18 research outputs found

    Future heat extremes and impacts in a convection permitting climate ensemble over Germany

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    Heat extremes and associated impacts are considered the most pressing issue for German regional governments with respect to climate adaptation. We explore the potential of an unique high-resolution convection permitting (2.8 km), multi-GCM ensemble with COSMO-CLM regional simulations (1971&ndash;2100) over Germany regarding heat extremes and related impacts. We find an improved mean temperature beyond the effect of a better representation of orography on the convection permitting scale, with reduced bias particularly during summer. The projected increase in temperature and its variance favors the development of longer and hotter heat waves, especially in late summer and early autumn. In a 2&deg; (3&deg;) warmer world, a 26 % (100 %) increase in the Heat Wave Magnitude Index is anticipated. Human heat stress (UTCI &gt; 32&deg;C) and local-specific parameters tailored to climate adaptation, revealed a dependency on the major landscapes, resulting in significant higher heat exposure in flat regions as the Rhine Valley, accompanied by the strongest absolute increase. A non-linear, exponential increase is anticipated for parameters characterizing strong heat stress (UTCI &gt; 32&deg;C, tropical nights, very hot days). Providing local-specific and tailored climate information, we demonstrate the potential of convection permitting simulations to facilitate improved impact studies and narrow the gap between climate modelling and stakeholder requirements for climate adaptation.</p

    Climate change signals of extreme precipitation return levels for Germany in a transient convection‐permitting simulation ensemble

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    The increase in extreme precipitation with global warming (GW) and associated uncertainties are major challenges for climate adaptation. To project future extreme precipitation on different time and intensity scales (return periods [RPs] from 1 to 100 a and durations from 1 h to 3 days), we use a novel convection-permitting (CP), multi-global climate model ensemble of COSMO-CLM regional simulations with a transient projection time (1971–2100) over Germany. We find an added value of the CP scale (2.8 km) with respect to the representation of hourly extreme precipitation intensities compared to the coarser scale with parametrized deep convection (7 km). In general, the return levels (RLs) calculated from the CP simulations are in better agreement with those of the conventional observation-based risk products for the region for short event durations than for longer durations, where an overestimation by the simulation-based results was found. A maximum climate change signal of 6–8.5% increase per degree of GW is projected within the CP ensemble, with the largest changes expected for short durations and long RPs. Analysis of the uncertainty in the climate change signal shows a substantial residual standard deviation of a linear approximation, highlighting the need for transient data sets instead of time-slice experiments to increase confidence in the estimates. Furthermore, the ensemble spread is found to be smallest for intensities of short duration, where changes are expected to be based mainly on thermodynamic contributions. The ensemble spread is larger for long, multi-day durations, where a stronger dependence on the dynamical component is ascribed. In addition, an increase in spatial variance of the RLs with GW implies a more variable future climate and points to an increasing importance of accounting for uncertainties

    The Role of Atmospheric Stability and Turbulence in Offshore Wind-Farm Wakes in the German Bight

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    Airborne meteorological in situ measurements as well as stationary measurements at the offshore masts FINO1 and FINO3 in the German Bight are evaluated in order to examine the hypothesis that the wake dissipation downstream of large offshore wind farms depends on atmospheric stability. A long-term study of the mast data for the years 2016 and 2017 demonstrates a clear dependence of stability on the wind direction. Stable conditions are predominantly expected during southerly winds coming from the land. The analysis of various stability and turbulence criteria shows that the lapse rate is the most robust parameter for stability classification in the German Bight, but further implies that stability depends on the measurement height. A near-surface (0 to 30 m), predominantly convective, layer is present and more stable conditions are found aloft (55 to 95 m). Combing the stability data with the airborne measurements of the offshore wind-farm wakes reveals the trend of a correlation between longer wake lengths and an increase in the initial wind-speed deficit downwind of a wind farm with stronger thermal stability. However, the stability correlation criteria with the wake length downstream of the four investigated wind farms, Godewind, Amrumbank West, Meerwind Süd/Ost, and Nordsee Ost, contain large variance. It is assumed that the observed scattering is due to the influence of the wind-farm architecture and temperature inversions around hub height. These, however, are crucial for the classification of stability and illustrate the complexity of a clear stability metric

    Long-range modifications of the wind field by offshore wind parks – results of the project WIPAFF

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    This publication synthesizes the results of the WIPAFF (WInd PArk Far Fields) project. WIPAFF focused on the far field of large offshore wind park wakes (more than 5 km downstream of the wind parks) located in the German North Sea. The research project combined in situ aircraft and remote sensing measurements, satellite SAR data analysis and model simulations to enable a holistic coverage of the downstream wakes. The in situ measurements recorded on-board the research aircraft DO-128 and remote sensing by laser scanner and SAR prove that wakes of more than 50 kilometers exist under certain atmospheric conditions. Turbulence occurs at the lateral boundaries of the wakes, due to shear between the reduced wind speed inside the wake and the undisturbed flow. The results also reveal that the atmospheric stability plays a major role in the evolution of wakes and can increase the wake length significantly by a factor of three or more. On the basis of the observations existing mesoscale and industrial models were validated and updated. The airborne measurement data is available at PANGAEA/ESSD

    Evaluation of a simple analytical model for offshore wind farm wake recovery by in situ data and Weather Research and Forecasting simulations

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    The recovery of offshore wind farm wakes in the German Bight was analyzed by a unique in situ data set, measured on‐board the research aircraft Dornier Do‐128 during the WIPAFF project in 2016 and 2017. These observations were used to validate a simple analytical wake recovery model in five case studies. The observed recovery rates were compared with the results of the mesoscale Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The airborne data show that the wake recovery can be described by an exponential function as expected by the analytical model and strengthens the hypothesis that the vertical downward moment flux has an important influence on the wake recovery. However, the predicted wake recovery rates (by the analytical model) do not always fully agree with the observations. Although, as a first‐order approximation, the model seems to perform well, further optimization has to be implemented to account for wind park layout, turbine induced turbulence, and horizontal momentum flux. WRF simulations reveal an exponential recovery, although the mesoscale model does not reproduce the correct atmospheric conditions for most of the cases. Therefore, the wake recovery rates estimated by WRF disagree with the measured data in most of the studied cases

    Reference curves for pediatric endocrinology: leveraging biomarker z-scores for clinical classifications

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    Context: Hormone reference intervals in pediatric endocrinology are traditionally partitioned by age and lack the framework for benchmarking individual blood test results as normalized z-scores and plotting sequential measurements onto a chart. Reference curve modeling is applicable to endocrine variables and represents a standardized method to account for variation with gender and age. Objective: We aimed to establish gender-specifc biomarker reference curves for clinical use and benchmark associations between hormones, pubertal phenotype, and body mass index (BMI). Methods: Using cross-sectional population sample data from 2139 healthy Norwegian children and adolescents, we analyzed the pubertal status, ultrasound measures of glandular breast tissue (girls) and testicular volume (boys), BMI, and laboratory measurements of 17 clinical biomarkers modeled using the established “LMS” growth chart algorithm in R. Results: Reference curves for puberty hormones and pertinent biomarkers were modeled to adjust for age and gender. Z-score equivalents of biomarker levels and anthropometric measurements were compiled in a comprehensive beta coeffcient matrix for each gender. Excerpted from this analysis and independently of age, BMI was positively associated with female glandular breast volume (β = 0.5, P < 0.001) and leptin (β = 0.6, P < 0.001), and inversely correlated with serum levels of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) (β = −0.4, P < 0.001). Biomarker z-score profles differed signifcantly between cohort subgroups stratifed by puberty phenotype and BMI weight class. <p<Conclusion: Biomarker reference curves and corresponding z-scores provide an intuitive framework for clinical implementation in pediatric endocrinology and facilitate the application of machine learning classifcation and covariate precision medicine for pediatric patients