1,568 research outputs found

    Measurements of the indium hyperfine structure in an atmospheric-pressure flame by use of diode-laser-induced fluorescence

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    We report on what we believe is the first demonstration of laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) in flames by use of diode lasers. Indium atoms seeded into an atmospheric-pressure flame at trace concentrations are excited by a blue GaN laser operating near 410 nm. The laser is mounted in an external-cavity configuration, and the hyperfine spectrum of the 5(2)P(1/2) → 6(2)S(1/2) transition is captured at high resolution in single-wavelength sweeps lasting less than one tenth of a second. The research demonstrates the potential of diode-based LIF for practical diagnostics of high-temperature reactive flows

    Applicability of ERTS for surveying Antarctic iceberg resources

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    The author has identified the following significant results. This investigation explores the applicability of ERTS to (1) determine the Antarctic sea ice and environmental behavior that may influence the harvesting of icebergs, and (2) monitor iceberg locations, characteristics, and evolution. From image sampling, it is found that the potential applicability of ERTS to the research, planning, and harvesting operations can contribute importantly to the promise derived from broader scope studies for the use of Antarctic iceberg to relieve fresh Thermal sensor bands will provide coverage in daylight and darkness. Several years of comprehensive monitoring will be necessary to characterize sea ice and environmental behavior and iceberg evolution. Live ERTS services will assist harvesting control and claming operations and offer a means for harmonizing entitlements to iceberg resources. The valuable ERTS services will be more cost effective than other means and will be easily justified and borne by the iceberg harvesting operation

    Applicability of ERTS to Antarctic iceberg resources

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    The author has identified the following significant results. This investigation explorers the applicability of ERTS to (1) determine the Antarctic sea ice and environmental behavior that may influence the harvesting of icebergs, and (2) monitor iceberg locations, characteristics, and evolution. Imagery has shown that the potential applicability of ERTS to the research, planning, and harvesting operations can contribute importantly to the glowing promise derived from broader scope studies for the use of Antarctic icebergs to relieve a growing global thirst for fresh water. Several years of comprehensive monitoring will be necessary to characterize sea ice and environmental behavior and iceberg evolution. Live ERTS services will assist harvesting control and claiming operations and offer a means of harmonizing entitlements of iceberg resources. The valuable ERTS services will be more cost effective than other means will be easily justified and borne by the iceberg harvesting operations

    Design, development and mechanization of a precision deployable truss with optimized structural efficiency for spaceborne applications

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    A deployable mast concept which meets the weight, size and stability requirements for a feed support structure for offset antennas up to 100 meters in diameter is discussed. A triangulated truss configuration, the use of tapered tubes which exhibit a high strength-to-weight ratio, and low CTE graphite-epoxy material are seen to provide an efficient, lightweight and stable truss suitable for an antenna feed support. A low stowage ratio of 30:1 is achieved through a unique preloaded hinge located at the center of each longeron and an autonomous deployment cage with a drive mechanism. Initial analysis and proof of concept hardware validated the basic mechanism and design assumptions and provided a basis for further investigation. The concept can readily accept variations in member size and thus lends itself to optimization for other potential uses where a stiff, lightweight deployable truss is needed

    Joint for deployable structures

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    A joint is described for connecting a pair of beams to pivot them between positions in alignment or beside one another, which is of light weight and which operates in a controlled manner. The joint includes a pair of fittings and at least one center link having opposite ends pivotally connected to opposite fittings and having axes that pass through centerplates of the fittings. A control link having opposite ends pivotally connected to the different fittings controls their relative orientations, and a toggle assemly holds the fittings in the deployed configuration wherein they are aligned. The fittings have stops that lie on one side of the centerplane opposite the toggle assembly

    Investigation of Isolation Approaches and the Stoichiometry of SiNx Passivation Layers in “Buffer-Free” AlGaN/GaN Metal–Insulator–Semiconductor High-Electron-Mobility Transistors

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    Critical process modules for the fabrication of metal–insulator–semiconductor high-electron-mobility transistors (MISHEMTs) based on a novel ‘buffer-free’ AlGaN/GaN heterostructure grown with metal–organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) are presented. The methods of isolation and passivation for this type of heterostructure are investigated. Utilizing nitrogen implantation, it is possible to achieve off-state destructive breakdown voltages (BVs) of 2496 V for gate–drain distances up to 25 μm, whereas mesa isolation techniques limit the BV below 1284 V. The stoichiometry of the SiNx passivation layer displays a small impact on the static and dynamic on-resistance. However, MISHEMTs with Si-rich passivation show off-state gate currents in the range of 1–100 μA mm−1 at voltages above 1000 V, which is reduced below 10 nA mm−1 using a stoichiometric SiNx passivation layer. Destructive BVs of 1532 and 1742 V can be achieved using gate-integrated and source-connected field plates for MIHEMTs with stoichiometric and Si–rich passivation layers, respectively. By decreasing the field plate lengths, it is possible to achieve BVs of 2200 V. This demonstrates the implementation of MISHEMTs with high-voltage operation and low leakage currents on a novel “buffer-free” heterostructure by optimizing the SiNx stoichiometry

    A and B antigen levels acquired by group O donor-derived erythrocytes following ABO-non-identical transfusion or minor ABO-incompatible haematopoietic stem cell transplantation

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: ABO-incompatible haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) presents a challenge to blood component transfusion. The aim of this study was to investigate the weak blood group A or B antigen expression by donor-derived group O red blood cells (RBC) observed following transfusion or minor ABO-incompatible HSCT. In addition, in vitro experiments were performed to elucidate possible mechanisms underlying this phenomenon.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A sensitive flow cytometry assay for the semi-quantification of RBC A/B antigen levels was used to assess patient samples and evaluate in vitro experiments.RESULTS: Analysis of blood samples from patients, originally typed as A, B and AB but recently transplanted or transfused with cells from group O donors, revealed the A antigen expression on donor-derived RBC, ranging from very low levels in non-secretor individuals to almost subgroup Ax -like profiles in group A secretors. The B antigen expression was less readily detectable. In vitro experiments, in which group O donor RBC were incubated with (i) group A/B secretor/non-secretor donor plasma or (ii) group A/B donor RBC in the absence of plasma, supported the proposed adsorption of A/B antigen-bearing glycolipids from secretor plasma but also indicated a secretor-independent mechanism for A/B antigen acquisition as well as direct cell-to-cell transfer of ABO antigens.CONCLUSION: The in vivo conversion of donor-derived blood group O RBC to ABO subgroup-like RBC after transfusion or minor ABO-incompatible HSCT raises the question of appropriate component selection. Based on these data, AB plasma should be transfused following ABO-incompatible HSCT

    A calibration method for broad-bandwidth cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy performed with supercontinuum radiation

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    An efficient calibration method has been developed for broad-bandwidth cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy. The calibration is performed using phase shift cavity ring-down spectroscopy, which is conveniently implemented through use of an acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF). The AOTF permits a narrowband portion of the SC spectrum to be scanned over the full high-reflectivity bandwidth of the cavity mirrors. After calibration the AOTF is switched off and broad-bandwidth CEAS can be performed with the same light source without any loss of alignment to the set-up. We demonstrate the merits of the method by probing transitions of oxygen molecules O-2 and collisional pairs of oxygen molecules (O-2)(2) in the visible spectral range

    Low-Background gamma counting at the Kimballton Underground Research Facility

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    The next generation of low-background physics experiments will require the use of materials with unprecedented radio-purity. A gamma-counting facility at the Kimballton Underground Research Facility (KURF) has been commissioned to perform initial screening of materials for radioactivity primarily from nuclides in the 238U and 232Th decay chains, 40K and cosmic-ray induced isotopes. The facility consists of two commercial low-background high purity germanium (HPGe) detectors. A continuum background reduction better than a factor of 10 was achieved by going underground. This paper describes the facility, detector systems, analysis techniques and selected assay results.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to NIM


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    Professor E. M. Alf Samuelsson from Chalmers University, Göteborg, Sweden, died on the 3rd of June 2005 at the age of 75 after a lengthy illness. Professor Samuelsson was an engineer with Professor Sven-Olof Asplund’s ConstructionCompany from 1952 to the time he joined Chalmers University in September 1954. In 1963 he completed his doctoral thesis with Professor Asplund on the subject of analysis of framedstructures by use of algebraic topology. He was beloved by students, colleagues and co-workersand was known as ‘Alf’ by all. Through his foresight and deep knowledge in many fields Alfcreated a strong group in Computational Mechanics at Chalmers University, which he led until his retirement in July 1994. Under his leadership the Department of Structural Mechanics flourished and has been widely recognized for its many scientific contributions. Alf supervised a large number of doctoral students of which nine have become professors. Alf was, formany years, the Dean of Research at Chalmers and has contributed much to the University’s development