2,275 research outputs found

    Radial Distribution of Stellar Motions in Gaia DR2

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    By taking advantage of the superb measurements of position and velocity for an unprecedented large number of stars provided in Gaia DR2, we have generated the first maps of the rotation velocity, VrotV_{\rm rot}, and vertical velocity, VzV_{\rm z}, distributions as a function of the Galactocentric radius, RgalR_{\rm gal}, across a radial range of 5<Rgal<125<R_{\rm gal}<12~kpc. In the R−VrotR-V_{\rm rot} map, we have identified many diagonal ridge features, which are compared with the location of the spiral arms and the expected outer Lindblad resonance of the Galactic bar. We have detected also radial wave-like oscillations of the peak of the vertical velocity distribution.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS Lette

    Root Zone of the Bernardston Nappe and the Brennan Hill Thrust Involuted by Backfolds and Gneiss Domes in the Mount Grace Area, North-Central Massachusetts

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    Guidebook for field trips in southwestern New Hampshire, southeastern Vermont, and north-central Massachusetts: New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 80th annual meeting, October 14, 15 and 16, 1988, Keene, New Hampshire: Trip C-

    Distribution and Diet of Ivory Gulls (Pagophila eburnea) in the North Water

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    Ivory gulls (Pagophila eburnea, Phipps, 1774), one of the world’s least-known species, have declined throughout their range in recent years. This study describes the patterns of ivory gull use of the North Water polynya, a large polynya that occurs every year near ivory gull breeding sites on Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada. We conducted at-sea surveys from Canadian icebreakers during the summers of 1997–99. In 1998, stomach contents of five ivory gulls were analyzed. We measured stable isotope ratios (d13C, d15N) of liver, muscle, feather and bone to determine how ivory gull diets vary during the year. We observed a total of 275 individuals, most of which were seen on the western side of the polynya. Flying was the predominant behavior (76% of individuals); other behaviors included sitting on ice, sitting on water, and feeding. Four juveniles were seen in August and September. Birds collected had arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) in their stomachs. Other food items included an otolith from an unidentified species of Liparid fish and two bones from a mole, presumed to be a star-nosed mole (Condylura cristata). Stable isotope results indicated that ivory gull trophic levels (TLs) were high (around TL 4 based on d15N) but varied over the season. From the three individuals whose feathers were analyzed, we conclude that differences among individuals in their winter diets or foraging locations are possible.Les mouettes blanches (Pagophila eburnea), soit l’une des espèces les moins connues dans le monde, ont enregistré un déclin à travers l’ensemble de leurs habitats ces dernières années. Cette étude décrit les habitudes des mouettes blanches dans la polynie des eaux du Nord, une grande polynie qui se développe chaque année près des sites de reproduction de mouettes blanches sur l’île Ellesmere, au Nunavut, Canada. Nous avons effectué des relevés depuis des brise-glace canadiens au cours des étés 1997 à 1999. En 1998, le contenu des estomacs de cinq mouettes blanches a été analysé. Nous avons également mesuré les ratios d’isotopes stables (d13C, d15N) dans les foies, les muscles, les plumages et les os afin de déterminer comment le régime alimentaire des mouettes blanches variait au cours de l’année. Nous avons observé 275 individus, provenant principalement du côté ouest de la Polynie. La majorité (76 %) étaient en vol. Parmi les autres comportements observés, notons la présence d’oiseaux sur la glace, d’oiseaux sur l’eau et d’oiseaux en train de se nourrir. Quatre oiseaux juvéniles ont été repérés en août et en septembre. Les oiseaux capturés avaient de la morue polaire (Boreogadus saida) dans l’estomac. Les autres aliments trouvés comprenaient un otolithe provenant d’une espèce non identifiée de poisson Liparidé, et deux os de taupe, probablement un condylure étoilé (Condylura cristata). L’analyse des isotopes stables indique que les niveaux trophiques (NT) des mouettes blanches étaient élevés (NT 4 environ en fonction de d15N), mais variaient au cours de la saison. À partir des trois individus dont les plumes ont été analysées, nous en avons conclu qu’il est possible qu’il existe des différences entre les régimes d’hiver ou les lieux de nourriture des individus

    Impacts of the Local arm on the local circular velocity inferred from the Gaia DR3 young stars in the Milky Way

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    A simple one-dimensional axisymmetric disc model is applied to the kinematics of OB stars near the Sun obtained from Gaia DR3 catalogue. The model determines the 'local centrifugal speed' Vc(R0)V_\mathrm{c}(R_{0}) - defined as the circular velocity in the Galactocentric rest frame, where the star would move in a near-circular orbit if the potential is axisymmetric with the local potential of the Galaxy. We find that the Vc(R0)V_\mathrm{c}(R_{0}) values and their gradient vary across the selected region of stars within the solar neighbourhood. By comparing with an N-body/hydrodynamic simulation of a Milky Way-like galaxy, we find that the kinematics of the young stars in the solar neighbourhood is affected by the Local arm, which makes it difficult to measure Vc(R0)V_\mathrm{c}(R_{0}). However, from the resemblance between the observational data and the simulation, we suggest that the known rotational velocity gap between the Coma Bernices and Hyades-Pleiades moving groups could be driven by the co-rotation resonance of the Local arm, which can be used to infer the azimuthally averaged circular velocity. We find that Vc(R)V_\mathrm{c}(R) obtained from the D<2\mathrm{D}<2 kpc sample is well matched with this gap at the position of the Local arm. Hence, we argue that our results from the D<2\mathrm{D}<2 kpc sample, Vc(R0)=233.95±2.24V_\mathrm{c}(R_{0})= 233.95\pm2.24 km s−1\mathrm{s}^{-1}, is close to the azimuthally averaged circular velocity rather than the local centrifugal speed, which is influenced by the presence of the Local arm.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Measuring electrophysiological connectivity by power envelope correlation: a technical review on MEG methods

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    The human brain can be divided into multiple areas, each responsible for different aspects of behaviour. Healthy brain function relies upon efficient connectivity between these areas and, in recent years, neuroimaging has been revolutionised by an ability to estimate this connectivity. In this paper we discuss measurement of network connectivity using magnetoencephalography (MEG), a technique capable of imaging electrophysiological brain activity with good (~5mm) spatial resolution and excellent (~1ms) temporal resolution. The rich information content of MEG facilitates many disparate measures of connectivity between spatially separate regions and in this paper we discuss a single metric known as power envelope correlation. We review in detail the methodology required to measure power envelope correlation including i) projection of MEG data into source space, ii) removing confounds introduced by the MEG inverse problem and iii) estimation of connectivity itself. In this way, we aim to provide researchers with a description of the key steps required to assess envelope based functional networks, which are thought to represent an intrinsic mode of coupling in the human brain. We highlight the principal findings of the techniques discussed, and furthermore, we show evidence that this method can probe how the brain forms and dissolves multiple transient networks on a rapid timescale in order to support current processing demand. Overall, power envelope correlation offers a unique and verifiable means to gain novel insights into network coordination and is proving to be of significant value in elucidating the neural dynamics of the human connectome in health and disease

    Handling qualities of a wide-body transport airplane utilizing Pitch Active Control Systems (PACS) for relaxed static stability application

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    Piloted simulation studies have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of two pitch active control systems (PACS) on the flying qualities of a wide-body transport airplane when operating at negative static margins. These two pitch active control systems consisted of a simple 'near-term' PACS and a more complex 'advanced' PACS. Eight different flight conditions, representing the entire flight envelope, were evaluated with emphasis on the cruise flight conditions. These studies were made utilizing the Langley Visual/Motion Simulator (VMS) which has six degrees of freedom. The simulation tests indicated that (1) the flying qualities of the baseline aircraft (PACS off) for the cruise and other high-speed flight conditions were unacceptable at center-of-gravity positions aft of the neutral static stability point; (2) within the linear static stability flight envelope, the near-term PACS provided acceptable flying qualities for static stabilty margins to -3 percent; and (3) with the advanced PACS operative, the flying qualities were demonstrated to be good (satisfactory to very acceptable) for static stabilty margins to -20 percent

    The Weiss conjecture and weak norms

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    In this note we show that for analytic semigroups the so-called Weiss condition of uniform boundedness of the operators Re(\lambda)^\einhalb C(\lambda+A)^{-1}, \qquad Re(\lambda)>0 on the complex right half plane and weak Lebesgue L2,∞L^{2,\infty}--admissibility are equivalent. Moreover, we show that the weak Lebesgue norm is best possible in the sense that it is the endpoint for the 'Weiss conjecture' within the scale of Lorentz spaces Lp,qL^{p,q}
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