227 research outputs found

    Epstein-Barr virus persistence and infection of autoreactive plasma cells in synovial lymphoid structures in rheumatoid arthritis.

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    OBJECTIVES: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is associated with an increased Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) blood DNA load, a robust immune response to EBV and cross-reactive circulating antibodies to viral and self-antigens. However, the role of EBV in RA pathogenesis remains elusive. Here, we investigated the relationship between synovial EBV infection, ectopic lymphoid structures (ELS) and immunity to citrullinated self and EBV proteins. METHODS: Latent and lytic EBV infection was investigated in 43 RA synovial tissues characterised for presence/absence of ELS and in 11 control osteoarthritis synovia using RT-PCR, in situ hybridisation and immunohistochemistry. Synovial production of anti-citrullinated protein (ACPA) and anti-citrullinated EBV peptide (VCP1/VCP2) antibodies was investigated in situ and in vivo in the severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)/RA chimeric model. RESULTS: EBV dysregulation was observed exclusively in ELS+ RA but not osteoarthritis (OA) synovia, as revealed by presence of EBV latent (LMP2A, EBV-encoded small RNA (EBER)) transcripts, EBER+ cells and immunoreactivity for EBV latent (LMP1, LMP2A) and lytic (BFRF1) antigens in ELS-associated B cells and plasma cells, respectively. Importantly, a large proportion of ACPA-producing plasma cells surrounding synovial germinal centres were infected with EBV. Furthermore, ELS-containing RA synovia transplanted into SCID mice supported production of ACPA and anti-VCP1/VCP2 antibodies. Analysis of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell localisation and granzyme B expression suggests that EBV persistence in ELS-containing synovia may be favoured by exclusion of CD8+ T cells from B-cell follicles and impaired CD8-mediated cytotoxicity. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated active EBV infection within ELS in the RA synovium in association with local differentiation of ACPA-reactive B cells

    Impulsive choice in mice lacking paternal expression of Grb10 suggests intragenomic conflict in behavior

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    Imprinted genes are expressed from one parental allele only as a consequence of epigenetic events that take place in the mammalian germ line and are thought to have evolved through intra-genomic conflict between parental alleles. We demonstrate, for the first time, oppositional effects of imprinted genes on brain and behavior. Specifically, here we show that mice lacking paternal Grb10 make fewer impulsive choices, with no dissociable effects on a separate measure of impulsive action. Taken together with previous work showing that mice lacking maternal Nesp55 make more impulsive choices this suggests that impulsive choice behavior is a substrate for the action of genomic imprinting. Moreover, the contrasting effect of these two genes suggests impulsive choices are subject to intra-genomic conflict and that maternal and paternal interests pull this behavior in opposite directions. Finally, these data may also indicate that an imbalance in expression of imprinted genes contributes to pathological conditions such as gambling and drug addiction, where impulsive behavior becomes maladaptive

    From Personalised Predictions to Targeted Advice: Improving Self-Management in Rheumatoid Arthritis.

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease, that can lead to joint damage but also affects quality of life (QoL) including aspects such as self-esteem, fatigue, and mood. Current medical management focuses on the fluctuating disease activity to prevent progressive disability, but practical constraints mean periodic clinic appointments give little attention to the patient's experience of managing the wider consequences of chronic illness. The main aim of this study is to explore how to use patient-derived data both for clinical decision-making and for personalisation, with the first steps towards a platform for tailoring self-management advice to patients' lifestyle changes. As a result, we proposed a Bayesian network model for personalisation and have obtained promising outcomes

    Can Synovial Pathobiology Integrate with Current Clinical and Imaging Prediction Models to Achieve Personalized Health Care in Rheumatoid Arthritis?

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    Although great progress has been made in the past decade toward understanding the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), clinicians remain some distance from a goal of personalized health care. The capacity to diagnose RA early, predict prognosis, and moreover predict response to biologic therapies has been a research focus for many years. How currently available clinical prediction models can facilitate such goals is reviewed in this article. In addition, the role of current imaging techniques in this regard is also discussed. Finally, the authors review the current literature regarding synovial biomarkers and consider whether integration of synovial pathobiology into clinical prediction algorithms may enhance their predictive value

    Attitudes to technology supported rheumatoid arthritis care: investigating patient and clinician perceived opportunities and barriers

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    Globally, demand outstrips capacity in rheumatology services, making Mobile Health (mHealth) attractive, with the potential to improve access, empower patient self-management and save costs. Existing mHealth interventions have poor uptake by end-users. This study was designed to understand existing challenges, and opportunities and barriers for computer technology in the rheumatoid arthritis (RA) care pathway

    A Pauci-Immune Synovial Pathotype Predicts Inadequate Response to TNF alpha-Blockade in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

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    Objectives: To assess whether the histopathological features of the synovium before starting treatment with the TNFi certolizumab-pegol could predict clinical outcome and examine the modulation of histopathology by treatment. Methods: Thirty-seven RA patients fulfilling UK NICE guidelines for biologic therapy were enrolled at Barts Health NHS trust and underwent synovial sampling of an actively inflamed joint using ultrasound-guided needle biopsy before commencing certolizumab-pegol and after 12-weeks. At 12-weeks, patients were categorized as responders if they had a DAS28 fall >1.2. A minimum of 6 samples was collected for histological analysis. Based on H&E and immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining for CD3 (T cells), CD20 (B cells), CD138 (plasma cells), and CD68 (macrophages) patients were categorized into three distinct synovial pathotypes (lympho-myeloid, diffuse-myeloid, and pauci-immune). Results: At baseline, as per inclusion criteria, DAS28 mean was 6.4 \ub1 0.9. 94.6% of the synovial tissue was retrieved from the wrist or a metacarpophalangeal joint. Histological pathotypes were distributed as follows: 58% lympho-myeloid, 19.4% diffuse-myeloid, and 22.6% pauci-immune. Patients with a pauci-immune pathotype had lower levels of CRP but higher VAS fatigue compared to lympho- and diffuse-myeloid. Based on DAS28 fall >1.2, 67.6% of patients were deemed as responders and 32.4% as non-responders. However, by categorizing patients according to the baseline synovial pathotype, we demonstrated that a significantly higher number of patients with a lympho-myeloid and diffuse-myeloid pathotype in comparison with pauci-immune pathotype [83.3% (15/18), 83.3 % (5/6) vs. 28.6% (2/7), p = 0.022) achieved clinical response to certolizumab-pegol. Furthermore, we observed a significantly higher level of post-treatment tender joint count and VAS scores for pain, fatigue and global health in pauci-immune in comparison with lympho- and diffuse-myeloid patients but no differences in the number of swollen joints, ESR and CRP. Finally, we confirmed a significant fall in the number of CD68+ sublining macrophages post-treatment in responders and a correlation between the reduction in the CD20+ B-cells score and the improvement in the DAS28 at 12-weeks. Conclusions: The analysis of the synovial histopathology may be a helpful tool to identify among clinically indistinguishable patients those with lower probability of response to TNF\u3b1-blockade

    Axl and MerTK regulate synovial inflammation and are modulated by IL-6 inhibition in rheumatoid arthritis.

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    The TAM tyrosine kinases, Axl and MerTK, play an important role in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Here, using a unique synovial tissue bioresource of patients with RA matched for disease stage and treatment exposure, we assessed how Axl and MerTK relate to synovial histopathology and disease activity, and their topographical expression and longitudinal modulation by targeted treatments. We show that in treatment-naive patients, high AXL levels are associated with pauci-immune histology and low disease activity and inversely correlate with the expression levels of pro-inflammatory genes. We define the location of Axl/MerTK in rheumatoid synovium using immunohistochemistry/fluorescence and digital spatial profiling and show that Axl is preferentially expressed in the lining layer. Moreover, its ectodomain, released in the synovial fluid, is associated with synovial histopathology. We also show that Toll-like-receptor 4-stimulated synovial fibroblasts from patients with RA modulate MerTK shedding by macrophages. Lastly, Axl/MerTK synovial expression is influenced by disease stage and therapeutic intervention, notably by IL-6 inhibition. These findings suggest that Axl/MerTK are a dynamic axis modulated by synovial cellular features, disease stage and treatment

    Mice lacking paternal expression of imprinted 1 Grb10 are risk-takers

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    The imprinted genes Grb10 and Nesp influence impulsive behavior on a delay discounting task in an opposite manner. A recently developed theory suggests that this pattern of behavior may be representative of predicted effects of imprinted genes on tolerance to risk. Here we examine whether mice lacking paternal expression of Grb10 show abnormal behavior across a number of measures indicative of risk‐taking. Although Grb10 +/p mice show no difference from wild type (WT) littermates in their willingness to explore a novel environment, their behavior on an explicit test of risk‐taking, namely the Predator Odor Risk‐Taking task, is indicative of an increased willingness to take risks. Follow‐up tests suggest that this risk‐taking is not simply because of a general decrease in fear, or a general increase in motivation for a food reward, but reflects a change in the trade‐off between cost and reward. These data, coupled with previous work on the impulsive behavior of Grb10 +/p mice in the delayed reinforcement task, and taken together with our work on mice lacking maternal Nesp , suggest that maternally and paternally expressed imprinted genes oppositely influence risk‐taking behavior as predicted

    High expression levels of the B cell chemoattractant CXCL13 in rheumatoid synovium are a marker of severe disease

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    OBJECTIVE: The B cell chemoattractant chemokine ligand 13 (CXCL13) is emerging as a new biochemical marker in RA. This study was undertaken to dissect the relationship between CXCL13 expression levels in the synovium and clinico-pathological variables relevant to RA pathogenesis and outcome. METHODS: Synovial tissues from 71 RA patients were evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Thirty paired samples were used for comparative gene expression analysis by quantitative real-time PCR. CXCL13 levels were analysed in relation to cellular, molecular and clinical features of inflammation, lymphocyte activation and joint damage. RESULTS: In patients with early disease (<12 months duration), CXCL13 expression correlated significantly with synovial markers of local disease activity and systemic inflammation. Such correlation was less evident in established RA. Notably, the association with lymphocyte infiltration and with expression of B/T cell-related activation and proliferation genes, such as activation-induced cytidine deaminase, IFN-\u3b3 and IL-2, remained highly significant independent of disease duration and local disease activity. Patients featuring the highest levels of CXCL13 were more frequently ACPA positive and IgG ACPA titres were increased in the high CXCL13 expression group. Furthermore, the frequency of erosive disease on radiographs was significantly higher in the upper tertile of CXCL13 expression (P = 0.01 with adjustment for disease duration and ACPA). Accordingly, synovial CXCL13 and the local receptor activator of nuclear factor \u3baB ligand (RANKL)/osteoprotegerin (OPG) ratio significantly co-varied (\u3c1 = 0.52, P < 0.01), independent of the level of local inflammation. CONCLUSION: Synovial CXCL13 appears to be a marker of a more severe pattern of RA disease, characterized by increased lymphocyte activation and bone remodelling beyond the level of conventional markers of inflammation