llda oavsett AKM. Men skillnader finns, och olika aspekter förklarar tillfredsstĂ€llelse för olika AKM. För mĂ„nga Ă€r framtidstro en viktig förklaringsvariabel, men för andra Ă€r det rĂ€ttvis lön, eller om kanalen reducerar logistikarbete eller förenklar kundservice, som verkar viktigast. Dagens lönsamhet verkade generellt pĂ„verka mindre, och ibland (t.ex. för Reko-ringar) indikeras t.o.m. ett omvĂ€nt samband mellan dagens lönsamhet och producentens tillfredsstĂ€llelse. IstĂ€llet verkar producentens syn pĂ„ framtidsmöjligheter pĂ„verka deras tillfredsstĂ€llelse. Intervjustudier med andra aktörer, som försökt skapa nya roller som mellanhĂ€nder, visar att de inte sĂ€llan fĂ„r omarbeta eller utveckla sin affĂ€rsmodell p.g.a. lĂ„g lönsamhet, begrĂ€nsade möjligheter att skala upp, svĂ„righeter att komma in pĂ„ marknaden och fĂ„ konsumenter att vĂ€lja dem istĂ€llet för konventionella butiker. Vissa har lĂ€mnat försöken att sjĂ€lva driva mellanhandsplattform till att istĂ€llet utveckla IT-verktyg för producenterna. De mellanhĂ€nder som har utvecklat affĂ€rsmodellen siktar pĂ„ ökad lönsamhet, men har ocksĂ„ viljan att skapa alternativa matkanaler i samarbete med lokala producenter för att svara pĂ„ den ökade efterfrĂ„gan av lokala produkter pĂ„ marknaden. Projektet bidrar med fördjupad kunskap kring vikten av att förstĂ„ logistikutmaningar och nya kostnader det innebĂ€r att kortsluta konventionella matkanaler, men ocksĂ„ en mer nyanserad syn dĂ€r olika typer av alternativa korta matkanaler och deras olika utmaningar illustreras. Det bidrar till ökad förstĂ„else kring vad som, ur producentens perspektiv, bidrar till tillfredsstĂ€llelse och glĂ€dje vilket Ă€r nytt perspektiv. Avslutningsvis trycker vi pĂ„ vikten av att försöka kombinera plattformar som kan skapa skalfördelar och samarbete i de logistiska flödena, utan att viktiga vĂ€rderingsorienterade och lokala dimensioner försvinner. För att fĂ„ sĂ„dana plattformar att fungera, och vara skalbara, kan dock ofta nĂ„gon form av mellanhand behövas
